The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 350: My land and water highlight moment is coming

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Lu Shui left, Mu Ze watched Lu Shui leave, and he slowly hid in the space like this.

This concealment technique was completed beyond the scope of Muze's perception.

He felt that even if Lu Shui left in front of his elder brother, his elder brother might not be able to detect it.

Then Mu Ze discovered the power of the ancestral land, began to loosen, and finally disappeared.

After the enclosed power disappeared, he found that his eldest brother and second sister were both outside, as if not daring to come in for a while.

Mu Ze didn't hesitate about this, and walked directly outside.

Originally wanted to go out with a serious injury, so that it could reflect how much he had paid to get in touch with Origin Stone.

The feasibility will be very high.

But Lu Shui was unwilling to do anything to him, so he could only change his rhetoric.

In short, as long as the land and water are not involved, the problem is not big.

Lu Shui's enchanting existence, now let him say it, he dare not say it.

Once they were known to others, and finally let Lu Shui suffer fatal injuries, the Lu family had to go crazy.

He didn't know how terrible the anger of the Lu family elders was.

But he knew that the Mu family couldn't bear any one's anger.


Qiuyun Town.

Lin Huanhuan bought a bun today and planned to go to work, but she didn't worry about walking and planned to go slowly.

Fortunately, there is still some time.

The main reason is that I don't want to bump into people anymore, especially if I bump into someone who is not very convenient.

"That person seems to be a little inferior." Lin Huanhuan sighed.

She also feels low self-esteem because she is fat. If she doesn't have a hand, she will definitely not dare to go out if she is inferior.

"People with incomplete limbs already have low self-esteem. I look down on my marriage partner. Will the other person be more inferior?"

Lin Huanhuan felt that she might have hurt others.

But she really didn't want to marry.

Is there any way.

If she is disabled, the other party will probably not want to marry.

No, she is so fat, probably the other party hates it to death.

Die fat girl, maybe it is better than a good-looking disabled person.

Then Lin Huanhuan walked to a place of glass, and she looked at herself in the glass.

"Miss Mu said that my facial features are good, and I must look good when I lose weight."

"Aren't you comforting me?"

Then Lin Huanhuan was desperate again.

She couldn't lose weight, so she practiced the exercises given by Miss Mu when she had time.

But there is no progress.

"It would be great if I could learn it during this time." Lin Huanhuan sighed.

She decided to practice hard after get off work.

But when she was walking to work, she suddenly saw a fairy walking by her.

It was a fairy with short hair, dressed in orange and white clothes, with a calm face, and there seemed to be bright galaxies in his eyes.

Lin Huanhuan was stunned when he saw this fairy.

"So pretty, who is this?" She couldn't help but say.

"Dao Zong Yuni, recognized as the first proud woman of the younger generation." A female voice rang in Lin Huanhuan's ears.

Very nice.

Lin Huanhuan turned his head and looked over and found that there was a fairy in modern clothes beside him. Unlike the fairy who was just now, this fairy was **** with a high ponytail and held a handsome long knife in his hand.

But there is something in common, almost as beautiful.

"So beautiful." Lin Huanhuan said subconsciously again.

"It's best to look at the road when you walk. You were just taken aback and almost bumped into me.

There are so many strong people here. If I happen to be a moody strong person, you might be a corpse. "After speaking, the fairy ignored Lin Huanhuan and walked forward.

Lin Huanhuan naturally bowed his head to apologize:

"I am sorry."

After those people left, Lin Huanhuan began to mutter:

"Long looks so good and talks so mean, in case I'm still a strong moody guy."

But whispering back to whispering, they are so good-looking.

All of a sudden, Lin Huanhuan felt inferior.

She looked at the bun in her hand and felt that she was looking at herself.

The difference between her and those fairies is the difference between a bun and a cake.

Is she only worthy of unsound cultivators?

"When will you become a coquettish goods?"

Lin Huanhuan sighed inwardly.

Then she looked at the time and was stunned by the look.

