On the other side, Dongfang Chacha and others also felt the terrible breath.

   They are also difficult to move.

  Anyu was a little surprised, and even more horrified.

   really missed, this island is not simple, there may really be that evil god.

   This terrible pressure made her completely unable to resist.

   After hearing the other party's roar, An Yu wanted to know who had acted.

   But no matter how difficult it is, she is also trying to inform people outside.

   Dongfang Chacha couldn't move at all now, and the sound was even more shocking, making her a little confused.

   Didn’t you just say that there are heavy treasures? How could there be such a terrible existence?

   Xiangyu didn't think much about it, she just wanted to protect Miss Chacha.

   And at this moment, the power inside broke out again, as if they started fighting.

   With a boom, they will endure even more terrible aftermath.

   If you are not careful, you may encounter accidents.


   Lu Shui stared at the center of the giant pit. The opponent had already awakened at this time, but when the opponent awakened, the Eight Magic Killing Array attacked again.

   have started, who will talk nonsense with you at the critical moment?

   After withstanding two attacks, the fierce beast finally stopped saying much. It wanted to rush out of the huge pit with terrible power. It wanted to see who had acted on it.

   just rushed to the mouth of the giant pit, and countless iron chains entangled it, tightly entangled, it struggled a few times and found that there was no way to break free.

   But it saw it, and saw who did it.

   A human, a very ordinary human.

   Very weak human beings.

   "Humans, you are so brave." The fierce beast glared at Lu Shui, the voice of prestige resounding everywhere.

   Lu Shui stood and watched, and then said:

   "It's just an animal."

   "Roar!" The fierce beast was angry, it struggled a few times, and said coldly:

   "Stupid humans, do you dare to try again?"

   Lu Shui was disdainful, didn't want to speak at all, and it was this disdain that angered the other party even more.

   "Human, I want you to die." The terrifying force was beginning to impact the octagonal formation.

   Lu Shui looked at each other, without any emotion in his eyes:

   "Eight methods, kill."

   The sound of land and water fell, the edge of the beam of light lit up, and countless attacks rushed towards the fierce beast.

   The sound of bombing, roars continued to come out.

   The dazzling light made everyone unable to look directly.

   "Damn human beings, how long do you think you can trap me? Do you think you can kill me like this?"

   "I will make you pay, I will make you pay a heavy price."

   The attack of the eight-square formation was strengthened. Lu Shui controlled the eight-way formation and kept attacking, and also kept watching the opponent.

   Boom! !

   "Roar, human beings, you forced me."

   At this moment, a blazing light bloomed in the center of the giant pit.

  The power began to spread out like a circle.

   Lu Shui frowned as he stared at the light.

   "It's tricky."

   The next moment he used an eight-square formation to protect the front.

   There was a boom, and the aperture swept across.

   Lu Shui stood there, his figure did not move, but his clothes were blown and hunted by the force.

   Then the aperture directly swept across the beam of light, the beam of light began to compete with the aperture, and soon the aperture passed through the beam of light and affected the deserted grassland.

   The music wind in the front is desperate to activate the defensive magic weapon.

   This is not a time to feel distressed at all, but a time to survive.

   Zhenwu Zhenling also suffered a huge attack, but fortunately, he was behind Lu Shui, not so exaggerated.

   The power of the aperture is mostly weakened, but it is still difficult for others to resist.

   Anyu and Xiangyu both activated their treasures, but their power continued to strike.

  Injuries also began to appear.

   Dongfang Chacha has a magic weapon for body protection, but it is passive, she can't activate it actively.

   especially protected by Xiangyu and others, it is more difficult to activate.

   She is very anxious, but can hardly move.

  An language is a bit weak, what level of people are in the contest?

   The abnormal movement of the barren grassland naturally shocked many people.

   Some people outside want to go in and check it out.

   But one by one, no matter what method is used, they will lose their way on the outside.

   "It's a great puzzle, is there a master of the formation?"

   "There is a contest between the strong, don't get too close, it will kill you."

   Although it is dangerous, many people want to go in.

   The Lu family wanted to go in even more. This is not a question of whether it is dangerous or not, but a question of major clues in it.

   But no matter how they want to go in, they can't directly rush into it, even if it's flying with the sword.

   Boom! ! !

   The sudden loud noise made the earth vibrate.

   Then, in the center of the deserted grassland, there was an earth-shattering roar:

   "Human, what other moves you have, just use it, and I will see what you use to trap me in a moment.

   Today I want to kill a lot, and I want to use the humble human blood to eliminate my anger.

  Never try to escape. "

   This terrible sound is enough to shock people.

   Especially this voice carries a kind of pressure that people can't ignore.

   At this moment, people outside the barren grassland have some retreats.

   But some people always want to go in and find out, the rest either decide to wait and see, or leave quietly.

   The terrible level here is beyond imagination.


   Lu Shui dispersed the front defense.

   He looked at the already broken killing array in the sky silently.

   Then he heard a cracking sound.

   Click, the eight-way array suddenly spreads with countless cracks, and the beam of light above it will not last long.

   The octagonal formation method suffered heavy damage~www.readwn.com~ but that fierce beast was also unhappy.

   It was covered with scars all over, and it became extremely weak.

   But despite being so weak, it is not something that Lu Shui can confront head-on.

   Fortunately, I can still persist in all directions.

   "Human, you can't kill me." The fierce beast stared at Lu Shui firmly.

   Lu Shuiping looked at each other quietly, without speaking, then stretched out his hand and directly used the eight methods.

   He needs to attack the opponent, and from the attack, he needs to find the opponent's fatal weakness.

   The countless attacks in the next moment went towards the fierce beast again.

   This attack caused a lot of injuries to the fierce beasts, but none of them were fatal.

   "Useless humans, when I get out of trouble, I will swallow you alive." The fierce beast carried a strong killing intent and hatred.

   Lu Shui kept looking at the opponent, and found that the opponent's forefoot blocked the attack from the eight-way formation, and the direction of the attack was the chest position.

   Lu Shui frowned, this fierce beast is normally not defensive.

   The next moment Lu Shui mobilized all the remaining formations and moved directly to his chest.

   At this moment, countless attacks roared towards one place.

   Seeing this, the fierce beast was furious for a while:

   "Human, do you dare."

   Boom! ! !

   All the attacks were hit in front of the fierce beast.

   The attack stopped shortly after.

   The other party is still alive.

   "Humanity, do you know? You completely angered me." The beast's voice was crazy.

   But Lu Shui smiled.

Finally found.

   At this time, he saw it, and saw the exposed heart in front of the fierce beast.

   A beating, powerful, pitch-black heart.

   "The heart is really black."

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