The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 352: Spit land water 1 face

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Soon Lu Shui came to the street.

This is a built street.

Now the situation has almost recovered here, and many people have begun to move in.

Although the street is not as lively as Lushui first came.

But it's not bad.

They came to the shop selling iced rice.

"Master Lu, it should be here," Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui looked around and found that the location was not much worse. It was still a small shop, but it was a bit better than before.

It's a blessing in disguise.

When Lu Shui came to the shop, the boss came out.

He looked at Lu Shui and Mu Xue, and naturally recognized them.

"What do you two have to eat?" The boss asked immediately after delivering the meal.

Now he has no problems with his legs and feet. Fortunately, he is recovering quickly.

The wife is still in the back kitchen.

Because I can’t speak, it’s not very convenient.

The boss knew about Lu Shui and Mu Xue, but he naturally wouldn't know the names.

Asking the guest's name is a surprise.

"The boss asks you something, do you have an oven here?" Lu Shui looked at the boss and asked.

At this point they are already sitting in their positions.

Even if you don’t have an oven, you can come and eat something.

"Can a microwave oven?" the boss asked.

"Is there a difference?" Lu Shui asked.

"There is a difference," the boss replied.


Naturally, I don’t know where the difference lies. Who can study this?

"It can be heated." In the end, Lu Shui felt that it was useless not to worry about it.

"What do you want to heat?" the boss asked curiously.

In fact, in his opinion, the identities of these two individuals should not be simple.

But he shouldn't be a member of the Mu family. He has seen quite a few young ladies in the Mu family.

"This." Lu Shui pointed to the durian on the table.

The boss glanced at the durian, a bit bitter on the face.

He looked at Lu Shui a little sorry and said:

"Guest, is this durian?"

"It's durian." Lu Shui nodded.

"Then the customer knows the taste of durian after heating? Especially when the microwave is just turned on." The boss asked.

Because he felt that these two might really not know.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue, and Mu Xue was also looking at Lu Shui at this time, they didn't know.

"Probably what's the smell?" Lu Shui asked.

The boss looked outside, and then casually pointed to some areas:

"The owners of those shops will probably come over and demolish our small shops."

Lu Shui: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Is it so exaggerated?

"What does it taste like?" Lu Shui was a little curious.

"Smelly." The boss said directly.

Lu Shui looked at the durian and felt that it was necessary to bring one for his mother to warm her up.

"However, if both of you can wait, you can wait until we close, and there are not many people on the street." The boss said kindly.

"Then let's eat something else first," Lu Shui said.

Then Lu Shui and Mu Xue began to wait.

Because it is a newly built street, some things are not complete, and all will not open too late.

After a long time, there were fewer people, and some shops were closed.

There are no guests.

"Okay, it can be heated up." At this time the boss walked out, and a young woman followed him.

It's the boss lady.

She is holding a knife in her hand.

It's here to grow durians.

It seems very interested.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue looked at each other, then stepped aside and let them peel the durian.

"Please be careful." Mu Xue looked at the boss and said softly.

The lady boss looked at Mu Xue, then nodded, with a slight smile.

Then she moved the knife.


Did not cut.


"I said I'll come." The boss smiled and said to the lady boss.

The lady boss stepped back some distance and watched the boss not say a word.

Although she is dumb, even if she can talk now, she doesn't want to talk.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue looked at them, but didn't say anything.

This is an ordinary couple.

Life may not be so good, but they are working hard to make life better.

"Okay, the two guests will be fine." The boss peeled the durian soon.

In fact, at the beginning, Lu Shui wanted to do it himself.

The durian was then put into the microwave oven.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and whispered:

"Master Lu thinks what will it taste like later?"

"Didn't Miss Mu have seen Dongfang dregs eat? What did it taste like at that time?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

"Across the formation, Chacha said at that time that there were many people in the carriage. In order not to affect the people, the formation was separated." Mu Xue said.

Chacha is very concerned about this when she is away, and she has been working hard not to cause trouble to others.

Mu Xue thought about it, then said:

"It looks delicious."

Lu Shui nodded without speaking.