"Being late."

Then she speeded up and went to work.

However, when she turned the corner, she suddenly saw a figure walking out.

Lin Huanhuan was stunned, stopped the car with his best effort, and then stood in front of the man.

Qiao Gan stood there for a moment, if he was hit, it would be a direct hit.

"I am sorry."

"I am sorry."

The two spoke at the same time.

No matter whose fault Qiao Gan is, he intends to apologize.

As he spoke, he backed away some distance.

Lin Huanhuan knew that she was the one who was wrong, but the other party always made her feel guilty like this.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, I almost ran into you again."

She bowed again and apologized again.

Then Lin Huanhuan slowly stepped aside.

Well, it just passed Qiao Gan.

After that, she rushed all the way to work.

Qiao Gan watched Lin Huanhuan leave.

In fact, he still doesn't know who this little fat girl is.

I didn’t ask this question when I gave him a watermelon last time.

In other words, there was no conversation.

The other party looked very anxious.

After that, he didn't care about this person either, just be careful not to get hit in the future.

As for today.

He, who was going to be unable to escape, was contacted by Chuyu.

Said that there was an important matter and wanted to ask him.

He came out as a last resort.

He didn't want to participate in many things, it was not his thing, and he never wanted it.


"The Shimen is about to open these days, are you going to go in?" Lu Gu asked Dongfang Yeming on one side of the pavilion on a mountain somewhere in the Lu family.

The two of them sat here early in the morning and talked about things.

As for why they came, they all understood, but they didn't mention it.

The main thing is that Dongfang Liyin said last night to make breakfast today.

Scared, they just came out early in the morning to talk about business.

Dongfang Yeming looked down at the mountain and curiously said:

"Patriarch Lu is going?"

"Don't go." Lu Gu said directly.

What is he going to do?

His wife's condition is not normal, so she doesn't want to go out.

In other words, after marrying Dongfang Liyin, he didn't go out to explore places much.

The heart is no longer outside.

Just be the head of the Lu family with peace of mind.

"I'm not going either. I was here to watch tea.

And it's not that no one enters the Dongfang Home. Dongfang Yeming said softly.

"Don't pursue the chance?" Lu Gu asked.

Dongfang Yeming has not yet been promoted to the seventh rank, he has not touched the threshold of Tao.

What is needed is a chance.

Geniuses like Lu Gu and Dongfang Yeming, they wouldn't wait to be promoted to the seventh rank before seeking opportunities to enter the Dao.

They must be promoted directly to the seventh rank and enter the Tao directly.

Lu Gu had already done it, only the last step was left, and Dongfang Yeming still had a chance.

Of course, Dongfang Li's tone difference is more.

Dongfang Yeming turned his head to look at Lu Gu, and suddenly smiled:

"I don't need it anymore."

At this moment, Lu Gu could perceive that there was a kind of Taoism present in Dongfang Yeming.

He was a little surprised:

"You... when did this happen?"

"A few days ago, and then I faced the sword directly, it became more clear." Dongfang Yeming said casually.

Lu Gu looked at Dongfang Yeming and smiled:

"I won't be promoted for the time being. You have entered the Taoism. Do we want to discuss it?"

Dongfang Yeming was startled, and then decisively refused:

"No time."

Lu Gu is so perverted, Dongfang Ye will know about it tomorrow morning.

Few people have faced Lu Gu's metamorphosis directly, so he often faced it.

When you were young, everyone had made an appointment to go to the realm of cultivation together, and they had planned well, and there was bound to be a big business.

It is a pity that Lu Guzhe is with his sister.

At a glance, the plan that had been planned for a few years was simply in vain.

However, at that time, he was not in charge and knew that firewood, rice, oil, and salt were expensive, and later understood a lot.

Then, because his cultivation level was good, his work was not bad, and his younger sister married into the Lu family, and he and the head of the Lu family were friends.

So no one is more suitable to be a patriarch than him.

