The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 338: Beating Lushui honestly

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Powerful power erupted outside the realm of God, and the Deep Sea Dragon King could clearly feel that the opponent was about to enter the realm of God.

According to the habit of the deep sea dragon, it is absolutely impossible to head-to-head at this time.

Must find a way to escape, or resolve the crisis.


The Deep Sea Dragon King looked at the location of God's Domain and then at himself as a resident.

Can he escape?

Escape may have to face the wrath of God's Domain, but if you don't escape, you will face two ninth-tier siege.

As a deep-sea dragon, the deep-sea dragon king feels he has been driven to a dead end.

Apart from him in the Deep Sea Dragon Palace, no one can confront the two outsiders head-on.

So there is no second person elected to preside over the overall situation.

At this moment, as the Deep Sea Dragon King, he can only make a decision.

Either follow two people as enemies, or may offend the gods of the gods.

Faced with these two choices, the Deep Sea Dragon King chose the former.

He stared at the two people, directly heard a deep dragon roar, then moved and rushed out.

Since the other party hasn't come in yet, stop the other party from coming in.

Once let them in, Dragon Palace had no chance of winning.

This can also delay enough time so that the person inside has enough time to finish his work.

Hope, he did not choose the wrong one.

"Humans, the sin of trespassing in God's Domain is unforgivable." The Deep Sea Dragon King heard a low voice, and then the breath of power burst out.

Face the two magic repairs.

Facing the sudden Deep Sea Dragon King, Mo Xiu Wuye and Mo Xiu Hongyan were a little surprised.

This is somewhat different from the Deep Sea Dragon King they know.

The strength of the opponent should not be their opponent.

But the other party actually directly enemies with them.

That is, the other party may be desperate for the treasure.

Or, there is really a **** here.

The two looked at God's Domain, and the sea was indeed separated from it. The light did have some special features, but there was no figure in it.

"It might just be the strategy of the Deep Sea Dragon, go ahead and talk about it later." Mo Xiu Wuye speculated.

Moxiu Hongyan also thinks so.

Speaking of a **** that does not exist makes them feel jealous.

Confused with an attitude that subverts their cognition, making them more suspicious.

But isn't God a cultivator?

Western gods, so many gods.

Have they ever been afraid?

Unless there is a main **** here, they turn their heads and leave, but will a main **** allow them to be presumptuous at the door?

Furthermore, they only know one of the main gods of the deep sea, the goddess of ice sea.

But the legendary goddess of ice and sea is in the glacial lake, not on the bottom of the sea.

Then the two stopped thinking about it, and went straight inside.

The supreme token is related to their future path, and they will never give up easily.

Not long after, the forces of the three ninth ranks collided in the barrier of God's Domain.

boom! ! !

The powerful force spreads directly around.

This force slammed into the Deep Sea Dragon King in a one-sided manner.

With a cry, the Deep Sea Dragon King was repelled back.

But the dragon scales on his body blocked most of the damage for him.

He can hold on for some more time.

Then the Deep Sea Dragon King began to deal with the two people, and he could only deal with it under the conditions of the Divine Realm difficult to enter.

Once you enter God's Domain, you can only lose.

At this moment, Deep Sea Dragon King felt that it would be great if the verification system could directly close the channel.

However, the verification system does not care about these.


"Senior, can Senior Dragon King stand it?" Zhen Wu came to Li Ao and tried to ask.

Li Ao looked at Zhen Wu and shook his head:

"Not too possible."

How could Dragon King have played the same level?

Is it so worthy of our deep sea dragon?

Zhenwu didn't say much, his level, if it weren't for God's Domain, wouldn't even have the qualifications to intuitively fight against them.

It was not very far at first, if it weren't for Dragon Palace to resist the aftermath, he would definitely not be able to stand here steadily.

After that, Zhenwu looked into God's Domain, he didn't know what his young master was doing now.

But when someone hits the door, he always feels that it has something to do with his young master.

There is something to do when going out, basically it has something to do with their young master.


Below the Kongming Sea, Mu Xue and the Sea-Monster Queen came to the area where their power was overflowing.

This is what Mu Xue wants to see.

The Sea-Monster Queen will naturally not refuse, and standing in line also needs a courageous strong.

If it just takes a look and then shrinks, this team won't be able to stand for a few days.

After all, teamwork also needs a little bit of quality, even if it's just a temporary teamwork.

