The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 399: Worm Valley Comes to the Celestial Female Sect

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ps: It hasn't been checked yet, there are some typos, I will change it.

"Really, answer a few questions, and you will know."

Lu Shui had planned to sit down and condense a high chair.

However, before he condensed this time, Zhenwu put the chair behind Lu Shui.

Lu Shui: "..."

Okay, this chair is easier to sit on.

Chu Yu and others were also dumbfounded.

Sure enough, the thighs are as different as ever.

And the man in Taoist robe frowned as he looked at Lu Shui.

Finally he asked:

"What do you want to ask?"

He didn't question, there was no need to question, because the opponent's strength was there.

There was no reply to everything around him, and he felt that it was the existence of this person that caused everything to be in a broken state.

And being able to come here is absolutely abnormal.

"How did you get the stone behind?" Lu Shui asked.

After Lu Shui sat down.

These people fell to the ground.

No one can do anything between them, so they can only fall together.

The man in the Taoist robe is for his daughter, the sword is for destroying the cycle, and the ancient Buddha of the Ming Dynasty is for defeating the people here and Purdue everyone here.

None of the three of them is afraid of dying here.

What I am afraid of is that I have not been able to do what I want to do when I die.

The man in the Taoist robe frowned, he didn't want to ask a question about this.

That is his root.

Lu Shui looked at each other without forcing him, but raised his hand.


A snap finger.

At this moment the whole yard banged.

Turned into countless pieces, and finally disappeared.

Then jade appeared at their feet.

There are more stone pillars rising around.

But in the blink of an eye, a large hall appeared in everyone's eyes.

The place where Lu Shui sits is at the top of the hall.

The three men in Taoist robes were standing under the hall.

The stone and the baby are in the middle of them.

But at this time, the baby was put on a quilt, as if he was worried that the other party would catch a cold.

The moment the hall appeared, everyone was a little unbelievable.

They didn't know what was going on, as if the space had been directly replaced.

Ming Wang Gufo looked at Lu Shui, and he found that this person who appeared suddenly was far beyond his imagination.

"Understood?" Lu Shui looked at the man in the Taoist robe and said:

"Here, I am the master."

The man in the robes looked at Lu Shui in disbelief.

But at this time, he looked at the other party and felt that it had indeed changed.

Lu Shui sat on it, although he did nothing, but the world seemed to support him.


Does this exist in this world?

"It was dug in the mountains." The Dao-robed man chose to speak.

Because he wants an answer.

"Later I discovered that when I touched the stone, I could read the contents inside.

I found a way to use it.

I understand that it is something of the Moon Clan, but I don't know why it appeared in the mountain.

There is an incomparable power inside.

It seems endless.

I don't know the origin of power.

But I know that as long as I find a suitable way to lead it out.

I also saw the concept of the eternal kingdom in it.

But this concept was sealed.

I didn't see it all.

So rely on your own scrutiny.

In the end, it was unsuccessful. "

The other party answered in detail, but did not mention what he wanted to know.

"Have you ever heard a sound from a stone?" Lu Shui asked directly.

"Voice?" The Dao-robed man was a little confused, but still shook his head:

"Never heard of it."

Lu Shui looked at the man in the Taoist robe, and finally didn't say anything.

Instead, he stood up.

After Lu Shui stood up, the main hall disappeared in an instant, and they returned to the courtyard again.

At this time, they are not in the room, but in the backyard.

Stone and the little girl are also in the backyard.

"What else do you want to know? You continue to ask." The man in the Taoist robe looked at Lu Shui.

As if worried about Lu Shui's rebellion.

When Lu Shui came to the edge of the stone, he looked down at the baby and said:

"I have nothing to ask.

What I want to know, you don't know. "

Hearing this man in Taoist robe was a little panic:

"No, you can't go back, you have to tell me if my daughter is alive."

"Didn't I tell you early in the morning?" Lu Shui looked at the man in Dao Robe and said calmly:

"She is still alive."

