The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 397: The true goddess went to the Worm Valley, and the snow was flying

"Yue Clan's stone?"

Lu Shui asked.

The stone of the Moon clan has a similar effect to the origin stone of the Mu family.

It seems to be better than the Mu family.

But this also shows that it is definitely the Moon Clan.

Whether this is the other half of Ming hasn't been determined.

Lu Shui didn't care, just go in and take a look.

"It's the stone of the Moon Clan, but we know very little about the Moon Clan.

All I know is that this is an ancient race, very powerful in the past.

The power in the stone originated from the Moon Clan.

This power transcends our cognition.

It is for this reason that the plan of the head can proceed smoothly. The person in front of Lu Shui explained.

Those in the back were a little confused, but as time passed.

They gradually have memories.

As if recalling everything.

Everyone has some pain on their faces.

Because too many people were killed, many of them were the same.

"Can you communicate with that rock?" Lu Shui asked.

These people will recover, he naturally knows.

Because these are his hands and feet.

When they remember everything, it's time to send them on the road.

"Can you communicate?" The person in front shook his head:

"I don't know about this. If you can communicate, maybe only the head can do it."

Lu Shui nodded and stopped talking.

He waited for a while, waited until everyone was almost recovered, and then said:

"Any last words?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone knew that they should be relieved.

After so many years, it's time to go.

"I hope you can obey the acknowledgment." The person in the front said while looking at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui looked around, he was looking at this city, then looked back at these people in front of him, and said:

"Everyone, right?

This seat should be off. "

When Lu Shui's voice fell, these people bumped their heads to the ground.

"We don't know if we are right or wrong.

We didn't intend to kill anyone. "

"Yes, we really didn't want to kill them."

"When we knew it, we realized that we had committed a big mistake."

"But we can't explain, nor can we be forgiven."

Lu Shui stood up and said:

"Close your eyes, I will take you to admit a mistake."

Those people froze for a moment, then closed their eyes.

At this moment everyone was covered by light.

Then disappeared.

It's just that when it dissipates, there is a sense of relief on the face.

As if contented.

Lu Shui didn't care, he stepped forward.

Everyone in front is disappearing.

In the ancient city, the lights in some rooms also began to go out.

The footsteps are also much less.

The obsession dissipates, there is no need to be trapped in this kingdom.

Lu Shui always thought that the other party would ask whether he could succeed in becoming an eternal kingdom in the future.

He planned to say the answer.

But these people don't care.

When Lu Shui left, Zhenwu and others naturally followed.

The rest of the Qiao family watched these people leave respectfully.

Ignoring them, it means that they have survived a catastrophe, and they dare to offend.

They were relieved when Lu Shui and others left the city.

It's finally safe.

"These seven people are really terrifying, and the people of the Hidden Heaven Sect really can't see through them." Someone said with emotion.

"Seven people? Aren't they eight people?"

"Aren't they nine?"

"Are you blind? Obviously thirty-two."

Everyone looked over at this moment, and it was impossible to see thirty-two.

Is a young girl.

"I, I count very clearly."

Qiao Qian was a little surprised, how could it be so bad?

Who is wrong?

"Don't say anything, it may be that our minds have been affected.

Withdraw first.

receive treatment. "

The fifth-order elders are more knowledgeable.

The first time I felt that the problem was with them.

This may be why those people go crazy.

Those people may still feel that they are normal, and that the whole world is crazy.

this is too scary.


Worm Valley.

The older generation of strong people gathered in the hall.

The face of the middle-aged man at the top was very bad.

"Have you seen the content of the letter?"

The middle-aged man looked at everyone below, his face covered with haze.

"This purple-clothed goddess is too much, she simply ignores us Worm Valley. To give her face, do you really think how strong she is?"

"From the point of view of strength, the other party is not the goddess, and according to the rules of the goddess, it has already come and will not deliver the letter."

"I really want to know why there is a conflict? Are those three idiots? Must there be a conflict at this time?"

"Tell me what to do." The middle-aged man at the top said.

"The other party is probably not the goddess, so don't be polite with her." Someone said immediately.

