The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 375: Ask the true **** Lu Shui when he is invincible

Facing Miao Tong, I really don't know what to say.

In other words, Dongfang Taoist Fellows are actually more terrifying?

It's just that he didn't understand why he had to borrow other powers.

I can't understand.

It's just that he can't understand how the Dongfang Daoist who is obviously weaker than him, how did he become like this?

Are the Eastern Taoists pretending to be tender and traveling through the world?

I guess so.

"Senior Eastern, I..."

Before Miao Tong finished speaking, Lu Shui interrupted directly:

"I am younger than you."

Miao Tong: "..."

Too much.

But he still understood what the other party meant, and then he said:

"For what reason is Dongfang Daoist suddenly coming to our side?"

There must be something.

Otherwise, why would you just give up the root power and come to them?

"I was looking for another person before leaving.

The power left by the One True God is of no use to me.

But suddenly I found something interesting. "Lu Shui looked at Miao Tong and said.

I heard what Lu Shui said.

Miao Tong understood in an instant, he immediately took out the slate and said:

"Eastern Taoist Fellows are here for this?"

In fact, they really don't know what it is.

It is of little use to them.

At this time, Miao Tong directly handed the slate out.

Lu Shui took the slate and nodded:

"Yes, this is the stone slab left by the Only True God, and there may be something I want to know in it.


After Lu Shui put the slate away, he looked at Miao Tong and Ming Yu Qingyi:

"I don't want it for free, you can ask for it."

He would never take advantage of others. Miao Tong got this, so he planned to buy it normally.

It was just like the sword that gave him a slate.

"That..." Miao Tong thought and said:

"Fellow Daoist from the East give a seventh-grade spirit stone casually."


After a pause, Lu Shui whispered:

"I have no money now."

Miao Tong: "..."

He remembers that Dongfang Taoist Fellow is very rich.


It was on his entourage.

It turns out that fellow Eastern Daoists don't have any money at all.

"At that time, I didn't know what I wanted." Miao Tong was a little embarrassed.

Lu Shui: "....."

I feel offended today.

Then he directly said:

"I can promise you one thing, I can speak if I think about it.

For example, if you want to survive the catastrophe, but you are worried that you will not be able to, you can ask me to let you survive the catastrophe.

Similar to this.

As long as you speak, I can do it. "

Hearing these words, Miao Tong came to Lu Shui and whispered a request in Lu Shui's ear.

Lu Shui: "..."

"When you think about it, remember to tell me." Then Lu Shui turned and left, disappearing completely in one step.

I ignored what Miao Tong said.

"What request did you make?" Ming Yu Qingyi asked curiously when she came to Miao Tong's side.

"Haha." Miao Tong slapped haha, scratching her pale face and said:

"It's nothing."

Ming Yu Qingyi didn't ask much, but that Dongfang Haoyue was really terrifying.

The other party was able to put away the stone slab at will.

And they can't do anything.


Although Lu Shui was nowhere to be seen, everyone knew that this person was definitely still there, after all, the root power was still suppressed.

Invisible suppression.

In other words, the root force is not active at the beginning.

So, that person must still be there.

Thinking about looking at the sky, I felt for a while.

"What is the master thinking?" Qiao asked mercilessly, looking at it.

Yes, it was Joe Ruthless and the other two who turned on the activation point with Siliang.

Under normal circumstances, Joe Ruthless would not team up with Tier Six Sisi, but the two said that they appreciate Sisi.

Just let Sixiang join the team.

"It feels like someone is coming." Thinking looked into the distance.

"People?" Joe was mercilessly puzzled.

"It's a reminder from the Buddha's mind." Thinking softly said.

"Two fellow Taoists, what do you think?" Qiao ruthlessly looked at the two people beside him.

It is a man and a woman.

A man with short silver hair and a woman with long black hair.

This woman is a magic repair, Joe is ruthless to be sure.

But what was going on with that man, he couldn't see through.

Strength is above him.

Mo Xiu He Yuye did not speak.

Li Qianchi looked at the sky, patted his pants, and said:

"Stand and watch."

The master just scared him.

Because of that kind of aura, he has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But it should not be. After all, he didn't sign up. The one who swaggered through the market would sign up when he met someone.

