The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 353: Love will blind your eyes and lower your IQ

   Qiao Qian was taken aback when she heard what Qiao said mercilessly.

   It is true that she helped her brother escape the marriage, but she really doesn't know where her brother is.

   "My brother didn't tell me." Qiao Qian said softly.

   She didn't directly say that she didn't know.

   did not say it means that you can contact, you can say.

  "Your brother is just relaxing, is it possible to come to Lujia just in time? After all, the appearance of Shimen means chance.

   It is not impossible to get a chance to change one's future. "Qiao Yi said on the side.

   Qiao Qian glanced at Qiao Yi, and finally at Grandpa Grandpa.

   found that Grandpa Grandpa didn't ask any other thoughts at all, as if it was just watching them communicate.

   In desperation, she can only say:

   "I'll contact my brother later and ask."

   She thinks it is impossible for her brother to come here for chance.

   At that time, she felt very clear that her brother's anger was gone, as if he was willing to be a mediocre person.

   Her brother was not like that before.

   If she hadn't raised the matter of escape from marriage, her brother would definitely have confessed his fate and married that fat girl.

   Bing Shui Ji, such a nice name, is actually a chubby girl.

   "At the end of the month, remember to remind him." Joe said mercilessly and continued walking forward.

   Qiao Qian nodded gently:


   The end of the month is the day when her brother gets engaged. Although it is considered an engagement, it is not much different from getting married.

  According to what they said, after the engagement, Bing Shui Ji will live in their home.

   Live with her brother.

   It seems that the clan and the ice field and snowy area want to keep everything simple.

   A trash master, a snow princess who can't handle it, they don't want to be ashamed.

   If his brother hadn't had that accident, it wouldn't be so.

   But there is no if.

  Qiao was ruthless and naturally didn't care too much, he walked forward all the way.

   Just when he was halfway there, he suddenly saw a man in a black robe approaching him.

   This black-robed man passed by him without any pause.

   Joe was mercilessly surprised, he glanced back.

   was a little surprised afterwards.

   He found that he could not perceive the slightest trace of the opponent through the opponent's black robe.

  The people in the small town are becoming more and more special.

   "Is there anything wrong with Grandpa Grandpa?" Qiao Yi asked curiously.

   "There are countless capable people and strangers in the world, this person counts as one.

   When you see this kind of black-robed man in the future, don't get too close. "Qiao said ruthlessly.

After   , the three of them went to the residence.

   And the black robe behind has not dared to look back, nor did he dare to change the slightest pace.

After    walked for a long time and found that there were no problems, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   But still didn't dare to look back, or pause.

   He was out shopping today. The reason why he wears black robe in broad daylight is because Chuyu told him that he must wear black robe if he goes out today.

After   , it doesn’t matter.

   Chuyu told him that an uncle security guard asked him to say that.

   Out of awe of the unknown, he listened.

   Very lucky, but fortunately wearing a black robe.

   "Can't go out anymore."

   He decided to buy enough things this time, and would not come out until Shimen opened.

After    is turned on, there shouldn’t be anyone left here.


   On the third day, Lu Shui finally brought the old man back.

   came back with Aunt Tang.

   "Mother, mother, I miss you so much." Yalin rushed up for the first time:

   "I will be abused if you don't come back."

   "Mother, Yalin is talking nonsense, I just have time to teach her literacy." Yayue said on the side.

   Although most of it is teaching Yalin to read at night.

  Who made her sleep well at night?

   "Huh?" Mu Ze looked at Yayue with some surprise for a while, he also felt it specially, but soon found that he had not read it wrong.

   he was surprised:

   "Second order?"

   Hearing what Mu Ze said, Aunt Tang also noticed the changes in Yayue:

"So fast?"

   Based on their initial guess, Ya Yue can be second-order when he is nineteen or twenty years old, which is very powerful.

   Yayue's talent is not that good, but the nineteenth and twenty-second ranks are much better than ordinary people.

   But, this is only sixteen years old, why is it suddenly second-order?

   This is completely different from what they expected.

   "When I was at my grandfather's house, I saw that my mother was in danger. When I was in a hurry, it seemed like I had broken through something, so I was almost second-order." Yayue lowered her head and said.

