The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 380: The identity of the last goddess

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"Is this the goddess of the Heavenly Girl Sect vs. Worm Valley?"

Nie Hao asked curiously.

If not, Lefeng has no reason to say.

"Guess." Lefeng continued to open the book:

"It is not clearly stated that the goddess of the Tiannv Sect is fighting against Worm Valley.

So we need to go to the Heavenly Nv's Sect to see their records. "

"Sneak in?" Nie Hao asked.

"Theoretically, there is no need to sneak in, do you feel that the people of the Heavenly Girl Sect are not as wary of us as before.

This shows that they may know that we are working for the young master.

And the Young Sect Master told us at the beginning that there is no need not to be an enemy of the Heavenly Nv Sect.

Therefore, the Tiannv Sect has received a similar order with a high probability.

There should be a tacit understanding between the Young Sect Master and the Purple-clothed Goddess, not hostile. Lefeng looked at Nie Hao and said:

"So, when we go to Tiannvzong, theoretically we can see the literature.


"But?" Nie Hao didn't think too much.

Who knows that Lefeng is suspicious, thinking about everything.

"But we are outsiders after all, and we certainly won't give all the documents." Le Feng continued to read the calligraphy:

"So let's sneak in.

In addition to the purple-clothed goddess of the Tiannv Sect, the strongest is the sixth-order Suluan senior.

As long as we don't harm the goddess of the heavenly sect, the purple-clothed goddess will not be killed. "

This is for the Young Sovereign, and under normal circumstances, Lefeng dare not take risks.

After all, there is no safety in the matter of the Young Master.

Especially the recent Zhan Wuying, seemingly dangerous attributes are much higher.

He retreated for the first time.

It can only be widely observed.

By the way, I told Tiannvzong.

But the other party was obviously aware of it.

The Young Sect Master and the Ziyi Goddess are both paying attention to Zhan Wuying, they don't know what's going on.

I dare not say, I dare not ask.

At this moment, Lefeng suddenly received a text message.

After looking at it, he frowned.

"Fu Xiu's people suddenly appeared, which means that what Xian Ting is doing all-out has been done.

I don't know what they are going to do in the future. "

Lefeng has been paying attention to some forces he suspects.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, there is no problematic action.

It's different in his eyes.

It seems that some have been busy recently.


Worm Valley.

Some of the ancient generations of Worm Valley were sitting on the main hall, and in front of them was the letter from the Heavenly Girl Sect.

"Read all the content?"

A middle-aged man at the top asked in a low voice.

"Somewhat arrogant."

"The purple-clothed goddess, from the current point of view, there is no overwhelming record."

"So, is it the goddess?"

"We saw that figure more or less back then, she is a child."

"When I was so young, I killed Tier 9 directly. There is only one person in the entire cultivation world that fits this characteristic.

Everyone knows who it is? "

The whole hall was silent for a while.

It seems that no one wants to mention the people over there.

They are all older generations who have lived for countless years.

I know more or less about the horror over there.

Their ancestors knew more than them, and the more they knew, the more they were afraid.

Therefore, even if they don't understand why, they dare not be presumptuous at all.

Last time there was an ignorant thing, and he dared to bully the small.

Almost ruined the entire Worm Valley.

They really didn't dare to do this kind of thing a second time.

Otherwise, it's just a trivial Tiannvzong.

They still need to be polite?

"But based on the current situation, the purple-clothed goddess is not the goddess."

"What if she grows up?"

"Then leave it alone?"

"Then you have to bear the consequences of that person?"

"Are you... fearful of your head, is it our style?"

"Sending death is the style of Worm Valley? Same as last time?"

"Even if it is, it is a struggle between peers. Will she definitely win me?"

"You look too high on yourself, are you enough for her to kill?

When she killed Tier Nine, don't you know what cultivation base was? "


"Okay, stop arguing." The middle-aged man at the top stopped.

What kind of cultivation is the goddess of the Tiannv Sect?

It doesn't look so scary anyway.

But in Worm Valley at that time, there was nothing to do with the other party.

Can only retreat with hatred.

Worm Valley is no longer the Worm Valley it used to be.

But the goddess of the Tiannvzong can not be the goddess of the year.

In short, it's not easy to mess with, let alone the other person is not alone.

