Qiao Gan looked at the remaining two long cards and didn't plan to pick, but just took out one casually.

When they didn't get it, no one knew what skills would appear.

Chuyu and others also surrounded Qiao to see what would appear behind the cards.

The good things are Chuyu's space jump and the ultimate sword fall.

Ordinary things have a lotus that starts with a sword.

Therefore, they would like to know how lucky one-armed Master Joe is.

Soon a figure appeared behind the card.

"Shadow? What is this?" Chu Yu asked curiously.

"Look, there is also a figure in the figure." Zhenwu reminded him from behind.

"Pregnancy card?" Chu Yu was a little shocked.

Jian Luo was taken aback, and immediately hid behind Chuyu and her brother.

Qiao Gan also looked surprised, and then turned over the card.

What I saw was indeed a huge figure, almost occupying the entire card, but in the middle of the figure stood this normal-sized figure.

The huge figure outside seemed to be displayed by that person.

Then they looked down and still had four words: Qingtian Mingshen.

"Qingtian Mingshen? Isn't this Qiao Ye's technique?" Chu Yu curiously asked.

"It should be similar to Jianluo's ultimate sword, but this one is blessed in Qingtian Mingshen." Jian Qi guessed.

Then they looked at Lu Shui, waiting for Lu Shui to explain.

Lu Shui looked at the card and nodded:

"Almost, but this card can only be blessed in the figure of Qingtian Mingshen.

The power is controlled by the person who uses the Qingtian Mingshen.

Well controlled, can play with Tier 9, but if you don’t control well, you can probably only play with Tier 7.

The same as the ultimate knife is that it can only be used once.

The difference is that there is only one cut for the ultimate.

Use it and it's gone.

Qingtianmingshen can be used once, and how long it lasts depends on the person who uses it.

The power is not comparable to the ultimate knife, and the degree of freedom is incomparable to the ultimate knife. "

"How well is it controlled?" Chu Yu asked curiously.

"Qingtian Mingshen is special, and it's not a complete control force, otherwise you can't control it at all.

The power of Qingtian Mingshen is stable, so it is possible to be controlled by you.

But even if it is stable, you cannot use it freely.

Take Jianqi as an example.

His power control is the strongest among you.

But let him come, and at most win the eighth peak.

In case of ninth-order defeat.

As for the others, it would be nice to die with the eighth peak. "Lu Shui explained casually.

It seems that the gap is not big.

In fact, it was a thousand miles away.

The slightest loss is a thousand miles away.

"Similar to open up." Chuyu expressed his understanding.

Qiao Ye's Qingtian Mingshen is indeed similar to Gundam.

Qiao Gan said that he did not understand what Gundam was.

But being able to head-to-head with Tier 8 is already very impressive.

This is his life saver.

Of course, he will be more cautious.

I will not do anything bold because of this thing.

After Qiao Gan put away the cards, everyone looked at Zhenwu.

This last one is Zhenwu's.

Lu Shui didn't say anything, and threw the last card directly.

Zhenwu caught it immediately.

Soon the power of the cards began to twist into real martial arts.

Then two circular arrow marks appeared on the back of the card.

"Arrow?" Jianqi was a little curious.

This thing looks a bit ordinary.

Zhenwu naturally didn't understand, and then turned the card over.

What you see is indeed two arrows connecting everything.

And the following four words are: the heart is alive and well.

"Have a good heart?" Chu Yu curiously asked:

"what is this?"

Some of them don't understand.

Zhenwu naturally didn't understand either.

This can be said to be the most difficult skill among their five cards.

"Isn't it a mind reading technique?" Chu Yu asked.

"No." Lu Shui looked at the card and said:

"It's a transmission channel.

But it needs to be connected to other people.

The higher the fit, the smoother the connection.

Long-distance communication is possible, and the end of the world is close.

Small items can also be passed on to each other, if you really master this magical power.

Anyone can pull it over.

However, the restrictions are a little bit big, not just two people.

