Moon knows too little.

Not as good as that memory.

Perhaps it was because I knew that my memory was blocked, so I wrote the memory.

In this way, the memory is not complete.

The memory belonging to Ming was not written.

Lu Shui also thought about it. He didn't write about the person who talked to Lu, nor did he mention the specific situation of the little girl.

Mingyue met that little girl for the first time.

The only true **** has true **** attributes.

He has no reason not to be surprised.

And suddenly there are little girls around Lu, this kind of thing is obviously gossip.

Mingyue did not mention anything.

This shows that the memory is not on the moon side, but on the Ming side.

The Moon Clan is indeed a troublesome life form.

The memory needs to be divided by one person.

Both of them knew that Lu Rangming was guarding things.

However, the two people did not have a fuzzy memory of Lu, and they looked abnormal.

Well, Ming started to forget.

But Yue remembers too clearly.

Even Jianyi was blurred, although he was dead.

But he has an unusual relationship with Lu.

I won't say anything.

She can remember it completely.

But Mingyue and Jiu are not at the same level.

There must be a problem to remember so clearly.

Especially if I forgot everything else in the month.

"Ming started to forget things, and you also have memory problems, why?" Lu Shui asked.

Moon clan Mingyue.

A person who is qualified to participate in the battle of the killing of gods.

It is impossible to have memory impairment inexplicably.

"I don't know." Yue expressed regret.

She really didn't know.

Lu Shui didn't ask much.

Instead, he got up and planned to leave.

There is not much news to know here.

"When I hear from me, I will let Ming re-open a stamp, then you can connect to it and take a look." Lu Shui put away his chair and said.

I want to advertise, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] It’s really good, it’s worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

At the end of next month, he was promoted to the sixth rank.

Vaillant should be able to recover some.

Then let Ming establish a connection with Lao Zhangren.

Then let Ming leave a mark on Lao Zhangren, and then let the old elder connect the origin stone.

In this way, it is possible for the two to establish contact.

What will happen in the end.

Who knows.

"Wait a minute." Yue suddenly stopped Lu Shui.

Lu Shui looked back at the door behind him:

"has a problem?"

"Who are you?" Yue asked.

She has not heard Lu Shui answer this question so far.

"Hmm..." Lu Shui thought for a while and said:

"Senior can call me Lu Shui by name.

In terms of identity, seniors shouldn't have heard of it. "

"Lu...Shui?" Yue repeated.

Her tone was a little puzzled.

Lu Shui didn't care, the other party couldn't know him, so the doubts were normal.

However, Lu Shui was suddenly curious:

"Senior in ancient times, have you heard of the Lu family?"


But I am curious, how can you contact Ming?

Even if Ming has recovered a lot, even if the world has changed, it is not so easy. "Yue asked curiously.

"Senior still remember the only true god?" Lu Shui asked.

"Jiu? Remember." Yue forgot a lot, but did not forget the only true **** Jiu.

Jiu is very special to them.

Because Jiu is really the only true God of heaven and earth.

"Do you know Jiu's supernatural power?" Lu Shui asked again.

"Know, unparalleled, beyond everything." Yue replied.

"That's right, I control the power equivalent to Jiu's divine power, at least in your opinion." Lu Shui said smoothly.

"Equal to Jiu's power?" The other side was a little unbelievable.

"Well, the same level." Lu Shui replied.

It is indeed at the same level.

It's just a completely different force.


Having this kind of power is different from what everyone thinks.

The power of heaven and earth is at the same level as the unique power, but it does not mean that he is the same as Jiu's strength.

Some people have the maximum score in the test, and some people only get 100 points because the full score is 100 points.

So even if this kind of person is taking an exam, he can be a person who corrects the papers.

Even the person who made the paper.

Yue was silent, she seemed to think of something.

But I couldn't catch it for a while.

"You..." Yueyi didn't know what to say.

Lu Shui looked at the door and said softly:

"Don't be surprised, because I am not the only one who possesses the same level of power as the only true god."

Yue is really speechless.

Is the world the same as she perceives?