"Who is the person who has the right to speak in her mouth? Really value herself, do it, or else really take the spirit stone to redeem someone? The face of our Worm Valley was completely rubbed under the feet of the other party."

The middle-aged man at the top lowered his eyebrows.

There is a faint murderous aura in him.

Since the creation of Worm Valley, when did they cringe so much?

If you flinched back then, what will you achieve today?

Then the middle-aged man closed his eyes, but in an instant, he opened his eyes again.

This time he exudes a real killing intent.

"It's us old guys who are getting old, and they are beginning to be afraid of this. Since the purple-clothed goddess insults me Worm Valley, let her know that, as the top power of Worm Valley, it is easy to destroy her Celestial Girl Sect." The middle-aged man stood up. Get up, look at everyone below, and say:

"Let's go, let's go together.

Erase the Heavenly Girl Sect. "

"It should have been like this a long time ago, what kind of goddess is not goddess, if the other party is strong enough, still need to send a letter? I want to call the door early." Someone immediately said.

"It's true that we can't wait any longer. The other party is so indifferent, and we don't have to keep our hands."

"Gu God is nothing, but this face, we must fight for Worm Valley."

"It's been a long time since I started, and the cultivation world hasn't heard of Worm Valley's reputation for a long time."

Nine orders stood up one by one, and the last of them was better than the three who went there.

When these people go out, they can shake the entire cultivation world.

Whether it is Dao Zong or Jian Yifeng, it must be fully guarded.

Enough for the face of the purple-clothed goddess.

"Do you want to alarm the ancestors?" someone asked.

"No, the ancestor is still practicing in retreat, this kind of trivial matter is not necessary to disturb the ancestor."

One by one stopped talking, and all planned to go out.


At the foot of Lujia Mountain.

"Why are you still herding sheep today? It's so boring." said Jiu, sitting on the sheep's back and looking at the second elder.

"Isn't it interesting?" The second elder lost some grass and went over.

The two sheep immediately scrambled to eat.

These are the two sheep that the second elder has been keeping.

It looks like an ordinary sheep.

"Dongfang Chacha is fun until you have played it. How old you are, playing once is almost the same." Jiu said with his feet.

But the sheep did not notice her existence.

"Why don't you attach to Qi?" the second elder asked casually.

Relatively speaking, it should be better to attach to Qi.

"No." Jiu shook his head directly, and then explained:

"Because she is shorter than me, so she is young."

Second elder: "..."

She found this Jiu, very depressing her.

However, the opponent's strength is a bit extraordinary, but she just doesn't feel the slightest bit of malice.

Not only that, but it felt strange to her.

Then she asked directly:

"Have you met the ancestors of the Lu family?"

"Guess I haven't seen it?" Jiu asked directly.

"I have seen it." The second elder guessed directly.

"Guess again."

"I have seen it."

"Guess again."

"I have seen it."

"Are you like your father or your mother?"

"Neither, they are all taller than me."

"Let's talk about business, do you remember Tiannvzong?" Jiu jumped up and came to the second elder.

The second elder squatted down and pulled two grasses, and said calmly:

"What happened to the Heavenly Girl Sect?"

"The Heavenly Nv Sect provokes Worm Valley, and now Worm Valley intends to kill it." Jiu pinched the cheek of the second elder and said.


Hit the air again.

"Isn't there a purple-clothed goddess in the Tiannv Sect? She can't handle it?" the second elder asked.

Then throw the grass to the sheep.

The two sheep immediately gave up the grass in their mouths and ate the thrown grass.

Very satisfied look.

It seems to have a taste of the world.

"Purple Goddess?" Jiu thought for a while and said:

"It was dealt with, but the strength was exposed."

The second elder looked at Jiu incomprehensibly, and reached out by the way to pat the hand that was already touching her head.

"Aren't you curious about who the purple-clothed goddess is?" Jiu retracted his hand and looked at the second elder curiously.

"It has something to do with me?" The second elder got up and walked to the tree.

I plan to make some leaves and see if the sheep can eat it.

Jiu followed behind the second elder, raising his steps high:

"It must be related, the other party has topped your position."