   She was a little embarrassed.

   Because she doesn't know why it is a second order.

   It seems to be the practice method given by Mu Xue sister.

   She didn't understand, she asked Sister Mu Xue. Sister Mu Xue said it was caused by the accumulation of these years.

   Mu Xue also said that this kind of thing requires a certain chance.

   She believed it, but she didn't say it.

   It seems that Sister Mu Xue doesn't like to show off.

   Mu Xue was right, and Ya Yue's advancement was really just an accident.

   Follow-up is not so easy.

   However, the change of the exercise method will indeed speed up some practice speed.

   is not as good as those geniuses, but it will not be far behind.

   But it's just that.

   Everything still depends on Yayue herself.

   But Yayue is not a person who likes to practice. In a few years, she will still get married.

   Then live a happy life.

   Aunt Tang was surprised, but soon there was speculation.

   And I seem to be a blessing in disguise.

   is related to the purple-clothed goddess.

   "At the age of sixteen, the second-tier, whether in the clan or the realm of cultivation, can be regarded as a leader." Mu Ze said while looking at Yayue.

   There is some relief in the words.

   Yayue is naturally happy.

   But she is not proud.


   Because when she was second-order, she asked about sister Cha Cha by the way, and then she knew that sister Cha Cha was fourteen-year-old second-tier and eighteen-year-old third-tier.

   The entire world of comprehension cannot be slapped at the second level, but the eighteen-year-old third-level is really unmatched.

   Sister Cha Cha is not proud, how can she be proud.

   But Sister Cha Cha is much more powerful than Dao Zong Yu Ni, Sword Peak and Sword Fall.

   It just doesn't seem to have the feeling of looking at the proud girl of the sky at all.

   Dao Zong Yu Ni is different, stepping on the lotus flower, resonating with Dao, everything seems to support her.

   and unparalleled beauty.

   is better-looking and more distant than Cha Cha sister.

   Sister Cha Cha, there is no distance at all.

   Lu Shui stood beside Mu Xue, feeling that Lao Zhangren didn't look at Mu Xue too much.

   I really want to beat him.

   Of course, just think about it, he won't do it in this life.

  I can't do impulsive things, and Mu's family may not be able to come on impulse.

   It wasn't that Mu Jia dared to stop him, but Mu Xue didn't want him to conflict with Mu Jia again.

   smiles and tells him that it’s okay every time.

   In the end, Lu Shui could only secretly bring Mu Xue to Mu's house, and then secretly went back.

   Although Mu Xue didn't say anything, how could Lu Shui not know what she likes?

   So it is still important to make Mu Xue happy.

   As long as you don’t buy him durian.

   To be honest, I don’t want to eat anymore.

   The process is too painful.


   Mu Ze and Aunt Tang returned, and Lu Shui was ready to go back.

   Ticket for the next morning.

   Zhenwu ordered it.

   The next morning I can go to Qiuyun Town.

   Mainly because Aunt Tang and the others just came back, they have to stay for one day.

   But Lu Shui felt that it would take ten days to come home this time.

   This trip is really long.

   But he is not without gain.

   I went to God's Domain and read a lot of things. I knew that the person who wrote the Legend of Sword and Go was a bit special. I also knew about the existence of Midu, and got in touch with Ming in Midu.

   In addition, I gave the old man a reassurance pill.

   As for cultivation.

   At present, he has successfully stepped into 5.2, and his strength is much stronger, but his power has not changed much.

   Lu Shui calculated the time again, and he found that when he went back, it should be in the middle of the month.

   In other words, it will be more than ten days before the end of the month. At the end of the month, Qiao Ye will get engaged. He has an invitation and will probably have to go there.

   When the third elder spoke casually, he had to participate obediently.

   It's okay to go, just take Mu Xue and go together.

   Let's get acquainted with the atmosphere.

   The last time we got married was in the previous life, and the time is so tight, they have forgotten what the atmosphere is, it's good to look back.

   Who is Qiao Ye's target?

   He doesn't know, so ask at that time.

