The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 488: Who is the first favorite?

The second elder ignored Jiu.

He lowered his head and continued to deal with the elixir and talked to Jiu, most of which was a waste of time.

"By the way, Lu Shui wants to send me an invitation, how do you think he will give it to me?"

Jiu asked suddenly.

"Didn't you say that he knew you were with me?" the second elder put the elixir in place and asked.

Lu Shui knew about Jiu's presence, and Jiu told her very early.

Don't worry too much.

Lu Shui is not afraid, what does she care about?

For Lu Shui, Jiu is probably the kind of **** with a strict mouth.

She can say that she knows Jiu well in the world, as long as it doesn't affect the world, she can hear it from her mouth.

But she wants to say it herself.

If you don't want to say it, it's useless to ask.

For example, when asked where her two sheep went, Jiu didn't give an answer at all.

"Then he will send it to you?" Jiu looked at the second elder and asked curiously:

"If Lu Shui sent you an invitation, what would you do?"

"Go and post an invitation to Lu Gu." The second elder's voice was very calm:

"Teach his dad who wants to send invitations and who doesn't need to."

"Xiao Xiaoting is really a reasonable person." Jiu praised her.

The second elder ignored these words, she glanced at Jiu and said:

"You just said you were going out to borrow my blood?"

"Yes." Jiu nodded and said:

"Your blood power is enough to allow my unique power to be accommodated in a short time."

"Where is Qi?" the second elder asked.

"No way, the only one and the only one cannot meet normally, and the authority is incompatible." Jiu took the elixir to deal with it as well as the second elder.

The difficulty is that, there is no way better than the second elder.

The upper limit is so.

"She seems to have run out." The second elder suddenly looked towards Fengshuanghe.

After she entered Fengshuanghe, she could perceive whether Qi's left.

This is the ability of the Great Elder.

Originally, she never felt that something happened to the Grand Elder.

right now...

Perhaps he had already smelled the dangerous breath, let her enter the Fengshuang River, ready for the handover.

"I was lured away by Mu Xue, and I want to send her an invitation." Jiu looked at Fengshuanghe and said.

"Is it safe to let her go out?" the second elder asked.

"Don't worry, no one can catch her." Jiu sat on the high chair, shaking her suspended feet.

"What is the relationship between Qi and the Lu Family?" The second elder lowered his eyebrows and looked to the side.

Jiu looked at the second elder and said seriously:

"This search engine has owed fees, please recharge in time."

Second Elder: "....."


The only true **** flew out from Fengshuanghe.

She looked at Skyrim and felt that something was attracting her.

But it's a bit vague.

She decided to wait.

Wait until it's clear, and run out now.

See if those people are there, such as stupid humans.

After flying around, she saw nothing.

Then he looked up.

She was shocked when she saw the invisible suppression of the sky, and then she saw the sword energy above, and then she fell.

I think it's safer to walk.

Flying is easy to spot.

When it fell, it was already on the streets of Qiuyun Town.

The surrounding situation is a bit strange to her.

The rooms are beautiful, and there are so many beautiful clothes.

Lots of colors, lots of toys.

Her eyes were wide open, as if they were shining.

But for a moment, she turned her head back and turned her head in disdain:

"Hmph, compared to God's Domain, it doesn't look good at all."

After speaking, she secretly glanced at it again, and walked forward with some reluctance.

Suddenly, she felt something tripped on her foot.

There was a snap.

The only true **** fell directly to the ground.

She immediately stood up and patted her clothes. This time she fell so painfully.

No call, just looked around.

Then she saw a man eating chicken legs and a dog eating chicken legs looking at her.

Was, was seen.

As the only true god, majesty is not allowed to be damaged.

She stepped up to the dog, then knelt down and poked the black puppy.

"Wang!" The dog barked to express dissatisfaction.

"Wow!" The only true **** yelled twice, indicating that the only true **** can't be blasphemed.

"Wow, Wang."