The second elder glanced at Jiu and began to pick the leaves:

"It's better to have a goddess than without a goddess, and I haven't heard of anything wrong with a purple-clothed goddess."

"Aren't you curious about who the goddess in purple clothes is?" Jiu stopped and asked.

"It has something to do with me?" After picking a leaf, the second elder asked Jiu.

"You know." Jiu said with a smile.

The second elder looked at Jiu in surprise.

She knows?

Among all the people she knew, only one person had that kind of cultivation, but the other person would definitely not do such boring things.

At most, relying on himself as a senior, preaching to her.

"It's not Ningxia." Jiu directly refuted the second elder's guess.

The second elder did not speak.

When she is curious, she will get into an inch. She has no way of doing it.

"The people around you guess one." Jiu smiled at the second elder.

As if wanting to let the second elder take a guess.

"How old is she?" The second elder felt that he needed some clues.

"Nineteen years old." Jiu said.

"Impossible." The second elder spoke subconsciously.

How is this possible?


Dare to face the Worm Valley alone at the age of nineteen?

Even more special than land water.

And Lu Shui is already twenty years old.

The second elder was suddenly taken aback when thinking of Lu Shui.

Landshui is extremely special and powerful, making people suspicious.

But Lu Shui wants to marry an ordinary person...

In the next moment, the second elder thought a lot. As an ordinary person, Mu Xue was not affected by the slightest impact in the three thousand weak waters.

I thought it was because of land and water, but now it seems that it may not be.

Mu Xue, nineteen years old.

"Think of it?" Jiu fluttered up, sitting in mid-air looking at the second elder:

"Are you surprised or surprised?

Is there less fun of personal discovery? "

The second elder really didn't want to talk at this time, but had to ask some things:

"In this way, Mu Xue is actually stronger than Lu Shui and special?"

"No, although it looks like this at present, from the reaction of heaven and earth, Lu Shui is the strongest and most special." Jiu also has some questions:

"But I can't see what it is.

This couple feels very strange to me, maybe I will be able to see everything after a while.

Not currently. "

"Do they know each other?" The second elder asked again.

"It's half." Jiu said.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't see the details, it's probably the love between lovers."

The second elder did not speak.

Judging from the first time Lu Shui retired from marriage, Lu Shui did not know, but in the end he did not divorce, and also made a high profile for Mu Xue.

Something must have happened in the middle.

Lu Shui wanted to marry Mu Xue, and Mu Xue also wanted to marry Lu Shui.

These two people are pretending to be useless, and they are in a very tacit understanding.

One really wants to marry, the other really wants to marry.

Fate is the same as it was destined in the previous life.

But for questions that Jiu couldn't see, she couldn't guess the final answer.

Can only wait for enough clues.

But there is one thing you don’t need to care about, that is, they don’t reject marriage at all.

But all are so strong, how do you have children?

"You don't have to worry about your child." Jiu said directly.

"What's the matter of exposing strength just mentioned?" The second elder didn't think about anything else.

"Lu Shui didn't know Mu Xue's specific strength, he decided to challenge once, but he was not sure whether he was strong enough.

So he was eager to go to Worm Valley to try the water for him. "Jiu looked at the play.

Lu Shui is too arrogant.

Of course, I have never been arrogant here.

"The Lu family is okay today?" the second elder asked.

Jiu looked at the second elder with a smile and said:

"Absolutely, it's okay."

The second elder took the leaves to the side of the sheep, and then sprinkled the leaves.

Before the leaves fell to the ground, the two sheep began to grab the leaves to eat.

Like a pie from the sky.

"I haven't been out for a long time." The second elder turned and looked outside the Lu family, and then stepped out:

"Let's go out and have a look."

The second elder disappeared in place.

After the elder disappeared, the two sheep froze, and then they didn't know whether to continue eating grass or go back by themselves.

And just when they think they should go back.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind.

In the next instant, the two sheep immersed their heads in eating, without any thought of leaving.

They didn't dare to look up until the gust of wind appeared again.

Eat, eat till the evening.


Worm Valley.

One by one originally planned to set off.