Is this delicious?

It's delicious. Why didn't he eat it in the last life?

Within a few minutes, the boss came out:

"I will leave it to the two guests to come by themselves, and we will wait outside."

Then the boss took his wife and went outside.

The boss on the road kindly reminded:

"By the way, the door of the microwave oven can be opened directly."

Lu Shui nodded, then watched the boss and his wife walk out.

"Miss Mu, let's go." After being dealt with by the boss, he also began to wonder what was going on with this durian.

Muxue is also very curious, watching tea and tea and they are not so exaggerated.

It tastes good when I open it.

Then Lu Shui and Mu Xue went to the back kitchen, where everything was neatly packed, and the microwave oven was visible at a glance.

When she came to the microwave oven, Mu Xue glanced curiously, and she felt there was no difference.

"Master Lu, take a look." Mu Xue hid beside Lu Shui and said softly.

Lu Shui came to the microwave and planned to open it.

Mu Xue also got close to Lu Shui.

She also wanted to see it.

With a click, the door was slowly opened.

The moment the microwave oven was turned on, an indescribable smell came out.

Lu Shui bears the brunt.

For a moment, Lu Shui felt that he was looking at XX from a close distance, vomiting, an inexplicable impulse appeared in his throat.

Without hesitation, he closed the door directly, and then wanted to find a place to calm his stomach.

Just turning around, she saw Mu Xue puffing her mouth as if she was about to cry.

Seeing Mu Xue doing this, he subconsciously poked Mu Xue in the face.


In an instant, Lu Shui saw something indescribable, sprayed from Mu Xue's mouth, directly onto his face.


The land that was already unbearable, finally couldn't hold it.


At this moment, the two couples failed to eat durian, but they vomited all their meals today.


After a while, Lu Shui took the boss's towel and wiped his face, then looked to Mu Xue to the side.

"Ms. Mu is going to help me wash the clothes?" Lu Shui patted the clothes. They can't be worn today.

"When I go back, Master Lu will send the clothes to my place." Why not just wash the clothes? It's not impossible.

She also didn't want to spray on Lu Shui's face.

Who made Lu Shui poke her in the face?

"Does Lu Shui think I'm too cute?"

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, then take a punch."

At this time, the lady boss took out something that made people want to vomit, and she pointed her finger.

Then he gestured to eat with his hand on his mouth.

"Do you still want to eat? It doesn't smell so bad now." The boss began to translate.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue glanced at each other, and then thought they should try.

It's all like this, if you don't eat it, it feels so bad.

They left the shop when they got the durian. It was dark, they didn't care, but others had to close the door.

However, Lu Shui still paid the Lingshi.

I gave all the spirit stones on my body, not much.

But it will never let them toss in vain.

Lu Shui can't do things that make people worry about it.

If the money is not enough, his immortal sword can be mortgaged here.

When Lu Shui and the others left, the boss curiously said:

"The young master just now seems to be the young lady, Miss Mu. Is this also the lady of our Mu family?"

He naturally asked the wife on the side.

The lady boss shook her head, saying that she had never seen it before.

After that, they didn't care anymore, and they could rest after packing up.

But just after cleaning, the lady boss took out the remaining durians.

It seems to be for the boss to eat.


Can't you sleep tonight?

The smell is still heavy now.


"Master Lu thinks it delicious?" Mu Xue asked Lu Shui while eating durian on the way.

They walked all the way, and everyone was retreating.

It's not because they are worried about getting along.

It is to retreat after hearing the wind.


"Delicious is delicious, it just feels that the wind reviews have deteriorated." Lu Shui said while looking around.

This thing, adapted to the taste, is really good.

But getting used to it is quite boring.

I won't eat it anymore, and bring one to his mother.

Mu Xue also noticed that someone was avoiding them all the time.

It seems to be still giving pointers.

Mu Xue suddenly felt that she had been defeated by Lu Shui after so many years of good image.

Then she moved two steps and hid behind Lu Shui so that no one could see her.

Come out when no one is gone.

Lu Shui: "..."

He didn't say anything, leaving Mu Xue to stand behind him, but after walking some distance, he stopped abruptly.

