The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 365: The origin of the coast

boom! ! !

A huge attack sounded directly in front of Qiao Qian.

The powerful force is impacting the Quartet.

After that Tier 3 took out the jade pendant, he directly used the jade pendant and attacked Qiao Qian and the others with lightning speed.

Qiao Qian did not expect the other party to attack so quickly.

And she didn't adjust how to accept the impact of this force.

She probably won't be able to pick it up.

In the face of a powerful attack, she may be seriously injured, and in the end may have to drink hatred here.

Not reconciled.

Give her time, this Tier 3 is definitely not her opponent.


Who can give her time?

As the explosion sounded, Qiao Qian felt that her body was about to endure irresistible force.

There is a kind of fear in Qiao Yi's heart.

He felt that he was in the realm of cultivation, and he could die at any time.

Others wanted to resist, but this terrible impact made them have no idea of ​​confrontation.

However, what surprised them was.

After the aftermath of power subsided.

They did not suffer any harm.

Especially Qiao Qian, she found that she was not hurt at all.

There is not even a trace of being impacted by the force.

What happened?

Is the opponent's strength insufficient, or her life-protection magic weapon is actually much stronger than expected?

However, she soon found out that nothing was right.

After the power subsided.

She saw a dark shadow falling directly in front of her.

Behind this dark figure, there seemed to be a huge figure.

The power slowly appeared in it.

Are they rescued?

And still a stranger?

Qiao Qian is a little unclear, so why did the other party suddenly help them at this time?

The person on the other side stared at the black shadow, as if not very surprised.

Qiao Gan took back Qianniandun, no way, he couldn't do anything.

It is impossible to watch his sister get hit hard like this.

However, he was not sure to fight that Tier 4 either.

Qiao Gan landed on the ground, looking at the people over there, especially at Tier 4.

The other party has been hiding his cultivation base, probably because he is worried that there are actually stronger people on his sister's side.

Now that they have appeared, they are not worried, they should be dispatched to Tier 4.

"Your Excellency doesn't seem to belong to the Qiao family." The third order looked at Qiao Gan and asked.

Yes, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't think that the other party was from the Qiao family.

But fear is inevitable, the opponent can resist Tier 4 attacks, and can't perceive everything behind the black robe.

This cannot be underestimated.

Qiao Qian and others also looked at the black robe.

They didn't feel that the other party was their own.

"Entrusted by others." Qiao Gan said in a low voice.

With the Qingtian Ming Shen Jue activated, he was ready to confront Tier 4.

Borrowing his treasures should be able to delay some time.

After that, I can only talk about it.

This is not in line with his code of conduct.

However, sometimes, accidents always happen.

"So the friend came for the treasure too?" At this time, Tier 4, who had been standing at the back, came to the front.

When he came over, the breath on his body began to rise.

Has climbed from 3.1 to 4.1.

This sudden change made Qiao Qian and others pale.

The Tier 3 just now can no longer be dealt with, now comes Tier 4?


Qiao Gan frowned.

He really didn't want to get into conflict with people, he could bear a bit of grievance or a bit of beating.

From a proud young master to a useless waste young man, he suffered too much coldness and too much bullying in the middle.

But he can bear it.

It doesn't mean that he gave up emotions.

Qiao Gan had no words, and he didn't need words. Facing Fourth Tier, he had very little reliance on.

So there can be no distraction at all.

At this time, Tier 4 also plans to do it.

He needs to try what kind of strength this person has.

It doesn't seem to be that strong.

However, just when he was about to move, he suddenly felt a bitter sword intent.

At this moment, he had taken a step back subconsciously.

"Who?" He looked to the side.

How come someone keeps coming out?

Qiao Gan also felt the terrible sword intent.

Of course, the important thing is that he has seen this sword intent.

The others didn't feel it much, but they also knew someone coming from the side.

The sound of footsteps also came.

Qiao Qian and the others are a little nervous, the more people there are, the more people may be eyeing the treasure.

However, they seem to be saved as a result.

Da da da.

The sound of steady footsteps came from the street step by step.

Soon a figure walked out of the street.

He was dressed in white, with a sword in his hand, as if the sword intent was flowing in his eyes.

As soon as this person came out, he didn't look at that Tier 4, but turned to look at Qiao Gan and asked:


Seeing the sword come up, Qiao Gan also breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded slightly:

"might have."

Jianqi stopped speaking, he turned his head to look at the fourth step and walked over step by step, and then he heard his calm voice:

"Leave it to me for Tier 4, and you for the rest."

Qiao Gan nodded.

He knew that Jianqi was different from ordinary people.

Neither Jianluo nor Daozong Yuni could compare with Jian.