"But why can't I see it?" the man in the Taoist robe asked.

"Can the donor have a way to wake this baby?" Ming Wang Gufo asked looking at Lu Shui.

The other party's existence is extremely strange, he can't see through.

But since the other party said that the baby is still alive, he can't let the baby lie here forever.

Those who are alive should leave the kingdom of the moon.

"You, do you have a way?" The black-robed man looked at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui ignored these people, he squatted down, and then reached out and touched the baby's forehead.

At this moment a light appeared on the baby.

The light appeared, and scars began to appear on the baby's forehead, arms, and other parts of the body.

The original intact body seemed to be incomplete.

The man in the robes was a little at a loss.

Also a little scared.

As if unwilling to see this situation, the whole person is a little crazy, almost demented.

The ancient Buddha of Ming Wang understood what was going on right away.

He proclaimed the Buddha's name.

After that, the Buddha's light was so great that it directly enveloped the baby.

Life began to mend the baby's body.

Yes, the baby was hit hard, and it looked okay before, because the power of the Moon Kingdom created an illusion.

In other words, a man in a black robe can't accept the facts and create an illusion for himself.

Lu Shui took a step back, not caring about this, and let Buddha Guang shape the baby girl's body.

The man in the Taoist robe who was originally at a loss suddenly stunned.

He felt the breath of life.

The breath comes from his daughter.

"This...really, really alive?"

He was a little unbelievable. Even if he asked Lu Shui, he still felt that the other party was lying to him.

But he still wanted to ask.

I want to have hope.

But I didn't expect it to be true.

His daughter is still alive?


A dull voice sounded.

The man in the Taoist robe knelt on the ground weakly.

He knelt without knowing why, but just couldn't stand up.

When your daughter was born, she should be very close to the stone.

There was a trace of Moon Clan power in her, when she was about to live and die.

The power inside protected her.

Cover her body to save the last life.

Fortunately you did not take her away from the stone.


Lu Shui did not continue.

Otherwise he has no choice.

After that, Lu Shui ignored these people, but took away the stones.

Now that the baby girl has begun to recover, there is no need for stones.

He is going to contact the person opposite.

In this way, we can accurately know if the opposite is the other half of Ming.

If so, you can learn a lot from the other party.

I guess so.

Lu Shui's hand touched the stone, and then began to check.

Sure enough, I saw that there was a connection channel inside.

But this stone will not flash.

It feels not as easy to use as Mu's.

Seeing that Lu Shui was busy, Zhenwu and the others didn't know what to do for a while.

I dare not look around.

After all, there are three powerful enemies, in case they are gone.

Jianqi looked at the sword, and the shadow behind that sword was also looking at the sword.

Not because everyone is a sword repairer.

But they felt the breath of the same origin.

At this time, the sword came to Jianqi Jianluo and asked softly:

"You, are Dao Sect disciples?"

Jian Qi immediately bowed his head respectfully and said:

"Junior Sword Yifeng rises from the sword."

"Jian Yifeng?" Hearing this name, the sword was a little surprised.

Jianqi immediately explained:

"According to the younger generation, Jian Yifeng split from the ancient Dao Sect.

We only repair swords. "

Jianluo listened, and immediately hid the knife back.

"The sword is also very good." The phantom behind Jian looked at Jian Luo and said softly.

He seemed to be reminiscing.

After a while, I asked:

"Is Daozong okay?"

"Very good, stronger than our Jian Yifeng." Jian Luo answered the question.

"That's good." The shadow behind the sword said softly.

Then he looked at Lu Shui and said:

"His appearance changed the deadlock. I may have done what I should have done."

After that, Xu Ying looked back at the sword rising and falling, saying:

"If it just disappears, send me back to Daozong... No, send me back to Jian Yifeng, okay?"

The sword rises and the sword falls immediately salutes respectfully:

"Senior, please rest assured."

Regardless of whether the opponent is Daozong or Jianyifeng, Jianqi and Jianlu know that this is their predecessor.

No need to doubt.