"Wow, woof."

The only true **** squatted on the ground, pinching the dog's face, it was furry.

"Coyote, do you know? You were blaspheming the true **** just now." The only true **** looked at the dog with a majestic voice.

"Wang?" The dog cried.

"Wow." The only true **** responded.

He just responded and poked the dog on the body with his hands.

Then he picked up the dog.

The little one is very cute.

"What's your name?" the only true **** asked.

"Wang." The dog barked.

"Dogzi? It sounds good." The only true smile on his face.

"Wang." The dog fell on the ground wagging his tail.

The only true **** looked at the smile on the dog's face, but when she wanted to stay a little longer, she felt the call.

Intend to leave.

"The world needs me, I'm leaving." The only true **** waved his hand.

Then disappeared directly in place.

"Big brother and little brother know her?" The toothache fairy asked curiously.

They just came back.

The altar has been built, and the reason why he came back is because the toothache fairy wants to come back to make his teeth.

So just wait here.

Then the strange little girl caught their attention.

It feels like seeing the only true **** Jiu.

But it's not at all.

"Seeing her for the first time." Gouzi had some doubts in his eyes:

"This human being may not have an ordinary relationship with the dog master.

Love House and Wu.

As a domestic dog, I naturally put her in my eyes. "

The toothache fairy nodded without saying much.

"You said it's safe for her to run out alone? Do you want to keep up?" The dog suddenly asked.

"Can't keep up." The toothache fairy shook his head.



Lu Shui sat on a high chair and looked at the pattern of heaven and earth.

No one disturbed him, and there was no power in the hall to approach them.

The corpse above did not exert any force on Lu Shui.

after one day.

Lu Shui was still sitting there, flipping through the books.

The surrounding area has already begun to change sharply.

There seemed to be a kind of madness attacking the location of Lu Shui in the main hall, becoming thicker and more terrifying.

If you continue to stay, you will definitely be covered and replaced by these craziness.

Finally it becomes a twisted existence.

This is the force that forces the undead to exterminate.

Chaos, evil, twisted.

Power from a natural god.

All the negative condensed natural gods.

If it weren't for the fall of Jiu, he wouldn't have the day before, but...

Jiu has fallen.

His existence should be able to surpass everyone and return to its peak.

Lu Shui didn't need to see it and knew that it was troublesome for him to restore the natural gods to their peaks.

Of course, if he returns to his peak, then...

Let them be happy.

"You are strong and can sit here for a day."

Gu Li's voice came down.

Lu Shui sat here for a day, and he watched here for a day.

Watching the opponent resist all forces.

Looking at the other person reading a book leisurely.

It made him quite surprised, if he could have done the same in the first place, the undead would not have looked like this.

"Senior thinks this is strong?" Lu Shui asked, looking up.

"At least I couldn't do it at the beginning. This is not the strength of strength, but the surging of people's hearts." Gu Li said.

"If I suppress or crush these forces, will the undead be liberated?" Lu Shui asked.

"Don't have to be so troublesome." Gu Li's voice was sad:

"As long as I wake up for a while, I can liberate the whole family.

But even if you can resist these chaos, it may be another thing to suppress it. "


A snap finger.

At this moment, the chaotic power that had originally attacked the land water, trying to erode the land water, shattered and disintegrated in an instant.

It's fragile and breaks easily.

"How do you think Senior?" Lu Shui asked, looking up at Gu Li's position.

Gu Li was silent.

After a long time, he heard a voice:

"You are something special."

Lu Shui smiled without saying a word.

He is currently relying on the power of heaven and earth, except for these, too much is not easy to do.

The cultivation base was at 6.4, although it was not bad, but for Gu Li's existence.

The sixth order is like a baby.

Gu Li didn't say anything any more, the other party was indeed a little bit extraordinary.

But he still wants to know whether the tribe is alive, this is the point of everything.

What's the use of what else?