From Lu Shui, he came to a conclusion that the future might be the ceiling of the era's combat power.

As for where the fire is.

Chuyu told him that it was probably on the roof.

If it doesn't work, it's in the atmosphere.

It's not the ceiling anyway.

As for him, he doesn't know it himself.

He just wanted to live quietly, Lu Shui was so powerful and still recognized as a trash master.

What does he want so much to do?

Perhaps this will enable you to live more securely.

Without thinking about it, Qiao Gan looked at someone other than Tier 4.

Qingtian Mingshen Jue began to condense in his arm.

Then his broken hand stretched out again.

It is the presentation of power.

Qiao Qian looked at the black-robed man with two hands, lowered her eyebrows, and muttered to herself:

"So there are hands."

She just looked at the other person wearing a black robe, always feeling that the two sides are not in harmony.

She thought...

But only she thought.

Think about it too.

how can that be possible?

This person is a bit abnormal, and the opponent's aura is very strong.

This is not something that people like them can have.

Not to mention…

Then Qiao Qian and the others looked at Jianqi again, and they recognized Jianqi.

But the sword is only the third rank, right?

How to fight a fourth-order?

"Jian Yifeng Jian Qi?" The fourth-order frowned as he watched Jian Jian, but quickly said again:

"We discovered things first. Is Jian Yifeng going to bully the small with big things?"

"Senior, junior third-order, if you die under senior's hand, junior will have nothing to say.

Jian Yifeng also couldn't notice that it was the hands of the predecessors.

So how can you bully the small with the big? "Sword started to walk out step by step, and said again:

"My sword is cultivating a sword. I only have enemies in my eyes and swords in my heart.

Even if we really want to bully the small with the big, dare to ask the predecessors.

Is it worth it? "

"Jian Yifeng, the first person in the younger generation, is such an arrogant person?

Tianjiao who is not worthy of its name. "The fourth-order said with cold eyes.

He didn't seem to be doing anything.

It's just that the pace of the sword never stopped.

Qiao Gan looked around, when the sword was closer.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand.

At that moment, a sea of ​​fire fell from the sky.

It's his nine-day gourd.

When the fire fell, there seemed to be countless things burning in the air.

It is poisonous gas.

The opponent began to poison the sword.

When everyone was wondering about the flame, the sword that was raised from the sword came out of its sheath.


The crisp sound is directly transmitted to everyone's ears.

At this moment everyone had to turn their heads to look at Jian Qi.

The moment they looked at the past, the surrounding sword intent was scattered, and countless sword intents began to converge with the swords in their hands.

Wan Jian returned to the clan.

The sword is out of the sheath, the sword intent is unified, and the sword is cut to the fourth order.

When Tier 4 returned to his senses, what he saw was a sword, but he didn't know if it was an illusion, he felt countless swords slashing towards him.

At Tier 4, he directly began to defend.

But after all, it was a little late.

The sword that could be blocked by paying a sufficient price could not be blocked because it lost the first opportunity.

His eyes were completely covered by this sword.


When the others recovered, the sword from the sword had already been sheathed.

And that Tier 4 stared at Jian Qi, and finally knelt down.

Unbelievable in his eyes, he finally fell head-on.

He never thought that the sword life could be so strong.

I just lost the opportunity.

If it were not to use poison, he would not necessarily lose.

Even if you lose, you definitely have a chance to escape.

It's a pity...I don't have a chance to do it again.

Otherwise he can fight back.

When Tier 4 died, the fire kept burning.

Others were also stunned by Jianqi's sword, which gave Qiao Qian a chance.

When everyone reacts.

It's too late.

When the fire is extinguished, everything will return to dust.

Qiao Qian and others looked at the scene in front of them, unable to speak for a while.

The few people they couldn't deal with at all were solved in such an understatement.

Qiao Qian suddenly understood something, what her grandfather said.

Jianqi is the real first arrogant.

That sword gave her the feeling of facing seniors.

But Jianqi should be not much bigger than her.

At this moment Qiao Gan stood beside Jianqi, and he subconsciously wanted to weaken his sense of existence when there were too many people.

Jian Qi has a strong sense of presence, so it is a very good thing for him.

"This is our discovery." Qiao Qian took out a slate.

There are square positions on the stone slab.

And there is a floating light in the middle, as if it is guiding the direction.

"We don't know what this is, but there are two things we found. One is that this thing seems to be pointing to a certain position, and the other is that holding this thing will speed up the cultivation." Qiao Qian explained.

Qiao Gan looked at Qiao Qian and didn't know what to say for a while.

His sister is no longer the young and energetic eldest, she knows how to examine the existing situation.

Qiao Qian naturally knew what was going on now. These two people were able to kill the gang before, and naturally they were also able to kill them.

