The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 491: Is it enough for me?

Endless seas.

The goddess of ice sea stood on the surface of the sea, and ice began to appear in the sea under her feet, as if to freeze the sea.

She was waiting at this moment.

Waiting for the trial of the Seven Palaces.

The trial will begin at that time.

She, Xian Ting, Buddhism, and then shot.

In this way, the follow-up oracle can be known.

Unless they guess wrong, this will fall short.

However, the possibility of error is very low, only here meets all speculations.

Even if it is wrong, stopping the flow of fire is not a waste of time.

Not long.

Space doors begin to appear at high altitude.

One, two, three...

A total of seven doors opened.

Afterwards, seven powerhouses walked out of each door, each with a level 8 or higher cultivation base, comparable to that of the ninth level.

"Judgment of Seven Palaces." Immortal King Taiyi looked at these people quite surprised:

"It seems that the gods attach great importance to this place, and the trial of the Seven Palaces is opened, and the power is amazing.

It is not a problem to shake up the troubled ancient city.

The goddess of the ice sea is a clone, but above the sea, there is not much difference. "Xianjun Taiyi at the back said.

"The goddess of darkness and the gods of light from other locations are also looking at here, and they may come at any time." Xianjun Ziwei stood in the air, letting the breeze move the corner of his clothes.

They didn't hide themselves, just standing in a position where no one could see it.

"Buddha has come to Xinhuo Ancient Buddha. It seems that they also value this place." Taiyi Xianjun looked at the side, naturally there was no figure in his eyes.

But they knew that Xinhuo Ancient Buddha was in that direction.

"It's about to start." Xianjun Ziwei looked at the front and said.

At this time, the people of the Seven Halls were standing around the ancient city of Chaos in seven directions.


The person at the forefront holds a scepter in his hand.

The bottom of the scepter was gently tapped in the air, and the roar began to sound, and then light began to extend out from the bottom of the scepter.

Two lights, one on the left and the other on the right, began to extend.

But for a moment, the seven positions, fourteen lights are connected together.

Then the light began to extend inside.

The speed is very fast, branching continuously, there are countless runes that ordinary people can't understand.

After a few breaths, the light converged in the middle to form the last rune.

At this time, the huge magic circle enveloped the troubled ancient city.

This is the beginning of the Seven Palaces Trial.

Seven positions, seven colors, representing seven powers and seven powers.

Seven mans phalanx, seven halls for trial.

When everything is complete, seven lights burst out from the seven locations.

The light soared into the sky, and the power between the sky and the earth began to converge.

All power is under the jurisdiction of the true God.

They are borrowing power from the true god.

"It seems that it will take some time. Not all the seven main gods are in a waking state, and their strength does not gather so quickly.

If all the seven main gods of the gods have awakened, the power of the seven halls will gather in a very fast time.

To borrow power from the true gods, these people are not level enough and need time. "Xianjun Taiyi looked at these people and continued:

"However, the ancient city of Disaster is passive, this time the gods have a huge advantage.

It should be effective. "

"If the seven main gods initiate the trial of the seven halls, the degree of horror is unpredictable." Xianjun Ziwei was a little frightened.

The seven main gods launched the seven temples trial, which is not something they can bear.

"I've seen it once, it's really a great battle." Taiyi Xianjun said with some emotion:

"At that time, not long after the ancient war began, Daozong joined for the first time.

The gods wanted to annihilate Dao Sect in one breath.

Finally, in the White Silent Mountains, the seven gods and seven halls were set up for trial. "

"I heard that the five people know that the seven main gods are waiting for them." Xianjun Ziwei looked at Taiyi Xianjun and asked.

He hadn't seen it with his own eyes at that time.

There was no news at the first time.

The war started, and in many cases it was simply not taken care of.

At that time, it was not unusual for a person of his level to fall on the battlefield.

Especially after Daozong joined.

It's terrible.

"Yes, the five of them knew it was a trap for the gods, so they went in.

Five people confronted the Seven Gods and Seven Halls for the trial.

The battle was earth-shattering, the space collapsed, the seven halls shattered, and the sword light ran across the sky.

The seven main gods suffered heavy losses and retreated.

The five talented people are a nightmare. "Taiyi Xianjun's eyes were shocked:

"I was fortunate enough to face them three times, hit hard and flee, but every time I lost one or even two immortals.

Want to kill them, the price is too great.

It is not without reason that Dao Zong is one enemy to three.

It was not without reason that Fomen Louluo wanted to destroy the other party's inheritance for the first time.


Once one appears, it is enough to be daunting. "

Xianjun Ziwei didn't say anything.


It's really scary.

If it weren't for the emperor and others to enter the last moment and force the destruction of the earth, they might still be at war.

They were actually dying from severe injuries at that time, and they were able to wake up in this era.

It's all because of the mighty power of Emperor Zun.

Being able to wake up here means that they have tasks that must be performed.

"Someone is coming again." At this time, Taiyixianjun suddenly looked not far away.

Xianjun Ziwei also looked over.

Even the goddess of ice and sea on the sea is looking sideways.

