The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 337: Watch the author himself

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The middle-aged man didn't even notice Jiu's arrival.

Lu Shui looked at this middle-aged man for a while and really didn't know what to say.

He looked familiar with this person, or rather familiar.

"It's not normal, he is just breathing, there is no trace of the operation of the exercises.

And there is no protection at all here.

It doesn't look like a good place for retreat.

The aura is not strong enough. "

Jiu was a little surprised.

But despite this, the other party still cultivated vigorously, and even advanced to the first level.

"Really the darling of the times, you can practice with a few breaths with your eyes closed."

"His, it hurts." Suddenly, the middle-aged man gave up his practice, holding his cheek in pain.

Lu Shui just watched, what else can I say?

This person is naturally a toothache fairy.

A man who closed his eyes and reached the top of the fairy after practicing.

When he heard it for the first time, he was shocked.

Seeing it with my own eyes now is really bizarre.

He seems to be able to successfully cultivate and advance as long as he breathes and thinks.

Of course, the price may be more and more painful teeth.

"If he knows how to extract teeth now, maybe it's too late." Lu Shui looked at the toothache fairy who was holding his cheek and muttered to himself.

But if the toothache fairy doesn't have a toothache, maybe he will stop there. Who knows whether it is good or bad.

"For now, there is no problem, let's pay attention to it later.

I don't know where he will reach in the end. "Jiu looked at the toothache fairy, and finally didn't plan to communicate with him.

Not yet in time.

Or it is not necessary yet.

Then Jiu retreated, she looked at the mountain covered by auspicious clouds in thought.

"The great era is about to come, even if it is the darling of the era, it may only be one of the strongest people.

Whether he can become one of the strongest depends on his own good fortune. "

The darling of the times has an absolute advantage, but he does not want to work hard, and in the end it is impossible to become one of the strongest.

The talent is there, if you don't cherish it, don't use it, it will naturally become ordinary.

Then Jiu turned around and disappeared in place.

"I don't know how many more will appear, one by one, focusing on the past."

Jiu's voice still reached Lu Shui's ears.

At this time, Lu Shui felt his eyes darkened again.

When he thought it would continue to light up, suddenly there was a feeling of disconnection.

In the Palace of God's Domain, Lu Shui opened his eyes, and he looked at the stone pillars and beads on the side with some doubts.

"Can't connect?"

He tried to continue to touch the light above, but found that the light no longer had its previous speciality.

"That's it?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

What can be seen from this?

But one thing may be known.

Lu Shui got up and came to Zhuzi.

"Should these beads be Jiu's eyes?"

Yes, if everything he saw was not false, then the beads should have come from Jiu's eyes.

If it is the Eye of the True God, it is not too special to be so special.

"So the reason you reacted to the Eastern Slag is because the Eastern Slag has the eye of merit and can become the strongest member of the era?"

Lu Shui thinks this possibility is very high.

When he found the toothache fairy from Jiu, he guessed.

At that time, he felt light in the scene, that is to say, Jiu's eyes could detect the appearance of the strong, or the appearance of people with sufficient potential.

As the darling of the times, the toothache fairy naturally has this potential.

If the toothache fairy was not to heal his teeth and would never fall asleep, he would definitely become a person of the level of Jianyi.

The Emperor Xianting respected the Immortal Immortal, which was a matter of course.

Because after the fall of the true god, there were basically no people in the realm of Jianyi in that era.

As soon as the sword fell, Ji of the Heavenly Spirit Tribe found the Pure Land and no longer went out. Gu Li, the undead tribe, went crazy, and 80% had fallen.

On the list of the killing of gods, except for the three masters of power, the others have either fallen, or there is no more news.

So far, the secret may be still alive and kicking in the secular world.

Lu Shui touched the beads and sighed:

"It's a pity, I can't keep watching, otherwise I can get a lot of news."

But he didn't quite understand why Jiu was looking for some people.

From the current point of view, Jiu has done nothing to embarrass others.

As the only true god, she seemed to calmly face her own fall, facing the new cultivator, without the slightest suppression.

