The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 489: Contest against the true **** Ess

"There should be the power of a natural **** on it, are you sure it's okay?"

Gu Li asked.

They will be completely relieved, and the blood of the gods must have a place to go.

Whether to stay here or be taken away, they can't be the master.

The other person asked, but out of politeness.

He still understands.

"If there is power, it's better. I want to ask him a few more questions."

Lu Shui got up and decided to leave.

In ten days, he could afford to wait.

Shenxue has a lot to do with Jiu and Lu, and there should be some gains for him.

Jianichi also asked him to come here before.

From Gu Li, I didn't hear much, the most was about God's favor.

The first goddess is not necessarily one, it may be a group.

Is this still a favorite?

The only true God of heaven and earth, I don't know how to think.

Although Lu Shui was curious, he didn't say anything, so let's take a look.

Today is different from the past, now he is much stronger than before.

Moreover, the power of heaven and earth is not the same as that of the same day.

"Senior don't worry, let's recover with peace of mind.

Ten days later, it was the day when the undead walked out of the ancient city of natural disasters.

It is also the day of your liberation. "

Lu Shui stepped away.

Zhenwu took the chair behind and left the hall with Lu Shui.

Gu Li watched Lu Shui leave.

"A strange feeling, calm, confident, and without contention."

He knows that this kind of person is definitely not simple, and he didn't ask for details because he didn't use it.

From a drop of blood, he could know that this descendant was afraid.

But not that fear.

Everything has room for negotiation.

Moreover, he found some rumors related to this person from the surroundings.

Eternal Tianjiao suppresses the heavens, stands in the sky, and all things surrender.

He has never seen such a slave scene.

But such a strong one is rare in ancient times.

Perhaps this is also the case, the other party is confident that they will be able to liberate them.

You know, the most difficult thing to get rid of is to get rid of Lu's imprisonment.

Divine blood is part of it, and Lu's methods are even more important.


Lu Shui walked all the way out of the center, and then headed to the previous center gate.

The location is relative.

So the distance is a bit far.

"You don't need to follow." Lu Shui said on the road:

"Collect the coordinates and it will be almost done when I come out.

Just go out and let Kun take you away. "

"Young Master." Zhen Wu asked Lu Shui softly:

"Are you just collecting coordinates?"

Lu Shui stopped and looked at Zhen Wu, as if waiting for Zhen Wu's words.

"If we just collect coordinates, we can collect them here." Zhenwu took out his cell phone and said:

"We just put a signal satellite on it, which can last for a month."

Lu Shui: "....."

Where did you come from?

Will a cultivator not be criticized for doing this kind of thing?

Isn't it ashamed?

"The signal is very good." Zhenling also said on the side.

"..." Lu Shui turned around and started again:

"Then wait for me outside the gate."

The Zhenwu and Zhenling inside are not suitable for entry.

But there is a signal...

Mu Xue didn't know if she would send a message.


Report safety to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue did not know where he sent the invitation.

There are only five in total, and it won't take long.

With oriental scum, it should have some ink, but these few days should also be over.

It takes so much time for Mu Xue's five, and he has so many people, and I don't know how long it will take.

If it's level seven, then it's easy.

Then see if you want to be promoted.

"Yes." Zhen Wu Zhen Ling immediately responded.

I want to come to the young master to be sure of their work.

Lu Shui was definitely certain, and it was beyond his imagination. Can you not be certain?

However, he still gave Zhenwu Zhenling a way to contact Kun, so that they could leave here in a hurry.

There are many enemies outside.

If someone comes in and out, they will definitely be spotted.

There is no problem with Kun.

Furthermore, there are undead pick ups, and there is no chance of accidents.

For a while.

Lu Shui came to the door.

Magnificent building.

The door is open, but there is no breath overflowing inside.

It's much quieter than before.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling stopped here, and Lu Shui stepped in.

Because it's not the first time here, Lu Shui's pace is very fast.

Along the way, what I encountered was naturally distorted and chaotic atmosphere.

Zhenwu Zhenling could not enter here, even if he was there, it would be very dangerous to Zhenwu and them.