   "Miss Mu is going to Lu's house this time, when do you want to return to Mu's house?" Lu Shui asked curiously on the way back with Aunt Tang and the others.

   did not go with the old husband this time.

   After all, Ya Yue is the second-order, which is an important matter for them.

   They have to ask questions.

   Mu Xue must accompany Lu Shui of course, but Lu Shui is the guest.

   As for Cha Cha, I went to deal with her seafood.

   I think I will eat them all tonight.

   She wants to do it herself.

  Fish is fish, and shrimp is shrimp. How could she be the opponent of Oriental Chacha.

   "It depends on what Aunt Tang said, but I should wait another two months or so." Mu Xue thought for a while and said.

   She really can't make the decision for this kind of thing, only the elders in the family can make the decision.

   Although she wants to stay with Lu Shui all the time, she is worried that she will stick to Lu Shui before she gets married.

   Aunt Tang definitely disagrees.

   But two months is enough, it will be December by then.

   Divorce is only about two months at most.

   "Miss Mu will accompany me out at the end of the month." Lu Shui said.

   "Outing?" Mu Xue was a little surprised.

   This is the first time Lu Shui will take her out.

   Some expectations, and some happiness, but she still doesn't know what is going on.

   Well, no matter what, she is happy.

   "Well, going out, it is a young master of the Qiao family who wants to get married.

   The invitation was sent to the third elder, and the third elder was not free, so let me go. "Lu Shui said.

   The invitation is sent to the third elder, and finally a young master will go.

   I don’t know if the other party will have an opinion.

   But it can be sent to the third elder, which shows that the relationship with the third elder is good, and it seems that the other party may not care about the marriage.

   One of his young masters is enough to represent the Lu family.

   "But what status should I use to go?" Mu Xue asked softly.

   She has not married Lu Shui after all, and the other party has not invited her.

   does not need an identity, obviously not suitable.

   Lu Shui turned his head and looked at Mu Xue:

   "Of course it is the identity of my fiancee, what identity does Miss Mu want to use?"

   Mu Xue smiled and looked at Lu Shui, then shook her head:

   "No, I will go with Master Lu."

   When Lu Shui said that, she felt happy.

   There is no reason, just happy.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Some regrets, the relationship seems to be closer.

   But it's okay, you can pull hatred when you go back.

   But attending a wedding is a little happier for two people.

   can tell others that he also has a wife and will not suffer any mental harm.

   Although it was pulled by hatred, Mu Xue tried to beat him many times.

   But don't say that Mu Xue can't do it casually now, even if she can do it casually, she won't do it in front of others.

   It is one thing to give him face, mainly because Mu Xue wants to be a virtuous wife.

   How can reputation be defeated so quickly?


   That night, Mu Xue had been cooperating with Aunt Tang to get her red makeup wedding gown, so check if she was going out.

   "In the Lu family, control your diet, eat less desserts, your figure is out of shape, and you don't look so good when you wear them." Aunt Tang explained to Mu Xue.

   "Okay." Mu Xue touched her belly lightly.

   She was thinking, is she getting fat recently?

   If it is, it must be Lu Shui's fault, and he didn't take her seriously.

   "You can't be thin, and you won't look so good when you are thin." Aunt Tang added another sentence.

   Mu Xue still nodded gently:

"it is good."

   Lose weight is because Lu Shui is abusing her.

   Aunt Tang looked at Mu Xue and asked curiously:

   "Master Lu, are you right?"

   Hearing this question, Mu Xue thought about it and frowned again.

   Seeing Mu Xue frowning, Aunt Tang felt that Lu Shui was not good for Mu Xue.

   But soon she was a little surprised.

   Mu Xue thought about it and replied:

   "I thought about it, but I didn't think that Lu Shui would be a little bad for me. All I can think of is that he is very good."

   "..." Aunt Tang whispered:

   "When you like it, everything is good, love will blind people's eyes.

   You have to think about it. Marriage is not the same as being in love. The days may be different from what you expect.

   Aunt Tang is here. "

   Mu Xue nodded:

"Yes, I will."

   Aunt Tang didn't say anything, Mu Xue couldn't listen.

   When love is shining in the heart, what others say cannot cover the light.