In order to heal his teeth, Immortal Immortal gave him a method of San Gong, and also preserved his strength.

The three thousand weak waters gave her the opportunity to control her own power, although she finally missed the appointment.

Not to mention Ye Xin's affairs, Ye Xinneng's current achievements all came from the enlightenment of the true **** Jiu.

Even Xingsi Xianjun is also.

Jiu gave him a technique that could save him from destruction.

It's just that Hoshiji himself refused.

"Although there is a lot of mess, but what the only true **** does is not annoying." Lu Shui muttered to himself.

As for the one true god, that is a child, and he doesn't want to care about him at all.

Of course, if you come to provoke him, a beating is inevitable.

Except for Mu Xue, he is not used to anyone.

Brothers and sisters of the Eastern scum, you can't miss it.

Just forget it, parents.

But speaking of the only true god, Lu Shui felt that if he let the other party get this bead, he might have a lot of power.

Although this pearl has no divine power, most of it may be the eyes of the only true god, and a drop of divine blood can make the only true **** rush, let alone the eyes.

It's a pity that the other party can't notice it.

When Lu Shui was thinking, he suddenly felt someone approaching below.

"Senior, are you there?" It was Li Ao's voice.

In the face of Lu Shui's revelation again and again, he felt that seniors should be more suitable.

Not obtrusive or rude.

"Come up." Lu Shui directly responded.

Although I don't understand how the other party came to him, it should be something.

Li Ao bowed his head and walked up. There was still light on Lu Shui at this time, so he did not dare to look directly at Lu Shui.

That kind of power made him feel that he was not qualified to raise his head.

At this time, a blood-red stone in Li Ao's hand attracted Lu Shui's attention.

The stone was gleaming.

"For this stone?" Lu Shui asked.

He found that this stone was a little bit simple.

But under the brilliance of the beads, it seemed very quiet.

"Yes, this is a stone that someone just picked up, maybe someone else threw it out.

Who threw it out, we don't know for the time being, the sea monster with a high probability.

They may be more free in the Dragon Palace. "Li Ao replied respectfully.

The siren escaped, and they could not restrict the freedom of the siren.

"By the way, Senior, when this stone first appeared, it seemed to have a connection with Guang, so it was sent to Senior." Li Ao said.

It was originally sent by the Dragon King, but the Dragon King didn't dare.

He naturally didn't dare, so he asked Lu Shui's entourage to send it.

The other party dared, but couldn't enter God's Domain.

It is impossible for Li Ao and Dragon King to send other deep-sea dragons.

Therefore, Li Ao, who was not as strong as it, had to come.

Lu Shui stretched out his hand, and the blood-red stone flew to his hand.

The moment he touched the stone, he noticed the faint suction coming out of it, but was suppressed by the brilliance of the beads and did not dare to come out.

"Things of magic repair." When Lu Shui was in contact, he knew that the stone originated from the blood of the magic repair realm.

And it's very extraordinary, and the age is far away.

It may be something from ancient times.

Then Lu Shui moved the stone close to the bead and found that there was indeed a trace of connection.

When it was connected, the light on the stone pillar changed, as if it had become a brand new rune.

"You won't bring items to activate, right?"

With this guess, Lu Shui sat down and began to reconnect.

Seeing Lu Shui sitting down, Li Ao respectfully retreated.

Just kidding, can leave early, who wants to stay longer.

Li Ao retreated to the Dragon Palace and returned to the Dragon King, where Zhen Wu was also.

"How?" Deep Sea Dragon King asked immediately.

He didn't dare to go, but it didn't mean he wasn't curious how the existence would react when he saw the stone.

Li Ao breathed a sigh of relief:

"It didn't irritate the other party, it seemed to provide some help."

This is really a blessing in misfortune.

Zhenwu stood there without speaking. He was not strong enough to speak with the two seniors.

But he didn't think the young master was too scary.

The young master is a bit outrageous in doing things, and he and Zhen Ling are often frightened.

If something goes wrong, they won't be able to eat when they go back.

At first, they would still think about reporting to the young master with the three elders, and they would try it if they failed all the time.