The consumption is small, and perhaps it is possible to learn before it disappears. "

Zhenwu looked at the card, and he felt that his spirit was not lost.

"This is similar to Jianqi, so you can learn it?" Chuyu asked curiously.

"After using it for a long time, it is possible to learn naturally. The probability is not low." Lu Shuidao.

There are gains and losses. As for which is more suitable, it is hard to say.

It all depends on people.

There is no need to stay here, and there is no need to stay.

Lu Shui glanced at the stone.

He also didn't intend to take the stone away.

Here you can connect to the month.

There is also the power of the month.

In theory, putting it here for a long time is not necessarily good.

However, since he appeared here, he had nothing to manage.

As for the books that were taken out, Lu Shui had no idea of ​​helping to retrieve them.

Probably those books are the chance of the Moon Kingdom.

As for the inside of the stone, those people should not be able to get it.

Don't look at the people before you can get it, it is accepted.

Otherwise, how could that baby girl be rescued?

"Let's go, it's time to leave," Lu Shui said.

After speaking, Lu Shui took one step forward.

When he stepped down, everyone returned to the ancient city.

Lu Shui's black robe has been taken off.

Jian Qi and the others looked around in surprise.

It's the same again.

They can feel that Lu Shui is really beyond imagination.

"You can stay here, you should be able to comprehend something." Said Lu Shui and stepped away.

Seeing Lu Shui leave, Zhenwu immediately followed.

His black robe is also taken off.

It is no longer suitable to wear a black robe.

The others also took off immediately.

It's not good to be recognized.

They just wore black robes and shot in front of others.

Lu Shui and the others left, Jian Qi also planned to go back:

"I want to send the senior back, you can continue shopping."

Yes, there is no need for Jianqi to stay. The top priority now is to send Senior Jian Yusheng back to Jianyifeng.

This kind of thing must not be delayed.

"I'm going out too." Qiao Gan said.

He was just a waste of young people.

It's not suitable to stay in it till the end.

Because he is afraid of escaping, it is the most suitable.

Of course Chuyu and Jianluo didn't need to stay here either.

The chance here is better than them?

Well, maybe there are, after all, theirs are all one-offs.

Use it and it's gone.

It doesn't need to be on the blade, it's actually very general.

After that, Qiao Gan separated from Jianqi and they, he wanted to act alone.

Jianqi and these people are too dazzling, and someone will come and kick him by then.

Some people just can't understand it.

A waste young man was embarrassed to walk with Tianjiao.

After all, he is married, so it's okay to be bullied by himself.

Two people were bullied and not suitable.


After leaving the land of the moon, Lu Shui left Qiao's house straight away.

He didn't have the idea of ​​staying in Qiao's house, he had to rush back to find Mu Xue.

There was a big sun in the sky when it came out.

"It should only be a day or so, and Mu Xue shouldn't worry about it." Lu Shui thought to himself.

However, according to the current schedule, he should go to the realm of Demon Cultivation, to see and see the practice place of Demon Cultivation Supreme.

The three elders didn't order, he needed to sneak over.

"You have to send Mu Xue back first, and then sneak out." Lu Shui thought to himself.

Then he looked at the real martial arts:

"Let’s find out what's going on with Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying."

"Yes." Zhenwu immediately responded.

The young master has been paying attention to this matter, and the follow-up should pass, only a few days.

You may not go back to Lu's house on the way.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Zhenwu felt that the involvement should be very large.

Lu Shui didn't say anything more, he had to find Mu Xue to see what Mu Xue was doing.

In theory, you should still be looking at the snow scene.

He took out his cell phone and sent a text message.

Just simply asked where Mu Xue is.

Indicates that he has come out.

I didn't want to see her at all.

Then Mu Xue returned instantly.

It's a photo.

In the photo, Dongfang dregs are making snowmen, which looks like muxue.

"Master Lu is coming over? It's just outside the town.

Cha Cha said that she has artistic qualities, which may be more suitable for carving. "This is news from Mu Xue.

Lu Shui didn't want to say anything.

Sculpture has something to do with making a snowman?

