The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 343: I only need 1 finger to suppress you

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Lu Shui and Mu Ze left the train station.

They did not go to the ancestral land together.

Although it is a good opportunity to go to the ancestral land, Lu Shui can't go in in an open manner.

Otherwise, the others in the Mu family wouldn't know that he handled the origin stone?

This has too much impact on land water.

So he plans to go back first, and then go to the ancestral land.

They separated halfway.

Lu Shui went to the residence, and Mu Ze went directly to the ancestral land to wait for the arrival of Lu Shui.

He still has this kind of tacit understanding to help Lu Shui hide his identity.

"Watching outside." Before entering the door, Lu Shui gave Zhenwu Zhenling a command.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling immediately understood.

Master, this is going to do errands.


The two nodded immediately.

Then Lu Shui closed the door.

After entering the door, he went out again.

It was still the gate, but this time he went out and no one noticed him, Zhenwu Zhenling still stood outside and guarded.

At Tier 5, he didn't recover to the ability he expected, and his power was insufficient.

But that is compared to him in the previous life.

Even if the mighty power in this life is not as expected, no one can observe his actions, and he always uses the power of heaven and earth to be the same.

After spending some time, Lu Shui came to Mujiazu Land.

There were no obstacles along the way, and no one was disturbed.

Even if he appeared behind Mu Ze, he did not alarm Mu Ze.

He didn't reveal his breath until he stood beside the old man.

Facing the sudden appearance of Lu Shui, Mu Ze was taken aback.

He had already prepared for Lu Shui's arrival, but the silent appearance by his side like this still surprised him.

"What is the cultivation level of Master Lu now?" Mu Ze asked curiously.

He felt that Lu Shui was even more mysterious than before.

"Just promoted to Tier 5 a few days ago." Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze and explained the current combat power:

"The strength that can be displayed, the predecessors used as an example.

That is, even one finger can suppress the senior without using all his strength. "

Muze: "..."

You don't need to use me as an example next time.

But how long is this?

Last time Lu Shui told him that he would barely beat him under the full power, but in just over a month, can he suppress him with a single finger?

Give him another half a year, is he going to challenge the Lu family elders?

Is this going against the sky?

"What about fighting your father now?" Mu Ze asked curiously.

Lu Gu's strength is very special, he understands something.

At this time, Lu Gu was in Tier 6, but in Tier 6, it was impossible for anyone to be his opponent.

Even the ordinary seventh-order is inferior.

They Mu Family Chieftain, his eldest brother Mu Yuan, stepped into the seventh step not long ago.

But even so, facing Lu Gu, he felt tremendous pressure, and if he really started his hands, he would definitely lose to the sixth-tier Lu Gu.

Although the head of family Lu was young, no one dared to look down upon him.

"My father has half-footed into the seventh stage, and he is almost invincible below the eighth stage." Lu Shui looked at the luminous origin stone and walked a few steps forward, but continued to answer the old man's question:

"Now that I am facing my father, it should be considered 50-50. Whoever wins depends on the development."

If his mother has no problems, he will win easily.

If there is danger and his father's anger explodes, he may lose.

Mu Ze was stunned, he was shocked.

It wasn't because of how strong Lu Shui was, but Lu Gu actually had the strongest combat power under Tier 8, which was stronger than he expected.

Is the whole family so scary?

No, it should be that land and water are more terrible, this is only twenty years old.

Lu Gu is a few hundred years old after all.

In contrast, Mu Ze once again felt the horror of Lu Shui. At twenty years old, his achievements have reached a point where many people in the realm of cultivation can't wait.

Even the enchanting is not enough to describe.

He still didn't understand how this kind of person would like such an ordinary Mu Xue.

In the entire world of cultivation, Mu Xue is not top in any respect.

But he could see that Lu Shui was surprisingly serious about Mu Xue.


He believes this.

But how did the love between these two people come into being?

Can't understand.

But I didn't ask much.

"Can I go up and have a look?" Lu Shui asked, looking back at Mu Ze.

Without going up to check, he didn't know what was going on.

Now that Mu Xue is not in Mu's house, he is not worried about using the power of heaven and earth.

The train has been driving for so long, it should be far too far, and it won't be perceived.

After getting Muze's consent, Lu Shui took a step forward, and he directly crossed the height and distance and appeared on the edge of the origin stone.

In Mu Ze's eyes, he saw Lu Shui disappear in one step and then appear on the edge of the origin stone.


How can this be done by Tier 5?

Well, how could Tier 5 be invincible under Tier 8?

Rank eight, he felt so unreal, after all, he had never touched it.

And what Lu Shui just said was telling him: his Young Master Lu is already invincible under the eighth rank, and if there is, it is his father.

However, seeing Lu Shui beginning to come into contact with the Origin Stone, Mu Ze didn't dare to think about other things, but focused on Lu Shui.