However, as they learned more, they stopped trying to report.

If this is known by the three elders, how would they die?

If the young master is okay, then everything is easy to discuss, once something goes wrong.

They can't shirk the blame.

Fortunately, the young master's strength has become stronger recently, and his risk factor has dropped a lot.

The Deep Sea Dragon King breathed a sigh of relief.

Just don't irritate the other person.

However, the breath hadn't been relieved yet, suddenly a strong breath came.

It is the breath from outside God's Domain.

The Deep Sea Dragon King was taken aback, and Li Ao was also taken aback.

"Here, it's so fast." Deep Sea Dragon King's face was a little ugly.

He could feel that the breath just now was at least the same level as him.

And facing the same rank, he is definitely not an opponent.

This is inevitable.

"Dragon King, what should I do?" Li Ao looked at Dragon King a little worried.

"What is the one inside?" Deep Sea Dragon King asked.

He thinks this is God's Domain. As the **** who activates God's Domain, he should be able to help?

"When I left, that person was already in meditation," Li Ao said in a low voice.

The Deep Sea Dragon King felt desperate.

That is, the other party is busy, and as a resident of God's Domain, he has to bear the responsibility of a resident. Can't people disturb that existence?

"Try to communicate first, and ask them why they are here.

If it's just for one or two people in the Dragon Palace, just give it to them. "Deep Sea Dragon King looked outside and said.

The other party should have coordinates, otherwise it is impossible to find here.

And the other party must be here for someone or something.

It's easy to say that if it is a thing, he can't be sure what it is.

Thinking of this, the Dragon King suddenly stunned, he could perceive that the stone was not easy.

Could it be that stone?

"No, I didn't notice that there were coordinates on it, and it was strictly sealed." Deep Sea Dragon King thought to himself.

If the coordinates flashed on it, he would have thrown it out a long time ago.

Then the Deep Sea Dragon King stopped thinking about it, and now he can only bite the bullet.

The one inside, he can't afford to say anything.

However, it still surprised him that people outside could find God's Domain.

Their ancestors thought of a lot of ways to perceive God's Domain.

Are optical coordinates really okay?

Soon the Deep Sea Dragon King flew directly to the boundary of God's Domain, and the opponent quickly entered.


After closing his eyes, Lu Shui connected the beads again.

This time he could directly perceive the breath of the blood-red stone, and with the pull of this breath, he saw a whole new scene.

The way the scene appears is the same as before.

But the location is different.

The first thing Lu Shui saw was the grass.

And moving forward step by step.

It should be Jiu walking around.

Apart from flowers and plants, there are trees nearby.

Lu Shui soon saw the barrier, a very good barrier.

However, Jiu didn't stay in the slightest, and stepped into the enchantment without ever seeing the enchantment in his eyes.

The strength of the true **** is indeed beyond doubt.

After entering the enchantment, Lu Shui found a man in black with black hair with red.

At this moment, he closed his eyes and his expression was a bit painful.

Lu Shui saw a lot of blood on the opponent's body.

He suffered a serious injury.

After Jiu stopped, the man suddenly opened his eyes, as if only then did he notice someone approaching.

The moment he opened his eyes, he and Jiu looked at each other.

Lu Shui could clearly see that the opponent's pupils suddenly shrank, but did not make any move.

He even regained his calm in an instant.

"Who are you?" the other party asked after staring away.

He didn't even do any defense.

At this time, Lu Shui heard Jiu's voice:

"The first arrogant of the magic repair, blood dust?"

"You came to me specially just to ask this?" Mo Xiu Xuechen looked at Jiu and asked in a low voice.

Hearing the name of Demon Xiu Xuechen, Lu Shui was not surprised. It was usually not a weak person who could get Jiu to the door.

It's normal to be a member of the list of Killing Gods.

As for Ye Xin...

This Lu Shui doesn't understand it.

Maybe I'm bored idle.

Although Ye Xin is not weak, compared with these people, it is completely incomparable.

And Ye Xin was just an ordinary fox at the beginning, it shouldn't be because Jiu felt the aura of the strong.

