The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 361: There is one more sad man in this city

Mu Xue, who was about to return to Lu's house, looked up at the sky.

Then she saw Chacha and the sweet yam were taken away by a colorful light.

Mu Xue thought for a while, then moved her fingers, and a purple light flashed by.

After that, she didn't look at the sky again.

By the way, see what Lu Shui is doing inside.

Record secretly, or take a look occasionally, you should not be found.

But what is that bad guy doing with Cha Cha?

Having trouble?

In Mu Xue's eyes, he could see more.

She knows that Colorful Light is grasping the nine-year compulsory education of becoming a god.

Only when the rescuers are moved will they be arrested like this?

"Alright, by the way, let's see what difficulties this little guy has encountered.

I just don't know if Cha Cha can meet it. "Muxue muttered to herself.

Cha Cha was caught, but it didn't mean that he would be beside the only true god. This divine power obviously didn't have the power to travel through space and could only enter Shimen just right.

So whether you can meet it depends only on luck.

But Mu Xue would not let her strength extend in.

Will be discovered by land water.

Once you find it, you will definitely do nothing and hide.

It's fine if the place is big enough.

I'm afraid it's too small.

The place is big, even if she gathers her strength inside, she can't find Lu Shui.

Unless Lu Shui happened to be within her power range.

Without thinking about it, she thought it was better to worry about herself.

If Cha Cha is absent today, she will try to eat it, because it is easy to get fat.

But I have to find a way to help Chacha make a reason to leave home, otherwise the mother and Aunt Jin should be worried.

"Well, go back and write a letter, the content is that Chacha is going to explore Shimen."

After making up his mind, Mu Xue went to her residence.

Ding Liang looked up at the sky at this time and found that there was nothing.

She didn't understand and didn't ask.

The young lady may be thinking of Master Lu.


The wind blew in my ears.

The mist drifted before my eyes.

Countless spaces are superimposed under the feet.

Lu Shui looked at all this and felt it all.

Finally, he stretched out his hand and gently touched the passing space.

Finally the light appeared.

The land water disappeared in place.

Zhenwu and others who had been behind him also disappeared in place.

But before disappearing, except for Lu Shui, Zhen Wu and others closed their eyes.

As if falling asleep.

This is a sequelae of space transfer.

If the strength is not strong enough, they will fall asleep in this kind of space channel.

If you want to control the space ability, you need the strength of Tao Dao and above, but most people can understand the power of space only at the 9th level.

Eighth-order asked, there is not one in a thousand who can control the space ability.

Entering the Dao with seven steps, that is basically nothing.

Only a small number of people with special talents can control space abilities at the seventh and eighth levels.

Therefore, without external protection, it is not only possible that you cannot get out if you enter the space channel by yourself.

What's more, it is easy to lose consciousness in it.

The squeeze of space can crush spiritual consciousness.

Of course, these space channels are more or less protected.

If there is no protected space channel, people will be torn apart, let alone others.


In a huge town.

Light fell from the sky.

Several figures appeared in the light.

Except for one person standing, the others are lying on the ground.

Fell asleep.

Lu Shui looked at Zhenwu and the others who hadn't awakened, but didn't speak.

He frowned when he looked at the city.

This city is ridiculously big.

In his perception, he was completely unable to know the whole picture of the city.

What you see is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the previous door, he looked at all the spaces, and every place pointed to this city.

This city is the most likely place for Lu Shui to find news.

Towns usually have various records.

But it doesn't seem easy to find something in this city.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people.

It should be easier.

Then Lu Shui looked up to the sky, and he found a light in the distant sky.

This light penetrated the sky, as if connecting the upper and lower floors.

"Maybe you can go to the upper level from there." Lu Shui muttered to himself.

Because of bringing Zhenwu and others, he was sent to the lower level by default.

He knew it from the beginning.

If nothing is found in the lower level, he intends to go to the upper level.

However, there should be an eighth order in the upper level.

Fight, not to please.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lu Shui jumped to the roof of the city, and he looked around.

No one was found here.

Then Lu Shui stepped up into the air, he wanted to see the city from a height.

Lu Shui flew high.

When Zhenwu and the others were already extremely small, he still didn't see where the boundaries of the city were.

However, as he went up, he felt mist appearing around him.

No matter how far away, it began to be enveloped in mist.

"It is not the capital of the mist, but it has a certain relationship with the capital of the mist.

The geographical location may be next to each other. "

Thinking of these, the land water no longer continues to rise.

But choose to fall back.

"It's no wonder that heaven's secret dare to say that it won't affect the outside of Shimen.

Breaking the sky near the Mist City will not necessarily affect the Lu Family. "

Of course, it is impossible to affect the Mist City.