After not waiting long this time, Lu Shui suddenly said:

"Lefeng and they are here, go and bring the blood in."

It was said to Zhenwu and Zhenling.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling immediately responded, and then the two walked out of the hall together.

"If they are not special enough, they may not be able to go out, nor may they be able to come in alive." Gu Li's voice came out, and then said:

"Let my people take you out."

The voice fell, and two people suddenly appeared in the hall.

Is the undead strong.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling looked at Lu Shui.

"Go." Lu Shui whispered.

It is normal for Gu Li to not believe him.

Not familiar with him.

He has no clear understanding of the undead, nor does he know any undead.

Also Mu Xue knew one.

In this way, how can I not let Gu Li trust him.

After Zhenwu Zhenling and the others left, Lu Shui looked at Gu Li and said:

"Does the predecessor know if Lu finally has any offspring?"

He suddenly thought of this question.

I have forgotten to ask before, but the Lu family has something to do with Lu. Everyone has the surname Lu, so there is a relationship in case.

Although it doesn't look like it in time.

But it's always good to ask.

Of course, Lu is Lu's first name and last name.

I don't understand why he is called a word.

"I don't know." Gu Li replied:

"In the end, Lu's whereabouts could not be determined, and the others could hardly find Lu.

The only ones that can be found are probably those of Jianyi. "

Those people Jianyi?

Jian Yi and Ji Xun?

Does heaven count?

Lu Shui had some questions in his heart, so he asked directly.

Then what I get is I don't know the three words.

This made Lu Shui a little helpless.

"The undead were created by Jiu, so do they belong to the gods?" Lu Shui asked.

Jiu has two gods, the second is Aisi.

He didn't know the first one until now.

In theory, it should be Gu Li and the others.

But the Sea Monster Tide was also created by Jiu, these two.

How can I not let Aisi rank second.

"No." Gu Li said softly:

"We are just the guardians of the true gods, not gods.

The goddess Ess is because with her own ability, she has touched the power related to the true god.

In order to help her, the true **** made her the second favorite.

And the first god...

There was no first place back then. "

"No?" Lu Shui was a little surprised and didn't give Ai Si the first place?

It's no wonder that I became a twenty-five boy.

He was treated differently by Jiu.

But Jiu is close to being omniscient and omnipotent, and she must know that Ai Si is the second to five.

"No, but Jiu said yes, but it hasn't appeared yet." Gu Li paused, as if thinking:

"Just say, it will appear sooner or later.

And according to what Jiu said, the first favorite is not necessarily a person.

It may be a group of people. "

Lu Shui was a little surprised, it was the first time he heard of this kind of thing.

"In the end, did the first goddess appear?" Lu Shui asked.

"No." Gu Li sighed:

"At least before Jiu gave us a **** blood, this goddess still didn't appear.

Later, I couldn't know.

Our undead have gone astray. "

Lu Shui didn't say anything more, he felt that he knew so much, and then asked Jiu, Jiu should be able to say it.

In ancient times, some things were blind spots and could not be known at all.

You can only go see it with your own eyes, or ask Jiu directly.

Which of the two is reliable?

At present, there are fans, and fans are more reliable.

Although Jiu can still jump, but the restrictions are too severe.

Of course, the fans are also by luck.

In short, try Midu first.

Then try Nine.

Find the location of Ming first, and deal with the matter here, and it's almost done.


At this time, Le Feng was standing in front of the **** water in a black robe.

He dared not come closer, the danger level was too high.

And there are powerful beings around him staring at him, he is a little nervous.

But for some reason, those strong men didn't come to trouble him, otherwise they could only count on the young master.


If he can't enter the ancient city of disaster, how can he leave?

The other strong must be eyeing him.

It's really dangerous.

This is why he came alone.

Because it is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you will stay here.

Soon, he saw Zhenwu and Zhenling coming out.

The two people wearing black robes are naturally Zhenwu and Zhenling.

What surprised him was that two strong men in armor came out next to him.