   To put it simply, love makes Mu Xue's IQ worrying.

   But Mu Xue's marriage to Lu Shui is a matter of two families. How can you say that you won't marry if you don't marry.

   All she can do is to remind Mu Xue and pray for a good marriage by the way.

   "Aunt Tang married his father because of love?" Mu Xue asked suddenly curiously.

   She really didn't know about it, and she didn't even know anything about her mother.

   No one told her at all.

   "It's Aunt Tang's unilateral love." Aunt Tang helped Mu Xue try red makeup and replied by the way.

   Mu Xue was stunned, unable to speak for a while.

   Isn't this very hard work?

   "Don't think too much, your father is still a good man.

   And the husband and wife for so many years, it is very smooth. "Auntie Tang gently put aside the need for red makeup, and there was no problem with the comparison.

   just waited for the completion, and then let Mu Xue put it on.

   "Yeah." Mu Xue didn't ask much.

   If my father can go to Tang's house, it means that there is more or less Aunt Tang in his heart.

   As for her, she doesn't expect her father to care about her.

   It may be that Lu Shui has given too much love, and it has wrapped her all over the world.


   Lujia Fengshuanghe.

   At this time, a mist appeared in the river. Under the mist, a lotus rose in the river.

   Not long after the lotus blooms, a little girl stands in the lotus and looks around.


   She touched her belly, feeling that her supernatural power was already very strong.

   and she can use some magical powers.

   But I haven't finished reading that book.

   So be careful when you come out.

   It would be bad if it was seen by that human being, and I have to take a test.

   "Humans who blaspheme the true god, huh."

   If it were that stupid human being, she had already been educated by her divine power.

   But not long after I came back last time, she secretly went to the place full of flowers. She found a tree and absorbed some magical powers.

   I only finished digesting today.

   But when she was digesting, she still felt divine power fluctuations.

   "Take some more magical powers, and I won't be able to trap me here."

   The majesty of being a true **** will return in every possible way, and mankind will eventually have to pay the price for blasphemy.

   Thinking like this, the only true **** gently stepped ashore, walking very lightly, as if worried about being discovered.

   And just as she stepped ashore, a gust of wind passed by.

   The only true **** blows up hair instantly:

   "I didn't go out this time, so I just wandered around."

   Going out too often, she herself is afraid.

   It's just that she waited for a long time and didn't see the follow-up.

   "Hmph, the wind is a member of the world, and I have a wish, and I shall satisfy it."

   Then the only true **** flew directly out of Fengshuang River.

   She flew high above the Lu family, looked down, and looked for it again.

   "The human being is not there."

   The only true **** breathed a sigh of relief.

   It would be bad if the human let her take the exam.

   "Who are you looking for?" A sudden voice rang in the ears of the only true god.

   The only true **** was taken aback, and then looked to the side.

   is a little girl, just a few heads taller than her.

   But why is this human being so familiar?

   is from the back mountain.

   is over.

   "I, I just wander around here, and I don't mean to leave." The only true **** whispered:

   "Can you not throw it back?"

   True God needs face, especially her power has increased a lot recently.

   The second elder looked at the only true god, but in fact, it was the first time she talked to this one.

   is different from what she expected.

   seems to be afraid of being educated by the elder.

   "Where are you going?" The second elder was a little curious.

   "I feel that something is calling me over there, and I want to see it." The only true **** pointed in the direction of Shimen.

The second elder    looked over and said:

"What's your name."

   "The only true **** of heaven and earth." Upon hearing this, the only true **** immediately blurted out.

   She likes this question.

   The name of the true **** will be all over the world, and the world will remember her.

   "So it is divine power that summons you?" the second elder asked again.

   She kept her hand in the pocket of her coat, and she was not surprised at the answer of the only true god.

   "It is the duty of the true god." The only true **** said.

   The most recent summons are all in need of her help. As a true god, you can't just sit idly by.

   The second elder did not ask much, but went to Shimen with the only true fascination.

   In the blink of an eye, they came to the sky above Shimen.

   Their arrival did not attract anyone's attention.

   "Here is the summoning origin?" the second elder asked.

   The only true **** nodded.