Some old guys got the points and all went to retreat.

He took the seat smoothly.

Not long after Lu Gu became the patriarch, he also became the patriarch.

Of course, he got married relatively late.

But the child was born earlier.

Two years after his sister gave birth to Lushui, his daughter was also born.

"Think about it carefully, I found that I am walking behind you in everything." Dongfang Yeming suddenly thought of this:

"Morning later than you, being a patriarch later than you, having a child two years later than you, entering the Taoist way is still later than you, my child married later than me, your child is about to get married."

Lu Gu didn't care about this, he always felt that Dongfang Yeming was showing off.

How many people can actually keep up with him in the cultivation world?

"Actually, I'm very curious, are you willing to let Chacha marry?" Lu Gu asked.

He might have a daughter in the future, and wanted to ask how it feels to have a daughter.

Cha Cha is actually a very cute little girl.

Speaking of Dongfang Chacha, Dongfang Yeming sighed:

"It's not reluctant to marry, mainly..."

Lu Gu looked at Dongfang Yeming and planned to listen to the follow-up.


With another sigh, Dongfang Yeming looked at Lu Gudao:

"Do you think Cha Cha married out?

She might not have thought of such a thing herself. "

Lu Gu thought about it, Cha Cha really didn't look like a married girl.

It's better to be a son, and he can't help but marry or not.

Daughter, whether to marry or not, they are not easy to persecute.

After all, there are a lot of people in the realm of cultivation who are single for a lifetime.

It is their families that care about marrying wives and having children.

And Cha Cha is so smart, it always feels too early for him to face this kind of thing.

But Chacha has grown up, if it has been this smart.

It is not a question of reluctance to marry, but a question of whether to marry or not.

Lu Gu began to think deeply, if he had a daughter, he would be closer to the character of Cha Cha, then...



The two old fathers sighed at the same time.

At this moment, Qi Xi came to the outside of the pavilion:


Lu Gu turned his head and looked over, and said in a deep voice:

"what's up?"

This is his wife's maid.

It's okay, it's impossible to come over and disturb him talking with Dongfang Yeming.

"Madam said that there is something important to find the patriarch, and let the patriarch go with the patriarch of Dongfang." Qi Xi whispered.

Facing Patriarch Lu, Qi Xi didn't dare to say a word wrong.

Lu Gu did not speak, but waved his hand to let Qi Xi leave.

Qi Xi naturally didn't dare to wait too much.

After Qi Xi left, Dongfang Yeming stood up and said:

"The people from my Oriental family should need me to arrange in the small town, so I will go down and take a look."

However, before Dongfang Yeming left, he was grabbed by Lu Gu and headed to his wife.

Everyone, brothers who live and die, can be disintegrated by a single meal?

However, Shimen was about to open, and many strong people came to the town.

He has to be busy recently.

(Dongfang Liyin: I was joking with you. My sister-in-law did it today.)


Lu Shui left Mujiazudi all the way.

He left from Mu Yuan and the others.

It was impossible for these people to notice the Tier 5 Lushui.

Muxue was alone if he could easily detect him.

Of course, if the cultivation base is too strong, or the power of Tao has reached its peak, Lu Shui did not dare to take any risks.

After all, he is still very weak.

This is also why one of the ten halls of the underworld had to be brought to the Lu Family.

Even if it was a catastrophe, he would not underestimate a Daoist.

The power of the strong is sometimes incalculable.

Lu took out his mobile phone on the way, he looked at it, and there was no news from Mu Xue.

Somewhat disappointed.

"Should I send it over and ask?" This thought came out of Lu Shui's mind.

But he quickly gave up.

Going too close to Mu Xue.

Big plans are easy to waste.

Lu Shui soon returned to the room.

It should take two days for Mu Xue to return, and for these two days he intends to hide from the heaven and earth formations.

do nothing.

Now he has accumulated a lot of power of heaven and earth.

After another half month, his father will probably not be his opponent.

The speed of getting stronger is actually visible to the naked eye.