The ghost behind the sword looked at the man in the Taoist robe.

He knew that all the turning points had happened.

This time it will definitely end the matter here.

The Moon Kingdom will no longer harm the outside world.

He waited for the torch.


Tiannvzong situation.

Affiliated sect of the Qingshan School.

Two men and women with good cultivation bases are discussing something.

"I heard that the Heavenly Nv Sect had caught the people in Worm Valley and asked them to do coolies.

Is this dangerous? "The male monk looked at the female monk with palpitations.

"It's really dangerous. If Worm Valley comes to retaliate, then we are truly innocent.

When their big guys fight, we may be affected. "The female monk looked sad.

The Goddess Sect is also a goddess, but the Goddess probably only cares about the goddess.

These affiliated sects are very uncomfortable.

But where can you escape?

"Should we go out to hunt for treasure?" said the male monk.

Going out at this time, although not very good.

But it's easy to survive.

"It seems that there is indeed a place for treasure hunting recently, but I don't know if the Zongmen will agree or not," said the female monk.

"Ask tomorrow, it's a bit late today."

"Okay, ask tomorrow."

"I hope nothing goes wrong tonight."

When the male monk finished speaking, he suddenly heard howling.

The two of them were a little unsure, and then turned their heads to look back.

At this time, they felt an extremely harsh light.

It is a powerful force radiating over.

The horror is boundless.

this moment.

The two were shocked.

As if the sky was about to fall.

"This, what is this?"

"Quick, run away."

The two of them wanted to flee in horror, but they didn't listen to their orders.

They can't escape.

But the terrifying power has arrived.

Drop directly to them.

It's over.


The two subconsciously hugged each other, and fear made them close their eyes.

Waiting for death to come.

Only when they have been nervously waiting for death.

But they found that the horrible breath was always there, but they just didn't die.

How is this going?

The two of them are a little curious, and curiosity sometimes inexplicably controls people to take a look.

These two people are just like that.

They opened their eyes quietly.



Kneeled down.

People are paralyzed with fright.

Because in front of him, there is a group of people standing impressively, and everyone is extremely strong, as if they would be destroyed if they just breathed out.

"Do you two know how the Tiannvzong goes? If you want to see the head of the Tiannvzong, what is the process?" These people are headed by a man, who wears a mask.

The people behind him are all wearing masks.

Yes, the people here are Gu Zhengfeng and others from Insect Valley.

Wearing a mask is because of injuries on the face.

Came here overnight, to destroy...the three troublesome things.

"In, behind, behind." At this time, the male monk said with difficulty.

"What about the normal process?" Gu Zhengfeng asked.

He didn't want to provoke this **** goddess sect.

In another accident this time, Worm Valley can be disbanded.

The ancestor escaped, what should he do?

Of course he also escaped with the ancestor.

Stay and wait for death?

"In the middle, there is a guard in the middle, just talk to them, and that's it." The female monk stammered.

Gu Zhengfeng stopped asking more questions.

Take someone away directly.

Watching these extremely terrifying people go to the Heavenly Girl Sect.

They felt that the Heavenly Nv Sect was over.

Run away?

Can't escape, the legs are still very soft.


Tiannvzong also Lishang suddenly looked towards the sky, and she felt a very strong wave of power.

"A lot of strong people." Sea-Monster Li Chang said suddenly.

Su Luan, who was still discussing what the Alliance should do, suddenly looked at Sea-Monster Lishang with some doubts.

She didn't notice it.

Of course, her cultivation base is low.

At this moment Ye Qiuyan walked in:

"You'd better prepare, we from Worm Valley are here, a lot.

And they are the strongest. "

Su Luan stood up in shock upon hearing this sentence.

Here again?

"I'm going to find the head." Su Luan said immediately.

"I'll notify the queen." The Sea Monster Lishang also said.

She felt that the people who came this time were very tricky.

I knew I should find a few Tier 9 to come and play.

Calling them openly, the Sea-Monster rarely has something to do.