Mu Xue, who had bowed his head and ate durian, banged directly behind Lu Shui.

Hey, the durian screamed directly on her face.

Mu Xue: "..."

"Miss Mu, are you okay?" Lu Shui said.

"Miss Mu, are you embarrassed?" Mu Xue heard this.

Interrupt the second leg too.


Mu Xue came back, Lu Shui and the others should have gone back.

However, Lu Shui planned to rest at Mu's house for a day or two before returning.

Mu Xue has been riding in the car, and his body may not be able to stand it.

Especially the Mu family is still so far away from the Lu family.

Of course, Mu Xue doesn't seem to be able to leave now, because Aunt Tang and Lao Zhangren are away, and Yayue and Yalin are home with Mu Xue.

If Mu Xue went to the Lu family, then Yayue and Yalin would be like left-behind children.

So Lu Shui thought he could rest for two more days.

He's not in a hurry anyway.

Shimen has not been opened yet, and it is fine if it is opened. It is not a big problem not being able to enter immediately.

It's more important to let Mu Xue rest assured to go to Lu's house.

So Lu Shui has been reading books these past two days.

As for Mu Xue.

I often follow Dongfang Zhazha and Yayue Yalin everywhere.

In the past two days, it seems that Yayue is going to be promoted to the second rank, and Mu Xue is also watching.

Promoting to the second rank is sometimes important, so Mu Xue has been teaching Yayue all the time.

Under normal circumstances, with Yayue's talent, it would take about three years to barely advance to the second rank.

However, from Lu Shui's point of view, the Yayue technique should have been modified by Mu Xue.

But even if it was modified by Mu Xue, before going to Tang's house, it should be far away from Tier Two.

Probably because of some changes, she got a transformation.

Then approached the second order.

"Sixteen-year-old, second-tier, normally a genius-level person." Lu Shui sat under the tree and read.

Mu Xue and the others are across the river.

However, a normal genius wants Tier 3, which is impossible without more than ten or twenty years.

Yayue may take longer.

Dongfang scum is actually different. Her talent is amazing, and without anyone's interference, her blessings are amazing.

The existence of Mu Xue only increased her blessing.

All the others are incomparable to the Eastern scum.

However, Lu Shui felt that so many blessings for Dongfang Slag in this life were basically mixed with him.

The luck of this scum is really good.

But these are all trivial matters, so that the Eastern scum can add a hundred thousand times of blessing, and that's it.

The **** is just slag.

"Master, I checked it out." Zhen Wu said when he came to Lu Shui.

Because Lao Zhangren and they were not at home, Lu Shui could only check the situation of the Tang family.

He didn't want the old husband and them to stay in the Tang family too much.

If the old man comes back one day late, he has to go back one day late.

The current problem is naturally not big.

But if you don't come back for ten days and a half month, the problem will be serious.

"What's the situation?" Lu Shui asked while reading the book.

"According to the investigation, it may be related to Gu God." Zhen Wu organized a language and said:

"It is said that the Gu God appeared not long ago and then suddenly disappeared.

The Gu cultivators on the plateau have been looking for news about the Gu god.

The highland Gu raisers attacked the Tang family last night.

The high probability is that Gu God is in the Tang family.

However, the raid failed. It is said that the purple-clothed goddess of the Heavenly Nv Sect appeared last night when the purple gas from the Tang family came to the east for three thousand miles.

Few people saw the purple-clothed goddess take action, and they didn't even know why the purple-clothed goddess appeared.

But the leader of the highland Gu people died.

High probability was killed by the purple-clothed goddess.

Therefore, the highland Gu raisers dared not approach the Tang family for a while.

The whereabouts of Gu God is still unknown, and no one is sure whether he is in the Tang family. "

Lu Shui didn't care about Gu God at all. What he cared about was whether the Tang family was all right?

Is Lao Zhangren coming back?

Just when Lu Shui was about to ask, Zhenling suddenly checked the phone and said:

"Young Master, Le Feng just sent a message saying that the Heavenly Nv Sect had received a mysterious item, and some people speculated that it was a Gu God.

