The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 382: The dead and the undead

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The two people who caught Lin Huanhuan looked at Qiao Qian who appeared suddenly, with vigilance.

The appearance of the other party was abrupt.

They are not sure what the other party is here for.

Strength is even harder to say.

In short, try it out first.

If it is from the Lu family, retreat.

So far, they have just slapped people a few times, and they haven't ignored the existence of the Lu family.

The power is looming.

The one with the high ponytail was going to ask.

At the moment when the opponent's power appeared, Qiao Gan knew what to say.

Take preemptive action, otherwise it will be too late to wait for the opponent to start.

For the two Tier 4, whether he can escape is a question.

But what needs to be said?

Qiao Qian kept thinking in his mind, and finally he heard a calm voice before the opponent reacted:

"I'm here to find her."

Qiao Gan pointed to Lin Huanhuan and said.

Lin Huanhuan looked at Qiao Gan who appeared suddenly, and didn't react for a while.

Then she was even more puzzled when she heard that the other party was looking for her

Does the other party recognize her?


Neither of them recognized them, and their breath was wrong.

The two people frowned, and they were puzzled by what the other said.

But the alert heart didn't stop.

You know, this person may know the whereabouts of their nine princesses.

So this black-robed man is an accomplice of this man?

"Are you her accomplice?" the woman with the draped hair asked.

"Associate? So I have an accomplice?" Lin Huanhuan was a little shocked.

She didn't even know she had an accomplice.

Qiao Gan didn't know what was going on with these people.

But these people must be jealous.

The accomplices seem to only give them hands-on ideas.

"No, she is a friend of Lu Shaoye, I just found it as Lu Shaoye said." Qiao Gan said.

In Qiuyun Town, what are these people afraid of?

It's not another big power.

Only the Lu family was the one who feared the most.

Young Master Lu’s friend, the other party was more or less afraid to mess around.

If you have experienced that sword, then you definitely don't dare to have the slightest mess of thoughts.

When he heard these words, Qiao Gan saw the two people take a small step back.

They have seen that sword.

Otherwise, you won't be so afraid.

Very good, the other party will not shoot at will.

Qiao Gan breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to relax.

He understands that those who are walking with him will instantly attack him.

Let alone these people.

"Do you know Master Lu Family?" The woman in Gao Mawei looked at Lin Huanhuan and asked.

If the other party is really a friend of Lu Shaoye, then they have to find a way to leave.

You have to be cautious about catching the nine princesses.

Otherwise, it is easy to die here.

Qiao Gan also looked at Lin Huanhuan nervously, if the other party was too stupid, he could only turn around and ran.

Lin Huanhuan looked at the woman with a tall pony tail:

"Master Lu? He didn't say a few words to me, I'm not familiar with him."

Qiao Gan: "..."

Did you directly say that you don’t know well?

But this also shows one thing, the other party really knows Lu Shui.

Gao Mawei is a little bit lucky, it seems that he is not a good person.

It's just that their brows frowned soon.

Because Lin Huanhuan spoke again:


I know Master Lu’s fiancee, Miss Mu very well.

Miss Mu taught me to practice and lent me 500 million.

Tell me how to survive, now you beat me like this.

Wait for Miss Mu to bring the people from the Lu family.

By the way, Miss Mu is at Lu's house now.

You are done.

Even I dare to fight like this.

When I’m a sandbag, isn’t it?

The one on the left, the one on the right.

If you have the ability, let me make a call. "

Lin Huanhuan shouted.

This time the high ponytail girl is a little flustered.

They knew that Miss Mu was in Lu's house.

For those who can't provoke them, they inquired very clearly.

They also generally inquired about people familiar with Miss Mu.

There is one called Dongfang Chacha.

She is the proud girl of the Dongfang family.

This person is Oriental Chacha?

Does not look like.

No matter who it is, I can't keep asking.

Without hesitation, the tall ponytailed woman and the disheveled woman looked at each other.

Begin to retreat directly.

"I'm very sorry, but we confessed to the wrong person, some small apologies.

