The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 368: The Arrangement of the One True God

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Zhenwu Zhenling just watched Lu Shui disappear.

Sure enough, when the young master didn't want people to follow, they couldn't keep up.

But what are they doing now?

Go in and rescue the mole with those people?

Forget it, let's wait for their young master here first.

I just don't know what their young master is doing.

From the previous altar, they knew that the young master should have seen more things.

As for what it is, they don't know.

Maybe they don't understand it.


When Lu Shui appeared, it was on the street.

He used the heaven and earth formation pattern to make a discovery before.

Going to follow the clues to find that person.

Zhenwu Zhenling followed, affecting his speed, so he could find him alone.

Soon Lu Shui saw it, a man standing on a street corner without moving.

There was a bandage on his face, and although his eyes were open, there was no brilliance.

Black and white are distinct, like losing focus.

Lu Shui saw him, and then appeared in front of the person one step at a time.

"Not the body."

Shaking his head, Lu Shui stepped out and headed in another direction.

Not long after he saw another man who was exactly the same as before.

With just a glance, Lu Shui turned and left.

Still not the main body.

What he wants to see is the ontology.

Only the body can see more things.

On the way, Lu Shui saw other people, but other people would not see him.

The appearance of the light just now naturally made many people know what to do.

Those who have some ideas will always think about connecting the upper and lower layers.

It just needs a place.

There is more than one church, so some people will know what to do when they come out of it.

Lu Shui didn't care about these.

He is still looking for the person's body.

This time the land water stopped in place.

He suddenly had a feeling.

Perhaps there is a place where the person's identity can be found.

Then Lu Shui disappeared in place, and he went all the way to the place he knew.

Not long after, Lu Shui appeared at Qiaotou.

Yes, he came to the beginning of the bridge.

The bridge head that saw the man holding an umbrella alone.

Lu Shui stopped at the head of the bridge and looked towards the middle of the bridge.

This time there was one more person on the empty bridge.

A man with a bandage on his face and no brilliance in his eyes.

"It's him."

When he saw this man, Lu Shui understood one thing.

The divine power in the previous church radiated from this person.

Yes, when Lu Shui looked at him, he saw divine power.

Very strong supernatural power.

It was left by the only true God, and there was a blessing in this divine power.

Blessing from the true God.

"Let me see, what else the true **** has left." Lu Shui came to the man.

His hand began to touch the supernatural power left by the Only True God.


The moment Lu Shui touched the divine power, he felt that he was wrapped in the divine power.

Consciousness was brought into divine power.

At this moment, Lu Shui saw the only true god.

At this time the only true **** stood high in the sky.

She peeled off the light from the other shore with divine power and put the light into the upper and lower passages.

Not only did she not destroy this reincarnation, she also used divine power to improve it.

To ensure the continuation of the cycle.

She appeared at activation points everywhere, leaving supernatural power on the murals, covering the truth.

She came to the church, modified the frescoes, and added her powers.

She went to all the churches on the upper and lower floors, all the activation points.

Modifications everywhere.

Finally came to the lower level.

She came to a man whose face was **** with a bandage, with pity in her eyes:

"I offer my blessings to this world, a beautiful dream for all those who have died.

People on the other side of the coast, I relieved their knots and gave them choices.


"But you alone, I can't do anything."

"You only have obsessions. Even if you let you meet, you can't let you know."

"But I have left a blessing on you. The endless years will allow you to recover briefly. When you connect to the upper and lower levels, you will return to normal in an instant.

But only for a moment.

There is only so much I can do. "

"If at that time I am still the only true God of heaven and earth, I will come over and connect the upper and lower levels for you."

"If I will fall because of becoming the only true God, then I will use the power left behind, my arrangement.

Let others help you connect the upper and lower levels.

It will be successful. "

"Because this is a blessing from the only true God of heaven and earth."


Everything disappeared instantly.

Lu Shui saw everything and knew all cause and effect.

I understand why the only true God will let people connect the upper and lower levels.

I also understand why this city will carry these two people.

Because of this city, it has existed for a long time because of them.

It is not that the city is carrying them, but they are carrying the whole city.

Obviously they are just ordinary people, but they have the ability to open up reincarnation for others.

"The only one who can do this for ordinary people is the true **** who often misses appointments."

Lu Shui sighed in his heart.

He has helped the only true **** to clean up so many messes, not much more than one.

Not paying attention to the other land and water, looking at the man in front of him, whispered:

"Let me help you.

Help you find that girl.

Help you find the girl you care about.

Let her return to you.

I am not a true god, and I am not the only one in heaven and earth, but I have enough ability to help you. "

At the moment when Lu Shui's words fell, he felt that he was being watched by the person in front of him.