Provoking the people behind her, then...

In short, we need to take a long-term view.

"Gu **** is a kind of help for us, but it is not necessary." The middle-aged man looked at everyone and said:

"I heard that the Heavenly Girl Sect is in alliance with the Sea-Monster, and the time should be just recently.

You send someone over, congratulations.

By the way, I propose to discuss with Goddess.

Don't mention Gu God. "

Everyone knew that Gu God didn't need to mention it.

They lost and understood the strength of the purple-clothed goddess.

There is no need for Gu God.

But if they win.

The purple-clothed goddess is nothing more than that.

Then the Tiannv Sect wouldn't be able to surrender the Gu God.

"One more thing." The middle-aged man looked at the humanity of His Highness:

"If you want to live, don't have the intent to kill.

Otherwise, either the other party will die, or you will die.

Also, personal behavior, don't bring Worm Valley. "

One by one, the majesty was silent.

Even the one who clamored before could not say a word.

It's harder to say than to do.

If he was really asked to fight, he couldn't guarantee that it was not the goddess.

Once it is, the consequences will be disastrous.


Lu Shui and Mu Xue wandered around the town all day.

They went around and planned to ride a roller coaster.

Yes, Qiuyun Town also has such things.

It's a pity that Mu Xue didn't sit, which made Lu Shui a little pity.

The dignified and elegant Muxue is probably not dignified and elegant after sitting on the roller coaster.

Well, I have seen it in the last life.

It's just that Mu Xue at that time was not dignified and elegant.

At least I don't think so, pretend to be a lady.

The last life was... a fierce wife?

Thinking of this, Lu Shui immediately stopped thinking, and then secretly looked at Mu Xue next to him.


Scared him.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and knew all of a sudden that Master Lu must be talking bad about her.

Looks like a guilty conscience.

As soon as she saw this, she wanted to beat Lushui.

Take two more bites to let him know what pain is.

But sometimes I feel reluctant.

Who makes her like Lu Shui?

I like it very much.

"By the way, I remember that Huanhuan was still working in the small town, and Master Lu said that the end of the month was their engagement ceremony.

Ten days are not left, right? "Mu Xue was suddenly curious about this.

Lin Huanhuan has escaped marriage for so long, and it seems that he has not been arrested yet.

It hasn't become pretty either.

But it should be pretty temporarily.

I just don't know if it's useful.

"I don't know, Qiao Ye is also running away from marriage, but I should be back in the next few days." Lu Shui said casually.

How does he understand what these people are doing.

He doesn't escape marriage anyway.

Isn't it happy to marry Mu Xue?

Very happy.

"I don't know if Huanhuan is half lucky." Mu Xue said softly.

As long as she is half lucky, she will be happy in this life.

She also married Lu Shui in accordance with the marriage contract.

There is no even the slightest emotional foundation.

But one of them married the right man, and the other married the right wife.

The only regret is that there are no children.

I didn't treat it as a parent, and I didn't make the older generation happy.

But this time it must be fine.

Half lucky? Lu Shui was startled, wouldn't it be impossible to give birth to a child?

And half of the hot temper?

Can Qiao's family still be there?

Oh no, that little fat girl doesn't have the strength of Mu Xue.


Just when Lu Shui wanted to speak, he suddenly heard the sound of someone falling over.

Then he looked to the side.

It was a little girl who fell to the ground carrying a watermelon.

The melon shattered on her face.

It looks a little frightening.

Mu Xue looked around and found that it was the granddaughter of the noodle shop.

Sneak out again?

After picking up the little girl in the past, Mu Xue asked:

"Where is your brother?"

"Watermelon, watermelon." The little girl said to the watermelon on the ground.

"My sister will take you to buy another one." Mu Xue wiped her body and said softly.

She suddenly thought of Yalin.

I don't know if I am obedient at home.

"Are you coming out alone again this time?" Mu Xue asked.

This little girl is really amazing, no matter how she looks at it, she will run away.

Hearing Mu Xue's words, the little girl suddenly looked around:

"Brother, brother is lost."

Mu Xue: "......"

Lu Shui: "......"

Lu Shui thought of Dongfang scum.

Those who have this kind of sister are really unlucky.

This is his cousin, so he feels helpless.

In case his father and mother gave him a younger sister, I don't know what he will be like in the future.