Not to mention perception here, even with eye contact, it is easily eroded.

And thus fall into danger.

When he came to the high platform of the altar, he saw a large number of undead people here.

They either stand or kneel, with no extra movements.

He was confused, but his spirit seemed to be projected out.

It's outside.

Outside is the spiritual projection of the undead.

The prosperous life is their previous life, and it is also the life they desire now.

Without thinking about it, Lu Shui came to the high platform.

This time it didn't cause any vision, a drop of bright red blood slowly fell in front of Lu Shui.

"Nothing comes out."

Looking at the blood, Lu Shui reached out and held it:

"Then go in and take a look."

Hope to find something.

"Cousin, here it is."

Dongfang Chacha stepped on the island and said.

This is Haitang Lake.

They came here from the Heavenly Girl Sect.

"Stupid humans."

On the head of Dongfang Chacha stood a little girl with colorful hair, looking around.

"Does it look good?" Mu Xue asked.

They went to the sea monster sea area and met the sea monster queen lying on the altar.

After listening to the Sea-Monster Queen talk about the story of Liuhuo.

Then, in order to prevent the Sea-Monster Queen from sleeping, she informed the altar that the deadline was about to reach.

Don't miss it.

The invitation was naturally given to the Sea-Monster Queen.

The Kraken Queen said that she would definitely go.

But Mu Xue felt that the Sea-Monster Queen might have forgotten when she fell asleep.

Don't count on it anymore.

The only true **** was attracted by Mu Xue, and it was in the sea monster sea area.

At that time, the Sea-Monster Queen was stunned.

Mu Xue discovered that the Sea-Monster Queen didn't know about the only true god.

After all, the Sea-Monster Queen asked her what happened to the bad girl.

Finally they returned to the Tiannv Sect and bid farewell to the head of the Tiannv Sect.

The head of the goddess should be there.

The Siren Queen made a question mark.

"A little bit worse than my God's Domain." The Only True God said.

God's Domain is the best looking.

none of them.

"God's Domain has..."

"Stupid humans."

"But I haven't asked."

"Isn't it ignorant and stupid to ask?"

"That's right." Dongfang Chacha nodded, and then curiously said:

"The realm of God is in the water, do I have to take a fixed route when I go back?"

"God's Realm is supernatural, so it is easier to find it by knowing which edge of the water to go down from."

"Then the tide is low? Is God's Domain gone?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously.

The only true god: "???"

Xiangyu and Ding Liang followed, feeling Miss Chacha talking to herself.

But Xiangyu knew that Miss Chacha was communicating with an unknown existence.

Sometimes it's easy...


"It hurts."

Fly out...

"Miss Chacha."

Xiangyu immediately caught up.

Ding Liang was also taken aback. She immediately came to the young lady, for fear that the person would do it again.

But who exactly is it?

"Don't worry, it's okay." Mu Xue whispered to Ding Liang:

"Chacha can see people that others can't see and can't reach.

Some disputes are normal. "

Ding Liang seemed to understand, but he just mentioned God's Domain.

Miss Chacha really did.

Especially after removing the blindfold.

But it seems that Miss Cha Cha has always been in a weak state and doesn't know what's going on.

Obviously talent is amazing.

"Huh? It's supernatural power, the smell of divine blood.

The world needs me. "The only true **** suddenly looked at the front and said.

She wanted to go over and take a look.

After thinking about it, Mu Xue knew what Lu Shui was doing.

But she didn't see the bad girl passing by, she seemed to hesitate.

"Last time, I was caught back last time." The only true **** fell beside Mu Xue and whispered.

She was worried that once it passed this time, she would be caught back.

"I have a wish." Mu Xue's voice passed directly to the only true mind:

"I hope I can take the true **** back and forth safely.

In the event of a bad situation, the only true **** is brought back as soon as possible. "

"Human beings should have aspirations, and I should be satisfied with you." The only true **** said with his head high.

Mu Xue lightly nodded the bad girl's forehead, and said softly:

"Go ahead."

She just happened to be able to see what Lu Shui was doing.