It will be indefinite later. "

The two of them took out two bottles of pills and left directly with Yujian.

The Lu family shouldn't chase them down.

Of course, when they left, they released Lin Huanhuan's imprisonment by the way.

Be careful next time.

One was put on by the nine princesses.

Yes, they think this is the deliberate strategy of the nine princesses.

The nine princesses finally failed to learn.

Lin Huanhuan just watched the two people run away.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Ms. Mu is better.

She can be sheltered without being here.

Such a good person.

It's good to be married.

The world is still fair.

Miss Mu is such a good person, married to Master Lu who is a good match for her.

But Lin Huanhuan naturally knew who saved her last.

The man with a broken arm.

She hit him several times and almost caused him to be arrested by her family.

If that were the case, the other party's self-esteem would definitely be broken.

As a disabled person, once you lose your self-esteem, it is too difficult to pick it up.

So she usually feels guilty.

Then she felt like thanking that person

After all, the other party really saved her.

But when Lin Huanhuan turned his head, he found that there was no one left in the same place.

"It's over, he must think that my fat girl is a catastrophe."

Lin Huanhuan bowed her head and muttered to herself.

She didn't seem to hurt each other.

It's not intentional.

Then she froze for a moment, and then found out that she was a pretty self, not a fat girl.

"So I'm the little fat girl, I'm not a disaster star?"

Despite this, Lin Huanhuan still felt guilty.

See you next time.

Give him a coupon.


Qiao Gan left.

He naturally didn't have the slightest stay.

When he came to the station, he checked.

No one followed, and probably no one could perceive him casually.

"There should be no problem."

Qiao Gan stood in the corner.

At this time, he put the black robe hat on his head.

Few people can see him.

It is even more impossible to perceive it.

Because this is the robe Lu Shui gave him.

Everyone who worked as a thug for Lu Shui had such a robe.

Any perception can be shielded.

Even the fortune-telling can't be counted.

This is simply a magic weapon to cover the secrets of heaven.

However, it is just a random work by land and water.

But some people's hexagrams cannot be avoided.

For example, the one Chuyu told him.

It is said to be a big man who can help land and water.

When Qiao's car was about to arrive, he suddenly saw two people.

A majestic middle-aged man with a beautiful woman.

The male is very strong, while the female is a little weak.

"Daddy?" Qiao Gan was a little surprised.

Why is his father and mother here?

Soon he wanted to understand that his sister had a big chance.

Grandpa Grandpa has not come out yet and needs protection.

After that, Qiao Qian didn't pay much attention to him, after all, he was a trash master.

Somewhat ashamed of his parents.

Finally, Qiao Gan bowed his head and walked into the train.

I choose the road myself.

He just wants to live.


Lu Shui walked to the hall.

Originally, she squatted on the ground with Mu Xue and vomited.

Suddenly I heard that the three elders were looking for it.

So I can only leave Mu Xue's yard.

But Mu Xue said to wait for him in the yard and wait for him to go to the town to eat together.

Lu Shui naturally did not refuse.

Unless he is going to be punished again.

But at present, he did not do anything to increase the price of the three elders.

Lu Shui thought about it, but still didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

Want to come, not to be punished.

The Lu family probably also met the three elders, and Lu Shui needed such self-reflection.

Soon Lu Shui came under the hall.

The face of the three elders maintained the appearance of five million as always.

very stable.

"It seems that there is no sign of going to the rooftops, so he would agree to me to send the invitation."

Lu Shui was puzzled.

But I dare not show it.

Instead, he spoke respectfully:

"I have seen the three elders."

The three elders looked at Lu Shui and said nothing.

Lu Shui came out of Shimen faster than anyone else.

He entered Shimen completely perfunctory.

But it's a blessing for not being embarrassed.

Then the three elders took out an invitation and threw it out.

The invitation fell before Lu Shui.

"In a few days, take the invitation to go to the ice field and snowy area." The voice of the third elder came down.

Lu Shui accepted the invitation, then opened it and looked at it, and found that it was indeed Qiao Ye and Lin Huanhuan.