Ye Qiuyan: "......"

Don't you need to find the head directly?

The three of them actually discussed it just now. If their people are here to make trouble, they won't be so low-key.

It wouldn't have been so late yet.

It's not here to fight in this way.

In short, the three of them will definitely have no good fruit.

I hope that those people will not radiate power as soon as they come.

They also only found out later, it was because of the release of the ninth-order aura that the head of the goddess knelt.

It doesn't make sense.

This is obviously normal usage.


"The head, the head is not good." Elder Nan ran directly to the head of the Tiannv Sect.

Su Luan was also here at this time.

As soon as Elder Nan came in, he saw that the head of the goddess looked very bad.

"Is there someone from Worm Valley?" The head of the goddess asked immediately.

Elder Nan nodded, and said in a panic:

"They are already under the mountain, saying they want to be in charge."

The head of the goddess took a deep breath and said:

"Don't worry, I'll meet them, and I will give them a kowtow first, so maybe we won't be embarrassed."

She walked outside step by step, paused, and looked at Su Luan and Elder Nan and said:

"Don't follow."

Too dangerous.

At this time, it is time to face it as the head.

Elder Nan followed directly.

Su Luan did not hesitate, and now is not the time to escape.

When I got the news, Lefeng and others, my soul was scared.

Insect Valley actually came such a terrifying existence.

And each one is not weaker than the previous three.

"Is this going to war?" Nie Hao said with some worry.

If you want to go to war, you can run away now.

Otherwise you will die.

"No." Le Feng shook his head:

"It won't fight, at least Worm Valley has no idea of ​​coming to fight."

Nie Hao didn't understand Lefeng.

"Say while walking." Le Feng put down his book and immediately walked outside:

"The Worm Valley Service is soft.

But this is not normal, something must have happened in the middle.

Otherwise, with Worm Valley's style of doing things, he would never have reached the top of the Heavenly Girl Sect until now.

The messages are out of sync. "

"What does it mean that the messages are out of sync?" Nie Hao puzzled.

"Something must have happened over the Worm Valley, so let someone check it." Le Feng said.

At this time they had already walked out of the book storage position.

When they arrived, they saw the goddess head leading people down the mountain.

They dare not get too close, nor do they dare to take a peek.

Can only find something to do.

It seems more natural.

Otherwise, those big guys glared, and they would be gone.

too frightening.

Next to the head of the goddess were the north and south elders and Su Luan Suran, as well as Li Chang and the sea monster Xiaotao.

The head of the goddess is very scared, and the one who is least worried is the Sea-Monster Xiaotao.

She has a plug-in.

These people couldn't kill her at all.

The queen covered her.


Just throw her out if you are in danger.

Soon the head of the goddess saw the people under the mountain.

There were eight of them, the leader stood there, and the eight stood behind them one after the other, not side by side.

It looks untidy, but it's not messy.

The opponent's momentum is very strong, and the goddess thinks to be polite later.

As for the subsidiary sects who helped arrange preparations for the alliance, their souls were frightened.

The Tiannv Sect is over.

This is the thought in everyone's mind.

Others are that they will be too late.

Now they dare to escape?

No one dares.

Those are really terrible.

It was so terrible that their cultivation bases were not running smoothly.

"Can we escape this disaster?" The people nearby were bitter.

"The fearful look of the goddess, we are going to finish it."

They dare not speak.

But I still think about it.

The head of the goddess looked at the people in front, and they stood there one by one with great momentum.

This is the artificial knife and me as the fish.

When the head of the goddess came to Gu Zhengfeng, she was a little nervous.

Then he found the right place, bent his knees and prepared to kneel down.

First kowtow.

It's just that when she was about to kneel down, she suddenly had strength to hold her back.

The powerful force prevented her from kneeling.

Gu Zhengfeng looked at the head of the goddess and took a step forward.

He's sudden movement made everyone a little worried.

As if worried that the other party would make a sudden move.

Among them, only Sea-Monster Lishang could block it.

But soon everyone was stunned.