"Tea can only be carved when they are piled up." Mu Xue said again.

Lu Shui: "..."

He didn't say anything.

Then he walked out of the town.

When passing by the town, I bought a hot cake by the way.

one is enough.

Not long after, Lu Shui came to the outside of the town of Icefield Snow Region.

He saw Mu Xue sitting on a chair, and Dongfang scum and the little fat girl making a snowman.

Zhen Ling, Ding Liang and Xiang Yu were all standing behind Mu Xue.

The feeling of three maids alone.

"Young Master." Zhen Ling was the first to find that Lu Shui was approaching at this time.

Shouted immediately.

The sound is not low, just for others to hear.

Xiangyu and Ding Liang also called Master Lu.

Then the three began to back away.

Zhenwu also retired.

Mu Xue looked at these people for a while and didn't know what to say, they were guests, so it was not suitable.

But Mu Xue turned her head to look aside, and Lin Huanhuan said:

"Master Qiao might also come out, does Huanhuan want to go back and have a look?"

"Huh?" Lin Huanhuan was startled, then nodded immediately:

"Then I will go back and have a look."

It doesn't seem suitable to run out by myself.

It's just that the two people are unfamiliar.

I don't know what to talk about when I stay together.

"I'll look for you tomorrow." Lin Huanhuan ran back as he said.

Lu Shui watched Lin Huanhuan leave, he was thinking about when he was just married.

It wasn't very embarrassing then.

Mu Xue seemed a little shy.

Just get used to it for a few days.

But he didn't think too much, but passed the cake to Mu Xue.

For the things Lu Shui sells, Mu Xue has no way to refuse.

She will eat if she doesn't like it.

Give it to Lu Shui if you can't finish it.

Lu Shui would eat if he didn't like to eat, otherwise he would dislike her.

"The wedding is over, is Master Lu going back?" Mu Xue tore off half of the cake and handed it to Lu Shui.

Lu Shui must have eaten nothing.

Don't be afraid to starve yourself and lose weight.

Taking the cake, Lu Shui curiously said:

"Where does Miss Mu want to go?"

Mu Xue asked suddenly, she must be where she was going.

He didn't care, it shouldn't affect him to go to the demonic realm.

Dongfang Chacha secretly watched Mu Xue and Lu Shui.

She asked Xiangyu curiously:

"You have to share a piece of cake. Has his cousin Lu Shui been robbed of it in the Moon Kingdom?"

She has experience with this.

Zhenwu Zhenling: "......"

Only their young master robbed others, and no one has ever robbed their young master.

"Miss Chacha, let's make a snowman." Xiangyu said.

"Oh." Dongfang Chacha actually wanted to throw a spirit stone to his cousin Lu Shui.

My cousin Lu Shui must be very happy.

But the taro would not let it.

"Yeah." Mu Xue nodded to Lu Shui:

"If you want to go home for a while, do you want to go with Master Lu?"

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui with wide-eyed eyes.

As if Lu Shui couldn't tell, she would become tearful.

"Then go to Mu's house tomorrow." Lu Shui said directly without hesitation.

Mu Xue wants to go back, how could he not let it?

And it's also suitable for him to go out.

The best of both worlds.

"Miss Mu wants to leave at noon, or in the afternoon?" Lu Shui asked.

It wasn't suitable early in the morning, and probably Lin Huanhuan would come back tomorrow.

Nine times out of ten, he will bring Qiao Ye.

But Lin Huanhuan shouldn't have much time.

Go back tomorrow.

It is inevitable to take Qiao Ye back.

"Just listen to Master Lu," Mu Xue said.

"Then let's go now." Lu Shui said.


"Do you have a ticket now?" Mu Xue tilted her head to look at Lu Shui.

"We can always get there when we walk in mountains or swim in water." Lu Shui said solemnly.

Mu Xue took a bite of the cake, she didn't care.

Anyway, beat Lushui just these few days, let him jump.

"In this way, you can take Miss Mu across thousands of mountains and rivers, and see the beauty of the world." Lu Shui added.

