The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 372: Jiu, you should abdicate

The Dark Goddess looked at the Only True God, and she opened her mouth.

Want to ask, but dare not ask.攫攝攫

"You want to ask your god, why is it also called the only true god?" Jiu looked at the dark goddess and smiled:

"Do you think that I call the only one, not arrogant?"

"Please forgive my ignorance." The Dark Goddess immediately lowered her head, not daring to show any disrespect.

It is her ignorance.

If there is only one **** in the world that can be called unique, then it must be the **** in front of you.

Undisputed and unique.

"The only one of this kind of similar **** position that cannot be inherited,

The only one is broken, it is the position of God, and it is also power.

So after my fall, there will be no one true God. "Jiu walked on the ground step by step, raising his hands horizontally as if he was walking.

"Then why..." The Dark Goddess wanted to ask why their **** is the only true god.

I just don't dare to ask this question.

"Because Aisi needs this title." Looking at the Dark Goddess, Jiu whispered with a smile:

"Ess has a short time to become a god, and she needs to control her power faster.

And the easiest way is to replace my god's title, um, it's wrong to say that the god's title is wrong.

For me, it is the position of God, but for Ai Si, it is only the title, or the name of the realm.

But it did help her effectively.

After all, I am the only true **** of heaven and earth. As long as she can bear it, she can gain benefits.

So she claims to be the only true god.

Just dare not add the word heaven and earth.

Plus, even she couldn't bear it.

Even as my favorite, even if I have fallen, she can't bear it. "

Jiu looked at the goddess of darkness and said:

"Probably this is the reason.

But other people have enough strength, and they dare not use the only true god.

As my favorite Aisi, dare to gamble.

Then, the bet was won. "

The dark goddess was a little horrified.

It turned out to be so.

It turns out that their gods are actually the gods of the only true god.

If it was before, she would definitely not be convinced, nor would she want to believe it.

But now it's different.

It's incredible to be able to become the goddess of the only true **** of heaven and earth.

Does not degrade status at all.

As long as I have seen the only true God of heaven and earth.

Anyone can understand this.

"Do you have any questions?" Jiu sat in the air with his cheeks in the air and looked at the Goddess of Darkness.

She doesn't care who is right or wrong.

After all, everyone has a choice.

Just be responsible for your choice.

As the only true god, she does not hate Ai Si, let alone the main **** of Ai Si.

After all, they are all working hard.


It's not easy.

The Dark Goddess thought for a while, and said:

"Why did you fall?"

Hearing this question, Jiu suddenly smiled:

"This is actually the problem.

I thought you would ask about Ace's awakening, or about the book of Revelation.

I'm thinking about fooling you so much. "

Goddess of Darkness: "..."

So, those questions can't be asked?

"I can't say anything about your future.

Because it has too much influence on the world, but I can still answer the question you asked. "Jiu thought for a while and continued:

"Normally, my death has nothing to do with Aisi and the others.


Jiu looked at the dark goddess and said:

"The reason for my true fall is that I should have fallen."

"It's time to fall? Why?" The Dark Goddess was puzzled.

"Because a person appeared, as for who this person is, I can't remember it with your strength," said Jiu.

The Dark Goddess didn't ask any more.

So the only true **** actually chose to fall by himself?

Yes, if it is not your own will, how could this kind of existence fall?

......巘戅Yunxuan Pavilion yuxuA戅

Lu Gu looked at the little girl in front of him and said:

"I want to know all the reasons why my wife's body will be affected by the special breath."

Jiu looked at Lu Gu, and then walked back:

"You got the wrong person."

Lu Gu: "....."

He, who had a serious face, didn't know how to face this person for a while.

Somewhat inexplicably.

Didn’t you say any questions?

He just asked a question.

Why does the other party look like they don't want to answer?

After walking a few steps, Jiu came back again, and then said:

"Understood? Don't embarrass me, I won't answer your question when embarrassing me.

Speaking of which, are you also surnamed Lu? "

"In Xialu Gu," Lu Gu said.

But is this word because his son also came in?

Jiu looked at Lu Gu and carefully observed the next words:

"Body refining? Do you want me to teach you?

I am also very good. "


"Senior, what I want to ask is about my wife." Lu Gu said.

He is here to do business.

"The Cthulhu is dead, and your wife's threat has completely disappeared. Is this answer enough?" Jiu Kan Lu Gu asked.

"The reason?" Lu Gu asked.

Jiu smiled and said:

"The era has the trajectory of the era.

In this trajectory, there is no one of you, so I can't tell you.

I think you don't care as long as you don't care about that little Li Yin.

right? "

"Senior, there is one thing you said wrong." Lu Gu looked at the only true god:

"The age does not have the presence of our husband and wife, but my wife would be involved in it before.

That means there is the figure of the Lu family.