The origin of the stone is unknown, and no one knows what is connected to it.

No one will believe that it is 100% safe.

So Muze couldn't help but worry when he saw that the land and water were in contact with the origin stone.

But Lu Shui seemed indifferent at all.

Yes, Lu Shui doesn't care about contact with the origin stone.

If the other party has the strength to interfere with him, how can he hide inside and only know to detain people?

Even if it is interference.

Now he, the other party really can't handle it.

Lu Shui's hand touched the origin stone, and the current origin stone flickered faster than before, but only slightly.

According to the old husband, it was a lot slower.

Lu Shui wasn't sure that the other party was still there.

If after probing, there is a message in it, then he has missed it again.

Of course, Lu Shui didn't care too much, or the old man always cared.

Whether the origin stone of the Mu family is a blessing or a curse, the old man can't be at ease every month if he doesn't figure it out.

Lu Shui touched the origin stone, and he probed it.

I found that there was no message.

However, there is no sense that things can be connected.

But soon, he discovered that there seemed to be a space inside the origin stone.

This made Lu Shui very interested.

He closed his eyes, and then his consciousness directly entered the origin stone, he wanted to see what was inside.

Seeing Lu Shui closing his eyes, Mu Ze felt that the other party was resonating with the Origin Stone.

He knew that the situation was different from last time.

In other words, there must be other gains this time, and the risk index will also increase.

Mu Ze's energy became more concentrated, he paid attention to Lu Shui, and released his power by the way.

Once someone enters the ancestral land, he will know.


Lu Shui followed the path of the origin stone to the inner space.

"Maybe the space is the communication channel."

Lu Shui had guesses when he entered.

On the night of the full moon, the communication channel can reach the surface directly, and the land and water can be communicated as long as they touch it.

As time goes by, the other party's ability to influence becomes smaller and smaller, and only the channel is left, and communication can no longer affect the outside.

When there is no way at all, there should be only messages left.

Soon land water appeared in the space inside.

His figure appeared in a bright room, a narrow room.

It's only about ten square meters, and the height should be about three meters.

There was nothing in the room, but there was a door on the front and the back.

The front one was shining, and the back door didn't have any light.

"Looking at the opposite side, Guang retreats and the room disappears, that's when the opponent is at the limit." Lu Shui muttered to himself.

He carefully perceives that this room is shrinking, although it is very slow, but after more than ten hours, the room will collapse to a point.

So as to carry the other party's message.

"Very strange connection method."

Lu Shui didn't care, but walked toward that door.

It is impossible for him to enter the door. Although the door is glowing, there is a kind of suction on the door. If he enters, it is a question of whether he can get out.

Muxue is coming if he can't get out for a short time.

It is certain that the Great Elder will also come.

Not a wise choice.

He now has only Tier 5, so he needs to figure out where the limit is.

So be vigilant.

It's not that the power inside can directly hurt him, mainly because he was trapped for three or five days, and Mu Xue returned.

But the old husband saw that he had something wrong, so couldn't he notify his family as soon as possible?

After having a certain idea of ​​the situation behind the door, Lu Shui stepped forward to the door.

He did not choose to open the door, but knocked twice.



The sound is loud and crisp.

The room is small, without any windows, and no other sources of sound.

So it sounds very loud.

Lu Shui knocked twice, but didn't knock again.

He found that knocking on the door was equivalent to requesting a connection.

In other words, the opposite person may be knocking on the door frantically before.

Maybe the other person can come to this room, but can never open the back door,

The only thing that can be done is to spread some power out.

Before the world has changed, he needs to save for five years before he can come here once.

Now I can come once a month.

Not long after he lowered his hand, Lu Shui heard a noise behind the door.



It's the sound of footsteps.

The other party is here.

Lu Shui waited quietly, and soon the sound of footsteps came behind the door, Lu Shui did not let go.

Because he knew that the other party couldn't make it through.

If he can wait in the room, why should he leave here?

The opponent's strength is close to the limit.

The reason why the room is still there is naturally because the opponent's power has not completely retreated, and there is bound to be a ray of power left here to keep flashing and leaving messages.

"Someone?" An excited voice came from the other side, as if he was worried that he would not get a response.

He has sent out communication requests too many times.

But no one responded to him, and some even closed his other communication channels.

That kind of power he had never heard of, he had never seen.

But he certainly has someone who can receive his communication.

It's just that I don't want to communicate with him.

Lu Shui listened to the other party's voice, and found that the voice was the same as last time, and it was indeed a message left by this person.

"Who are you?" Lu Shui asked.

This is something he needs to figure out.

It is also one of the things that Lao Zhangren wants to know most, and one of the other things is the relationship between this person and the Mu family.