Let the purple-clothed goddess see what a top power is.

"Should I go straight, or fly all the way?" someone asked.

"Fly, let the other person experience the feeling of despair coming."

"Open the space door directly and kill him by surprise, wouldn't it?"

"It's no different if you can fly over and open the door."

"Go straight ahead and take the lead."

"Talk to a group of people who don't have the seventh rank?"

The two couldn't help but argue.

At this time someone spoke again:

"Fly over, give the purple-clothed goddess time, there is no point in killing others."

After making a decision, they plan to leave.

It's just that when they were preparing to set off one by one, they suddenly noticed that it was snowing.

"It's snowing?" A fairy looked at the sky in surprise and asked:

"We won't snow here, why is it suddenly snowing?"

Soon they found that the snow was getting bigger and bigger, and it fell faster and faster.

But in an instant.

They found that the snow was wrong.

"Enemy attack." The middle-aged man headed immediately spoke.

Under the snow, he is a little familiar.

"Hope is an illusion."

At this moment, the entire Worm Valley was on alert.

At this time, the worms in Worm Valley were a little uneasy, as if some terrible disaster was about to happen.

The ground began to freeze.

The original jungle also began to be covered in snow and ice.

"What's going on here?" Everyone who was about to start was stunned.

This situation is not right.

"Isn't it?" Someone has seen a similar scene, which is more terrifying than ever.

"Why not?"


I was stunned when I heard these two words. Didn't it mean that she was a goddess in purple clothes?

Isn't the purple gas coming from the east?

Then these people reacted, and they were another goddess.

Everyone was a little nervous for a moment.

"Is it right? Just go and see." The middle-aged man frowned, and he went straight to the front of the Worm Valley.

The ominous premonition in my heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Did you still provoke it after all?

Soon a few of them appeared at the forefront of Worm Valley.

There was heavy snow, and the whole forest was already frozen.

At this time, the sound of footsteps suddenly appeared from a distance.

All the elders in Worm Valley looked over.

They knew that when someone appeared, they knew who it was at a glance.

But after looking intently, they saw it, and saw a person walking on the other side of Daxue.

A little girl.

Stepping on white boots, wearing white clothes, black hair fluttering in the wind.

At this moment, she was holding a white oil-paper umbrella in her hand, and the umbrella leaned lightly on her shoulder, as if a child was holding an umbrella to cover the snow.

She took steps, step by step towards the Worm Valley.

But neither of them can see each other's faces clearly.

But don't need to see clearly.

As long as they see this scene, they will know who is coming.

"Goddess." The headed middle-aged man had an unusually ugly face.

The opponent approached step by step, giving him unclear pressure.

"Ninth-order sermon? She is not a master." There is someone who said.

The middle-aged man looked directly at the speaker and said:

"Please ancestors, hurry up."

No one knows the terrible goddess better than him.

Ninth order sermon?

He was also a ninth-level proving, but the moment he saw the goddess, he knew that he was not an opponent at all.

The ancestors must be taken.

"I'm really afraid of what comes from, I hope it has nothing to do with the goddess of the heavenly female sect in purple clothes."

But everyone is not stupid, they just planned to destroy the purple-clothed goddess.

This one is here.

Say it's okay, who believes it?

"Can you beat them alone?" Jiu asked curiously, walking under the umbrella of the second elder.

Yes, the person here is the second elder of the Lu family, Lu Youting.

"Don't you know everything?" The second elder said calmly.

"It's boring to watch, do you think you can beat it?"

"Try it, I don't know how much they have grown."

The second elder's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't pay attention to Worm Valley.

The second elder walked step by step, but she shortened a long distance with each step, until she appeared in front of the Worm Valley.

As soon as she came over, she saw those people.

They are indeed very strong.

The bottom line of the top power is different.

So many strong people.

"I heard that you are going to travel far?"

The voice of the second elder passed.

There was no breath suppressed, but all of them felt chills.

"Goddess." The middle-aged man headed immediately respectfully said:

"There must be some misunderstanding in this, let me investigate it, and I will definitely give the goddess a perfect explanation."