He was still biting the cake fiercely, but when he heard these words, he immediately reduced his strength.

"The cousin can't swim." At this time, Dongfang Chacha, who was hiding behind the snowman, suddenly appeared and reminded.

Lu Shui: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Lu Shui turned his head to look at the Dongfang scum, who was sticking his head from behind the snowman. He wanted to ask, why is the Dongfang scum here?

Is the snow not big enough to bury her?

Mu Xue blushed.

It was Lu Shui who was saying these things, but she just felt blushing.

It was not like this in the previous life.

When Lu Shui said this, almost no one was there.

Now Lu Shui has a thick skin.

"Miss Mu, let's go and see the glacier over there." Lu Shui said.

"Yeah." Mu Xue sounded like a mosquito.

On the way.

"Miss Mu, would you like to learn to swim?"

"Ah? Can Master Lu know how to swim?"

"I know a little."

"Then when will Master Lu teach me?"

"This kind of thing requires talent and one's own comprehension, just like Wudao. Miss Wudaomu understands it? It depends on self-study."

"Master Lu should know that I am an ordinary person."

"It seems that this matter needs a long-term discussion."



Noon on the second day.

Lu Shui and his party said goodbye to Lin Huanhuan and Qiao Ye.

Dongfang scum is the most diligent waving his hands.

She knows everyone very well.

It won't be disgusting.

Therefore, in general, no one cares about her familiarity.

But in her own home, she is not very welcome.

For example, Lu Shui did not wait to see Dongfang Chacha very much. If it hadn't been for Dongfang Chacha's face, perhaps his face would have swollen.

Lu Shui felt that if he had a younger sister who resembled Dongfang scum, then he might have to go fishing in Fengshuang River frequently.

There are more beatings, and it is inevitable to be caught once or twice.

Lu Shui didn't think much about it. He didn't think it over. Going to Mu's house from here would probably not arrive until the early morning of the day after tomorrow.

To transit.

But it's not too long.

It might be just right for him.

When Mu's family rested for a day, he could continue on the road to the place where Moxiu Supreme practiced.

Then wait for the magic repair to find him.

Finally teach the other person to be human.

This will solve a major issue.

Of course, if the other party is Xian Ting to test him, then it would be even better to catch him and torture him, so that he can know something more or less.

If he would rather die, Lu Shui would not force him.

After all, the previous life taught him how to be a man.

Let this peace of mind go on the road in this life.

As for the affairs of the three major forces, just drop by to find Demon Cultivating Blood Dust.

This senior is still alive and should be able to know a lot.

It will not be the same as Mingyue, this is not known, that is not known.

However, he had experienced the temptation of the gods and was about to experience the temptation of the fairy court, but Buddhism never came.

Probably none of them.

It's miserable.

He had killed two Buddhist afterlife, but he didn't know if he came to test him.

If it is, then the Buddha's face is really low.

After that, Lu Shui didn't think too much about it. He had to find something to do if it was nearly two days in the car.

Or, how many hairs does Mu Xue have?

Count your hair and eyebrows?

Somewhat rude.



The second elder was sitting on a chair and sorting out the elixir.

Jiu on the side looked at the sky.

"I watched the stars at night and felt that the end of the world's changes was coming." Jiu's voice was very pleasant and very soft.

She sits on a chair and can swing off the ground because her feet are not long.

"It's daytime now." The second elder said calmly.

For a while, she had the illusion that she was an adult and the other was a child.

Sure enough, looks can deceive people.

"Do you know science?" Jiu looked at the second elder and continued:

"The stars and everything are there.

The reason why I want to watch it at night is because mortal eyes cannot see all things and stars in the daytime.

As the only true god, I can also watch the stars during the day and night. "

The second elder looked at Jiu and said:

"The changes in the world are related to science?"

"It's irrelevant." Jiu shook his head and said:

"I'm just saying that science tells us that stargazing at night cannot be fortune-telling. My stargazing at night just feels good. It doesn't matter to me that the world changes.