As for the specifics, Lu Shui does not know for the time being.

Probably never knew it, after all, Ye Xin himself didn't know.

"I heard that you challenged Lu? Then you failed miserably?" Jiu looked at Mo Xiu Xuechen and asked curiously.

Her tone was brisk, as if she had maintained a happy mood.

"It's not normal to lose to Lu?" Mo Xiu Xuechen looked at Jiu coldly.

"Well, it's normal. By the way, I'm here to tell you that your cultivation method is wrong." Jiu looked at Mo Xiu Xuechen and said:

"The essence of your cultivation is blood. Although fusing the blood of some ancient powerhouses can make you stronger, it is after all a foreign object. Even if it can be completely integrated, it will still directly affect you.

Continue to merge, your body will undergo abnormal changes.

Although the problem is not too big, but you have the potential, should not be combined with these.

These things will only become obstacles in your path in the end.

You are no worse than any strong, holy beast, fierce beast, and divine beast. "

"Are you teaching me to practice?" Mo Xiu Xuechen looked disdainful.

"Yes, I'm teaching you cultivation, is there anything wrong?" Jiu smiled, not caring about the other party's disdain.

"Are you strong?" Demon Xiu Xuechen said gloomily.

"Well, a little better than you." Jiu said softly.

At the moment when Jiu's voice fell, Lu Shui saw Mo Xiu's blood dust moving, and his attack came directly in front of Jiu's eyes.

But just when the opponent was about to attack, Jiu turned slightly, and Mo Xiu's blood dust rushed into the air.

But a new attack appeared again.

Jiu changed positions again, but Mo Xiu's blood dust attack still kept up.

Then Jiu's figure appeared throughout the woods.

Powerful attacks began to burst out all around.

That is the power of Demon Cultivating Blood Dust.

However, the entire forest did not seem to bear a strong attack.

Lu Shui looked at Mo Xiu Xuechen and didn't want to say anything.

It is impossible for the other party to attack Jiu. In Jiu's gaze, Moxiu's blood dust is ridiculously slow and flawed.

Including the opponent's strength.

This is absolute suppression.

The difference in levels.

After a while, Mo Xiu Xuechen stopped, he looked at Jiu and said:

"Will you not attack?"

"I don't want to." Jiu said.

"Why?" Although Mo Xiu Xuechen couldn't hit the opponent, he didn't think the opponent was so powerful.

Jiu thought for a while and said:

"Because I love this world, I don't want to embarrass the creatures of this world.


Jiu stretched out a finger and continued:

"However, sometimes it will let the creatures know that the true **** is majestic and cannot be offended."

Then a finger fell.

At this moment, Mo Xiu Xuechen suddenly felt the whole world press on him.

And he only saw one finger of the other party, he had a feeling that the other party wanted to defeat him without a second finger.

That feeling is not that the cultivation base is strong, but that the other party has supreme power.

However, in an instant, Jiu retracted his finger.

And Moxiu Blood Dust was also freed from the tension.

There was horror in his eyes:

"who are you?"

Such a powerful existence, he could not have never heard of it.

When is there such a powerful person in the cultivation world?

Jiu landed on the ground, her gaze staying on Mo Xiu Xuechen:

"I just said that I am a god."

"God?" Mo Xiu Xuechen was a little unbelievable.

"Well, the only true **** of heaven and earth, you can also call me Jiu." Jiu's voice continued.

Still with a faint smile.

"Now I teach you cultivation, is there any problem?" Jiu said again.

This time Demon Xiu Xuechen had nothing to say.

But he still asked curiously:

"Why help me?"

Jiu smiled and said:

"Because I want the world to be better."

As she said, she turned and left, and then the scene Lu Shui saw went dark again.

He could clearly perceive that the connection was broken again.

Lu Shui opened his eyes in the palace.

No useful news was received this time.

But at least I know the general reason why Jiu has been active in ancient times.

"As the only true **** of heaven and earth, she has kindness to the world."

Lu Shui couldn't understand her, after all, he had never loved this world.