There is a high probability that it will be more like Eastern scum.

Shouldn't you be beaten as Dongfang scum?

I just don't know if Mu Xue will let him.

After all, they must have been married at that time, and Mu Xue would watch everything.

"It always feels not easy to do it." Lu Shui felt a little pity.

To avoid his parents, and to avoid Mu Xue.

Beating a sister is so troublesome.

If it's the younger brother, probably no one cares, right?

"Let's go, let's find your brother." Mu Xue said.

"Watermelon, watermelon, brother's watermelon." The little girl said to the watermelon.

"Go find another brother's watermelon." Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui removed the watermelon residue, and then took Mu Xue to a nearby fruit shop.

But the little girl kept looking at the trash can where the watermelon was thrown away.

As if obsessed with that watermelon.

"Miss Mu knows what this little guy is called?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

This little girl sees her very often, but she doesn't know what her name is.

"Her brother introduced it once, called Xixi." Mu Xue said.

"Her brother's name is Dongdong?" Lu Shuxia asked consciously.

"It seems to be true." Mu Xue nodded.

"Miss Mu thinks what a girl is going to call?" Mu Xue asked on the road.

"It's Dongdong? Winter in winter." Mu Xue asked as she looked at Lu Shui.

But she still led the dazed little girl.

"It's a bit like Dongfang scum." Lu Shuidao.

This is unlucky.

If his mother gave birth to a younger sister, she would be called Lu Dongdong.

It's also smoothly beaten up.

"I think Chacha's name sounds pretty good." Mu Xue said.

The fruit shop is very close.

So they picked a watermelon that was similar to before.

Then Lu Shui calculated the money, and then gave it to the little girl himself.

"Watermelon, brother's watermelon." Holding the watermelon, the little girl stopped looking behind.

It seems that IQ is indeed not high.

Mu Xue naturally didn't help the little girl lift the watermelon.

After all, the other party was holding it tightly.

"It's very close to the noodle shop," Mu Xue said.

"It's close to the flower rain and snow season, Miss Mu wants to eat dessert?" Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue for a while and thought:

"The last new product tastes good."

Mu Xue: "......"

She ate too much last time.

Lu Shui is too hateful.

She didn't want to deal with land water anymore.

She loses weight.

"Clothes, clothes." Suddenly the little girl's voice sounded again.

I don't understand what happened to the other party's clothes.

Then they saw the little girl break free of Mu Xue's hand, ran to the front of the road holding the watermelon, and picked up a coin.

It is a spiritual stone coin used by the cultivation world, and in some places it can be used as a spiritual stone.

"This is a coin." Mu Xue said when she came to the little girl.

"Clothes." The little girl said.

"Then buy you clothes?" Mu Xue naturally followed the little girl's words.

"Clothes, brother's clothes." The little girl hid the coin behind her back and repeated to Mu Xue:

"Brother's clothes."

Mu Xue was stunned.

Thinking about it carefully, the little girl's elder brother really wore mediocre clothes.

This little girl has been thinking about this time.

"Okay, brother's clothes.

When should I buy it? "Mu Xue asked with a smile.

"Clothes, brother's clothes." The little girl repeated these words.

"Then let's find brother first." Mu Xue led the little girl to the noodle shop.

Lu Shui watched and said nothing.

He remembered.

When I went to divorce, I also met.

At that time it was this little girl shouting clothes.

He remembers that boy's coin fell into his hand at that time, right?

The kid’s family was lucky that day.

After that, Lu Shui didn't think much.

That is his coin, there is no reason to return it.

Soon they came to the noodle shop.

The little girl's brother also ran back anxiously, and he was relieved to see his sister being sent back.

Then thank you all the time.

"Don't lose it again." Mu Xue pushed the little girl to her brother and whispered.

"Watermelon, clothes." At this time, the little girl was holding the watermelon in her left hand and the Lingshi coin in her right hand, facing her brother.

Brother took the watermelon, took the coin and said:

"I'll buy you food, but I can't buy clothes."

"Clothes." The little girl said again.

"Buy clothes next time."


"A Lingshi coin, go to an ordinary store, and buy ordinary clothes." Mu Xue reminded softly.

Then Mu Xue turned to look at the little girl and said:

"Who do you buy clothes for?"