"Look over there." At this time, the Sea-Monster Queen pointed to the chaotic area ahead.

There is a breath overflowing there, and the normal order is slowly being eroded by power, as if it is changing into chaos and disorder.

Mu Xue looked over, and indeed saw the special power, and indeed felt that there was an existence under the deep sea space.

This existence is not weak at all.

"In other words, once he wakes up, will he bring chaos to the cultivation world?" Mu Xue asked.

With her current strength, it is indeed impossible to erase this existence.

"Yes, but the initial awakening should not bring much impact, but there will still be small-scale impacts, but I don't know what it is." The Sea-Monster Queen said softly.

She has been observing the purple-clothed goddess.

I want to see what kind of expression the other person will have after knowing this exists.

What made her helpless was that the mood of the purple-clothed goddess did not change in any way.

Isn't she surprised? The Sea-Monster Queen had this question in her heart.

To know that when she saw this thing for the first time, she was very surprised.

And the chaotic power made her very jealous.

The purple-clothed goddess didn't feel anything at all.

The Sea-Monster Queen didn't know if the other party was pretending, but she did appear to be extremely calm.

"It looks like it will take some time to wake up." Mu Xue said softly, looking at the chaotic and disorderly breath of power.

However, the opponent is indeed waking up, and it seems that the speed of waking up will be adjusted according to the changes in the world.

So far, it was indeed something that she or Lu Shui had touched.

Well, most likely it is land and water.

She is such a young daughter-in-law who keeps herself safe, Lu Shui makes a reputation outside every day.

Looks very poor.

Also, the land and water are too weak now, and you have to move your hands to solve the enemy.

She is different, she never needs any fancy means.

Just make a prelude when he is on the stage.

Much lower-key than Lushui.

Only the weak need a high profile.

"Yes, but the awakening time is definitely not long, at most half a year, this one will be able to wake up initially." The Sea-Monster Queen said.

Then it's up to the other party's decision.

Standing in line is not a matter of one person, and if the other party disagrees, she can't stand.

"In other words, he will be our enemy in the future?" Mu Xue asked, turning her head to look at the Sea-Monster Queen.

"You can't say that, it's just that they will bear the aftermath of the opponent's strength, and their existences don't bother to do it with us personally.

But it will not take us into consideration. It is very difficult to survive the other party's struggle. "The Sea-Monster Queen said.

It is true that this kind of existence will not do it personally, but it is hard to say whether the forces under the other party will do it.

But as long as it can resist the power of these existences.

Then there is no need to worry too much about other things.

After all, their entire clan of Sea-Monsters is not a vegetarian.

Mu Xue nodded without speaking.

It doesn't seem to be a big problem.

It depends on when she completes the achievements that were not completed in the previous life.

At that time she would be fine, Lu Shui would definitely be able to fly directly.

Think about how she feels she has suffered a lot.

Well, another day to hit Lu Shui two more punches, as a comfort to myself, a total of 11,000 punches.

Then Mu Xue wanted to look down at her feet, forehead, standing too straight to see.

She lifted her foot slightly, well, no socks.

Then don't stuff your socks.

Throw in something else, so that Lu Shui knows what shame is.

Then, watching Lu Shui daring to be angry but not speaking, it made Mu Xue a little happy to think about it.

She doesn't intend to hide her identity at all, just hang a veil symbolically.

It's still the kind that Lu Shui can see through, um, it's also the kind that Lu Shui can see through.

The Sea-Monster Queen saw that Mu Xue didn't speak, and felt that the other party should have some concerns.

Think about it, this is tantamount to getting the other party into trouble.

Then she explained again:

"Once we are allowed to stand in line, some forces may find the goddess, but if there is any problem, our Sea-Monster will definitely take action.

If there are other needs for us, we will not refuse. "

Mu Xue turned to look at the Sea-Monster Queen and said:

"Can you mention it now?"

"Of course, we will do our best." The Sea-Monster Queen said immediately.

Mu Xue nodded:

"Then I really care about one thing, I wonder if the queen can agree?"

"What is it?" The Sea-Monster Queen asked curiously.

She just hopes that it will not be too difficult, otherwise it will affect her sleep.

But it's not difficult or impossible.

This is the price to be paid for standing in line.

Relatively good.