So it won't be.

Yes, otherwise you might have to kneel and watch.

Still have a snack to be shocked.

"He's here." Siliang said suddenly.

At this moment, both Qiao Ruqing and Li Qianchi looked over.

Sure enough, an invisible figure appeared in front of them.

But in an instant, they knew who the other party was.

This person stood there, as if above the world, he just simply stood, it made people feel that the supreme power is spreading.


Is this the master just now?

At this moment, whether it was Qiao Ruqing, Li Qianchi, or He Yuye, there was fear in his heart.

They looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of them, and they didn't know how to react for a while.

Looking at this person so close, they found that the pride of their cultivation so far was crushed like powder.

It simply cannot support them to communicate with them normally.

Yes, the person here is land and water.

He came over and thought about it.

"The ancient Buddha of Buddhism asked you to come?" Lu Shui said to Sisi.

"Buddha, think about it.

Come with a Buddhist mission.

I wonder who the donor is? "Siliang is also afraid, but the Buddha's heart supports him.

Faced with thoughtful questions, everyone else is watching.

Before this existence didn't say a name at all, now he might say it.

If they know, they will also learn to avoid it.

This kind of existence simply can't afford it.

"Hin Tianzong, Young Sect Master, Liu Huo." Lu Shui thought towards him.

When Qiao ruthlessly heard these words, his heart was shocked, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Flowing fire?

He has actually heard of Liuhuo's name, but he has never seen each other.

I don't think it's just a name.


He found that he might be wrong.

If this person is really Liuhuo, then Liuhuo's reputation is not worthy of Liuhuo himself.

And the other party is Yintianzong Liuhuo, even if he knew that Liuhuo was not recognized by Yintianzong, he didn't dare to engage in evil with Yintianzong for a while.

Li Qianchi's feet were a little soft at this time.

Let alone someone else, now he feels that he can't provoke the Yintianzong anymore.

In the face of this fake Young Sect Master, he, a genuine high-level person, dare not refute it even if he refutes it.

If the high-level people are like him, it's time to eat shit, right?

Mo Xiu He Yuye didn't dare to appear.

The opponent is really too strong.

Exceeding expectations too much.

Or their Young Master.

Now she didn't dare to say that she was a high-level Yintianzong.

I'm afraid that someday it was to the Young Sect Master.

The real brand is afraid of counterfeiting...

Who did their Hidden Heavenly Sect provoke?

Lu Shui looked at the thought, then looked at the supernatural power that came over.

It feels too different from Xian Ting and the gods.

Fortunately, the other party has enough time.

More or less close the distance.

However, the ancient Buddha of Buddhism only allowed a sixth-order one to come, and Lu Shui didn't understand it.

Thinking is not strong, nor is it the afterlife of Buddhism.

What does Buddhism and ancient Buddha think?

"I want to ask the master a question." Lu Shui said calmly while looking at the thought.

"Donor, please." Thinking lowered his head and said humbly.

The longer the opposition to this person, the greater his pressure, and the inability to look directly at the other person has become inevitable.

"If one day, Buddhism is against me, will the master take action against me?" Lu Shui asked.

He is indeed very curious about the answer.

Will I think more, or stand directly on the Buddhist stance.

"Poor monk doesn't know." Thinking shook his head:

"Poor monks are Buddhist disciples, they have Buddha in their hearts, and they have knowledge and understanding of Buddhas.

For thousands of miles, the poor monk traveled many places and saw many things.

When it was time to shoot, even if the poor monk died, he would stand in front of the donor.

My Buddha is compassionate, but I also have vajra anger.

But if it’s the opposite..."

No longer think about words.

Lu Shui looked at thinking and did not wait for the other person to speak.

Do not ask anything anymore.

Perhaps thinking is not suitable for cultivating Buddhism, it is more suitable for cultivating Taoism.

But not always.

After that, Lu Shui turned and disappeared.

He just asks, thinking about the answer will not affect his decision.

Li Qianchi watched Lu Shui disappear, and their backs were all wet at this time, and he was afraid that the other party would also ask them questions.

If there is no answer, the person may be gone.

But why is the other party still igniting?