But at night it is indeed possible to better spy on the secrets of heaven. Do you know why? "

"Because the only true **** is sleeping." The second elder said calmly.

"Yes." Jiu nodded.

She fell asleep, and the sole authority was put aside.

It is indeed easier for others to tell fortunes.

"You just said that the world change is coming to an end, about when is it?" the second elder asked when dealing with the elixir in his hand.

The changes in the world are indeed surprising.

No one knows what the source of change is.

No one knows where the end of world change is.

But Jiu can know.

In other words, it can be known before others.

"Just these few days, I don't know if it's true or not," said Jiu, looking at the sky.

"What will happen that day?" the second elder asked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't hurt the world. This is certain." Jiu said affirmatively.

"However, because of the changes in the world, many people have recovered, and some people who should have been sleeping have begun to recover.

If it is not handled properly, the world will suffer again, and all creatures living in this era will once again face devastating disasters. "Jiu sighed.

"Why?" The second elder was a little curious.

Jiu didn't answer immediately, but poked the second elder's cheek and said:

"You Ting, do you envy me?"

"Not envy." The second elder reached out and clapped Jiu's hand.

As always, it was empty.

"But some people envy it." Jiu felt helpless.

"Someone can become the only true **** like you?" the second elder asked.

"No, the sole authority belongs to me alone.

Do you know how good I am? "Jiu looked at the second elder with a smug expression on his face.

"Where is the only true god?"

"The only one with low authority, although it is also a true god."

The second elder did not ask more about this.

"What's the situation between Mu Xue and Lu Shui?" the second elder asked.

She is not worried about the Tiannvzong.

When she is idle and bored, she can take another trip to Worm Valley.

Among the top forces, she is only Qiao Yunzong who doesn't want to go.

The old woman, relied on being an elder, to do whatever she wanted.

"I saw the ending." Jiu said with a smile.

"What is the ending?" the second elder asked curiously.

"You'll know in a few days." Jiu smiled mysteriously.

The second elder did not speak.

Jiu kept looking at the sky, frowning:

"I feel like I'm ready. The Lu family's major event I talked about may be coming.

I can't see it from any angle, but it feels close. "

The second elder did not speak.

She is here, and the Great Elder is also there.

In the entire cultivation world, what can't be resisted by the great elder?


South City University.

In the security room, a middle-aged uncle was sitting inside eating instant noodles. This time he ate sauerkraut instant noodles.

It was just when he was eating, he was taken aback.

Then I looked at the sky in disbelief~www.readwn.com~ What happened? "

He was a little surprised.

"The secrets of the sky are obscured? I can't check the secrets of the whole world."

"Is the world going to be destroyed?"

Uncle Security was a little unbelievable.

If even he can't see the future in this world, then it can only be the destruction of the world.

Only soon, a voice came out in his mind:

"Don't look at the latter, a little carelessness will cause you to burn yourself.

The rest of Xianshan will be handled by you. "

Hearing this sentence, the uncle security guard was stunned, and then stood up excitedly:

"You are still alive?"

There is only one true God in heaven and earth.

He can't get it wrong.

"It's dead, but some permissions are attached to a little cutie.

By the way, take a look at the cause and effect of the world.

Bye. "Jiu's voice fell.


No matter what the uncle security does, he can't connect to the other party.

But he was very curious, who on earth is qualified to allow the authority of the only true **** of heaven and earth to possess?


On the endless sea.

Tianji Building was sitting on the stone tortoise, and he decided to change an island to give others a fortune-telling.

When you feel safe, go back to Xianshan.

He felt that a lot of people wanted to harm him recently.

So, never go back.

It will not be found.

"Where are we going now?" Shigui asked.

"Let me see where is the most suitable." Tianji Building said.

Then he wanted to open a hexagram.

It's just that he was stunned before he opened it.

"What's wrong?" Shigui asked curiously.

At this time, Tianji Building looked at his hand with some horror.

He couldn't feel the secret of numerology.

how can that be?

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