Hearing Lu Shui's voice, the opposite immediately responded with a very excited voice:

"I, I am, my name is incomplete, you can call me Ming.

Are you an outsider?

How did you come in? "

"Ming?" Lu Shui was a little puzzled. It wasn't that there was a problem with the name, but what did it mean to be incomplete?

"Why is the name incomplete?" Lu Shui used his own strength to outline a chair, and then sat down and talked with the other party. It shouldn't be over so fast.

It is also possible that the conversation is completely disconnected here.

Just after asking, Lu Shui felt strange outside.


Mu Ze looked outside, and he discovered that the original stone that was still flashing suddenly remained bright.

This shows that Lushui has gained a certain amount.

"It should be connected, they may have started communication." Mu Ze thought to himself.

He was a little disturbed.

What fate the Mu family will have in the end depends on what is opposite the origin stone.

If it is really bad for the Mu family, he needs to find a way to destroy the origin stone.

Of course, he didn't think he had this strength, but he could let Lu Shui help.

"I hope he will help."

Muze didn't think he had much face.

After all, he has not been good to Mu Xue these years, and even though Mu Xue and him are father and daughter, they are not much better than strangers.

Lu Shui was able to help so much, he was already worthy of him.

"The Lu Family is really incredible." Mu Ze looked at Lu Shui with shock in his heart.

When Lu Gu approached him back then, he told him that the Lu family was far beyond his imagination.

Lu Gu himself has the courage that ordinary people do not possess.

At that time, Lu Gu put forward the reason for marriage, which shocked him.

Mu Ze no longer thought about it, but looked at Lu Shui.

There is no problem with the current state of land and water, but it is still not to be underestimated.

At this moment, Mu Ze suddenly sensed that someone outside the ancestral land was planning to come in.

This surprised Mu Ze.

Without hesitation, he directly released the strongest power and blocked the entrance.

He dared not pass, but his power was all concentrated at the entrance.

"Is it the eldest brother or the second sister?"

Those who can enter the ancestral land at this time are the three of them in the entire Mu family.

But no matter who it is, it is very troublesome for Muze.

Soon people came in.

"It's the second sister." Mu Ze frowned.

He looked at Lu Shui and found that Lu Shui showed no sign of ending the communication.

At this time, it can't be bothered to say anything.

Not to let Mu Jiang know the existence of Lu Shui.


After Mu Ze's power entered the ancestral land, there was a direct conflict.


There was another loud noise, and Muze's power was directly suppressed.

Muze's fifth-tier peak can cross the catastrophe and enter the sixth-tier at any time.

But Mu Jiang is a solid sixth-order, not a magnitude at all.

"Muze? What happened inside?" Mu Jiang's voice came in.

She was a little surprised, and she was walking inside with Mu Ze's power.

"Second sister, I'm trying a new method, don't come in, it may touch the power of the origin stone." Mu Ze's low voice spread out.

Outside, Mu Jiang frowned.

"Okay, I step back." Mu Jiang's voice passed in, and his power no longer extended forward.

"Broken." Mu Ze knew it was not good when he heard these words.

This is what Mu Jiang said deliberately because he was worried that he had been kidnapped.

She will think of new ways to get in.

Mu Jiang's sixth-tier cultivation base, if he really sneaked in with all his strength, he might not be able to detect it.

"Second sister, it's not what you think.

If a new breath enters, it will directly affect the power of the origin stone, and the consequences are unpredictable. "Muze explained immediately.

Mu Jiang stood in the corridor without moving, but asked:

"What method did you use?"

Hearing this question, Mu Ze was stunned for a while, but he immediately said:

"I can't say for the time being, give me some more time."

"Let me take a look at the situation inside." Mu Jiang said again.

She did not act rashly, but years of experience told her that something must have happened inside.

She needs a glance to know whether Mu Ze is involuntary or something else.

Hearing Mu Jiang's words, Mu Ze couldn't help it for a while. Was this request too much?

Not too much, because now only his power is outside.

Without the extra breath, there is a problem.

Moreover, he can speak, which shows that he has enough spare energy.

This made him unable to refute.

But he didn't speak at first, he couldn't even delay time.

"I'm here at a critical time, wait for me." Mu Ze could only answer like this.

Hope it can delay some time.

Mu Jiang just stood outside and didn't answer immediately.

She felt that the situation inside was not what Muze said.

But rushing in, if it really disturbs Muze, then the gains outweigh the losses.

However, under her perception, there was really no extra breath in it.

"It seems that we need to take a look without affecting the inside." Mu Jiang thought.

Then she took out a gossip plate.

This gossip plate is connected to the ancestral land.

Since you can't go in, you can't disturb it.

Then just borrow this position and see all directions and see the situation inside.

That is the original position, the ancestral land itself has it, so it won't bother you inside.

Thinking about it this way, Mu Jiang started to activate the gossip plate and began to connect with the ancestral place of gossip.