"Brother, brother's clothes." The little girl replied immediately.

Hearing this, the little girl's brother was stunned.

Then Mu Xue left the noodle shop with Lu Shui.

I think they will buy clothes.

After walking some distance, Lu Shui kindly reminded:

"I don't know if Miss Mu knows, it seems that the Lu family can't use this kind of spirit stone coin."

Mu Xue: "???"

Why didn't you say it earlier?

Isn't she embarrassing?

"But it's just ordinary children's clothing, they will also accept it.

Go outside to exchange, no loss. "Lu Shui said again.

Mu Xue: "..."

Panting deliberately.

"When Master Lu saw the brother and sister, did he think it was better for a boy or a girl?" She didn't care about Lu Shui even more about a little thing.

She is virtuous and generous.

If you bully her again, take notes.

"Ms. Mu thinks boys or girls are better?" Lu Shui asked rhetorically.

"Boy." Mu Xue said.

"I think girl." Lu Shui followed.


The husband and wife do not agree, so remember a note.

Thinking of Mu Xue, she took out her notebook and remembered it.

Just when I was taking notes, I felt footsteps.

It seems that someone is running in a hurry.

Looking up, it was Bingshui Ji Lin Huanhuan, she was running on the road.

"Huanhuan is this again?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

After finally shopping with Lu Shui, how do I always meet acquaintances.

Lu Shui glanced at the notebook and found that he couldn't see the words on it.

Covered by Mu Xue.

He was very curious about how Mu Xue kept accounts.

Soon Lin Huanhuan ran over.

Lu Shui looked at Lin Huanhuan, feeling the other person being chased.

But there was no one behind her.

"Mu, Miss Mu?" Lin Huanhuan panted and stopped in front of Mu Xue.

"Why are you running in such a hurry?" Mu Xue asked, standing behind Lu Shui.

Just now Lin Huanhuan ran so fast, if he bumped into it, Lu Shui should feel distressed.

"I, I saw the person who caught me, I have to run back and hide.

By the way, took two days off. "Lin Huanhuan said immediately.

She was just at work, and then suddenly she saw the arrester and ran away.

Otherwise, he will be caught back.

Mu Xue thought for a while, then didn't know what to say for a while.

But the wedding is at the end of the month, and she will go too.

The people of Lin Huanhuan's family will definitely catch her and go back.

But when Lin Huanhuan saw her, she didn't know if she would be shocked.

When she thought about it this way, Mu Xue noticed a glimmer of light flashing across Lin Huanhuan's body.

When I saw this light.

Mu Xue asked immediately:

"Do you feel any discomfort on your body?"

"Uncomfortable?" Lin Huanhuan nodded when he heard this:

"I feel sick in my stomach today, and I still don't have any appetite."

"Sacrifice of flesh and blood, have you practiced recently?" Mu Xue asked again.

"Yes, I have been practicing, but it has no effect." Lin Huanhuan said that it was a little uncomfortable.

She may not have any talent.

Only soon she was stunned.

Because what Mu Xue said made her a little unbelievable.

"Tonight, you should be able to learn the temporary sacrifice of Tier II.

You can try it. "Mu Xue looked at Lin Huanhuan and said.

"Really, really?" Lin Huanhuan wanted to grab Mu Xue and asked.

But Miss Mu looks very delicate.

She was worried about hurting Miss Mu.

But she really couldn't believe it.

Before she knew it, she was about to learn to sacrifice by flesh and blood?

She's going to be glamorous?

Is she going to be pretty?

"Well, really.

If you practice tonight, you can see yourself who have lost weight.

But it must be controlled well, or it will be too thin. "Mu Xue said.

"Because it is temporary, flesh and power will be transformed. When the time is up, you will get fat again. Wear suitable clothes." Mu Xue reminded again.

Temporary, after all, it is not a real sacrifice of flesh and blood.

However, after the sacrifice, if you fight hard with others, it will be slower to recover.

And also to squander strength beforehand.

In short, it is temporary. Although there are no side effects, it is quite complicated.

It is still suitable after waiting for the third order.

"Then I will go back and try tonight, will it become a coquettish product?" Lin Huanhuan looked forward to it.

Mu Xue looked at Lin Huanhuan's dress, then thought for a while and said:

"It may be more suitable to take the pure route.