Even if it is next to each other.

The Mist City is not an ordinary space.


A gust of wind blew the land and water three minutes away from the ground.

Then he slowly fell to the ground.

After Lu Shui landed, Zhenwu Zhenling and the others began to wake up.

Jianqi they are not as fast as the real martial arts and spirits, but it is not too late.

"Young Master." After waking up, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling came to Lu Shui immediately.

"Friends of the Eastern Daoist." Jianqi they stood up.

But they are all a little curious about where it is.

"This is a city. At present, no danger is perceived, no human signs have been seen, and people from outside will not be ruled out in the future." Lu Shui glanced at the four of them and continued:

"Don't go to the sky, the higher it is, the more dangerous it is for you."

It is close to the capital of the mist, and being close to it may definitely have an impact.

Those with a weak cultivation base are easily taken away when they go up.

"What will be here?" Chuyu asked curiously.

There must be some danger in a strange place.

For now, this is too far from safety.

"I don't know what it is, so I need you to help me find something." Lu Shui said.

"What are you looking for?" Jianqi asked.

Qiao Gan is also very curious.

What Lu Shui would want.

"Data." Lu Shui looked at Jianqi and said:

"No matter when it is, and no matter what information it is, as long as it is related to Xian Ting, Buddhism, Gods, and Gods, it needs to be.

By the way, even autobiography.

The age is the best in ancient times. "

"If there are some that will hurt you if you look at it, you can tell me directly." Lu Shui added.

Jianqi they nodded.

They met this kind of thing once.

But relatively speaking, that thing is very dangerous.

Of course, with the presence of land and water, this danger appears to be relatively weak.

"Look for it separately now?" Qiao Gan asked.

"Whatever you want." Lu Shui paused and continued:

"By the way, don't worry about going out of the city, you won't be able to get out.

At least for now.

Even if you encounter some woods, they are still in the city. "

When the voice fell, Lu Shui waved his hand.

Four sheets of paper appeared in front of the four Chuyu, with a rune drawn on them.

"If you find anything, just activate the rune and tell me." Lu Shui ordered.

After the others had no objection, Lu Shui looked for a direction and left with Zhenwu True Spirit.

Naturally, he has to look it up himself.

Jian Qi and others looked at each other.

"I am enough." Jianqi said.

"I can too." Qiao Gan followed.

"I'm fine." Jian fell.

She is not weak at all.

And she can't be protected all the time, her knife will lose its sharpness.

In addition, there are little monkeys following, and the little monkeys are not bad recently.

Chu Yu shrugged:

"I must be the hardest."

other people:"......"

Yes, Chuyu wouldn't necessarily die if he was slashed by a sword, his healing technique was too strong.

Although it is impossible to beat the sword, but in another comparison, his combat power is not weak.

After all, in those years when he was a nanny, he was also clearing blame.

Qiao Gan still remembers this.

Then the four went in different directions.

It's not the first time everyone has gone out, nor is it the first time to explore the secret realm.

Moreover, the rune of Lushui is equivalent to a life-saving rune.


Lu Shui was walking on the road, he looked around, trying to find something useful from here.

"Look at the nearby building."

On the street, Lu Shui said softly.

Zhenwu Zhenling answered, and went to the surrounding residences.

Lu Shui looked at the street in front of him, and found that the road under his feet was paved with special materials, and the ground was flat and rough.

On both sides of the road, there are rows of townhouses.

The roadside is well planned, with sidewalks and street lights erected.

It's just that the street lights are a bit strange, there is nothing bright on them.

Some are runes that land and water can't understand.

In the rune, there is no power.

This city is a bit unusual.

What does this have to do with the true god?

At this time Zhenwu came out from the left, he stood beside Lu Shui and whispered:

"Master, there is nothing inside, the room is intact.

The doors and windows are intact, but there is nothing inside.

By the way, there are places with beds, tables and chairs.

The structure of the room is very similar to ours now. There is a toilet and a kitchen, but there are no extras.

Even the inside of the toilet is clean. "

Lu Shui nodded without speaking, at this moment the true spirit also came out from the other side:

"Master, I didn't notice anything, it was empty and clean.

Apart from simple furniture for doors and windows, there is nothing extra.

There is no food.

And there is no lighting, nor is there any device in the wall. "

Lu Shui was silent.

He looked at the street lamp and said:

"Do you see a rune similar to the one above?"

"No." Zhenwu Zhenling glanced at the street lamp, somewhat surprised, but still answered Lu Shui's question immediately.

They hadn't seen anything on the street lights before.

Lu Shui did not speak, but walked forward.