   "Can you go in?" The door is not open yet, but the only true **** is special.

   And burying the gods may indeed have a certain relationship with the only true god.

   "The glory of God will shine on the gate, the majesty of the true **** comes from heaven and earth, nothing can stop the step of the true god." Saying that the only true **** appeared on the stone gate.

   At this moment, the words on the stone gate light up directly.

   The colorful light soars into the sky.


   The light rushed into the sky, and the entire Qiuyun town was directly illuminated by the colorful light, and everyone subconsciously looked towards the source of the light.

   There is a gap in the colorful light, which is the position of the only true god.

   As if the colorful light did not dare to offend the only true god.

   As a true god, above all else.

   The second elder looked at all this with some doubts.

   Is this gate prepared for the land or for the only true god?

   At first she thought it was Lu Shui who wanted it specially, but now it seems that this door is welcoming the only true god.

   But she didn't ask much, and didn't care much.

   then disappeared in place.

  The big and the small are really not worrying.

   This time I just came to see this true god, but unfortunately, the other party recognized her.

   And the only true **** at such a stop, he opened Shimen directly, and it seemed that the Lu Family wanted Qiuyun Town to be lively.

   Regarding this, the second elder didn't care.


   "Bye bye sister, bye bye sister Chacha." Early the next morning, Yalin waved at Mu Xue and others.

   Mu Xue also waved goodbye to Aunt Tang and the others.

  Dongfang Chacha looked reluctant. The seafood was not finished last night, so it was left to Yayue and Yalin.

   After that, Mu Xue and the others got on the train with Lu Water.

   Yayue and the others turned around when the train left.

   also take Yalin back to play with her little monster.

   "Mother, when will Sister Mu Xue come back?" Yayue asked curiously.

   "In about two months, the Mu's family is established, and he will come back and wait to get married." Aunt Tang explained, and then looked at Ya Yue curiously:

   "Do you want Mu Xue at home?"

When    Yayue was asked, she lowered her head and whispered:

   "Sister Mu Xue is actually very good."

   She feels that she doesn't need to care too much about being with Mu Xue, and it's okay if she makes a little mistake.

   "Ya Lin likes her sister too." Ya Lin also said immediately at this time.

   "I am not your sister?" Yayue stared at Yalin:

   "I will show you a book tonight."

   Yalin immediately covered her eyes:


   Aunt Tang looked at the two daughters and said nothing.

   As for Mu Xue, it should be happier at Lu's house than at Mu's house.

   Of course, let her marry out happily.

   I hope Mu Xue will not marry the wrong person.

   It didn't take long for Tang Yi to take her two daughters home. When she was about to get home, Yayue took Yalin to play with her little monster.

   took two spirit beasts by the way.

   The water cloud beast kept blowing bubbles on Yalin's head, and the fire cloud beast jumped everywhere.

   So when he didn't go to the formation to play with the little monster, Yalin was playing with the water cloud beast and chasing the fire cloud beast.

   Yayue thinks she suffers the most.

   Aunt Tang didn't care about this. The two spirit beasts basically listened to her two daughters, and the others couldn't catch them.

   Don't look at them as small, they don't have any cultivation base, you can't catch them.

   Then Tang Yi returned to his But to his surprise, his husband actually sat in the courtyard reading a book.

   I found an excuse to be busy early in the morning, but in the end I didn't want to send Mu Xue.

   "Are they leaving?" Mu Ze asked casually when Tang Yi came back.

   "Well, I got on the train." Tang Yi replied softly.

   Muze is not like this one day or two.

   "I have discussed with the patriarch today, I want to take your parents over to live for a few days." Mu Ze said casually.

   Tang Yi was taken aback.

   In fact, she knew that this matter was a bit difficult, because the Tang family didn't deal with the highland Gu raisers.

   If the plateau Gu raisers know that someone has come to the Mu's family, perhaps the Mu's family will suffer along with it.

   So she never made such a request.

   "The people have already been sent out, and they said hello to the Tang family. They will probably arrive tonight. You can find a place to let them rest. I'm busy." Mu Ze said.

   Tang Yi looked at Mu Ze, and finally smiled:

"it is good."


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