Is something wrong?

Or is the other party actually cheating on her?

"Wait for a while, the new mark should appear." Lu Shui said.

After that, Yue didn't ask any more questions.

There is no need for land and water to stay.

Instead, he left the moon tower.

Opposite the door, a green-haired woman lowered her eyebrows and thought. She was thinking.

She felt that she should have thought of something.

Last month suddenly raised her head, with a light in her eyes:

"Perhaps, it's really time for Ming to get out of trouble.

The power equivalent to divine power. "


Lu Shui left the moon tower and left the stone.

Finally opened his eyes.

In front of him, naturally the man in the robes and others.

Behind him are Chuyu and others.

The radiant light has disappeared. What is left now is a baby girl with some injuries on her body, and a man in Taoist robe kneeling on the ground who dare not touch his daughter.

He stretched out his hand, but withdrew it again.

His hands were stained with blood and hatred.

And his daughter is clean.

The sword was over there, and he stood quietly in the air.

Everyone felt the breath of life of the baby girl.

So everything should come to an end, now they are all waiting for key figures.

That is, the land water standing on the edge of the stone.

This person is qualified to judge everything.

Ming Wang Gufo also looked at Lu Shui, and the other party was still so mysterious in his eyes.

But he was actually very curious, why he couldn't realize that the two people belonged to Dao Sect, but the sword could?

Not to mention the breath of power, he couldn't even detect it even in his appearance.

But when Lu Shui woke up, he also had to wait, waiting to draw an end to the kingdom of the moon.

After so many years, it's time to end.

Lu Shui looked at these people, then looked at the sleeping baby girl, and said:

"Are you waiting to end things here?"

At this time, none of the three spoke.

Instead, look at the landing water.

"You don't need to look at me and talk about your thoughts." Lu Shui asked.

He promised that person to liberate everyone here.

So he will finish.

However, these people have their own ideas, and they do not conflict with his ultimate goal, so he can agree.

Chuyu and others also understand the grievances of these people, and they can't say anything.

We can only see how it will develop.

But they found that there is nothing they need to do now.

The man in the robes looked at his daughter with a low eyebrow, he didn't know how to choose for a while.

He is very contradictory.

Only this time the baby girl suddenly turned over.

"Moved, moved." The man in the Taoist robe felt a little at a loss for a while.

He has forgotten what he should do as a father.

When the baby girl turned over, she reached out and rubbed her eyes, then opened her big eyes.

The eyes are black and white and very clear.

She looked at the person entering the goal, with some doubts.

The man in the Taoist robe looked at himself, and then found that he was wearing the wrong one.

Soon he changed his costume immediately.

Some ordinary clothes, some messy hair.

Some scum.

Like a farmer.

Seeing this person, the baby girl's eyes narrowed into crescents, and then a hoarse voice came out:

"Daddy, hungry."

Hearing the sound of these words, the eyes of the man in the robes turned red.

Tears flowed down like this.

Then he knelt on the ground and lay on the ground and howled.

He is so afraid of death now.

He still wants to live, just a few more decades.

"Zhen Wu." Lu Shui said at this moment:

"Anything for babies to eat?"

"Some young masters." Zhen Wu said immediately.

Then he took out some milk powder, milk bottles, and pills.

In short, what is modern is still ancient.

As long as Qiuyun Town sells it, Zhenwu has it.

Lu Shui: "..."

Chu Yu: "..."

Qiao Gan is also unbelievable, what exactly is missing from Zhen Wu?

Being a follower of the thigh is really not easy at all.

Zhen Wu didn't feed it himself, but gave the things to the man in the Taoist robe and taught him how to use it by the way.

No one urged.

Lu Shui directly condensed the chair and sat down, then took out the heaven and earth formation pattern and looked at it.

Land and water are waiting, naturally others are also waiting.

After waiting for a long time, the Dao-robed man finally fed his daughter to his fullness. Because it had been so long, he vomited and diarrhea after eating.

At this time, Chuyu will be on the stage.

He is a real first-rate nanny.

Not only the healing skills are great, but also the medical skills.