On the surface, this city is not inhabited by ancients.

Under normal circumstances, there should be a light bulb-like device in the room.

But there is nothing.

He has seen many of them, and it is really the first time like this.

Although there is no one in the ancient city of Chaos, it is not as well preserved as here.

And it's not so clean.

The people and certain things here seem to have disappeared in an instant.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that no one came in to live here after it was built.

"Look for something like a library."

Lu Shui said.

Zhen Wu Zhenling immediately nodded, and then began to search nearby.

Lu Shui walked on the street step by step.

He was not in a hurry, but strolled the empty street like ordinary shopping.

To feel the life of this city and this street.

As Lu Shui stepped forward, fluctuations began to appear under his feet.

It is the formation of heaven and earth.

He wanted to try to see what was left in this street from around the street.

Everything in the world will leave some news.

It depends on whether this thing can bear the endless years.

The thicker the thing, the more it can bear the erosion of the years.

History is like that.

Some history can be carried down in countless years, and some things will no longer be remembered after a month.

It is impossible to leave any unique message in this world.

There is no sound in the quiet street.

As Lu Shui walked around, the sound of his footsteps began to echo in the street.

Lu Shui didn't care about this, the heaven and earth formations were still unfolding, and he was still walking on the road, and the sound of orderly footsteps continued to be heard in his ears.

One step at a time, one voice at a time.

After walking for a long time, Lu Shui saw some figures beginning to appear in front of him.


The whistle sounded from the side of the street.

Then the noise of the street followed.

Finally, there is the laughter of the child.

The figure began to become clear.

The light that went out started to light up.

There was a crowd of people coming and going on the street.

The sound of the whistle came from the side. It was a large food store with many seats and many adults and children.

Lu Shui did not stop. He looked at these people and listened to these voices and continued to move forward.

At this moment, two people ran from in front of him.

It's a man and a woman. The men are not very handsome and the women are not particularly good-looking, but they are very happy holding hands.

The joy in the eyes seems to wrap the whole world.

These are two children who are only about ten years old.

Lu Shui stepped aside, these were two very clear figures.

In other words, their existence is extremely thick for this place.

Lu Shui watched them enter the food store, as if coming here to eat.

And at this moment, everything began to disappear.

Children laugh, the noise of the street, the whistle of the food store.

Everything is like a sudden mist that has completely dissipated.

Lu Shui saw that the street lights had lost their light, the streets had lost their shadows, the adults and children in the food store, and the food in the seats had all disappeared completely.

The city was empty and silent.

"This is not a new city."

Lu Shui turned his head and said in a low voice.

A being able to carry such a long trace means how big the information carrier the city was back then.

This city may be able to represent an era.

Represents the civilization of endless years.

And those two children may be the key to everything.

At least for this city, they are very important.

"It's hard to imagine, who on earth would build such a huge city."

"Moreover, only ordinary citizens live."

Lu Shui continued to walk on the quiet street, and the formation of heaven and earth continued to spread.

This city is very strange. An ordinary city will only make people see vague information, not so obvious.

But this city seems to have been blessed by some power.

So everything is so clear, so easy to be perceived.

Lu Shui walked for a long time, from this street to that street.

Walk step by step, feel step by step.

As he walked, he once again saw the silhouettes of people appearing in the empty streets, and the noise of the streets appeared.

The street lights came on again.

Lu Shui looked at all this with a calm expression on his face.

There are people coming and going around, and there are some clothes and hats on the street.

Men and women watched some clothes in the shop.

Lu Shui looked to the side. It was a small shop for buying clothes. The clothes were very ordinary, and they couldn't compare with some good ones.

There are two customers in the shop.

One man and one woman, the woman wearing ordinary skirts, turned around in front of the boy.

There was a smile on her face, with joy, with anticipation.

Looking forward to the little boy's evaluation.

At this moment the little boy just scratched his head and smiled.

His eyes were always on the girl, as if looking at the most beautiful thing in the world.

Two thirteen-four-year-old children.

Very dazzling.

Lu Shui looked at them without looking away.

The girl didn't wait for the boy's evaluation, and seemed to stamp her feet angrily.

But when he saw the boy, he smiled again.

Lu Shui heard laughter.

It didn't take long for the hustle and bustle of the street to subside, and the surrounding figures gradually disappeared.

The small shop selling clothes is still there, but everything in it is gone.

Clothes, boss, boy, girl, all disappeared completely.

All that is left are empty storefronts, quiet streets and silent cities.

Lu Shui did not linger, nor did he speak any more, let alone think.

He took a step and continued to walk forward.

The street is very long, and the land and water walk very slowly.

After a long time, Lu Shui came to the crossroads.