Just can't try to play.

When Lu Shui returned to the room, he removed the concealment method.

Then he opened the door and planned to go out and stroll around.

By the way, find a place to read.

As soon as Lu Shuimen opened, Zhenwu Zhenling discovered that their young master had returned.

One afternoon plus one night.

They are really a little flustered. If they don't come back today, they will definitely not dare to wait any longer.

"Young Master." Zhen Wu Zhen Ling immediately lowered his head and shouted.

"Did something happen?" Lu Shui asked as he walked out of the room.

"No, no one has been here." Zhenwu replied.

Lu Shui came all the way to the tree, he looked up at the big tree.

It was discovered that the tree was still growing buds.

Sure enough, the change in time became more and more obvious.

Is the world really getting better?

Power cannot appear out of thin air.

It is so difficult to make this change happen in the whole world.

After that, Lu Shui didn't think much about it, maybe it won't be long before he can clearly know the source of everything.

If it is not revealed, after he becomes stronger, he can also know the source.

So wait for a while.

There is no rush for this kind of thing.

"Is there any other news?" Lu Shui asked, sitting on the table and chair under the big tree.

There are always tables and chairs here, very suitable for reading.

As soon as Lu Shui sat down, Zhen Ling took out some fruits for breakfast.

Zhenwu is answering Lu Shui's question seriously.

"I heard that Shimen has made preliminary progress, and it may open in a few days.

And some strong people began to appear in the small town, plus young disciples from all sects.

Maybe they are all deliberately entering Shimen. "Zhen Wu said.

"Forget the strong ones, why should the weak ones go?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

If Shimen has a bunch of strong ones going in, why do those weak ones go in?

The power of the strong fluctuates enough to keep them there forever.

Unless those people are just watching Shimen in the town.

However, it is impossible.

"It is said that someone opened the door for an instant, and some strong people felt repelled.

So for the time being, I don’t know if Shimen has access restrictions. Zhen Wu explained.

Shimen may have restrictions?

This made Lu Shui a little surprised.

In theory, there should be no restrictions on this kind of Shimen.

"What is the scope of the door being opened?" Lu Shui asked.

"A crevice." Zhenwu replied.

"What kind of cultivation level people perceive rejection?"

"It is rumored to be Tier 7, but according to our news, it should be Tier 5."

Lu Shui: "....."

Tier 5? Is he unable to get in?

But he can't get in, and dare to say that he brought the news?

Isn't he afraid that one day he will be bored and go find him to play?

(The security guard who was eating instant noodles in Nancheng suddenly shuddered.)

"It should be the size of the door that determines who enters." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

Zhenwu nodded aside:

"It seems that someone has proposed this possibility, but just in case, the younger generation is allowed to come."

Lu Shui nodded, not caring about this kind of thing.

In short, it doesn't affect his entry, and if it affects, ask Heaven's secret.

As for the others, Ai Jinjin.

It's fine if Mu Xue doesn't enter.

"There is also some news from Lefeng." Zhenwu continued looking at Lu Shui:

"There is news that a month later, Shen Xuanzong will send the magic weapon of Demon Cultivation Fighting Shadowless to the practice place of Demon Cultivation Supreme.

That is, Blood Flower City.

Many people can get this kind of news, so Lefeng feels that this is not a trap of the other party, or a secretive secret. "

Lu Shui also noticed that there was something wrong with this magic repair battle.

"Are you sure he has something to do with Xianting?" Lu Shui asked.

If it has something to do with Xian Ting, then it's okay, because the other party is attracting him.

When the time comes, it will depend on where he is or which way he takes.

"Lefeng has checked this matter carefully, but it can only find out half of it, and it is easy to be noticed by the other party after checking it down.

The answer given by Lefeng is that there is a 90% possibility that it is related to Xianting.

As for the relationship, he was not sure.

He made two guesses, one is that the people in Xian Ting pretended to be Mo Xiu Zhan Wu Ying and implemented the plan.