There was also a woman who came out together.

Right next to Zhenwu Zhenling, it seemed to be chatting.

"Is the goddess head?" The woman said with some expectation:

"It's hard for her to be the head at a young age."

At this time, a few of them came to Lefeng.

"Give me things," the woman said.

Zhenwu Zhenling nodded slightly, and then transmitted the sound to Lefeng.

There are strong people around, they don't know if it is safe to speak, but Transmit must be much safer.

Those people don't have the guts to eavesdrop.

After all, the undead people are not weak at all.

The Three Immortals on the Cloud can't do anything about it.

Lefeng nodded slightly, then handed the bottle with a drop of blood to the woman:

"Senior take it away."

"Thank you." The woman thanked her.

Then the five turned around and returned to the troubled ancient city.

Lefeng: "......"

If you don't go in, you will die.

"Don't worry, there is a little guy watching you." The woman's voice came over:

"It's not safe in the city, so don't enter."

Lefeng bowed his head and thanked him.

Isn't Young Sovereign safe?

Regardless, he may not be in danger.

As for the little guy, he didn't know what it was.

And just when Zhenwu Zhenling and others were about to enter the ancient city of disaster, suddenly there was the sound of water.

Turning his head and looking at it, it was an incomparably huge kun, attacking him.

this is...

Little Sovereign's pet?

Sect Master has a pet Kun, he knows.

It turned out that Young Sect Master had already arranged it.

Also, when he just came over, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling came out.

This shows that Young Sect Master is watching here.

It's out of danger.

As for the latter, it was natural to send the location to Zhenwu Zhenling, but it just couldn't be connected, so I don't know what to do next.

However, there are a lot of positions, and he needs to be busy with Nie Hao.

After all, endless mountains, endless seas, and deep sea territories.

Really are...

What kind of people.

too difficult.

The three immortals on the cloud watched Lefeng leave, unable to do anything.

Dare to chase.

Moreover, they can't keep the Kun, once offended, they may have to stay here forever.

The matter here has been told to Emperor Taiyi, and they don't care about the follow-up.

Unless you let them do something.

Fortunately, there is currently none.

But they didn't let them go back. In short, let's collect blood with peace of mind.


The woman held the bottle in her hand, and she silently felt it, as if she could see the joy and sorrow of the goddess' head.

"Life is not very satisfactory, but there is no disease, no disaster, and progress is fast, and there is a big backing.

Enough, enough. "

There is comfort in the woman's eyes.

Although I don't know that Gu Yu is their descendants for several generations, the feeling between bloodlines is still so strong.

And with the power of the city lord, she can feel more.

Feel the hardships and difficulties of the undead.

It is extremely difficult to be able to go to this day.

The difference between their thoughts is their countless descendants who suffer.

Even if they escaped from the troubled ancient city, suffering still followed them.

After a while, the woman calmed down, and she handed the bottle to Zhenwu:

"Thank you for giving us hope."

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling bowed his head:

"Senior, no need to thank you."

"Go, your young master and the city lord are waiting for you." The woman said.

Zhen Wu Zhenling nodded, and then planned to head to the center floor.

Just after two steps, the woman stopped them again:

"Please wait a moment."

Zhenwu Zhenling was a little puzzled.

But soon I saw the woman brought a string of blood.

"Don't worry, this is a safe blood mention." The woman handed the things to Zhenwu Zhenwu.

"Thank you senior." Zhen Wu Zhen Ling said together.

After accepting the things, Zhenwu Zhenling came all the way to the center floor.

As soon as they entered, they felt a change in their surroundings.

It seemed that the madness was getting worse.

Don't hesitate, they go all the way.

What surprised them was that the bottle in their hands opened the way for them.

In other words, because of this drop of blood, the people inside are actively letting them in.


Lu Shui looked down at the book, and he naturally felt the surrounding forces.

"It seems that you are sure." Lu Shui lowered his head and continued reading.