What should the hidden Tianzong do in the future?

No, you have to go all out to contact the Sect Master.

If this continues, Liu Huo will become the Sect Master of Yintian Sect one day.

The Hidden Sky School will become the top power in the cultivation world for some reason.

For example, when you just signed up for the murder, they were almost the top power.

Think about it, it's pretty good.

I just don't know how to die.


Lu Shui disappeared, disappearing from everyone's eyes and perception.

Even the divine power has regained its vitality.

But no one dared to compete for supernatural power rashly.

I just don't know who started, and other talents started to join the fight.

Those who do not participate in the activation can only get half the result with half the effort outside.

Fortunately, we can compete for some.

Otherwise, you will lose a lot.

However, when these people competed, they were all cautious, and once there was something wrong, they would immediately stop the contention.

Just receive the guarantee.

The only true **** eats very happily, she chuckles, her belly is rounded up.

It didn't take long before the two shares belonged to her were gone.

She looked at the height of the sky and drooled.

But after watching it for a while, she turned around and left. She had eaten two or three servings by herself.

"Hmph, human things, as a god, I disdain to grab it."

She said that she planned to go back.

After digestion, no one can stop her.


Xiangyu and Dongfang Chacha raised their heads, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Did something big happen just now?

But they seem to have a lot of power to come over.

Yes, they have two copies.

"Miss Chacha, what just happened?" Xiangyu felt that everything was inexplicable, why did she fall asleep?

And inexplicably asked two questions.

Her first question is when she can get married.

But the true **** asked her to change one.

Later, she thought that Miss Chacha might be worried about the attack on Master Lu, so she asked her for help.

It's just that the true **** doesn't seem to be very happy.

Just ask her to ask about it.

She is also inexplicable.

In the end, I can only ask two questions that are relevant to me.

One is how to stay with Miss Chacha for a longer time, and the other is how to better protect Miss Chacha.

However, the true **** told her that this was a problem.

Finally, she asked another question. She asked the true God if she had helped Miss Chacha very well in her life.

True God gave an affirmative answer.

After that, she had no doubts, but the true **** felt very gentle.

However, the true **** still affects her with a thing about herself.

"Just now?" Dongfang Chacha thought for a while and said:

"The only true **** she beat me."

Taro: "..."

The only true god?

The only true God?

Xiangyu thinks there should be a relationship between the two, but she doesn't understand.


Du Lin's four are also fighting, but less of them are.

"That person just helped everyone activate the activation points, right? It's horrible." Du Lin said with a lingering fear.

The others were also relieved, and they really scared them just now.

Never seen such a terrible person.

This kind of person is on the lower level. Fortunately, I haven't met, otherwise...

The consequences could be disastrous.

Then they didn't mention it any more, after all, they also had business affairs.

"Ask a question, did it go well?" Du Lin asked the others.

The three men looked sullen.

Well, none of them went well.

"Did you ask?" Mo Qi asked Du Lin.

"The only true **** said, the patriarch asked clearly, let me change other questions, I changed.

what about you? "Du Lin looked at the others.

"plus one."

"plus one."

"me too."

"I don't know if I will be punished if I go back this time." Du Lin looked depressed.

In other words, the task failed.

The three of them frowned.

Then Du Lin looked at Mo Qi curiously:

"Why don't you worry?"

The other two are also curious.

Mo Qi did not seem worried at all.

"Ah? I asked the Only True God if he would be punished when he returned, and she said no.

Will be cultivated by emphasis. "Mo Qidao.

Three people: "..."

It's a witty question.


"Gang, was it really an Eastern Daoist just now?" Chu Yu looked at the sky with a look of fear.

That heavenly existence suppresses all things.

They see their scalp numb.

Fortunately, this is to know who the other party is.

If you don't know, people will be frightened.

Sure enough, Liuhuo is a kind person.

As long as you don't make him an enemy.

At this time, Chuyu looked at Jian Luo:

"Remember, you are a dumb, keep your personality in mind."

He still knew how ugly Jian Luo spoke.

In case of offending Liuhuo's thigh.

Then, his novel will be a eunuch.

Uh, it seems it hasn't opened yet.

"Sick." Jian Luo turned to look away.