But Qiao Gan was written on it.

There is not much difference.

But the inviter seemed to be the three elders.

"Is this the third elder?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

"It's very serious." The three elders looked at Lu Lu Channel:

"Do you think your name should be suitable?"

No, I'm worried that they mistakenly think that I am you, and then you lose face.

Lu Shui answered inwardly.

But I dare not say it.

Say it, there is a high probability that the wind will blow into the Frost River and blow the cool breeze.

"I heard that you are taking Mu Xue?" The voice of the third elder came from above the hall.

"Yes." Lu Shui nodded.

There is nothing to deny about this kind of thing.

The whole clan knows that he likes Mu Xue.

A recognized thing.

They all knew it from the time the reunion failed.

The three elders looked at Lu Shui without saying a word.

The appearance of Mu Xue made Lu Shui less embarrassed than before.

But it's less promising than before.

In the past, there was no change for a woman.

Now for a woman, a lot has changed.

Mainly because he can't say anything yet.

"This time I went to the icefields and snowy areas. If you are embarrassed, I will go to Fengshuang River to think about it.

has a problem? "The Third Elder asked.

"No." Lu Shui bowed his head.

What can he have?

If you really go to Fengshuanghe, it's actually okay.

It would be better if Mu Xue was not in Lu's house.

To catch the only true **** and go to the end of the sea, Mu Xue needs to be away from home.

This is convenient.

Otherwise, it is easy to be found by Mu Xue.

To grasp the only true **** requires the use of the power of heaven and earth.

It's too close, it will definitely be discovered by Mu Xue.

What is the difference between this and self-investment?

"The Icefield and Snow Region will open the Kingdom of the Moon this time, and you can enter with invitations.

Remember, the Moon Kingdom is a bit weird. If you go in, write down what you saw after you come out. "The third elder said.

Lu Shui didn't understand, why did he write down what he saw?

Is there anything special about the Moon Kingdom itself?

But does the Moon Kingdom have anything to do with the Moon Clan?

Land and water are not so sure.

If it has something to do with the Yue Clan, he can check to see if there is any clear news.

If you can know Ming's other half, then next time you see Ming, you should be able to know a lot of things.

Of course, the premise is that Ming is really Moon Clan Mingyue.


Land and water should go down without asking why.

This makes the three elders a little uncomfortable.

But since Lu Shui didn't ask, he didn't plan to elaborate.

After that, the three elders let Lu Shui withdraw for a long time.

As for when to go to the icefields and snowy areas.

Let Lu Shui decide for himself.

If you are late, go to Fengshuanghe.

"It seems to be a lot calmer."

The three elders muttered to themselves.

Then he looked towards the back mountain.

Recently, some power storms have often appeared on the Great Elder's side.

Something seems to be happening.

He was going to ask, but found that he couldn't get close.

Not to mention him, even the second elders can hardly go in and ask about the situation.

Then the three elders disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was on the bamboo forest trail.

"Second Elder."

The third elder looked down at the little **** the trail and said respectfully.

The second elder glanced at the third elder, and then said:

"The root of the problem lies in the Mist City.

There should be a problem there. "

"The strength of the great elder will not extend the strength." The third elder asked curiously.

"It's the great elder who didn't leave here." The second elder said.

These words surprised the three elders.

Under normal circumstances, most of the power of the Great Elder is in the Mist City.

This is what the great elder needs to do in comprehending a higher realm.

This state is for one step further.

But this time it seemed that most of the power was left in the Lu family.

It seems that a major event of the level of the great elder is about to happen.

There is no such thing as the time to adjust the power.

The three elders had intended to ask.

At this time, the storm of power suddenly ceased.

After the power subsided, the second elder stepped inside.

The three elders followed in.

Soon they appeared by the pond. There was nothing here at this time, and the surface of the pond never had a slight ripple.

"Great changes have taken place in the capital of the mist, and the unknown power has begun to wake up in the unknown area."

A gentle sound rang in the pond.

"The gods were hit hard by the mysterious man, but there was unprecedented vitality." The second elder said.