The second elder glanced at each other, then stretched out his finger and pressed it with one finger.


The incomparable power burst out instantly.

And the one who felt most deeply was the middle-aged man.

The moment the second elder stretched out his hand, he directly aroused all the power.

He felt it in the next moment.

The storm is coming.




But an instant contest.

The middle-aged man of the same rank was instantly knocked into the air, and then a mouthful of blood was spit out.

The gap, the gap that is difficult to fill.

The middle-aged man was a little frightened.

He felt that he was not facing the same rank, but the ancestor.

This is terrible, it was like this at the beginning, and it is still like this now.

The other party is simply unruly.

"It was our Worm Valley offending first, and we will definitely apologize to the Heavenly Girl Sect.

Please listen to us to explain, it is indeed unknown in advance. "The middle-aged man spoke again.

The second elder glanced at each other and said calmly:

"Okay, your ancestors are out, let's leave."

At this time, the second elder was still holding the umbrella, and there was no influence around him.

"When you are promoted to the main road, you will be able to directly crush Worm Valley.

The probability is similar to that of the toothache fairy, that is, the level of Jian Yiwu's disciple. "Jiu said.

The second elder waved his hand, and in an instant a powerful force swept across the Worm Valley.

It is difficult for those people to resist for a while.

Not only that, some people are more directly injured.

The goddess is terrifying to the extreme.

They actually want to kill the past, whether they can survive today is all a question.

"So weak? Sword One is the same as the Great Elder, right? And the Five Great Swordsman is just a disciple of Sword One." The second elder lowered his hand and asked.

"Don't think so, change your mind.

The realm of Xiaowuwei, after ancient times, did not appear second.

No, it should be said that after the fall of self, there is only such one.

And the realm of the Five Great Swordsmen, only five of them.

Think so, do you know how talented you are? "Jiu said.

"Is that toothache fairy?" the second elder asked.

She looked ahead and realized that the other person was about to walk out.

"The toothache fairy is a character of my era, he is the darling of the era." Jiu replied.

"How many times are there in the realm of the great elder? Or the time when you haven't fallen." The second elder suddenly asked curiously.

"A dozen, terrible, right?

That era was really brilliant, it was the most brilliant era I have ever seen. "Jiu has memories in his eyes.

The second elder did not ask any more.

In ancient times, it was not easy.

The ancestor of the Worm Valley walked out of the Worm Valley. He looked at the familiar ice and snow and was a little surprised for a while.

What did those grandchildren do?

Mad, don’t want to survive, right?

However, he found that the opponent was only a ninth-order proving, and he would not necessarily lose.

"Goddess? After so many years, do you still look down on me Worm Valley?" Worm Valley ancestor looked at the second elder coldly.

"Dadao Tiancheng?" The second elder looked at each other with a gentle voice:

"Recently, I want to see how far I am from Dadao Tiancheng."

When the voice fell, the second elder stepped out and went directly into the sky.

Then patted it with a palm.

In an instant, heaven and earth interweave the lines that belonged to the avenue, and the huge palm instantly pressed against the worm valley.

The ancestor of Worm Valley rushed out without fear.

He lost that year, and this time he wants to win it back.

boom! !

The power of the avenue is intertwined, and the terrifying to the extreme power instantly swept everything around.

Worm Valley and others dare not look down upon it.

Immediately mobilize the Guardian Array to prevent the existence of this force from destroying the Worm Valley.



boom! !

The forces of heaven and earth are intertwined, and the atmosphere of the great road spreads.

The people in Worm Valley bowed their heads and dared not watch.

The few people who dared to see felt a little regretful in their hearts.

This is truly a disaster.

Knowing that the other party will come, UU reading has long known that the other party still cares about the Heavenly Girl Sect, and they will definitely not have any thoughts.

Damn it.

What are the three idiots doing, causing the other party to directly do it?

No small things can be done.

The middle-aged man who supported the big array felt that he was going to endure the question of his ancestors.

I hope that the ancestor will have the opportunity to question him.


Worm Valley will not be the top power.

For such a small matter, which caused Worm Valley to change from top to top, he felt that he was also an idiot.


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