He knew that the blessing of the One True God had achieved sufficient results.

"Little Ya, she's gone."

A hoarse voice came from the man's mouth, the voice with sadness, despair, and anxiety.

Lu Shui seemed to be able to hear the sound of the man shouting when he was looking for the girl countless years ago.

At the moment when the opponent's voice fell, Lu Shui felt a divine touch on the opponent's body.

Then the divine power began to extend, covering him from the man.

Lu Shui didn't care, let the divine power cover it, and then the divine power led him through the space.


Lu Gu and the others were walking on the street, looking for an activation point.

But I have not been able to find a clue.

"No clue?" Lu Gu asked, looking at Mo Xiu Ji'an who came back.

"This city university is outrageous, and it will take some time," said Mo Xiu Ji'an.

He found himself running errands now.

But with money, he is also happy to run errands.

It just feels different from what I originally thought.

If you can meet a few enemies.

His value can be reflected.

Of course I like to stand and make money when I come out to do business.

I have a sense of accomplishment and I am very happy.

However, the reality is cruel.

For the time being, I can only run errands.

Lu Gu didn't care. So far, they are not behind.

But this city is really outrageous.

"Do you think that to find the activation point, do you need a precondition?" Dongfang Yeming asked.

"Even if you need pre-conditions, you have to find pre-conditions?" Mo Xiu Ji'an said.

So far, he has not seen anything wrong.

"Do you think this city, does it feel against peace?

Perhaps we can know the preconditions, or activation points. "Dongfang Liu said.

Lu Gu agrees with this.

But what about the violation?

After all, nothing was found.

And just when they are thinking.

Suddenly, a light burst into the sky.

The light rushed into the sky as if it had lighted up something.

The moment they saw this light, Lu Gu and the others received the news directly.

They know that this is the light belonging to the lower layers.

There are also thirty-six places on the lower level, and every time a place is activated, a beam of light will appear.

Once the upper level is activated, then light will fall from the sky.

A total of thirty-six locations.

Up and down, all activated, the channel will be opened.

The questioning begins, and the root power begins to divide up after the questioning ends.

"The lower level activated the first place so quickly? Who activated it?" Dongfang Yeming was a little unbelievable.

They can say that there is no delay along the way.

But even the place was not found.

Others do it well and directly activate the first place.

"It seems that we are a lot behind." Lu Gu said.

The lower level is more capable than he thought.

But they also know one thing, once activated, no entry or exit is allowed.

In other words, after activation, other people can't do tricks.

"It's really a race against time." Dongfang Liu also thought.

Mo Xiu Ji'an felt that a few of them were weak, and it was not easy to grab a position.

However, no one at the upper level has found it yet, so it is hard to say.

"Perhaps the lower level is easier, the upper level has not been activated so far," said Mo Xiu Jian.

However, just after Mo Xiu Ji'an's words fell.

A beam of light fell in the sky.

This light beam seemed to penetrate the earth and went directly to the lower level.

Lu Gu and others looked at Mo Xiu Ji'an.

Mo Xiu Jian: "The first one has luck."

Just after the words fell, another beam of light fell from the sky.

The light shines.

The second one appeared on the upper level.

Everyone looked at Mo Xiu Ji'an again.

"There can't be a third one, right?" Mo Xiu Ji'an felt it couldn't be so coincidental.

Then the third light began to appear.

Still falling from a high altitude, that is to say, the upper layer has lost three activation points.

There are currently only thirty-three.

Mo Xiu Jian: "..."

Why is it so bad?

Seeing the gazes of the gold masters, Moxiu Ji'an pulled his hand to his mouth, indicating that he would not speak any more.

"Let's go, it seems we are already behind." Lu Gu said.

Three activation points disappeared in an instant.

If this is repeated, the mentality will go wrong.

Dongfang Yeming and the others naturally have no opinion. In fact, they are very curious, how exactly did those people do it?


"We are actually the third. It seems that there are many strong people in the upper level." Yu Xian said while looking at the high-altitude beam.

"We can't underestimate this era, and there will definitely be people from Buddhism and the gods. By then, our enemy may be them." Feng Xian frowned.

The three of them activated the location almost in one time period, that is to say, their strength was almost equal.

If there is only one person on the other side, then it is a big problem.

You know, it takes a huge amount of power to activate the location.

All three of them spent a lot of time.

Once the number of opponents is small, it means that they are strong enough.

"What's more fascinating now is how to divide the root force. If it is only equal, then more of us have the advantage." Lei Xian said softly.

"At that time, we can also grab it." Feng Xian said with a smile.

After that, they no longer speak, and the earlier it is activated, the better it will be for them.