I don’t know if the predecessors can tell who my Lu family is related to in the future era? "

His son is like a person who doesn't want to be involved in the times no matter how he looks.

So who else?

Jiu Kan Lu Gu was a little unhappy:

"Why are you doing this, wouldn't it be enough for the child to be fooled?

Why do you think so much? "

"Senior, please tell me." Lu Gu respectfully said.

"Or, let me tell you when you and your wife have a second child, right?

do you know?

Once you have a child, your numerology will be different and there will be one more.

And I can see when this one is more. "Jiu Kan Lu Gu tried.

Lu Gu felt a little helpless. When he wanted to refuse, Jiu's voice came over again:

"If you don't agree, I won't answer."

Lu Gu: "..."

Isn't this the only true God of heaven and earth?

Are true gods like this?

In the end, Lu Gu could not ask more, but could only ask about the second child:

"In the eyes of the predecessors, when will this one appear more?"

"Yeah..." Jiu closed his eyes slightly, moved, pinching his fingers.

Then she stopped, looked at Xian Lu Gu, and smiled:

"Worked out."

Lu Gu: "..."

Are you serious?

"By the way, if there are children, do you think it is a male or female?" Jiu asked suddenly curiously.

"Female." Lu Gu said directly.

Inexplicably confident.

I don't know why.

I always feel that he should have a daughter.

"How is that called Lu Cuihua?" Jiu tried to ask.

"Senior, I think the name is better for the younger generation." Lu Gu said.

This one true **** is really strange.

"Don't be so serious, or call Lu Xiaofeng, okay?" Jiu asked.

Lu Gu: "...senior, you should tell me the answer first."


Chuyu looked at the little girl in front of him and tried to say hello:


"Scumbag man." Jiu said directly.

Chu Yu: "???"

"Oh, isn't this how you often say hello? The men who say hi are all scumbags." Jiuzhan said while standing far away.

Chuyu felt offended.

Smiling at you is purely polite.

"Ask a question." Jiu looked at Chuyu and said.

"I'm just one question." Chu Yu didn't intend to entangle anything. After all, this is a **** and can't afford to provoke:

"I want to know when I can become a god."

"Impossible." Jiu said directly:

"There is one **** among the gods, and the seven main gods under his name all already have a master.

It's not your turn. "

Chu Yu: "..."

"I mean, when will I write a book to prove my faith?"

Jiu nodded, Ming Wu said:

"You have to follow Confucianism and Taoism. If there is no hope, give up."

"No, I mean..." Chuyu wanted to explain.

Then before he finished speaking, Jiu interrupted:

"If there is no hope, give up."

"Let me be complete." Chu Yu said.

Jiu looked at Chuyu with pity in his eyes:

"Why should I say so clearly? 巘戅追书看zhuiShuK戅

Don't you understand? "

Chuyu looked at Jiu with tears in his eyes.

He doesn't believe it, he wants to change his fate.


"I, there doesn't seem to be any problem." Jian Luo looked at the little girl in front of him for a moment and didn't know what to ask.

"You can ask something about yourself, such as whether you will marry in the future, and who you will marry." Jiu looked at Jian and said.

Jian Luo shook his head:

"I don't ask this question."

"Then ask when will I be able to cut Chuyu with one sword." Jiu said.

"I am repairing the knife." Jian Luo shook his head again.

Jiu watched the sword fall, and then said:

"Then ask who your brother will marry in the future?"

"I think I and my sister-in-law should get along well." Jian Luo shook his head again.

"Then ask Chuyu can it be written as a god?" Jiu asked.

"He already asked." Jian fell.

"Is the answer I gave, do you want to ask how to become a god?"

"If you don't practice, you only know the cultivators who live at home, it is impossible to write any results."

"Possibly, such as opening a book he is more familiar with."

"Familiar book? What book?"

"My cohabiting girlfriend."

"Impossible, times have changed, I have seen a lot, it is out of date."

"...You are not cute anymore."


"You must have a problem in your heart, and you have already decided." Jiu asked Qiao Qian, looking at him.

Qiao Qian looked at the only true **** in front of her.

She knew that the person in front of her was the one who could answer all her questions.

After hesitating for a moment, she said:

"I want to know how to make my brother..."

"Hush." ​​Jiu suddenly said with a hush:

"Don't ask such conservative questions, be bold."

Be bold

Jiu's words made Qiao Qian a little surprised.

Soon she thought of something, and then asked:

"My brother, what's the situation now?"

She had a bold idea in her heart.

But she couldn't believe it, and she didn't think so.

Jiu looked at Qiao Qian and smiled:

"I've seen it already, haven't you?"

Qiao Qian looked at Jiu incredulously, and said excitedly:

"Really, really?"

Jiu nodded.

"How is this possible? Grandpa Grandpa checked it out specially."