It can pass as soon as necessary.

Otherwise, the unscrupulous girl is obviously not at ease, and she is concerned about the world, and she has to struggle if there is a problem.

Naturally, she also gave the bad girl the invitation, and the other party was very happy.

Expressing the wishes of mortals, she will naturally be satisfied as a true god.

Of course Mu Xue thanked the only true god.

When the bad girl left, Cha Cha returned.

"Wait for me to be invincible..." Dongfang Chacha asked Mu Xue curiously when he thought of this:

"Cousin, does the true **** live in the sky or the world?

I'm invincible, can I beat her? "

"No." After thinking about it, Dongfang Chacha found a big problem:

"She lives under the sea."

"Then you are invincible under the sea?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

"No, I'm invincible at sea.

When she comes up, I can win. "

Mu Xue nodded.

Add sound oil to the tea.

When you have hit Lushui, you will be able to teach the unscrupulous girl.


Endless sea of ​​blood.

Lu Shui walked all the way.

Here is the inside of the blood of God, there is a small space.

As for what's in it, I don't know.


Or Nine?

Or is it a natural god?

After walking some distance, Lu Shui felt that new power began to emerge.

It's not like Lu's, it's not like Jiu's, and it's not as chaotic as a natural god.

It's someone else.

As the sea of ​​blood rolled, Lu Shui moved forward step by step.

But in a moment, he came to the source of power.

There are three powers.

One emits golden light, one is surrounded by fairy clouds, and one is holy and white.

"It's actually the three of them."

Lu Shui looked at the three powers, quite surprised.

He never thought that there would be the power of these three people in the blood of God.

"It's not a power at the avenue level. It seems that the true **** has reached here after his fall."

Looking at the level of strength, he knew what was going on.

But these three powers are absorbing the power of God's blood.

It seems that I am also working hard for myself to wake up.

"I don't know if there is any wisdom."

Lu Shui came to the three powers and began to sense.

Soon he got the answer.


Somewhat disappointing.

But there are other things, it should be possible to communicate.

When he retracted his perception, one of the three powers suddenly radiated light.

It is the most holy one.

God's favor, Ai Si.

The goddess Ess is the closest to the true god, and here is a bit more powerful than the others, which is not unusual.

In ancient times, she directly replaced the name of the true god.

Naturally, the gods dare not touch.

To grab the position of God, you need to add the word heaven and earth.

The only true God is the limit she can bear.

At this time, the power belonging to Ai Si began to condense a ray of figure.

It is a female figure, full of light, unable to see the specifics.

Only know that it is long hair.

"Mortal?" The divine voice came out.

It seems to come from the supreme land.

"A ray of supernatural power set in advance?" Lu Shui asked.

He could feel that the other party was similar to Jiu, both of which were supernatural powers left in advance.

But compared to Jiu's omniscience, the opponent should be too different.

Jiu is not comparable to these people.

Especially her unique power.

You know, Jiu has fallen for countless years, and the only power can still jump.

It shows its terrible place.

These three do not have the strength of Jiu, nor the power of Jiu.

"You're not the one I'm waiting for." Ai Si looked at Lu Shui, she was shining, and there was a slight halo behind her.

Vast, majestic.



Lu Shui didn't feel the slightest.

He just opened his mouth very curiously:

"Who are you waiting for?"

Aisi was waiting for someone, and Lu was waiting for someone, not sure if they were waiting for the same person.

Maybe it was his sister who was waiting.

Ji Xun and Mingyue might be waiting for his sister.

However, whether Ji Xun and Mingyue are waiting for his sister or not, if he comes, then he is the one they are waiting for.

"Do you know where this is?" The voice came out, like the Sanskrit sound of heaven and earth.

"Inside the blood of God." Lu Shui replied.

"Then do you know which god's blood is?"

"Heaven and earth are the only true god, a drop of blood."

"Do you know who I am?"

"The goddess Aisi, the founder of the gods, prides himself on the only true god."

Lu Shui answered each of Ai's questions.

He wanted to know what the other party wanted to say.

He has a lot of time, which is not a waste.