Because the recovery time is long, it is equal to the heyday.

Others may just barely get on.

Then it must be in a period of weakness.

This way they have a higher winning rate.


"Only second?"

In a wood, where the light shines.

A woman in a black robe stood among the four stone pillars.

She looked surprised at Skyrim.

She thought she should be the first.

Later, the next level became the first one.

Then she felt that she should be the first in the upper class, but the accident still happened.

When she was about to activate the location, the first one on the upper level was also robbed.

She became the second.

"I don't know what the division is. If it is ranked according to the ranking, then I may only be ranked third."

"It's not good for me.

If the first and second do not have Xian Ting and Buddhism, that's okay. "

"It depends on the situation, but..."

The Dark Goddess tried it, and she found that with her power, it was possible to get out of this place.

"This has nothing to do with the old god, otherwise it will be difficult to get out."

As she said that, she looked to the side of the stone wall. Before, she wanted to try to see the content inside through the old divine power.

But surprisingly, she couldn't do it.

Maybe the body comes, there is a certain possibility.

But now, the gap is too big.

Old god, very strong.

She could not deny this.

"It is impossible to accurately observe her power, otherwise we can roughly know what level she is at."

The dark goddess didn't think too much.

She also needs to rest now.

Even with the blessing of the goddess of ice sea and the **** of light.

She is also just a clone, and her strength can't be too strong.

After all, it didn't take long for her to wake up.

"I hope I can bring back enough divine power."

She actually cares about the first place in the upper ranks.

The lower level is only level five and below, so you don’t need to care about anything.

But the upper level is not the same, it is definitely the strong one.


"Cousin, if this thing is activated once, you can ask one question, how many can you ask if you activate it twice?" Dongfang Chacha touched the luminous stone pillar and asked.

At present, the sweet potato is in the formation.

Because Mu Xue felt too bright, she came out.

Oriental tea tea naturally also goes out.

The only true **** has been standing on the head of Oriental tea.

Stupid humans.

"Twice?" Mu Xue was a little surprised.

"Yes, I and Xiangyu seem to have activated one before," Dongfang Chacha said.

"Then you can probably ask two questions, then you can ask the only true god." Mu Xue said.

"If you ask this question, will that count as a question?" Dongfang Chacha asked.

Mu Xue: "..."

She doesn't know.

"You ask that little guy, she is the only true god, and may be able to understand the thoughts of the only true god." Mu Xue said.

Now she is waiting, waiting for the upper and lower floors to open.

She didn't care much about the lower class.

Land water will definitely activate all the lower layers.

Mainly the upper level.

Now that there are three, the competition will definitely become fierce.

If one or two are missing by then, she will have to take a trip.

After all, promised.

Mu Xue looked at the girl beside her.

She has stayed here since Mu Xue wanted to help her.

Never disappeared.

The only true **** felt that she was offended again.

This human being disappeared in front of her, but not in front of the human being.

The majesty of God was desecrated.

boom! !

Dongfang Chacha was shot out.

"Huh! Stupid humans."

"The majesty of the true **** cannot be offended."

Dongfang Chacha got up and touched his forehead, saying:

"You can't call me stupid human."

The only true **** is a little curious:

"Humans are stupid, shouldn't they be pointed out?"

"You are scolding yourself like this." Oriental tea ceremony.

"Human, your brain is broken."

"No wow, you have to think like this, you can't bully your cousin, you can't bully the bandage girl, you can only bully me.

And I am a stupid human.

Explain that you can only bully stupid humans.

If you want to call me a smart human, it means that you can bully not only stupid humans, but also smart humans. "Dongfang Chacha seemed to remind.

The only true god: "???"

Then she blushed:

"Stupid humans, I think you are offending me again."

"No, oops, it hurts."


When Lu Shui appeared, he was in a palace.

There are the same stone pillars and the same formations here.

"It's another one. It seems that Zhenwu and the others can come and fill the energy here."

Then Lu Shui turned his head to look at the man beside him:

"Wait until I find that girl for you."

The other party did not respond, Lu Shui could understand.

Everything about the other party was temporary, and it was extremely difficult to be able to speak a word just now.

After that, Lu Shui left the place.

But when he walked out, he could feel the situation in other places on the lower level.

Roughly has it been found.

It seems that this place is rather special.

But it has no effect on land water.

He is going to see the situation on Jianqi's side.

Then speed up the lower activation point.

As soon as he left the position, Lu Shui saw three beams of light falling from the sky.

"It's fast enough."

He didn't care after that.

He will make the lower level faster and put enough pressure on the upper level.


When Lu Shui returned to the place where Zhenwu and Zhenling were.

Found that it has been extremely tragic here.