"If it is, with my brother's previous character, it is impossible to be bullied."

"No, no."

"How could he marry Lin Huanhuan that little fat girl? And Lin Huanhuan is still running away from marriage."

Qiao Qian couldn't believe it, but hoped it was.

Jiu smiled and said:

"You don't know his experience, how can you understand his transformation?

If you don't understand his chances, how can you know his details?

Everyone has his own choice.

If you gain something, you must lose something.

He has already seen through this. "

Qiao Qian's eyes were a little moist at this moment, and she didn't understand why.

Jiu looked at Qiao Qian and said:

"So, don't put so much pressure on yourself."

"Thank you." Qiao Qian choked in her voice.

Jiu came to Qiao Qian and shook his head:

"you are welcome.

But you are not mature enough. I want to seal this matter for you.

Don't worry, it's not for you to forget.

It makes you unable to speak.

Because if there is an accident, you will rewrite his future.

May push him into the endless abyss. "

"Thank you senior." Qiao Qian did not refuse.


"Really want to ask this question?" The Only True God looked at Jinghai and asked.

Shocked and nodded, but he still asked:

"Is it stressful for seniors?"

"There is no pressure, just telling the identity of Liu Huo, it's nothing.

Although he is special, meeting him in a fortune teller is tantamount to encountering natural enemies.

But I am different.

I'm dead, he can't help me. "Jiu said with a smile.

Jing Hai was a little surprised, and felt that this senior was very funny to get along with each other.

It was completely different from what he expected.

"But you don't have to worry, there are many people who know his identity, and he doesn't care.

As long as it doesn't spread around. "Jiu reminded.

"Thank you senior for reminding." He discovered that this senior is outrageous.

"Then I said, listen carefully." After Jing Hai nodded, Jiu continued to speak.

Jing Hai looked at Jiu, watched Jiu speak, and watched Jiu's voice reach his ears.

The more I listened, his eyes widened, shocked, horrified, and unbelievable.

how can that be?

How can it be?

But the man in front of him had no reason to deceive him.

攫欝攫. And he thought about it, and found that it could correspond to it.

God, if this news spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar.

When he thought of the Misty Islands, he thought of Jianyifeng.

He has actually seen it many times.

"Surprised?" Jiu asked, looking at Jinghai.

Jinghai stabilized his mind with the fastest method, and then respectfully bowed to Jiu:

"Senior, this junior has an unsympathetic request.

I hope seniors will seal my memory so that no one can know this memory. "

This matter is definitely not that simple, and he can't have any problems.

Not to mention letting people get the news from his memory.

Absolutely not.

"Okay, but I only hide it for you. No one except you can find it, including your Taoist ancestor." Jiu responded with a smile.


Lu Shui was wondering how to ask.

Is the prophecy slate related to his family, or what is the specific content of the prophetic slate?

Or who left behind the prophetic slate?

After hesitating, Lu Shui planned to ask the premise:

"Can you also know what happened after your fall?

For example, the four great powers in ancient times fell, and disappeared. "

"I know, in ancient times, the three major forces fought for something.

This was fatal to that era.

The mountains and rivers are broken, and the lives are overwhelmed.

Dao Zong stood up and wanted to smash the three major forces with his own power.

In the end, the three major forces suffered heavy losses, more than half of them were killed and injured, and Dao Sect fell as a result. "Jiu said.

"Lu fell in that battle?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

"Guess who can beat Lu?" Jiu asked Lu Shui.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"No one, according to what I know, it is impossible for anyone to be Lu's opponent.

Jian Yi told me that if Lu died, he also chose to fall. "

"I won't tell you." Jiufei said aside.

Lu Shui: "....."

"Well, I have told you that I know a lot, what is your problem?" Jiu asked.

Lu Shui looked at him, he already knew how to ask:

巘戅Book Cang Net 戅. "All the news about the prophecy slate, remember, it's all."

Jiu: "....."

"You really belonged to your father."

Lu Shui shook his head and corrected: "I was born to my mother."

"Anyway, you can't ask questions that are too broad. You have to ask directly. For example, you can ask the content of the prophecy slate.

But to be fair, I can't tell you the second half of Xian Ting also doesn't know. "Jiu said.

"Let's talk about the history." Lu Shui did not hesitate.

He can read the content, and he has guesses.

But the origin of the prophecy slate, he still doesn't know.

Hearing Lu Shui’s question, Jiu said seriously:

"From the river of time."

Lu Shui was a little surprised, but did not speak, but listened to Jiu's follow-up.

On the other side, Mu Xue was also a little curious, she found that Lu Shui knew a lot.

And she didn't know what the prophecy slate was.

Sure enough, what Lu Shui had been doing.

But what she didn't understand was why Lu Shui, who had never planned to intervene in the realm of cultivation, had been investigating these all of a sudden?