Lefeng specifically looked for a channel to confirm that it should be Gu God.

However, the Tiannv Sect also needs further identification, they don't know the Gu God.

And news is spreading at an extremely fast rate. "

Lu Shui glanced at Zhen Ling and found that the phone she was holding seemed to be Zhen Wu.

This is when reporting, in order not to miss the news, specially handed over the phone to Zhenling?

After all, as an entourage, he looked like he was busier than the young master, something was not quite right.

Of course, they are indeed busier than Lu Shui.

"This is because the Tang family gave things to the Heavenly Nv Sect in order to protect itself?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

"It should be so." Zhenwu Zhenling nodded.

As soon as this incident came out, it was equal to the attention of Worm Valley, and no one knew if Worm Valley would take action.

The Tang family is not strong enough, and there is no way for Worm Valley to make a move.

Severe damage will result in severe damage, and severe damage will result in genocide.

Worm Valley can't speak well.

Now that the news was released, everyone knew that the Gu God was in the Heavenly Nv Sect.

The purple-clothed goddess had been to the Tang family, and then it was reasonable for the Gu **** to appear in the Tiannv Sect.

"Haha." Lu Shui suddenly became a little curious.

"I don't know if Worm Valley will do anything to the Heavenly Girl Sect." Lu Shui smiled and looked at Zhenwu Dao:

"Let Lefeng pay attention to the movement of Worm Valley recently and see if they will go to the Tiannv Sect."

If you go, then Worm Valley is really miserable.

First to be educated by the great elder, and then to run into Mu Xue.

No one can get out of Worm Valley's main road, and there should be no one to stop Mu Xue.

As for the great masters, I don’t know.

Lu Shui wasn't sure where Mu Xue's specific strength was.

Just right, I can observe it this time.

After Zhen Wuying came down, Lu Shui began to pay attention to the affairs of the Tang family.

Whether Worm Valley will do it or not is a later matter, and now it's the old man's matter that is more important.

He didn't want to be trapped in Mu's house all the time.

"Are there any questions on the Tang family? Especially Mu Xue's father." Lu Shui asked.

"Miss Yayue's grandmother was indeed poisoned, but she has been recovering recently. The Tang family is very active and should be able to recover almost the same in two days," Zhen Wu said.

Are these two days?

"What about Shimen?" Lu Shui asked.

"There is no more progress for the time being," Zhen Wu said softly.

Lu Shui nodded, then said nothing more.

Just keep reading.

If there are no surprises, he will be promoted to 5.2 tomorrow, which is another point stronger.


Qiuyun Town.

Many people gathered outside Shimen.

Qiao Ruqing also watched from a distance. There are individual people here, and their cultivation bases are higher than him. This was when Shimen hadn't opened yet.

If Shimen is about to open, then more powerhouses must appear.

Even those Tier 9 powerhouses who have not been able to see once in thousands of years will also appear.

In this case, even if it was him, he couldn't ask for any good.

And these strong people here, but none of them dared to mess around or even argue.

Only the weak have a voice.

This is the Lu family.

"After all, the Qiao family cannot be compared with the Lu family." Qiao sighed mercilessly.

If Shimen was in Qiao's house, then it would not be the case of Lu's.

All top forces, first-rate forces, tacitly chose not to disturb the Lu Family.

The Lu family didn't kill these people at all.

If it is an ordinary visit, the Lu family will also receive it. It is different now, there are too many people.

It's not that the Lu family can't accept it, but that it doesn't want to take care of it.

It seems to be deliberately to allow this matter to develop freely.

Normal forces will do their own hands and plan the process.

The same is true of his Qiao family.

"It always feels like the Lu family is opening the door for people's convenience. It is also possible that the kid Lu Gu doesn't want to pay attention to things here." Qiao ruthlessly had some guesses.

But it doesn't matter what it is.

He has been here for a long time, and he can know some news more or less.

"It seems that those who enter are not necessarily strong."

While Joe was thinking mercilessly, two young people walked nearby.

It was Qiao Qian who translated it to Qiao.

"Grandpa Grandpa, we took a look, and there are many people in the younger generation.