So Zhenwu took some things out and fed them to the baby girl.

Finally slowly began to return to normal.

After the baby girl fell asleep, Chu Yu hugged the baby girl from the man in the Taoist robe.

The man in the Taoist robe was reluctant, but he didn't stop it.

Just watching Chuyu take him away, his eyes filled with dismay.

But he knew that he couldn't help it.

What to face, he must face it.

"Am I still alive?" This was the first question the man in the robes asked.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"You are dead, to put it straight, you are just a ray of obsession.

Without the power of the Moon Clan, you have long since dissipated. "

"What if the eternal kingdom succeeds?" The Taoist man asked Lu Shui.

Lu Shui closed the book and smiled:

"Do you know what an eternal kingdom is?

Although the eternal kingdom exists in theory, it can indeed succeed.

But there is only one chance.

Either success becomes immortal.

Either fail and die.

And the dead have no chance to do it again.

This is the eternal kingdom.

understand? "

The man in the Taoist robe lowered his eyebrows, beyond words.

Lu Shui's meaning is very obvious. He is a dead person when he is dead. There is no possibility.

After a moment of silence, the Dao-robed man asked the question he cared about the most:

"My daughter is alive, she..."

She has no one to support.

"Poor monks can help raise them. The poor monks will leave Buddhism and spend the last time watching her grow up." Ming Wang Gufo said calmly while looking at the man in the Taoist robe.

Hearing these words, the man in the Taoist robe looked at the ancient Buddha of King Ming with anger in his eyes.

Ming Wang Gufo looked at it the same way, without a trace of flinching.

"Or, enter my Hundred Flowers Valley.

Our Zongmen Senior Sister is very good, and most of them are female disciples.

One more of them is not too much. "Chu Yu spoke at this time.

The man in the Taoist robe did not speak, but looked at Lu Shui:

"You are so strong, can you see the future?"

"No." Lu Shui said directly.

Then when the other party was about to be disappointed, he spoke again:

"But I can give her a blessing, peace and joy in life.

Although there will be pain, but her life must be complete and beautiful.

Because she has received the blessings from the masters of the world. "

"Thank you!" The man in the Taoist robe knelt before Lu Shui and kowtowed his head.

He didn't believe anyone else.

But the person in front of him Thaksin.

Because they are not one level at all.

The other party has no reason to deceive him.

He can clearly feel that the entire country is setting off the fear of the person in front of him.

"Please, ruin the kingdom of the moon." The man in the Taoist robe pleaded.

The destruction of the Moon Kingdom means the end of the cycle, which means that everyone will disappear.

Everything was his fault. It was his people who led the sect to death, led them to kill their relatives, and led them to do what the monk did.

The sin is very serious and cannot be washed away.

But... this is his choice.

He has no choice.

If there is an afterlife, if there is reincarnation, let him live forever and be a cow and a horse for them.

Die for them.

Lu Shui looked at the man in Taoist robe and said:

"Want to say goodbye to your daughter?

I will liberate everyone from now on. "

The man in the Taoist robe looked at the baby girl in Chuyu's hands.

Today is a day of reunion and a day of separation.

He has to pay for what he did.

"Please do it." The Dao-robed man knocked his head on the ground.

This is all his determination.

He was afraid that his daughter would call him daddy again, and he would regret it too much.


There was a snap of fingers.

At this moment, there was a shock in the entire Moon Kingdom.

As if the world is about to collapse.

Anyone in the Moon Kingdom can perceive this kind of vibration.

The power is surging, and the chaotic and fuzzy places are becoming clearer.

Some people who were still wandering looked up at the sky, as if they had received some news.

However, when Lu Shui had just started, Ming Wang Gufo suddenly spoke, his voice begging:

"Donors, can the poor monks take care of them?"

Lu Shui looked at the ancient Buddha of King Ming and made a request.

What he wants is results.

It makes no difference to him who moved the hand in the end.

"Thank you for the donor." At this time, the ancient Buddha of Ming Wang put his hands together, and then his body began to bloom endlessly.