The main step of the plan should be this magic weapon transportation.

The second is that the other party has a certain possibility of acquiring the Xian Ting Inheritance, and he may not know the function of these things, but is only the executor. "

After Zhenwu finished speaking, he stopped.

As for the decision, it depends on their young master.

The young master has his own opinions.

Yes, from the time of retiring, the young master always does everything according to his own ideas.

What they say is useless.

If you want to kill the evil god, you will kill it, and you don't care about being seriously injured.

Speaking of sweeping away these forces, just sweeping.

The young master does not need to explain to others when he does things.

But from Zhenwu Zhenling's point of view, the young master did not make people unconvinced, even if he was unconvinced, it was useless.

The young master would never act on the faces of others.

The normal measurement of good and evil has no meaning in their young master.

In their young master's mind, he has his own standard of measurement.

It may not be accepted by many people, but the young master doesn't care.

After hearing what Zhen Wu said, Lu Shui didn't make a direct conclusion.

I have to say that Lefeng is the most useful and smartest helper he finds.

This person has a better grasp and judgment on the news than many others.

It seems to be a simple conclusion, Coke Wind doesn't know so much.

I don't even know that Xian Ting has a prophetic slate, and his younger siblings may be the protagonists of the prophetic slate.

However, if the opponent is Xian Ting this time, then the target is likely to be him.

To test?

Lu Shui was not sure.

But then he will know.

While teaching the other person to be human, let the other person understand what is the strong behind the scenes.

However, the other party may also be trying to attack some forces of Demon Cultivation.

After all, in the previous life, the worst was the magic repair.

Was swept directly by the Great Elder.

Probably the other party was also taught to be a man by the elder.

"After this matter is over, tell them that you can ask me one more request." Lu Shui didn't say anything else, just said the reward.

Lefeng and they did things and helped him a lot.

The reward is still to be given.

As for what they want, they just mention it themselves.

Zhen Wu immediately responded.

They can say that Lefeng got a lot from their young master.

Of course, I paid a lot.

In the past few months, they have basically been doing things for their young master.

And there are obvious results.

"Have the people in Xian Ting been moving recently?" Lu Shui asked.

As the world changes, they should be able to get a lot of benefits.

There is no reason for nothing.

"No, there is no obvious movement in many places.

Xian Ting is even more so, as if silenced.

The gods are still competing for the position of the sun **** in the temple of the sun. "Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui didn't say anything.

However, Xian Ting must do something, and they will not encounter it for the time being.

Of course, he also has things to do.

Shimen had to find a way to get in, and he didn't let in at home, so he pretended to go out and then sneaked in.

But what worries him is that there is a lot of movement in Shimen, whether it will be known outside.

If you know, then...

Still not going in.

In case of a fight with someone inside, he may not dare to return his hand.

In short, this thing must be done, but it must be observed.

"I have been paying attention to Shimen recently to see how special Shimen is and what the space inside is like." Lu Shui said.

As for the other.

Let's talk about it then.

The most important thing to care about right now is to meet with Moxiu next month.

Some can't wait.

He will be prepared enough to meet the opponent, and it would be better if the opponent is really here to target him.

Easier to prepare.

He wants to let the other party know what it means to be someone outside of a person, there is a heaven outside of it.

Tell him again, the cruelty of the cultivation world is that you never know if the other party will be an ordinary teenager.

It seems ordinary, but it's terrible.

This is the cruel world of comprehension.

Once the judgment is wrong, the price paid is blood.

Lu Shui felt that if he wanted to think of some handsome lines, he would suppress the opponent and read it.

He thinks that day will definitely be a happy day.


When Lu Shui was thinking about this, he suddenly felt the phone vibrate.


But who looked for him in the morning?

Zhenwu saw that his young master was looking for someone, so he consciously stepped aside.

He has said everything that should be said, and the young master will also answer what the young master has ordered him. If there are other orders, the young master will tell him after he finishes his work.

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