Probably all the love was given to Mu Xue.

But the age of true gods is really a painful thing for those who are proud of heaven.

Lu's existence was special in that era, and a true **** came.

It is not easy for those people to successfully become one of the strongest of the times.

The high probability is a wave of twists and turns.

"What else can I enter again?" Lu Shui looked at the stone pillar, trying to connect again.

If you want to connect again, you should need the corresponding things, and you should see the corresponding content.

At the beginning, maybe it was the trial stage.

"So this should be something from Demon Xiu Xuechen." Lu Shui looked at Bloody red and muttered to himself.

Then he put away the stone casually.

Then try to take out something from the storage magic weapon, want to see if there is anything that can be associated with the beads.

For the first time, Lu Shui took out the metal book pages left by Jiu, with supernatural power on them.

"no response."

He moved the pages of the book close to the beads and stone pillars, and there was no reaction at all.

Then he took out the jade pendant that he didn't know where it came from, and it didn't help.

Then he tried a few things that he didn't know the age, but unfortunately, there was no response at all.

"It seems that not only things from ancient times, but also things that have something to do with Jiu.

For example, the relics of those strong on the list. "

Lu Shui thought for a while, but didn't think he had these things.

He can't 100% confirm whether those people are dead or not, let alone related things.

"and many more."

Lu Shui was stunned, he seemed to have something like this.

Jianyi Go Biography.

It belongs to Jianyi, and Jianyi is not only the strong man of that era, but may also be the strongest one.

More importantly, there is already Jiu in the Jianyi Go pass.

Thinking about this, Lu Shui took out his sword to pass the game of Go.

When he put the book on the side of the stone pillar, the light on it changed again.

"Sure enough."

Without hesitation, Lu Shui began to connect the beads.

This time it was Jiu's sight. He might still know who wrote the book.

By the way, I can also see the most special person in ancient times, Lu.

Of course, it is possible that Lu is the one who wrote the book.


At this time, the Deep Sea Dragon King had already seen the people coming.

There are two people, one man and one woman.

They were just outside the realm of God, trying to come in.

The appearance of the Deep Sea Dragon King made them a little angry.

How could there be so many twists and turns if the Deep Sea Dragon suddenly intervened in their affairs?

The anger in Mo Xiu Wuye's heart was even greater, because he was about to succeed, but was disturbed by the Deep Sea Dragon.

"The two have been pursuing the position of my Dragon Palace, why?" Deep Sea Dragon King looked at the two strong men and asked.

"What's the matter? Don't you understand?" Mo Xiu Wuye said coldly:

"Return the supreme token, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

When Mo Xiu Wuye was talking, his body began to explode.

The strength of the deep sea dragon is not good, as long as you are strong enough, they will persuade.

"What are the two talking about?" Deep Sea Dragon King asked under pressure.

He is not an opponent of either of these two people, and if they both fight together, he has no room to fight back at all.

"Such a thing." Moxiu Hongyan outlined a picture.

It is a blood-red stone.

But they did not give up going to the Deep Sea Dragon Palace.

In other words, once they give up, it may be difficult for them to perceive the existence of Dragon Palace.

If it hadn't left enough marks when they attacked the Dragon Palace earlier, they would have lost the Dragon Palace.

No wonder the deep sea dragon hides in the deep sea and no one can find it.

The other party's concealment ability is too strong.

When the Deep Sea Dragon King saw these two things he was looking for, he felt regretful in his heart.

What is really afraid of.

They may have whatever they want, isn't it just the people or things in the train.

The problem should not be big if you cooperate.

But this thing has already been delivered to that existence.

Especially if he is not available what should he do?

"Two people, this may be a misunderstanding. This thing is now in the hands of a **** in our God Realm.

When he comes out, he should return both of them. "The Deep Sea Dragon King said softly.

He can only say so.

"God of God's Domain?" Mo Xiu Wuye sneered:

"Are you coaxing a three-year-old child?"

With a bang, they stepped up their efforts and began to quickly enter God's Domain.


It's the last day. Those who have a monthly pass will quickly get out.

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