Mu Xue looked at the Sea-Monster Queen, she felt that this request might be a bit excessive, but thinking about protecting them, she should make a request.

After all, the siren was gone, and she also had a headache.

"Can you get a 20% discount on this item?" Mu Xue asked the Sea-Monster Queen holding the snails.

The Sea-Monster Queen blinked when she looked at Hualuo. She felt that she had a hallucination just now?

Then she squatted:

"As the price of standing in line, it's just that there are many snails, so do you get a 20% discount?"

"Sure enough, is it still not possible? Then..." Mu Xue originally wanted to say that an extra discount would be fine.

But before the words were finished, the Sea-Monster Queen grabbed the Conch in Mu Xue's hand with one hand:

"No problem, a 30% discount is fine."

The Sea-Monster Queen couldn't understand the purple-clothed goddess, but if the other party could agree to her standing in line, she could naturally respond.

Even if this condition is outrageous.

But think about it, she found a big problem. In the eyes of the goddess in purple clothes, their value is not the flower snails, right?

If it is, it's really miserable.

Mu Xue sighed in relief when she heard the Sea-Monster Queen's promise.

Saved a lot of money for the head of the goddess.

She and Lu Shui can save a lot of money by coming by themselves.

Although they have no shortage of spirit stones, after all, they are also spending family money, and saving some is worthy of happiness.

The Sea-Monster Queen felt that she still had to be more formal, at least regain her state and take a group photo.

It's just that she just planned to speak, and suddenly felt that the aura over there suddenly became alive.

This incident made the Sea-Monster Queen stunned, and then looked over.

Under her gaze, the originally silent breath suddenly began to spread around like a storm, as if to a certain amount, it would have some activity.

"It started to be active in advance."

This made the Sea-Monster Queen very puzzled.

At this time, Dongfang Chacha suddenly raised his hand and said:

"Didn't you make it active on purpose?"

Mu Xue and the Sea-Monster Queen turned their heads to look at Dongfang Chacha behind them. They didn't understand why Dongfang Chacha thought this way.

The little peach on one side was also a little curious.

She didn't see the queen and the goddess deliberately make the breath active.

But she finally knew the plug-in of the head of the goddess.

It was the woman in front of me.

The queen doesn't give her a plug-in, can she find a goddess?

But the queen's hang will be stronger, right?

Some are not good choices.

Dongfang Chacha saw these people looking at him, and then took a few steps, hiding behind Mu Xue:

"You are discussing how to deal with it at its door, didn't you tell it to it on purpose?"

Mu Xue: "???"

Siren Queen: "???"

Xiao Tao also looked dazed.

But when you think about it, there seems to be no problem.

After all, they only became active after the queen reached an agreement with the goddess.

What a smart human being.

Is this an open life?

"Ahem." Mu Xue coughed dryly.

"The queen should think about how to deal with this breath."

Although this breath became active, no matter how special it was, it was just a breath.

The Sea-Monster Queen didn't care too much, she couldn't breathe and could understand what they were saying, right?

Happens, it must be just a coincidence.

"Little Tao, you go over and try to see if you can suppress the breath." The Sea-Monster Queen said to the Sea-Monster Xiao Tao.

In this regard, Kraken Xiaotao did not hesitate.

At this time the queen is her plug-in.

Just rush forward.

After that, Sea-Monster Xiaotao killed her with the active aura.

The chaotic atmosphere just ran around everywhere, and there was no fear at all about Xiao Tao's approach.

Soon Xiaotao seemed to melt into the water, sweeping directly towards those breaths.


Microwaves appeared in the water, and then those breaths were directly dissipated by Xiaotao.

However, the chaotic atmosphere after being dispelled gathered again.

Although the breath was weaker, there was no substantial damage.

It will take some time for the breath to dissipate.

Deal with disorder with order.

It's not difficult, just look stronger over there.

But it is not so easy to defeat disorder.

If these breaths have been so active, then for the Siren, something has probably been done.

The Siren Queen felt it affected her sleep.

"There is no problem with this level at present, just find a few siren to come and play." The siren queen said.

As long as there is no acceleration here, they can deal with this situation easily.

Just as a pastime after dinner.

Mu Xue looked at the breath and curiously said:

"Chaos is a level of strength, and perhaps it can be dealt with in another way."

"Another way?" The Sea-Monster Queen was a little curious.

Is there any way to deal with this?