At this moment, the Buddha's light soared into the sky, into the sky, shining in all directions.

The light on Ming Wang Gufo's body was at its extreme, and his body began to be covered with cracks.

The fruit position is broken.

"Monk what are you doing?" The Dao-robed man was a little unbelievable.

"The poor monk said that when the kingdom of the moon is destroyed, the poor monk is willing to use his fruit status to lower the light of Pudu and save you all.

Because it started from the poor monk, it should be the poor monk to bear it.

If the poor monk avoided this time because.

What's the point of the poor monk becoming this Buddha? "The deep voice of Ming Wang Gu Buddha spread all over the place.

At this moment, the light shines on the whole moon kingdom.

The light fell.

Falling on the wandering people, on the imprisoned people.

At this moment everyone looked at the light, their eyes began to restore clarity, and then they began to understand everything.

Finally, it turned into a light and rushed towards the sky.

At this time, the light of Buddha also shone on the man in the Taoist robe.

I don't know why, he felt a little warmth.

Then he heard someone calling him.

"It's time for the head to go, stop the ink."

"Sir, when do you want us to wait?"

"Wow, is Xiao Jiajia the head? She is so cute."

"No wonder the head is reluctant to leave, it turns out that Xiao Jiajia really came alive."

At this time, the man in the Taoist robe saw a light behind him, and many people stood in the light.

There are disciples and brothers in the same discipline.

Who are the newcomers he led into the door?

Looking at these people, the eyes of the man in the Taoist robe became wet again.

"Husband, we should go. When Jiajia grows up, we will remember us. We have left so many things for her." At this time, a woman walked out of the crowd.

She looked at the man in the Taoist robe and stretched out her hand.

"The head is still chirping, just like a woman."

"It's the head, do you want us to leave you and go first?"

"I, I'll come here." The man in the Taoist robe said immediately.

"Oye, the head has gone ashore." A little girl called out happily:

"But it's a pity not to watch Xiao Jiajia grow up."


"Just you talk a lot."

There was a burst of laughter at this moment.

The man in the Taoist robe walked towards them. At this moment, he was light on his body and grabbed his wife's hand.

But when he left, he turned his head and looked at the ancient Buddha of King Ming.

His voice was warning:

"Monk, if you didn't teach my daughter well, none of us would let you go."

"Yes, I won't let you go, smelly monk."

"We hate monks the most. Little Jiajia is too miserable. Let a monk grow up."

"Thank you, Master." The lady in charge looked at the ancient Buddha of King Ming and said.

"Please rest assured, all donors, when she grows up, I will take her back here." Ming Wang Gufo whispered softly.

"If Jiajia is timid, don't let her come." The head lady said again.

The ancient Buddha of the Ming dynasty declared a Buddha's name without saying much.

Then they left all the way.

"Monk, I still hate you, but... you are different." The voice of the man in the Taoist robe came.

"The donor has a good journey." Ming Wang Gufo whispered.

The light is disappearing.

The ancient Buddha status of Ming Wang was broken.

There will be no life after life.

He is no longer the Buddha of Buddhism.

The disappearing light fell on the baby girl.

A blessing sounded.

"Little Jiajia remember to be happy."

"Little Jiajia is called Senior Sister."

"Little Jiajia remembers being a ferocious child."


Qiao Ruqing and others also saw the light.

The core fire ancient Buddha is opening the channel.

But when the light came, he knew that it was too late.

But when the light was about to disappear, a string of Buddhist beads flew over.

Straight down in front of the ancient Buddha Xinhuo.

This place carries a different kind of power, which was left to him by the ancient Buddha of King Ming.

Or leave it to Buddhism.

With the power of this buddha, an ancient Buddha can quickly recover in the afterlife.

This is the last thing the ancient Buddha of the Ming Dynasty can do for Buddhism.

He had no choice but to follow the cause and effect of the Moon Kingdom, and he couldn't help but be grateful to Buddhism.

Therefore, in the kingdom of the fruit of the moon, the power of this life can help Buddhism.

After that, it has nothing to do with Buddhism.