Daozong Yu Nie was shocked, and the sword rose and the sword fell, basically all came. "Qiao Qian came to Qiao Ruqing's side and said.

"The people from Worm Valley have also come, and the Qiao Yunzong has never seen it." Qiao Yi also said.

Joe nodded mercilessly.

In front of these people, no one can compare their younger generation.

This is no way.

It's not that the younger generation of the Qiao family is poor, but that the arrogances of this era have emerged in large numbers.

The great era is coming.

However, Qiao Ruqing still felt it was a pity that the great era had begun, and there was no one in his Qiao family who could compete with these people.

But the most dazzling thing is Daozong Yuni, and Jian Yifeng Jianqi.

Jian Luo seems to have the qualifications to compete.

Jian Yifeng is really lucky.

"How do you feel facing these people?" Qiao asked with a merciless look at them.

Qiao Qian opened her mouth and said nothing in the end.

Qiao Yi thought for a while and said:

"A momentary lead does not mean a lifetime lead.

The future opportunities are difficult to determine, and our potential is not necessarily worse than them. "

Qiao looked at Qiao Yi mercilessly, and then at Qiao Qian:

"What do you think of Qian'er?"

Qiao Qian shook her head:

"There is nothing to say, whether it is Daozong Yuni or Jianyifeng Jianlu, grandson feels that it is far behind.

All we can do is hard work. "

"In your opinion, Jian Yifeng and Daozong, which of them has the highest potential?" Qiao asked mercilessly.

"It should be Daozong Yu Nie, she is almost recognized as the person with the most potential." Qiao Qian replied after thinking about it.

Qiao Yi also followed:

"Jianqi could have been compared, but he was defeated by the Son of the Sun, so Dao Xin should be broken."

"So what do you think you are like in front of Daozong Yuni?" Qiao asked mercilessly again.

Qiao Qian was stunned when she heard this question.

Qiao Yi was also stunned.

They had seen Daozong Yuni, when she was walking on the street, as if Dao Yun was following her, and everything around her was setting off each other.

She didn't do anything, standing there, she was very dazzling.

In front of such people, they can only think of one word.


The gap is too big.

"Inferior? Or unattainable?" Joe asked mercilessly.

The two stopped talking.

"These are the real arrogances." Qiao ruthlessly turned around to go back, and said as he walked:

"If you want to become a strong person, you have to acknowledge their strength instead of using fluke to think that you can unexpectedly surpass them in the future.

Or wait for the other party to die.

The weak are pinned on these. "

"Grandson is wrong." Qiao Yi lowered his head in horror.

How could he not hear it? Grandpa Grandpa was criticizing what he said just now.

Joe nodded mercilessly and continued:

"There is an insurmountable distance between the weak and the strong.

But as long as you can look at their backs, don't let them go.

Even if you can't see it, don't stop.

Recognize yourself, know your strengths, and take a path that belongs to you.

Maybe you will meet at some intersection ahead.

At that time, you will find that the strong that you could not get close to has already been overtaken by you unknowingly.

The most important thing for a monk is xinxing.

You can't blindly feel that you can do it, and you can't give up on yourself and feel that you are worthless. "

Qiao Qian immediately lowered her head and said:

"Thank you Grandpa Zu for his teaching."

Naturally, she could hear that Grandpa was actually teaching them.

Grandpa Grandpa has always had hope for them, but not blind hope.

At critical times, they will be taught to let them know how to face the current situation.

Qiao nodded mercilessly and went on to the Lu's house, but he still mentioned in the middle:

"You just said that Zong Yuni has the strongest potential, isn't it?"

"Yes." Qiao Qian was puzzled, but she still answered.

"No, it's not her." Joe looked at the horizon mercilessly and sighed:

"Dao Zong Yu Ni is indeed amazing, but what really shines is Jian Yifeng's sword rise.

If you can enter Shimen this time, if you can, observe them, maybe you will know. "

Qiao Qian and the others didn't understand, but they nodded and said yes.

"By the way, your brother, where did you go to relax?" Qiao ruthlessly asked Qiao Qian suddenly.

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