The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 56: The dark scene of Tianchi River

   "The sunny day is beautiful, the red flowers are the green grass, I ran forward happily, walking all over the green hills and people are not old"

  Dongfang Chacha ran happily on the Tianchi River road.

  Today she did a very interesting thing, that is, pretending that the hidden Tianzong flow fire.

  Although Xiangyu didn't let her pretend in front of people, she wore a mask and picked when there was no one.

  The most important thing is that there is a Dongfang brother as the audience.

  The vanity is full at once, but you can’t pretend it when you go in. You have to find a place where no one is going to change the mask.

  Fragrant taro said that it is dangerous not to change the mask.

  I just ran to a remote place, Dongfang Chacha stopped, not the place, but someone blocking the road ahead.

   is Dongfang's younger brother.

  Since it’s Dongfang’s brother, don’t be afraid, just scare him.

  "Who?" Dongfang Chacha asked.

  Lu Shui looked at Dongfang Chacha wearing a mask in front of him. Finally, he decided to show up and fight, as long as he didn't let the other party identify himself.

   "Flowing Fire?" Lu Shui asked.

   "Presumptuous, since you know this seat, then you dare to look directly at this seat?" Dongfang Chacha opened the special effects, and said with great authority.

  Land water: "..."

  Why do you always feel that someone is learning from him?

  "Liuhuo Taoist friends are famous all over the world, this young master wants to ask Taoists for advice." Lu Shui said, and walked to Dongfang Chacha.

  I didn't panic at all when I heard this Dongfang Chacha, Dongfang Brother 2.1, she is 2.3, and she can beat Dongfang Brother with one hand.

boom! ! !

  The moment he heard this sound, Dongfang Chacha felt his face punched hard.

  Then the whole person flew out.

   "Huh?" Dongfang Chacha looked dazed.

  Dongfang's younger brother engaged in a sneak attack?

  When she was going to see Dongfang Haoyue, she snapped her cheek again.

   "It's not..."

  Just as he spoke, he punched again.

"it's me…"

   With a bang, Dongfang Chacha felt that his face had more feet.

   "I know, you are the Yintianzong Liuhuo." Lu Shui kicked away Dongfang Chacha and said calmly.

  Dongfang Chacha immediately wanted to take off the mask to show her identity, but before her hand touched the mask, she was kicked out again.

  Oriental tea: "……."

  No, Dongfang brother, it’s me.

  Slap, she felt her face slap again, it hurts.

  After a while, Dongfang Chacha lay on the ground. She felt that the world had calmed down. When she looked around, she found that there was no one around.

  Dongfang Chacha sat on the ground, and threw the mask off with snot and tears.

   "You are done with Dongfang brother, I will ask my father to check the entire Dongfang family, and I will give you a head-on duel."

   "Woo woo woo, it hurts, yam will give me medicine soon."

  Then Dongfang Chacha found that the taro did not follow.

  Dongfang Chacha stopped crying all at once.

  Cry, no one sees no one feels distressed.

  How tired.

  Wait to go out and cry with Xiangyu.


  Lu Shui left, feeling comfortable, taking advantage of the Dongfang scum scum is no one to cover, it is good to fight in advance.

  Then Lu Shui looked at the river flowing beside him and said to himself silently:

  “The Tianchi River is sometimes not deep, and when it feels like it’s not bottomed out, it's like being exposed to a dark scene.

  For dark scenes, if participants do not have enough opportunities or talents, they will not be able to reach them.

  I should have no problem. "

  He wanted to land and sit on the edge of the river. He was waiting until the next day, which would be the day when the Tianchi River opened.

  Upstream from the land and water location, Qiao Qian took two friends and said:

   "I don't know when Lu Shui will come. If he comes, I have to beat him up."

   Yao Yusheng smiled and said:

   "Speaking of which, we don't even know what Master Lu looks like."

  The family is not strong enough to have access to land and water. Of course, it is big enough, and many of them cannot.

  Qiao Gan is mainly because his grandfather has a little friendship with the third elders of the Lu family.

  Of course, the Qiao family is also a strong family.

   "Is it really okay to bully Master Lu like this?" Dong Qi said on the side.

  He is a disciple of the sect. Although he has a good talent, he has not a big background.

  Qiao said with a smile:

   "It's okay, you just give me the wind when the time comes, and I will fight him alone.

  It’s common practice for the younger generation to start hands in Tianchi River, as long as they are not too hot. "

  The two smiled slightly, behaving suspicionally, and they looked like Qiao Qianmao.

  With these two people accompanying him, Qiao Qian was not so scared, because he was frightened by Lu Shui last time.

  One person is not insured, it is safer to bring two more people.

  Why don't he do it, just fight, and Lu Shui won’t blew himself up and die with him again?


  Early morning.

  Lu Shui opened his eyes, he looked around, and several people around the discoverer also opened their eyes.

  These people came later, but because they didn’t know each other, no accident happened.

After   , Lu Shui got up and stepped into the Tianchi River.

  The Tianchi River is very wide, and there is absolutely no such thing as being blocked by walking.

  Land Shui stepped on the river water, and he found that the soles of his feet were submerged in the river water.

  This is due to talent. The worse the talent, the less you will get in.

  Lu Shui turned his head to look at the others, and found that they were all submerged in his knees.

  He was a little embarrassed.

  In order to alleviate the embarrassment, he could only crack the Tianchi River mechanism. After two or three seconds, the position where the land was submerged began to deepen and soon reached the knee position.

  Okay, so it won’t be embarrassing.

  However, he also discovered that the knee is the limit of a normal person, and the next is their own perception.

  Lu Shui tried to take a step, and then he felt that this step had taken countless ups and downs in the world, and took another step, this step he felt that he had taken a thousand mountains.

   Then Lu Shui took the third step, this time he felt the vicissitudes of life.

  "Tsk, this Tianchi River is indeed a bit special, no wonder it can make people realize it." Lu Shui secretly claimed to be surprised.

  Although the feeling is not very deep, as long as the corresponding person catches it, it will make people fall into sentiment.

  Especially when you are running your own practice.

  It’s a lot more effective.

  Of course, Lu Shui didn't have the slightest interest. He was thinking about when it would be suitable to enter the dark scene.

  He has noticed the location of the dark scene, and he can enter now as long as he wants to.

"I remember Mu Xue said that dark scenes are easy to get in. People in Tianchi River almost have the opportunity to But there are seven or eight people on my side, why didn't any of them enter?" Lu Shui thought. For curiosity.

  When Lu Shui was thinking like this, he found that he was locked, yes, from the depths of the Tianchi River.

  "Come?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

  Lu Shui looked ahead. There was a woman in front of him. At this time, she was still advancing slowly, but the next moment she suddenly sank into the Tianchi River without a trace.

  Lu Shui also heard a scream.

   Then Lu Shui saw a young man from behind fell into the depths of the Tianchi River.

  Not long after, seven or eight people before and after him disappeared.

  He is alone.

  It seems that the breath that locks him is wavering around him.

  It should be hesitating to find the wrong person.

  Lu Shui sighed, but could only grasp the breath by himself, and then sank into the depths of the Tianchi River.


  Seeking recommendation ticket

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