Qiao Gan lowered his head, and there was an unconcealable shock in his eyes.

The horror of Lu Shui has completely surpassed his cognition, and even surpassed the cognition of their family.

This kind of people did not use their own names to show their sacredness in the realm of cultivation.

What is he?

Fortunately, I made the right choice before.

After returning, he was at ease as his trash master.

As long as there is no sense of existence, in fact, he will not be bullied or ridiculed.

Living well is more important than these things.

"By the way, what questions did you all ask?" Chu Yu looked at everyone at this time.

Then look at Jianqi, come in order.

Jian Qi looked calm and said:

"A little question."

He didn't say anything about it.

Mainly can not be said.

Naturally, he would not ask if he would be invincible, or would he reach the extreme of kendo.

Because he doesn't need to question himself.

He believes in himself.

Then I asked a seemingly insignificant but very important question.

It's hard to say about his sister.

"Who did you marry in the end?" Chuyu asked curiously.

Jianqi looked at Chuyu calmly:

"Didn't you say last time that feelings will only affect my sword?"

"I don't have a woman in my heart, it's natural to draw a sword, I understand." Chu Yu nodded, and then stopped struggling with the sword and asked what.

He turned to look at Qiao Gan:


Qiao Gan shook his head and said:

"I asked about my sister's future, although she didn't answer very carefully, but she told me not to think too much."

Chuyu didn't say anything, why can't these people ask something interesting?

Then he looked at Jian Luo.

Jian Luo turned his head, not wanting to bother Chu Yu at all.

"How about you?" Jianqi looked at Chuyu.

"I asked my **** if I could write a novel and become a god.

My **** told me that the next edition is the moment for me to enshrine the gods. "Chu Yu said with some pride.

"Deceiving yourself and others." Jian Luo looked at Chu Yu and said:

"She clearly said that you should be on the street for the rest of your life."

Chu Yu looked at Jian and frowned:

"Why do you know?"

Qiao Qian followed Jianqi and looked at Jianluo.

Jian Luo calmly said:

"I didn't ask, she took the initiative to tell me."

"Why is the only true **** telling you?" Chu Yu looked unbelieving.

"How do I know?" Jian fell.

There is no ups and downs in her voice, so what should be said is true.

Jianqi did not speak, and sighed inwardly.

He didn't know what to say.

In short, let it be.

Zhenwu Zhenling did not participate in the discussion between them.

They are still waiting for their young master to return.

Before Lu Shui went to the upper level, killing the two people with thunder means, they were simply unimaginable.

For the first time, the young master crushed such a strong man himself.

They found that the young master was outrageous.

But I don't know why, the young master just doesn't want the clan to know.

Just want to continue to be a waste master.

Is it fun to be a trash master?

Thinking about it carefully, Zhenwu Zhenling felt that their young master was really having fun.

Hope, in the end, the two of them will not be punished severely by the patriarch or the three elders.

As for what question was asked, the two of them did not communicate.

Maybe the exchange is over.

Talk to others when communicating.

They exchange it with a high probability and just take a look.

At this moment, Lu Shui's figure appeared directly not far away.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling immediately stepped forward:


Chuyu and the others did not quarrel anymore.

Lu Shui looked at them and said:

"Absorb the divine power, it will help you more or less."

Divine power is useful to these people, but not useful to Lu Shui.

At most, I will pay a little more, and then go to Fengshuang River to fish for the only true god.

But this time the only true **** also ate a lot.

I don't know if I will get the bait at that time.

When those people absorbed the divine power, Lu Shui dissipated the current power of the demon cultivator.

Overall, this power is okay to use.

Unfortunately, there is only one.

However, there are still a few space guarantee tickets, but they are still usable.

However, even if he had the strength to guarantee the votes, he might not have been able to beat Mu Xue.

Three years.

For three whole years, who knows how much Mu Xue has accumulated in hiding in the room in the past three years.

And he could feel that even if he was above the seventh rank, he was still cut off.

The power of others doesn't feel so real.

But other people can feel the power, so how badly he has to be cut?

He couldn't realize for a moment that it was the cause of heaven and earth, or his own cause.

But it's not the time to think now.