"Yes, the fresh blood of the undead.

There are indeed undead people surviving. "At this moment, the corpse above suddenly moved.

His dry eyes seemed to be recovering.

"I promised what you said.

Hope you can relieve us. "Gu Li's voice came down.

Lu Shui looked up at Gu Li and said:

"Let you see this undead tribe again, and then it's Jiu's matter.

I will do it for you all.

As for the ancient city of natural disasters..."

"Let the ancient city of natural disasters sink into the deep sea forever." Gu Li said.

At this time, the bottle had arrived in Gu Li's hands, and he was holding the bottle, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The undead have been handed down, but countless sufferings have never left them.

He can understand the hardships.

Running east and west, hiding in Tibet, like a mouse crossing the street.

There is no clear inheritance, no undead truth.

Some are just some information, some information about one's own race.

Those undead people have been guarding those materials, guarding those ancestral materials that have harmed them all their lives, for countless years.

They are sinners in the ancient city of natural disasters.

Let the true God who created them be disappointed, and let future generations suffer.

There is no opportunity for forgiveness and no right to be forgiven.

Lu Shui looked at it, but never said a word.

He was waiting, waiting for the other party to speak.

Zhenwu Zhenling had come behind him, standing quietly.

After a long time.

Gu Li woke up from guilt.

He looked at the landing channel:

"It will take a few days for me to resume operations.

You need to wait for me for a few days. "

At this moment, that drop of undead people's blood fell on him, and at this moment the incomparable power of flesh and blood began to appear.

As if it won't take long, this shriveled corpse will be reborn.

Lu Shui nodded slightly.

He understands.

But a drop of undead blood still had this effect, he hadn't thought about it.

It will take a long time to just restore it in this way.

"I will help you suppress the erosion of the natural gods."

Lu Shui closed the heaven and earth formations and said.

Then the power of heaven and earth surged, and he was controlling the depiction of runes.

For a while.

Countless runes covered the surrounding area, and the surrounding area became much quieter.

There is even a tranquility.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling felt that the surroundings were different.

The place that seemed to be noisy suddenly became very quiet.

Gu Li was also a little surprised.

"You are really special."

Lu Shui heard this sentence many times.

He is very special.

Unfortunately, no one said he was very strong.

There is not enough time, otherwise they will be able to see his powerful figure.

In the future, those who live a long time should have a chance.

Such as born god.

He will also go to the natural gods, hoping that he will not be afraid, as always arrogant, ignoring all the powerful enemies in the world.

I haven't seen it in my previous life, so I ran away probably halfway through.

Still running in this life?

If he runs again, he is also worthy of being a god?

But in the previous life, he didn't feel that there was such a thing as a natural god, he wouldn't be demoted by himself, right?

It's not that it's so arrogant that the natural **** is so arrogant.

After a few touches, he can feel it, and he is not afraid of it.

Neither Lu nor Jiu could kill him.


As long as negative things exist, he can be resurrected.

"How many days do you need?" Lu Shui asked.

"Seven days or ten days, five days if you are in a hurry.

But the state is not so good. "Gu Li's voice came.

"I have fifteen days at most." Lu Shui thought for a while and said.

Almost, this is his limit.

But it shouldn't take so long.

"Ten days, I can return to my peak form, but can you keep me You have to think clearly.


The consequences could be disastrous. "Gu's voice came.

If he can't stay awake, he will kill when he sees people.

It's okay if you can't get out of the ancient city of natural disasters, if you do.

Then... it's a natural disaster.

Even if the sword is there, it will take a long time to kill him.

Unless Lu reappears.

"This senior doesn't need to care." Lu Shui never took it to heart, then he looked at Gu Li and said:

"During this time, I want to go to where the blood of God is.

Is it convenient for seniors? "

"What do you want to do?" Gu Li asked.

"It depends on the situation, is it to take away the blood of God, or sink together with the ancient city." Lu Shui said.

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