This unknown power should be related to the gods.

And the gods follow them.

It is hostile.

"That mysterious person is Flowing Fire." The Third Elder also spoke.

At this moment, the second elder turned to look at the third elder.

For the mysterious person in Shimen, they all know the existence of this person.

But no one knows who the other party is.

And the strength of that mysterious man is beyond ordinary.

The third elder was a little puzzled, feeling that the big elder was also looking at him.

Did he say something wrong?

But soon the first elder and the second elder returned to normal.

"Lu Shui's wedding is coming." The second elder said.

"The invitations for the elder and the second elder have been reserved." The third elder bowed his head and said.

The first elder and the second elder also want to invite people.

Although the other party never came.


South city.

Chuyu and Jianluo walked all the way to the school gate.

"Can you graduate like this?" Jian Luo asked, looking at Chuyu.

"Didn't I say, I can graduate without having to go to classes, and I have written all my graduation thesis." Chu Yu said with a smile:

"I am different from you, I can graduate with my eyes closed.

No matter how hard you try, you can't graduate.

So one thing, we are the same.

It doesn't matter if you go to class or not. "

Jian Luo glanced at Chu Yu and decided to ignore Chu Yu.

Chuyu didn't care, they were about to go to school.

This time they plan to take classes for a few days, and then continue to ask for leave for a week.

Don't agree?

There is no disapproval.

Just when they walked to the gate, they found that there was no one around.

Today is a normal day for class.

How could there be no one?

and so.

It's time to see Uncle Security again.

Sure enough, when they went to the security room, they saw an uncle eating instant noodles.

Chu Yu curiously said:

"Uncle, why are you eating instant noodles every time you see you?"

Uncle Security looked up at Chu Yu, who had dark circles in his eyes.

"You don't go to class at breakfast and end at lunch. Am I going to show you instant noodles?" Uncle Security said.

Chuyu didn't know what to say for a while.

It's time's fault.

"I heard that you are going to the icefields and snowy areas?" Uncle Security asked after taking a mouthful of instant noodles.

"Uncle, you say you are amazing, or the only true **** is amazing." Chu Yu asked curiously.

The uncle security was startled, and then said:

"The only true God."

Even though he has cultivated so far, he is still a child in front of the One True God.

"She said I can write a book as a god. Did you make a mistake last time? Would you like to do it again?" Chu Yu asked.

Uncle Security looked at Chu Yu and said:

"A reminder for you.

Don't go alone when you go to the icefields and snowy areas. "

As for the problem, he is willing to ignore it.

"Is there something to take with that person?" Chuyu asked.

This uncle only wanted them, and nine out of ten he had something to bring to Liu Huo's thigh.

"Yes, you tell the existence that the blood dust is not completely dead, and you can get a lot of information he wants from him." Uncle Security said.

Chu Yu is a little curious, but this uncle knows more.

But I just didn't dare to see my thighs.


He opened his mouth, intending to ask.

But before the words came out, many classmates appeared around.

Being in and out.

Every time it comes to the thigh, I always get kicked out.

"Sure enough, those who write novels can only deceive themselves and others.

ill. "

The voice of Jian Luo came over, and after speaking, he walked into the school.

Chu Yu chose to ignore it.

What a good-looking person, it's a pity that he can talk.

The sword fall is very beautiful, comparable to Dao Zong Yu Nie.

The same goes for talent.

But there are more people with poor temperament.

Most likely it is because the speech is too ugly.

Of course, Chu Yu felt that if he was a female, Jian Luo would not be enough to look at.



"The invitation style is almost ready. Would you like to make a comment?" Tang Yi asked Mu Ze while looking at him.

"You decide for yourself." Mu Ze said.

"Mother, mother, can I make a pocket on the invitation? It's convenient to put things." Yalin asked, raising her hand.

"You go and play with Huoyun Beast." Yayue put her sister aside directly.

Let her play with Huoyun Beast.

What are the comments?

But Sister Mu Xue is going to get married.

I don't know what it will be like then.