The power of Tao?

She just tried it secretly, although it will be better, but there is still no obvious gap.

Of course, if the strength is big enough, the gap will naturally be big.

But the essence is the same.

"Try it in the past." Mu Xue said softly.

Then step by step towards the chaotic atmosphere.

The Sea-Monster Queen naturally followed, she also wanted to spread the sea water for Mu Xue and pave a normal walking path.

When Mu Xue came near the sea monster Xiaotao, she said:

"Chacha draws some breath."

I've been checking the surroundings for Dongfang Chacha with seafood. After hearing Mu Xue call her, he immediately responded:

"Good cousin."

Then Dongfang Chacha patted the muddy hands, and then went to the side of Sea-Monster Xiaotao, where there was a lot of chaos.

It’s just that Dongfang Chacha has just passed, and has not done anything yet. Those chaotic auras, as if they have received some suction, directly began to flood Dongfang Chacha.

"Are?" Dongfang Chacha, who hadn't stopped, was stunned.

Then ran back quickly.

These breaths do not give her the chance to single out.

Sea-Monster Xiaotao was a little puzzled when she saw this scene, what happened to this human?

Is it because it's bullying?

She seems to be better.

Then Dongfang Chacha ran back to Mu Xue, and then hid behind Mu Xue.

After chasing, her spirit stone may be gone.

To save money and eliminate disasters, she is the most frequent thing she does when going out.

After Dongfang Chacha hid behind Mu Xue, all the chaotic aura rushed to Mu Xue.

As if to swallow Mu Xue.

The Sea-Monster Queen couldn't help but want to make a move.

The main reason is that Mu Xue looks like an ordinary person, which makes people a little worried.

She is ready to shoot.

Even the sea monster Xiaotao has the urge to shoot.

If Dongfang Chacha knew that his cousin was amazing, he would have stood in front of Mu Xue.

However, just when the chaotic aura was about to touch Mu Xue, it suddenly stopped.

Yes, all the chaotic aura rushing over, as if being pressed the pause button, stopped directly in front of Mu Xue.

The Sea-Monster Queen who saw this scene was a little surprised, she didn't notice the breath of power.

"what happened?"

The Siren Queen felt that this goddess was so incomprehensible.

But soon, she discovered that something that made her even more incomprehensible happened.

At this moment, the Sea-Monster Queen saw Mu Xue stretch out her hand and lightly nodded in the paused breath.


But when he touched it, those breaths collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

The Sea-Monster Queen was stunned, and then she was shocked to find that those breaths had completely disappeared, and there was no possibility of re-condensation.

It seemed that the disorder was broken, broken by the purple-clothed goddess with a single finger.

Then, the chaotic aura that had stopped for a moment, shrank back as if he had seen a ghost.

Keep retracting, very fast.

As if one step later would completely dissipate.

The Sea-Monster Xiaotao was stunned, and even the Sea-Monster Queen was stunned.

Dongfang Chacha waist pole is straight.

The cousin is the cousin.

After a few breaths, the originally active chaotic aura, let alone calm down, can't be seen.

Kongming sea area, restored the tranquility of the past.

Because of Mu Xue's random finger.

The Sea-Monster Queen looked at Mu Xue, and she felt that she might be standing on an extraordinary team of existence.

At least the purple-clothed goddess is far beyond her imagination.

"Goddess, how did you do it?" The Sea-Monster Queen recovered and asked.

"The essential difference." Mu Xue said with a relaxed expression:

"After all, it's just a breath of strength, and will instinctively fear high-level power.

Especially this special power. "

The Sea-Monster Queen had heard of the power that could make the chaotic breath fearful, but it came from a long-fallen existence.

Then the Sea-Monster Queen looked at Mu Xue and asked something that she thought was ridiculous:

"The reason why the goddess is called the goddess is not really a god, right?

I mean the true god, not the gods of the gods. "

Mu Xue shook her head and said:

"No, I'm just an ordinary person."

Siren Queen: "..."

Whether others believe it or not, she doesn't believe it anyway.


At this time, Lu Shui once again connected the beads, and with the lead of Jianyi Go Chuan, he saw a new scene again.

This time I saw the chessboard directly.


Lu Shui was a little excited when he saw this scene, and he could finally see what he was interested in.

"It doesn't count, I misplaced it." Lu Shui heard a familiar voice as soon as the scene appeared.