Looking around, there is not much difference between the townhouse buildings.

Finally stepped forward and walked forward.

When Lu Shui walked to the new street, the silent street greeted a sound.

Not the sound of Lu Shui's footsteps.

It was the majestic sound of heavy rain.



Lu Shui looked up, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Then he looked down again, and there was a little water on the ground.

It's just that his feet haven't stepped on the water, and his body has never been wet by rain.

The rain penetrated him and fell to the ground.

Da da.

Someone on the side ran over quickly, without rain shelter, so they ran very fast.

The light of the street lamp is very bright, and it provides a lot of light for the road in rainy weather.

After a while, Lu Shui stopped, and two people walked towards him.

Two men and women aged sixteen or seventeen.

The man is holding an umbrella, and the woman is walking under the umbrella, they are far away.

The rain was heavy, and the men put all their umbrellas on the women, and half of them were drenched by the rain.

At this time, the woman glanced at the man, and then pushed the umbrella to cover the rain for the man.

But just after pushing it over, the umbrella came to the woman's head again.

The woman pushed again and then came back.

At this time the girl stopped and looked at the boy beside her angrily.

She took a step and approached the boy.

Then found that it was still a little far away, and then stretched out his hand to give the boy a hand, and then the two touched shoulders.

The umbrella also successfully covered the two of them.

The girl blushed a little, and the boy was a little stiff in his actions.

Lu Shui watched the two approaching, gently tilted his body, letting them walk over.

They didn't walk fast, and Lu Shui's eyes kept on them.

Until the heavy rain disappeared, the shadows were gone, and the street lights went out.

Lu Shui didn't move, still watching the direction the two people left.

At this time Zhen Wu Zhen Ling jumped from a distance, and they stopped in front of Lu Shui, planning to speak.

Lu Shui just reached out to stop them before he spoke.

Zhenwu Zhenling was puzzled, but didn't say a word.

At this time, Lu Shui withdrew his gaze and continued to move forward.

Before he left, he waved his hand gently, signalling Zhenwu Zhenling to step back.

Facing the command of their young master, Zhenwu Zhenling did not dare to obey, they did not say a word, and did not make any extra sounds.

Instead, he retreated directly to the back and retreated to another street.

They looked at Lu Shui with puzzled eyes, but they didn't talk to each other.

The young master did not say a word, which shows that it is not suitable to speak at this time.

Lu Shui walked on the street, he had an intuition, and he should still have it.

The message carried by this city cannot be eliminated.

The news of countless years.

He walked through this street and walked on for a long time, many streets.

Until he reached a river.

There is a bridge over the river.

When Lu Shui walked here, he heard a voice.

It's the wind.

After hearing the wind, the street lights also lit up.

It's just that this time no one came and went, no children laughed, or even nothing but the wind.

Lu Shui walked on the road and walked towards the bridge, but he still didn't see any one person, nor did he see those two people.


There was a roar from the sky.

The heavy rain followed.

The heavy rain pattered like a hole in the sky.

The big raindrops wet the earth.

Lu Shui didn't care, but came all the way to the bridge.

This time Lu Shui saw people.

In the middle of the bridge stood a man, a double ten-year-old young man, holding an umbrella in his hand, covering the side position, even if half of his body was wet.

Also indifferent.

However, there was no one under his umbrella.

At this time, the youth lost the brilliance in his eyes, and the young girl was missing.

There was no sound anymore in the whole city, except for the heavy rain and the thunderous sky.

Lu Shui looked at him without speaking, and the world seemed to fall into silence.

After a while, the street lights went out one after another, and the life of ordinary towns disappeared little by little.

The lamp went out, the rain disappeared, and the young man with the umbrella disappeared.

He never moved until he disappeared.

Until he disappeared, Lu Shui did not see any figure appearing.

At this moment, the whole city fell into silence.

No sound anymore.

Only Lu Shui stood at the top of the bridge and looked at the middle of the bridge.

After a long time, Lu Shui sighed and withdrew the formation of heaven and earth.

No longer needed.

Then he looked back at Zhenwu Zhenling was still standing in the distance, as if waiting for his call.

"come on."

Lu Shui spoke softly.

His voice traversed the distance directly and reached Zhenwu Zhenling's ears.

After receiving the news, Zhenwu Zhenling walked towards the direction of land and water.

The young master should have been doing it just now, but they didn't understand and couldn't know.

Can only wait to inquire.

Maybe the young master will tell them.


When he came to Lu Shui, Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling spoke together.

I don't know if it is an illusion. When they are close to the young master, they feel that the young master's mood is not high.

It seems to be a little emotional.

What did the young master just know?

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