Zhenwu Zhenling also joined the battle circle.

In front of the woods, Jianqi and others kept fighting with some sand monsters.

These monsters are constantly being defeated and merged into the earth, and they are constantly pouring out of the woods.

Lu Shui watched, but didn't participate. These sand monsters were hard to deal with.

But with the delay of time, Jianqi they will definitely win.

But it takes a lot of time.

It takes a lot of time to join the team with Zhenwu and Zhenling, as well as Tianjiao like Jianqijianluo, plus Qiaoye's special exercises, and Chuyu as a nurse.

Then it must be harder for others.

Even if it is Tier 5, it will take a lot of time.

"too slow."

If so, how long will it take to connect the upper and lower layers?

How does he help that man find that girl?

Then Lu Shui stepped out and came to the top of the woods.

He wants to see what's going on here.

Soon he discovered that the existence of sand monsters is actually fixed.

They originated somewhere underground.

In other words, other places where there are moles will also have sand monsters, and the source is actually underground.

Only the channel is limited, and the transmission will be closed to a certain extent.

Then get the mole.

And a lot of pits.

This will activate those thirty-six locations.

This is also the preparation left by the true God.

Lu Shui landed in the corner of the woods step by step. He tried to perceive the passage, and soon he could perceive that there were also passages in two places.

In other words, they are not necessarily the first to fight the sand monsters.

"As long as all the sand monsters disappear, the progress will be fast, right?"

Lu Shui thought to himself.

With care, he directly modified the channel. Instead of modifying the channel of others, he changed their current channel.

Directly expanded several times.

Speeds up the emergence of sand monsters, and also extends the durability of the passage.

He did not close the passage because it was prone to accidents.

At this time, as soon as the passage was changed, a large number of sand monsters emerged immediately.

He wants Jianqi and others to solve most of the sand monsters at one time and open a convenient way for others.

Whether other people will benefit, he doesn't care.

What he wants is to speed up the connection between the top and bottom.

Put enough pressure on the upper layer.

"Okay, now the strange rate is several times faster, what you have to do is to solve all the sand monsters." Lu Shui appeared behind Jianqi and the others.

He took out the high chair and sat down.

By the way, I looked at the formation of heaven and earth.

Zhenwu Zhenling: "..."

Master, can this really stand it?

Swords up and swords down also feel a lot of pressure.

Only Qiao Gan and Chu Yu didn't feel at all.

It's time for this kind of hand-to-hand combat again.

Wait for your thighs to point you.

"Qing Tian Ming Shen Jue wants to go to the next level, so don't avoid any injuries. The closer you get to death, the more you will be enlightened."

"Whether it is repairing a sword or repairing a sword, the heart is the most important. The speed of the knife is only the skill, and the intent of the knife is the sharp edge.

"Holding the invincible sword, with the invincible heart, what needs to be done now is to swing the invincible sword with the invincible heart."

"Sometimes the technique of Bailing can be used in one's own veins, and then it can be used as physical training to fight with others."

Chu Yu: "???"

"Zhen Wu Zhen Ling, the exercise is halfway through, don't continue down, turn back, and then take out the sword. It's okay if you get a little injured, and you have the backing of the technique of Hundred Spirits."

Chu Yu: "???"

He felt that he wanted to be a shield and a nanny again.

It seems that after all, it is to follow the paladin route, and there is a lack of light.

Group him is the luck of these people.

He is violent, milky, and can be a strong shield.

Although he may not be violent with swords and not as high as Qiao Ye's defense, he abused swords in all respects.

After Lu Shui said a few words casually, he began to look at his heaven and earth formations.

As for cooperation, Lu Shui let them decide for themselves.

These people don't have a brain that can't do it, they know how to cooperate.

Also understand the reason for taking turns.

After all, the battle cannot stop so quickly.

There is no plan to let them intermission.

It's not too difficult.


The fighting continued for a day.

Lu Shui saw light falling from the upper layer one after another.

There are already eighteen lights.

The upper level is half completed.

But at the lower level, only a light appeared until now.

Lu Shui was not in a hurry. It was fast, and the lower level was about to catch up with the upper level.

He could feel that there were already 36 places in the passage where fighting was taking place.

And as long as they resolve the battle here, that long time means that all the battles will be resolved in thirty-six places.

The lower class should not be fiercely competitive.

There are things to strengthen the cultivation base everywhere here.

There must be a lot of the cores of the mole.

And those things are enough to help the cultivation base.

Lu Shui is now worried that these people will not activate the place.

It depends on the situation at that time, now it's over.

Lu Shui stood up.

The sand monster will be dealt with by Jianqi these people.


The last day is coming, and the monthly pass is about to expire.

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