It was because they saw Gu Zhengfeng, who had been astonishing, suddenly bowed their heads and bowed respectfully to the head of the goddess.

It's not just Gu Zhengfeng.

And everyone behind him.

The head of the goddess was stunned.

Su Luan and the others were a little unbelievable.

On the one hand, those who felt that the Heavenly Nv Sect was over, wiped their eyes, wondering if they had read it wrong?

Why does this happen?

However, the latter words even more shocked these people's jaws:

"Previously, Worm Valley was disrespectful to Tiannv Sect.

Today, Gu took the older generation of the whole family to apologize to the head of the goddess.

30% of the resources of Worm Valley are specially presented as an apologize.

Please let the goddess take the blame for the past. "

Gu Zhengfeng's voice was not loud, but no one could not hear him clearly.

However, those who heard it clearly felt like a fantasy.

How is this possible?

However, no matter how you look at it, it is true.

The head of the goddess became even more frightened.

A purple light flashed across her body at this moment.

After regaining her freedom, she knelt to these people for the first time.

Seeing the head of the Heavenly Girl Sect kneeling down, their souls were frightened.

The head of the goddess looked at Gu Zhengfeng and immediately said:

"I... I'll kowtow to you first to express my gratitude."

Gu Zhengfeng's face was very ugly.


How can the female head avenge her revenge this day?


"Puff chuff~"

Mu Xue sitting in the yard suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Chonggu went to the Tiannv Sect, she naturally knew.

Knowing that for an instant, the Heavenly Nv Sect may cease to exist.

So she still pays attention to that side.

And the head of the goddess also mentioned to her.

She was paying attention the whole time, but she didn't appear for the first time.

Because Worm Valley's behavior was strange, she didn't plan to appear.

Sure enough, the other party was not here to attack.

But seeing the other person's face turned blue when he was kneeled by the goddess, she found it very interesting.

It turned out that the head of the goddess kneeled, so scary.

She didn't even know.

When the head of the Tiannvzong saw her for the first time, he kneeled for her.

Call Goddess when you speak.

"Cousin, don't mess around. I'll draw a portrait for you and send it to my cousin Lu Shui." Dongfang Chacha said on the side.

Mu Xue watched Dongfang Chacha making gestures at her with a pen.

Don't say anything.

Draw it.

Probably a bean sprout will be drawn.

If this was sent to Lu Shui, she would be worried about Chacha.

Then Mu Xue began to think.

You must know that Worm Valley is not a force that anyone can handle.

A letter from her is not enough to make Wormgu like this.

30% of the resources were also sent.

No matter how you look at it, it's not normal.

"What happened to Worm Valley? Otherwise it can't be the case."

"I didn't make a move, is there anyone else who made a move for the Heavenly Girl Sect?"

In Mu Xue's view, there should be no one.

But someone must have taken the shot.

All possibilities are ruled out.

There is only one person left.

"The goddess of the Tiannvzong, or the true goddess of the Tiannvzong."

Mu Xue knew she was an impostor goddess.

But the head of the goddess really regarded her as a goddess.

"How many companies in the entire cultivation world can make Worm Valley so scared?"

"Dao Zong, Jian Yifeng, are not enough.

The three ancient powers do not have this qualification now. "

"There should be only one known force that has the strength and can directly cause such a terrible shock."

"The Lu Family."

Mu Xue felt that her guess was correct.

Although there is no evidence.

But guess this thing, of course be bold. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Based on this speculation, she thought of some clues.

The main reason why the head of the goddess regarded her as a goddess was that she appeared in the Tianxue Mountain Range.

The origin of Tiannvzong and the Tianxue Mountains.

And she appeared in the origin of the Heavenly Girl Sect.

So it is called a goddess.

Therefore, the previous goddess also appeared in the Tianxue Mountain Range.

The Tianxue Mountains belong to the Lu family, and the main caretakers are the second elders.

In the Lu family these years, there should be only one girl in the second elder.

So... the case was solved.

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