Moreover, when Ai Si finished asking, he also wanted to ask the other party questions.

"Then do you know who I am?" Ai Si asked again.

"Second." Lu Shui replied.

"Yes, the second favorite of the true god, so...

I'm waiting for the first favorite.

It stands to reason that the only person who can come here.

But you shouldn't be a goddess. "Ess lowered her eyebrows to look at Lu Shui, she was floating high in the sky, shining brightly.

No matter how Lu Shui looked at it, she was not the one she was waiting for, which made her a little disappointed.

As for the purpose of this person here, it doesn't make any sense to her.

"Do you care that you are the second favorite?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

"I care." Ai Si answered directly.

Nothing to hide.

"So I became the second or fifth son and got Jiu back stabbed?" Lu Shui asked.

"Mortal, what are you talking about?" Ai Si didn't understand what Lu Shui was talking about.

Lu Shui thought about it and restructured his rhetoric:

"So you betrayed Jiu?"

"Betrayal?" Ai Si looked at Lu Shui unexpectedly and asked:

"Mortal, what are you talking about?

Jiu has never made me loyal, how can I betray?

Jiu doesn't need believers. As a god, I have the advantage. Why should I betray? "

"Because the second goddess, and the first is reserved.

You feel uncomfortable. "Lu Shui tried to ask.

But Jiu does not need anyone's allegiance.

She would not think that others would betray her.

At most it is blasphemy.

She is the same to most people, so she doesn't care about killing God.

Even wishing to kill God to start.


God's favor and slaying of God always reminds people of betrayal.

Lu Shui is curiosity.

In the future, I might as well share his knowledge with Mu Xue.

In case Mu Xue will wow, with a look of admiration.

Well, when I was young, I did have this idea.

In the second year of middle school, maybe this is how he was disliked by the clan.

Can't bear to look back, forget it.

"It's true." Ai Si was silent for a moment, and then said:

"But I asked Jiu, I told her directly, I want to be the first favorite.

She refused.

Said that in the future I will meet the first gods.

For this sentence, I did everything possible to leave a sense of power here, just want to see the first god.

See why the other party is the first favorite.

As for the killing of gods.

Mortals, do you know the specifics? "

Ai Si stared at Lu Shui, overriding everything, supreme being.

The world seemed to be covered by this gaze.

Lu Shui just stood quietly, thought about it, and said normally:

"You participated in the God Killing Conference, and then on the day of the God Killing War, you defeated Ji Xun, and you reached the highest level.

such? "

At that time, he had some understanding of the battle.

It's roughly clear, and you have to ask about it.

"Yes." Aisi's voice passed down, not surprised, as vast and sacred as ever:

"The battle of the killing of the gods is the general trend, and the true gods acquiesced.

I have never been disrespectful to the true God.

Pursuing a higher level is my choice.

But the death of the true god...

It’s everyone’s choice, although some people don’t want to choose, but...

Also get involved. "

"Who is the fifth person in the God Killing Conference?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

At the God-killing Conference, Anta guessed that it was the three promoted, plus one Luo Sansheng who was almost promoted.

But he didn't guess the fifth one.

"Do you know Lu?" Ai Si did not answer Lu Shui's question.

"Does Lu have any offspring?" Lu Shui asked the question he wanted to know.

"You know, in this world, the strongest is not us, but Lu.

What happened to him, even if we can't know about it, we can't pay attention to it.

Not every god, like Jiu, can look at the past and the future. "Aisi's voice was filled with emotion.

It seems that I don't know.

Lu Shui didn't ask any more, and the topic returned to the first family:

"Who do you think should be the first favorite?"

"My feeling is that it's a girl." Aisi's voice was sacred.

"So, are you sure it's not me?

Then why can't it be a male?

In other words, why can't it be me? "Lu Shui was a little curious.

"You?" Aisi lowered her eyebrows, then pointed out a finger.

At this moment, her power directly suppressed Lu Shui.

As if to let Lu Shui disappear.

Seeing this finger, the corner of Lu Shui's mouth rose slightly, and he also extended a finger.