You can buy a knee-length skirt, the white one.

But it has to be a fairy skirt, and it won't be broken when it recovers.

If you don’t have a suitable fairy skirt, you can wear sportswear, which is looser. It is more suitable whether it is before or after the sacrifice of flesh and blood. "

"Okay, I'm going to buy sportswear." Lin Huanhuan was about to say goodbye.

She doesn't have enough money to buy a fairy skirt.

That's too expensive.

But sportswear is definitely enough.

You can buy a small one.

As long as she becomes a coquettish woman, there is no need to marry.

At that time, take the initiative to contact the two people who arrested her and let them see the coquettish Bing Shui Ji.

After that, Lin Huanhuan ran all the way to the clothing store.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue just watched Lin Huanhuan leave in excitement.

"Master Lu thinks that Huanhuan is going to be married when she becomes beautiful?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

Naturally, they can't do anything about it.

This is a matter of two families.

They are speechless.

Mu Xue could only help Lin Huanhuan to become beautiful.

After all, it was like this from the beginning.

And Lin Huanhuan also signed a 500 million debt.

In order to be beautiful, I really ran out of wealth.

Lu Shui also thought of it.

Then he was curious, if Lin Huanhuan really married Qiao Ye, would Qiao Ye pay back the 500 million yuan?


It's miserable.

If Namxue married him, should he pay him back for the 500 million?


He does not lack these five hundred million.

It's useless.

"Isn't Miss Mu pretty?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui in confusion.

"If Miss Mu doesn't want to marry, can she not marry?" Lu Shui said.

"Parents ordered the matchmaker's words." Mu Xue said immediately.

She wants to marry.

How can you not want to marry.

In the last life, she never thought about not marrying.

But it doesn't seem like not to marry.

At that time, I felt like married and just married, not much different from being at home.

Who knows that the shining world greeted her.

"So, Qiao's family and Icefield Snow Territory have sent out invitations.

How could it be changed because Lin Huanhuan became thinner? "Lu Shui said.

It is better to continue to work hard to escape the marriage.

If she goes to contact each other by herself, let them see how thin she looks.

That's self-investment.

Mu Xue nodded.


She is going to attend Lin Huanhuan's wedding, when the bride is not there, the ice field and snowy land will not be able to survive.

Of course, Lin Huanhuan wanted to continue to escape, she didn't mind.

If you didn't escape, it would be like Cha Cha said.

After turning yourself into a good one, then get married.

"Two copies of the new product." Lu Shui's voice suddenly came out.

Mu Xue found that they were in the rainy and snowy season.

"I want half a portion, and Master Lu wants two portions alone." Mu Xue said immediately.



late at night.

Lin Huanhuan returned to his residence.

Lodging here is not expensive.

So after she has a job, she can afford to live.

At this time, Lin Huanhuan began to practice for the first time, and her stomach hurts a little.

After a long time, Lin Huanhuan opened his eyes.

She felt it.

"It's done."

Looking at her hand, Lin Huanhuan had excitement and anticipation in her eyes.

She felt that she had really learned how to sacrifice her flesh and blood.

It seemed that as long as she wanted to, she could sacrifice the extra meat on her body.

But it needs to be set.

Otherwise it is very dangerous.

"Take out the clothes first, by the way, there is also a mirror."

It may not take too long to become beautiful, but she still wants to know what she looks like for the first time.

"Miss Mu said that I have good facial features, and I will definitely become a coquettish woman."

When everything was ready, Lin Huanhuan stood in front of the mirror.

She has prepared a lot of clothes.

The sizes are different.

The main reason is that she doesn't know what size to wear.

Clothes that are too big and don't look good, and when they are too small, they tend to get embarrassed.

At this time, Lin Huanhuan had a full-length mirror in front of her, and she turned on the lights.

Mainly late at night, if you don't turn on the lights, it feels particularly horrible.

After all preparations were made, she closed her eyes and sensed the excess flesh on her body.

The scope of her sacrifice must be controlled.

Otherwise it's one thing to be too thin, so you're afraid of danger.

It took a long time for Lin Huanhuan to set the flesh and blood of the sacrifice.

Followed by the method of flesh and blood sacrifice.

Start offering sacrifices.


A new year begins.

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