If you didn't guess wrong, this is definitely the voice of Huiqi called Father Jianyi.

Soon, Jiu looked at the opposite side.

What Lu Shui saw was a young man dressed in white.

It was Kenichi when he was young.

But there is no difference from what he saw at that time.

"But I don't regret playing chess. This is how it is written in the rules." It was Jiu's voice. Lu Shui also saw that she had come up with the rules, and pointed to Jian.

Seeing this scene, Lu Shui felt a little familiar.

Isn't this the scene he saw when he watched the Legend of Jianyi Go?

"The rules are dead, people are alive, how can a living thing be bound by a dead thing? This will only make people stop at the moment." Jianyi's said very seriously.

"It's not bad." Lu Shui was stunned, and he specifically recalled the game of Go.

What Jianyi said is exactly the same as the record inside.

In other words, the book is indeed true.

Soon Lu Shui wanted to see other places, but he found that Jiu's attention was on the chessboard and did not look at other places.

And he didn't hear anyone telling the story.

How is this going?

Or is there only a voice in the narration?

Soon the plot developed to the last step, and Jiu could not stop the opponent from regretting the game.

"Referee, he regrets the game." Jiu called to the referee on one side.

Then Lu Shui watched as soon as the sword was taken out.

Seeing this scene, Lu Shui felt relaxed physically and mentally.

He was missing a referee at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't have been regretted so many times.

As soon as the sword was framed out, Jiu won, but she didn't care about it, but stretched out her finger.

Lu Shui discovered that it was the finger with only cracks.

At this time, the crack seemed to be gleaming.

"Finally, I found him.

People who can end the era. "Speaking of this, Jiu's voice was filled with a deep smile:

"Fortunately, I have some interest in playing chess, so I came to participate in the game."

At this time, Lu Shui saw Jiu and started to run outside.

"Wait a minute, you guys wait for me to get off." Jiu shouted as soon as he ran out.

In the peripheral light just now, Lu Shui saw the three figures.

But it's not fixed, he can't see it clearly for a while.

"Are you busy?" Jianyi asked.

"Can I walk with you?" Jiu was asking Jianyi and the others. At this time, she looked at the person on Jian's side again and introduced herself by the way:

"My name is Jiu, the only true God of heaven and earth, you must have heard of me."

At this time, Jiu's gaze stayed on the person on the side of the sword.

Lu Shui immediately began to check.

There are two people, one is writing with a book in one hand, and the other is standing on the side.

There is a black dog at his feet.

Heigou Lu Shui only glanced, and finally set his eyes on the two people.

For the first time, he focused his attention on the person near the writing book.

This is a young man. At first glance, he looks very ordinary, not ordinary appearance, but ordinary sense of existence.

But after another glance, the other party's ordinaryness disappeared, and there seemed to be light on him, and Lu Shui felt that the other party was so dazzling.

An invisible light seems to shine on the whole world.

Everything was eclipsed by his side.

This is the feeling of land and water, and it is also the feeling of Jiu.


This was the first thought in Lu Shui's mind.

The other party is that very special existence.

After learning about Lu, Lu Shui immediately looked at the writer next to Lu.

Because he knew that Jiu's eyes would look away soon, he needed to hurry up.

See who would help Jianyi write an autobiography, maybe a special person.

Soon Lu Shui turned his head and looked over. At the moment he turned his head, he found that the person who wrote the book suddenly turned his head and looked over. At that moment, they seemed to be looking at each other.

But Lu Shui could be sure that the other party did not see him.

But it still surprised him.

But when he went to check the other party's appearance, he suddenly realized that he couldn't see what the other party looked like.

"what happened?"

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

Then he started to concentrate, trying to see the other person's face clearly.

He could clearly perceive that Jiu was not surprised when he saw the other person, that is to say, Jiu could see this person clearly.

It is him who can't see clearly.

In other words, the record cannot remember his appearance clearly.

Lu Shui used the power of heaven and earth.

At this time, you told him that he couldn't see clearly?


Under the action of the power of heaven and earth the vague appearance began to be wiped, and it was changing to clarity.

He wanted to see why the other party became blurred.

Soon everything turned from vague to clear, and then it became completely clear.

However, Lu Shui was stunned in the end.


The place where there was a personal shadow is empty.


Happy New Year, everyone!

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Don't be polite to me.


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