Things can't be kept.

And these two people have a life-saving grace for them after all.

People also need to know the Entubao.

Everything must be handed over for reason.

Qiao Yi dare not say a word.

The appearance of Jian Qi made him instantly feel how ordinary he is.

As if he was an ordinary person.

He has a feeling that this kind of person cannot be surpassed at all.


Lu Shui walked around the church, but found nothing in the end.

Although Zhenwu Zhenling found some things, they were all useless.

All are decorations in the church.

"still none."

Lu Shui arrived in the hall, and now he could still perceive the existence of divine power.

But there is no source.

There are only two possibilities now.

Either the divine power has always been here, and it has never disappeared.

Either there is something that can move and has supernatural power.

Moved here not long ago, and now I'm leaving again.

Lu Shui thinks the second possibility is even greater.

Because he felt the dissipation of divine power.

If it happened very early, it should have disappeared long ago.

Unless there are countless supernatural powers here, it has only dissipated like this in recent days.

Then Lu Shui didn’t care,

I'll see it later.

If there is anything that moves, he will always meet him.

"Master, there is nothing left to find." Zhenwu Zhenling said.

Lu Shui nodded, and didn't force anything.

After all, there are discoveries inside, that's enough.

Now, just think of a way to connect to the upper layer.

I hope the upper class will not hold back.

Lu Shui walked out of the church, wondering how he could connect the upper and lower floors.

There would be a hint, but I can only ask two questions.

Now he can only figure it out for himself.

When he left the church, Lu Shui could feel that the church had returned to normal.

It seems that it is indeed a group of people, and it will be closed once.

Avoid entering two groups suddenly.

Then Lu Shui turned his head to look at the beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth, and he decided to go and take a look.

Maybe something will be gained.

If it didn't work, I called Chuyu and the others into the church, and then I saw if I could ask them how to connect the upper and lower floors.


When Lu Shui left, he suddenly sensed that Chuyu's rune had changed.

After sensing the change, Lu Shui planned to see what he found.

Only when trying to connect, I found that the other party did not leave a message.


Well, it seems that I forgot to teach.

But he can perceive the position.

"Look at Chuyu."

Speaking of Lu Shui, he immediately moved forward.

Every step he takes, he disappears in place, and then appears in the distance.

Zhenwu Zhenling: "..."

Master, aren’t you bullying?

But they didn't hesitate at all, and used all their cultivation base to catch up.

The young master shouldn't leave them behind.

But after a while, Lu Shui came directly to the vicinity of Chuyu.

It is a place with many houses. Compared with the townhouses, it is a bit ordinary.

But it's not a slum area.

After all, everything seems to be complete and not so crowded.

Then Lu Shui saw an entrance, which was an entrance to the underground.

Chuyu's position is below.

However, after perceiving it at will, Lu Shui found that there was no danger below.

When he entered, he saw Chuyu waiting for his arrival underground.

"So fast?" Chu Yu actually just came to the underground entrance.

He was going to wait at the entrance outside.

Lu Shui looked at the underground space and found that it was not only dark, but also not crowded at all.

There is a passage leading down here.

It's a ladder.

"What did you find?" Lu Shui asked.

"Eastern Taoist Fellows will know when they enter, we seem to have a mission here.

It is impossible to find what you are looking for without accomplishing the task. "Chu Yu leads the way.

"The task is to connect the upper and lower floors, but I don't know how to connect for the time being." Lu Shui said.

Chu Yu: "..."

It turned out that the big brother already had a look.

However, his discovery should have a certain chance to let the boss know how to connect the upper and lower levels.

When they went down the stairs, they came to the empty hall.

The entrance is four stone pillars with many runes carved on them.

And in the middle of the four stone pillars, there is a formation.

Arrays related to energy.

Even if you can't understand the lines of this formation, many people can understand the effect.

This type of formation has the same goal by different routes.

Lu Shui glanced at the formation and knew that it was related to connecting the upper and lower layers.

But he knew that this was definitely just one of the formations.

If you want to connect to the upper level, this formation is not enough.

Then Lu Shui turned his gaze to the wall, as if there was some pattern on the wall.

It was just obscured by a force.

"Supernatural power."

Yes, Lu Shui saw a supernatural power on the stone wall.

It should be the only true God hiding something.

"There should be something in the stone wall, but we can't see through it." Chuyu explained.

"How did you find this place?" Lu Shui did not go to see the stone wall for the first time, but asked Chu Yu.

Of course he also saw Jian Luo and the little monkey.

The little monkey now is still holding a mole he hasn't seen before.

The problem should be this mole.

Sure enough, Chuyu caught the mole and said:

"This mole brought it here, but first you have to take this mole to find someone. That person seems to be a phantom.