Did something happen midway?

However, what Jiu said is consistent with what the Sea-Monster Queen said, and Daozong has fallen like this.

She didn't think much, waiting for Jiu to spread it to her.

"The prophetic tablet, the future sutra, and the apocalypse are all born in the river of time.

It was born because the emperor of Xianting respected the immortal animal husbandry, the Buddha Nanwu of Buddhism, and the true **** of the gods, Aisi, are the products of the three people.

They knew that in the future, an earth-shaking event would happen. To prevent this, they communicated with the river of time and found a solution.

In other words, the source of the incident has been found. "

"One of them is the way of time?" Lu Shui asked.

If there is no way of time.

It is impossible to take advantage of the river of time so easily.

I also want to get a sufficiently accurate prediction from the river of time.

That is harder.

This is not the same as fortune telling.

It's about their level of survival.

I can't even see the secret.

Seeing is also looking for death.

Otherwise, why do we need those three people to join forces?

"You can think so, Emperor Xianting has the ability to time." Jiu nodded.

"So, the fierce beast I killed was the handwriting of Emperor Zun?

To deal with my mother?

It is said to be able to make extraordinary achievements in the world.

This so-called unworldly miracle is to prevent my brother and sister from being born? "Lu Shui looked at Jiu and asked.

Jiu shook his head:

"I can't answer you."

Mu Xue was stunned when she heard this, it turned out to be like this.

Some people are targeting the mother, and they are still targeting the Lu family.

No wonder Lu Shui will uncharacteristically start investigating these things.

Mu Xue hesitated, but finally didn't plan to intervene.

Her rash intervention will affect the direction and pace of Lu Shui's investigation.

This is also the achievement of brushing.

I really don't worry about my mother's safety at all.

But don’t worry.

As long as it is close to the Lu family, the dangerous land and water can be blocked.

On the outside, there is nothing to care about.

Because my mother was banned again.

And she is also at Mu's house, so there will be no problem.

Lu Shui looked at the Only True God, although he didn't answer.

But he already knew.

"What is the content of the prophecy slate?" Lu Shui asked.

"A good question, why don't you realize it at all?" Jiu was a little dissatisfied.

But she still intends to answer:

"Just tell you one sentence, then you will know roughly what's going on."

"Which sentence?" Lu Shui actually asked casually.

I didn't expect Jiu to answer.

"Heaven and earth are auspicious, and Gan descends in the open air.

You will see this happening. "Jiu said.

"The last question." Lu Shui thought for a while and said:

"My younger siblings, when can I jump out?"

"Ask your father." Jiu said directly.

It was indeed good to ask Lu Shui's father, after all, she had already answered Lu Gu.

Lu Shui: "..."

Asked his father, isn't this looking for death?

Some offensive meaning.

"Is there one last question? No, the question session is about to end." Jiu said.

"After this time, the all-knowing you will disappear completely, right?" Lu Shui asked.攫攝攫

If Jiu can answer his questions casually, that would be great.

He can know everything, but he suddenly remembered a question.

"No, part of the memory will be recorded in the program, so that you can know how long you have delayed before you bring the only true **** to see me." Jiu said.

Lu Shui ignored these and asked:

"One more question, do you remember the Legend of Jianyi Go?"

"The Legend of Jianyi Regret? Remember, what do you want to ask?" Jiu said.

"Author, who is the author of Jianyi Go Biography?" Lu Shui asked.

This question is very important.

Jiu looked at the sky, thought for a while and said:

"Well, I saw it, but..."

Look at the landing waterway:

"Before you know it, maybe one day, you will know.

Maybe never know.

But there is a high probability that you will know, a very interesting thing. "

After a pause, Jiu asked again:

"Is there one last question?"

"The last one." Lu Shui hesitated and asked:

"When did Mu Xue start to lose her entire cultivation base?"

"Three years ago." Jiu smiled and said:

"Would you like me to tell you, your sixth-order peak, can you beat her?"

"You know too much." Lu Shui said coldly.

At this time, Jiu held the dagger to his neck, and said in a low voice:

"God, you should abdicate."

Lu Shui: "..."

"Are there any questions?" Jiu asked after dropping the dagger.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"No more."

Almost all the questions should be asked, and the other Jiu didn't answer him much.

As for some small questions, there is no need to ask.

Check it yourself, you will always know everything.

"Then I have a mess left, you have to continue to clean up." Jiu said.

"That's why you keep answering my questions?" Lu Shui Jiu loved the world, he granted him many privileges.巘戅 chase wen 戅

Jiu shook his head:

"Of course not, but more or less, it's a little bit related.

Then the mess in the city is up to you. "

"Good." Lu Shui nodded:

"I will let them see how he is the master."


I just went to sleep because of a headache last night.

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