At the moment when the gossip directions were connected, Mu Ze felt it.

"It's over." He could clearly perceive that Mu Jiang was connected to the ancestral gossip direction.

The situation inside is about to be observed.

Mu Ze didn't worry about anything else, what he cared about was that Lu Shui would be seen.

"Is there no way?"

Mu Ze looked at the land water, and now he could only cover the land water with something.

The next thing, I'll talk about it later.

However, when Mu Ze had no choice, Lu Shui, who closed his eyes, suddenly raised his hand.

Seeing Lu Shui raise his hand, Mu Ze was stunned.

Then he saw Lu Shui stretch out a finger:


As the voice fell, the power of heaven and earth surged.

At this moment, Mu Ze, who was not far away, felt a huge and incomparable power, and it was the kind of power he couldn't understand.

For an instant, Muze seemed to see space, time, and everything.

These things are entangled together, forming an endless storm.

And these storms poured directly into the gossip position of the ancestral land, and poured into his power outside.

Just as this power poured into Mu Ze's power, the powerful aura began to roar like a wild beast.

Mu Ze was stunned. He could finally understand why Lu Shui would say that he only needed a finger to suppress him.

Strong, really strong to the point that he can't bear it at all.

This is still Lu Shui's random finger.

At this moment, he was a little worried about Mu Jiang.

At this time, Mu Jiang was still watching the gossip plate, and a picture began to appear on it, but the picture was broken with a bang before it took shape.

Mu Jiang, who was in doubt, suddenly felt that the gossip direction suddenly transmitted an incomparably powerful force.

She was planning to use her strength to resist, but she just started thinking, and her strength exploded directly in the gossip board.


In an instant, the gossip plate was destroyed by a powerful force.

Fast, too fast.

Soon Mu Jiang couldn't react at all.


At the moment when the gossip plate was destroyed, Mu Jiang was also forced back some distance.

She looked at the destroyed gossip plate with lingering fears.

She may not have discovered anything just now, where did this power come from?

Roar! !

The sudden roar shocked Mu Jiang.

The moment she heard the roar, she seemed to see the ancient beast rushing towards her face.

She soon discovered that this is not a feeling, but a reality.

A power surged in front of her, and the momentum came like an ancient beast slaughtered.

Mu Jiang was stunned. At that moment, she felt her power come to a halt, and she even felt that she was about to die under the mouth of this terrifying beast.

"What...what's going on?"



Mu Jiang was directly knocked out by this force, and a mouthful of blood was vomited on the spot.

Mu Jiang fell to the ground, but she found that she was not dead.

It seems that the other party has just reached the tipping point.

However, the horrible scene still scared Mu Jiang.

She looked forward in horror, looking at the inside of Ancestral Land:

"What happened inside?"

"Second sister, are you okay?" Mu Ze's voice looked weak.

"It's okay." Mu Jiang coughed and continued:

"What's going on inside?"

At this moment, she finally believed what Mu Ze had said, and something serious had indeed happened in it.

And can't bother rashly.

This time she was impulsive.

"It's okay, still under control." Mu Ze's voice began to diminish:

"It seems that this place is going to be closed, remember to wait for me to come out.

Latest tomorrow.

I will tell you clearly at that time. "

When the voice fell, Mu Ze no longer heard.

The power directly covers the interior of the ancestral land.

Mu Jiang couldn't perceive anymore.

"What method did Mu Ze use to arouse such a terrible power?" Mu Jiang was a little worried.

Not only worried about Muze, but also about the future of Mu's family.

Because they never know what the origin stone is.

At this time Mu Yuan also came to the ancestral land.

As soon as he entered, he saw Mu Ze who was seriously injured:

"What happened?"

He heard the movement.

But it never occurred to him that Mu Jiang was seriously injured and his ancestral land was cut off.

However, he gave Mu Jiang an elixir for the first time, which could quickly help Mu Jiang recover from his injuries.

"It's the third child, he seems to have found a way to understand the secrets of the origin stone.

But other people can't get close.

I just wanted to take a look at the situation inside, but it seemed to anger the origin stone.

But in an instant, the bearing was destroyed and I was seriously injured by the opponent.

If it wasn't for the opponent's power seems to be limited, I might not be able to take that blow. "Mu Jiang said with a lingering fear after taking the elixir.

That scene is really scary.

Mu Yuan frowned and looked at Ancestral Land, and asked softly:

"What did the old three say?"

"Wait for him to come out. UU read" Mu Jiang said.

Mu Yuan didn't speak any more.

Now I can only wait.

When Mu Ze comes out, it should bring news of changing Mu's family.

Don’t ask for good news, as long as it’s not bad news.

All three of them have a sense of crisis due to the mutation of the origin stone.

Now finally I have to figure it out.


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