Xinhuo Gufo sighed, then put his hands together and declared a Buddha's name.

His voice was bitter.

Another ancient Buddha is missing from Buddhism.

But he could not say anything, nor could he say anything.

This is the ancient Buddha of Buddhism.

Everyone is on his own path.

Putting away the prayer beads, Xinhuo Ancient Buddha is still opening the way, he wants to see what's going on inside.

Just want to see the people and things inside.

Qiao looked ruthlessly at the prayer beads and didn't do anything, let alone say anything.

That should be a treasure of Buddhism.

But this Buddha's light made him understand that there was a Buddhist monk inside.

And definitely better than him.

It seems that the Moon Kingdom has many secrets.

But the Buddhists didn't stop, he still had a chance to enter.

The road has been opened up, and it should be possible to reach the core position soon.


He looked at the monk nailed to the wall behind him. The monk had disappeared. Although the sword on it was still there, there was no resentment.

Buddha light took everything away.

"Definitely not an ordinary Buddhist monk."

Qiao had a palpitating heart ruthlessly, but he didn't think much about it, he wanted to go in and see what was going on.

The situation here has undergone the so-called changes before, and the high probability is related to the entry of other people.

But the Buddhist monks are blocked here.

Who can go first?

This is also the question of Xinhuo Gufo.

Who is inside?


Seeing that the ancient Buddha of King Ming became ordinary, Lu Shui didn't say anything.

The strength of this ancient Buddha is still there.


Can't live too long.

Ming Wang Gu Buddha took over the baby girl.

Chuyu didn't say anything, he heard the roar of that person just now.

The other party finally agreed to let the master raise his daughter.

"Can you please tell the donor the approximate location of Baihua Valley?

I don't know how long the poor monk can live. If so, I hope that after the poor monk sits down, she can rely on her. "The ancient Buddha of King Ming said to Chu Yu.

"I will tell you the coordinates. It is closer to a modern city, and you can live in that place.

Then I told my senior sister and let her see this female doll.

Let them tell you how to bring children. "Chu Yu said.

"Thank you for the donor." Ming Wang Gufo sincerely thanked him.

Then the ancient Buddha of King Ming looked towards Lu Shui.

It's time for him to leave.


A snap finger.

At this time, a space gate appeared in front of the ancient Buddha of King Ming.

It is the door to leave.

The ancient Buddha of the Ming Dynasty proclaimed a Buddhist name. UU reading www.

Then he left here with the baby girl, but he took a lot of things with him when he left.

All the things in the baby girl's room were left to her by her parents.

Some things were not touched by the ancient Buddha of Ming Wang, and even left forbidden.

One day in the future, maybe he will come here again.

At this point, the matter of the Kingdom of the Moon was resolved.

But there are some more

The strength of the Moon Clan needs to be recovered, otherwise it will still have a great impact, and the cycle will easily be opened again.

Of course, before doing this, Lu Shui looked at the last one.

That is the sword.

"Senior have plans?" Lu Shui asked.

This one is also dead.

He doesn't need to be Purdue, because he can leave at any time, just staying until now.

The phantom behind the sword looked at Lu Shui, and then respectfully said:

"Dao Zong, Jian Yusheng.

Hope to challenge your Excellency once. "

Hearing this Lu Shui smiled, he put the book away, then stood in front of Jian Yusheng, calmly said:

"My seat, accept your challenge.

You will die in this battle, I hope you can use all your strength.

This seat, never show mercy. "

"Thank you." Jian Yusheng said gratefully.

The yard disappeared directly at this moment.

Zhenwu and others were sent to a distance.

An aura of dominance began to appear on Lu Shui.

At this moment, his breath began to spread, and his figure began to grow bigger.

The entire Moon Kingdom will bear his influence.

Zhen Wu and others immediately lowered their heads and dared not look directly.

Jianqi wanted to see if the last senior could draw his sword and fight against Liuhuo.

However, the land water is too strong.

He could feel that the whole Moon Kingdom was trembling.

Everything is twisting.

Even the disorderly power of the Moon Clan was panicking.

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