At present, it is still the main plan.

"It seems that we still have to rely on body refining to surprise them."

Lu Shui began to calculate in his heart.

But things in this city are almost over.

Tianji didn't lie to him, and he could indeed get a lot of news here.

In other words, what I want to know has exceeded the standard.

The only true God knows almost everything, but his power is not enough.

There is not much that can be told to him, maybe by sending the only true **** over, he can also get some extra.

However, this is a relatively large project.

It's better to go to the realm of the only true **** and see what's inside.

God's Domain is in Fengshuanghe of Lujia, so some news is hidden.

The great elder must know some too, so why didn't he dare to ask.

If the strength is strong enough, you can try to have an equal dialogue with the elder.

In this way, some news can be known more or less.

Just wait until he is as strong as the elder, then he doesn't need to be so sneaky, right?

Well, it's not right.

At present, the gods cannot be known to them.

It's troublesome if you hide.

Continue to be a trash master, it is really impossible to let Mu Xue accompany him to pretend.

When the time comes, the two couples will be blinded.

After that, Lu Shui took out the book and started reading, accumulating the power of heaven and earth as soon as possible.

It has only been three years. In case Mu Xue has been entangled for these three years, it may be a less exaggerated Hunyuan Qi.

Just work hard first.

But how do I go back?

That door shouldn't be left by the true god, right?

The door was only present after the true **** fell, so Jiu won't connect to that door and send someone back, right?

However, the problem here was solved only two days after coming here.

It is relatively fast.

Then Lu Shui suddenly felt that several formations had fallen from the sky.

The moment he saw the formation, he knew that this formation could send them back.

"Yes, Jiu has the legacy of power, knowing that this kind of thing is normal, and it is not difficult for her to send someone back."

I recommend that the novel app I'm using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] Android and Apple phones support it!

Lu Shui looked at the formation and said inwardly.

But he was not in a hurry either.

According to the reminder, this formation can last 30 days.

These thirty days are for people to explore and understand here.

Naturally, land and water cannot stay here for a long time.

However, it is still necessary to find something to go back, and **** with the three elders.

However, the third elder didn't seem to say what he needed to do.

If you think about going on a mission, you can just omit it.

Well, when the divine power division is over, go straight back.

As for the slate, wait until the end of the divine power division.


upper layer.

Dongfang Yeming looked at Lugu and said:


What is the answer? "

I am free at this time, and there is no danger.

Naturally you can ask these questions.

Lu Gu nodded and said:

"There are no more threats, at least that's what she told me."

But his last question is actually not this.

This is what the only true **** told him for free.

As for the answer to his question.

It's actually...

These two months.

Lu Gu didn't believe Although they are really working hard, it shouldn't be that easy if they want to have it.

And these two months are sometimes just a quantifier.

Can't believe it all.

"What did you ask?" Lu Gu asked Dongfang Yeming.

What Dongfang Yeming would ask, he was also very curious.

"I asked my daughter when the world is invincible." Dongfang Yeming said casually.

Lu Gu: "..."

"Just ask, after all, I have no problem with my cultivation level, and there is no need to ask about other things.

After all, the road has to be taken on your own.

It doesn't make sense to know too much.

The one who should come is still to come.

Especially if you know it but can't hide it, it's a kind of suffering. "Dongfang Yeming said casually.

"The result?" Lu Gu was curious.

"The only true **** said I was insincere, so let me change one." Dongfang Yeming was a little helpless.

Mo Xiu Jian felt that the second boss was not a qualified businessman.

Such a waste.

"What did the second boss ask later?" Mo Xiu Ji'an asked curiously.

"I asked my nephew when the world is invincible." Dongfang Yeming said again.

"Lu Shui?" Lu Gu was a little surprised.

He got excited about this at once.

Dongfang Liu felt that their patriarch was a waste.

Go back and have a meal.

"Well, it's your son Lu Shui. Guess how the Only True God answered?"

"How did you answer?"

"She said that this is a very simple question, so simple that she didn't want to say the answer, so she didn't say it."


"Then I can't ask anymore."


At this time the formation began to fall, and they knew that once the divine power splitting ended, they could leave.

But you can continue to stay here.

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