A true **** power, a power of heaven and earth.

The forces of both sides collided instantly.


A silent explosion followed.

A sea of ​​blood surged.

At this moment, Lu Shui's figure still began to rise infinitely, standing upright.

The land that was originally standing on the surface of the water seems to have come to the highest point.

Looking at Aisi with low eyebrows, waved to defeat the opponent's power, and then a voice that belonged to him came out:

"Me, what can't you do?"

The mighty power, the posture that surpasses the heaven and the earth, all things surrender, and the blood is boiling.

As if everything would look up to him, everything would lower his head.

Facing this sudden existence, Ai Si was surprised for the first time:

"who are you?"

"Do you know the Apocalypse?" Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows and looked at Ai Si.

The voice was steady, as if the Dao Dao passed the Sanskrit tone for him.

"I can feel it, it shouldn't be you." Aisi's light was shining, as if to look at each other equally.

"Yes, the person you care about is not born yet.

Is my younger sister who is about to be born.

But..." Lu Shui looked at Ai Si and said softly:

"I don't understand why you are afraid of her.

No matter how strong she is, she can only reach the point where she can lift my shoes.

Fear her.

Better, fear me. "

"Fear of you?" Ai Si looked at Lu Shui, her voice was as sacred as ever:

"When you are qualified to fight my body, let's talk about it."

"You don't understand." The power of heaven and earth began to appear on Lu Shui, cutting off the channel that Aisi wanted to spread the news, and then he heard a chuckle:

"I just meant it started when you stood opposite my sister.

You guys, even give me the qualifications to carry shoes.

nothing. "

The power of heaven and earth is surging, suppressing all the powers of the true gods.

It is not a contest of cultivation, but a contest of power.

Unless it is a unique power, there is no power of heaven and earth that can resist land and water.

At this moment, only a ray of divine power, Ai Si was completely suppressed by Lu Shui.

"It's not impossible to spread the news, but you can only tell someone who can threaten you, and you can't tell me about my appearance.

As I am about to get married, I don't want anyone to bother me.

Oh, you don't need to pass the content of the conversation.

An additional sentence is irrelevant, but it allows you to pass it. "Lu Shui's voice came down:

"This is not a discussion, but a notification result."

"Arrogance will harm you." Ai Si began to use her divine power:

"Are you sure you can stop me?

You have to know, I am a goddess, this is the blood of the true god, it will give me strength. "

At this moment, Ai Si used the identity of the goddess and began to arouse the power of **** blood.

Lu Shui frowned, he didn't dare to look down at him.

Fighting pure divine power, he is fearless, but with substantive power, he is definitely not Aisi's opponent.

If Ess had the power to come in, he couldn't fight against it at the moment, and the power of God's blood was also very dangerous.

Although Jiu didn't seem dangerous, a drop of her blood was absolutely terrifying.


The divine power of the divine blood did not repel him, as if he could use the power here at will.

Very strange feeling.

It was not so obvious at first.

If nothing can be done, he will use his strength to guarantee the ticket.

But you can try it now.

At this moment, Lu Shui began to borrow the power of God's blood.

boom! !

The divine force hit, the sea surged, and after a blow, it forced Ais back.

The sea of ​​blood was rolling, and Ai Si was standing on the waves. She was a little surprised when she saw Lu Shui:

"Why can you also deploy power from God's blood?"

Lu Shui looked at Ai Si, there was blood surging around him:

"I just said, why can't I be the first favorite?"


It was dark outside. U U Reading

The sea of ​​blood over the ancient city of natural disasters is overwhelming.

The terrible power struck from high above, making everyone around him tremble.

Zhenwu Zhenling immediately found a place to hide, for fear of rain.

The rain of blood is very dangerous.

In the magnificent building, the only true **** walked on the elevated stairs.

She looked at the twisted people around her, a little scared.

At this time, he stretched out his hand with purple light:

"I'm a little scared, can you hold me for a while?"

Mu Xue's voice was smiling, looking at the only true god.


Asking for a monthly pass, the marriage is about to be finished, and a monthly pass is given.


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