"I'm going to find grandma and the others to play." Yalin ran out holding the Fire Cloud Beast against the Water Cloud Beast.

Watching Yalin go out, Tang Yi didn't care.

The two elderly people also wished Yalin ran to play.

"The Lu family seems to care about this wedding very much. They like Sister Mu Xue very much." Yayue said with a smile.

It must be good to marry like this.

She may not decide who to marry in the future, and whether she can marry well will be a question.

"It feels like Mu Xue is aggrieved by Lu Shui," Tang Yi said softly.

But Mu Xue seemed to like Lu Shui very much, and she didn't understand.

Mu Ze glanced at Tang Yi and smiled inwardly.

Women's views.

If the Lu family knew what Lu Shui was like, it would be a question of whether to marry or not.

Mu Ze planned to leave, but just when he got up, he found that the mark on the back of Ya Yue's hand suddenly flickered.

This made Mu Ze startled.

Yayue and Tang Yi were also a little surprised at this time.

"Why is it flashing again?" Yayue frowned.

She has to talk to Sister Mu Xue.

"What's going on?" Tang Yi was also a little concerned at this time.

"Don't worry, it's just a connection.

Similar to ancestral land.

Perhaps the origin stone of the ancestral land is echoing. "Mu Ze said calmly.

"I'm going to the ancestral land." Mu Ze turned and left.

He frowned.

In theory, his daughter's mark shouldn't be brighter again.

Where is the problem?

He needs to look at the origin stone, if the origin stone is not bright.

Then you have to contact Master Lu.

Not long after, Mu Ze came to the ancestral land.

When he saw the origin stone, his brow frowned.

The origin stone did not shine, but lay there quietly.

Therefore, the mark of Yayue was not caused by the person opposite the origin stone.

This is beyond his ability, and he must contact Master Lu.


Lu Shui took the invitation and left the hall.

There is more than a week before the wedding.

Even if you pass it early, you have to wait a week.

This week is enough for him to get promoted to 5.4.

After all, he can be promoted from 5.2 to 5.3 tonight.

"But recently we need to work hard to refine the body, this is the ultimate move."

"The power of heaven and earth hasn't been used for a long time. At present, it has not accumulated much, but it is not a lot.

Dad is definitely not my opponent anymore.

I don't know what kind of cultivation is the magic cultivation that wants to teach me to be a human being.

It should not be weak at all. "

This Lu Shui knows, so he needs to prepare something more.

It really doesn't work, take the magic soldier.

Lu Shui was thinking about it when his cell phone rang suddenly.

It's from the old man.

"There's no reason why the origin stone would go wrong so quickly, right?" Lu Shui was a little puzzled.

This is not next month.

It seems that something is wrong.

Then Lu Shui connected the phone.

"Senior, something?" Lu Shui asked.

"Master Lu is free recently?" Mu Ze asked.

"I'm free." Lu Shui found that he was indeed free.

Before going to Qiao Ye's wedding, he seemed to have nothing to do.

In addition to accompany Mu Xue to stroll around the world every day.

After shopping, go shopping around.

I don't know why, and I'm not tired.

It's just that if you go shopping like this, you have to shop for feelings if you don't have feelings.


How can you go shopping without feelings.

It's over.

"Master Lu remember the mark on Yayue's hand?" Mu Ze's voice came over.

"It's on?" Lu Shui asked.

If it is not bright, then it is not a problem.

The problem is when it is lit.

The probability is still normal in the origin stone.

"Yes, it's on, there is no movement in the origin stone.

I wonder if Master Lu knows what the problem is? "Muze asked.

There must be an existence on the opposite side of the imprint.

"Most likely it is Ming's other half." Lu Shui said.

After a pause, Lu Shui continued to speak:

"Now I want to find out, either let Yayue come to Lu's house, or let Mu Xue return to Mu's house."

In fact, no matter which one, Lu Shui could not know the specifics.

Because of the situation on Yayue's side, Mu Xue started it.

This means that he can't talk to Ming's other half.

The other party is male.

Therefore, Mu Xue will probably close the channel directly.

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