As long as Mole saw him, he would turn into a light and merge into Mole's mind.

Then the mole will bring us here.

The altar that looks like a power formation can also be filled with the unique core of the mole.

Otherwise, it is impossible to fill success with our strength. "

"When filling, you will get a very strange news, or feel." Jian Luo beside Chuyu thought about it, and continued:

"It seems to tell you that as long as you activate it, you will get more and more, which makes people unable to question."

Jianluo has one or two pits, which were given to her by Dongfang Chacha.

To be honest, Dongfang Chacha felt very strange to her.

Obviously she was the first person, but she didn't really care about it.

The other party never seemed to think that he was the first person in the younger generation.

"And this mole." Chuyu grabbed the unloved mole and said:

"From it, we know that there are actually many moles in some places, but this place doesn't know where it is for a while.

It seems that you need something to bring to know. "

Mole reached out and grabbed it to the ground.

Tired of being tossed, it wants to go home.

You shouldn't be out looking for food today.

Misfortune never comes singly.

Lu Shui looked at the mole and could indeed see that the mole had the characteristics of a medium.

"That person disappeared?" Lu Shui asked.

He has some interest in that person.

"It turned into a light and disappeared. I don't know if it will appear again. I watched the other party suddenly appear.

I tried to talk to him, but couldn't talk.

I can't touch it either.

His face was tied with a bandage, and although his eyes were open, he could not see any expression, like a walking dead. "Chu Yu said in detail.

As Lu Shui listened, he thought of the person holding the umbrella on the bridge.

But without seeing it with his own eyes, he couldn't determine whether it was right or not.

However, the formation has energy to fill, which is indeed a good thing for them.

Otherwise, relying on the strength of these people, it is impossible to open this altar at all.

The problem now is to find a place where there are many moles.

Before looking for it, he wants to look at the stone wall.

He wanted to see what the only true God was trying to cover.

Then Lu Shui stepped to the front of the stone wall.

Zhenwu Zhenling followed behind, and Chuyu and Jianluo also followed.

They also wanted to see what was on the stone wall, but they used all the methods to no avail.

The thigh should be fine.

I just don't know if the thighs will let them see.

Lu Shui stood in front of the stone wall, and he waved his supernatural power under the stone wall.

Suddenly the divine power began to disappear.

This is inherent supernatural power, which is different from what he saw in the church.

This divine power has true divine power, and as long as it does not disperse, it will not disappear.

Only by reaching a similar realm, or possessing a similar power of the Great Dao, can the divine power be dispelled.

Of course, perhaps the true **** didn't know that Lu Shui's power of heaven and earth and Mu Xue's hunyuan energy also had similar powers.

At this moment, Chuyu and the others saw the power that they couldn't dispel, and they collapsed like an ordinary mist in front of their thighs.

Well, nothing to be surprised.

The thigh is the thigh after all.

The first arrogant of the present age, the only one in all ages, the young master of the Hidden Sky School, Liuhuo.

After the divine power dispelled, Lu Shui saw the first painting, and the picture was very clear.

In the cloud, there is a big table condensed by the cloud.

At the top of the table, there were two people sitting, and on either side of them, many people were sitting.

They seem to be discussing something.

The moment when Lu Shui and others saw this painting.

He seemed to be sucked in by the painting.

Land and water did not resist this.

Others are unable to resist.

Soon Lu Shui and the others appeared directly on the cloud, and what they were watching was the meeting.

And many people in that meeting seemed to be alive.

In other words, Lu Shui was watching the video at that time.

It was brought by Shek Pik itself.


Supernatural powers.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was also a little surprised, but did not speak, just watched.

Chuyu and the others were afraid to speak, after all, their thighs were watching.

However, they just happen to know what is on the stone wall.

"The Bi'an Flower has been planted, the Wangchuan River was successfully filled with water, and the Naihe Bridge was successfully built.

The premise of reincarnation has been completed, and now there is a lack of a medium that will circulate forever. "

The sudden voice came to Lu Shui's ears.

This voice has been translated, or it uses thoughts.

Although I don't understand what the other person is saying, I can directly know what the other person is saying.

But this short sentence let him know one thing.

That is the origin of the other coast.

From the other party's words, he can know that the other party is the one who created the other side.

The other shore is not ordinary.

"That said, the era of this city is indeed outrageous for a long time, and I don't know how many years it takes to trace back to the era of the other shore."

Lu Shui was puzzled.

But the longer he was, the more curious he was about those two people.

There is no strong presence in this city.

Only those two people remained.

The true **** must have intervened in this matter at that time.

But why is there no reason why people connect the upper and lower layers?

Perhaps these stone walls covered by divine power will give him the answer.

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