Soon, the space door opened, and a little girl wearing a white coat and a pigtail came out.

As soon as she came out, the surrounding space seemed to be happy.

It seems to have seen something pleasing to the eye.

"The second elder of the Lu family, Lu Youting." Xianjun Ziwei looked surprised at the people.

Relatively speaking, they are hostile forces.

At present, the appearance of the opponent should be a great opportunity to join forces to kill.


It may be difficult to shake the opponent, especially there is a Lu family elder behind the opponent.

They don't want a war to break out at this time.

Everything will be out of control by then.

The other party shouldn't want it either.

Once they do this level, everything will be difficult to restore.

As long as the second son of the Lu family was guarded by the elder of the Lu family, they would not be able to kill.

It doesn't make sense to kill other people.

But when the Lu family wants to go to war, they will never back down.

I will do my best, and once the Lu Family feels that they can defeat them one by one, then it will be the beginning of a catastrophe.

So, there is no room.

To fight is to directly break out a war.

Either the two sides wait for the follow-up, wait for other changes, and then decide whether to start a war.

"In theory, she shouldn't do anything to us, unless she recklessly considers the consequences." Taiyixianjun said.

Especially when the young master Lu Shui's wedding is approaching, they have no reason to go to war.

Lu Shui, who had been on their list before, had no value to pay attention to after the second son appeared.

No one paid attention to his life and death.

Just keep the basic news.

Xinhuo Gufo looked at the second elder, and did not move, but was very curious why the other party appeared here.

The Goddess of Ice Sea was also watching, she was a little curious, did the other party come for the flow of fire?

It doesn't feel like it.

I also feel that it is possible, and I need to inquire about it.

"Don't ask me, I won't take action, just come and see the result." The second elder's voice came out.

"Impossible, I should have a purpose, or if necessary, I have to prevent it, let the dark goddess stare." Jiu stood beside the second elder and continued:

"Just now it was Xiao Haenv's heart activity.

They don't believe you just came to watch the show.

I think her guess is correct, if Lushui and them fall in the wind, you will take action. "

"In that case, I hope that the second elder of the Lu family can retreat a little bit." The ice sea goddess heard a calm voice.

Neither the second elder nor the ice sea goddess cared about the previous life and death contest, as if they were two strangers.

Do not interfere with each other.

They all know how terrifying the consequences of fighting.

The Ice Sea Goddess couldn't bear it, and neither could the second elder.


She will not hesitate to do it.

"Liuhuo will they lose?" The second elder stepped back Xu Yuan and asked Jiu in his heart.

"Who knows, it's not so easy to see Lu Shui and Mu Xue." Jiu floated beside the second elder, speaking casually.

The second elder did not speak, but took out the elixir and continued to deal with it, as if waiting for these people to go to war.

The ice sea goddess watched Lu Youting retreat and looked at the calmness of the other party, indeed she didn't feel any hostility.

But the presence of the other party will cause her a lot of trouble.

Because the three ancient forces gathered here, was she aware of it?

Although the other party doesn't know what's going on here, but coming over can make a slight change in their affairs.

The Goddess of Ice Sea had some guesses in her heart, but she couldn't be sure.

You can only take a look at it later.


boom! !

The powerful force surged directly above the ancient city of Disaster.

The seven rays of light are very obvious in the ancient city.

Zhenwu Zhenling looked at the sky, not knowing what was going on for a while.

The sea of ​​blood was brought out by the young master, but these seven lights and the huge formation have absolutely nothing to do with the young master.

Is there an external force targeting the troubled ancient city?

Zhenwu Zhenling didn't know.

He tried to ask about the music outside, but...

The signal is not very good.

Originally the signal was very good, but there was a delay when the sea of ​​blood emerged high in the sky.

Now that the formation method appears, directly let the signal sometimes disappear.

Unable to receive messages for a while.

"Try it at a higher place," Zhen Ling said.

Zhen Wu nodded, and then the two went to other places.

Go to the taller tower in the city to see if there is a signal.

The more biased the better.

This way it is easy to avoid the sea of ​​blood and the formation.

In this way, it is possible to receive signals.

After all, these forces stirred the signal.

Wearing black robes, they kept walking towards the tower.

The black robe is to prevent a sudden rain of blood, which is very dangerous for them.

It's just that they didn't run very far, when the woman who had sent them the blood collection suddenly appeared beside them.

"Where are you going?" she asked curiously.

If you are more ferocious, Zhenwu and Zhenling will be frightened.

You know, they know what's going on here.

However, the young master said that it would be better to treat this place as an ordinary street, so that it will feel much better.

"It seems that something has happened outside. We want to contact people outside and ask what's the situation." Zhen Ling said.

When they faced this woman, they were naturally younger generations, and they didn't dare to show no respect.

After all, the other party is really an ancient senior, and everyone in the city is very powerful at random.

"I want to go to a higher and lower place nearby." Zhenling added again.

"I'll take you there." Although the woman didn't know why she was looking for such a place, she still planned to take Zhenwu and Zhenling for a ride.

Mainly want to chat, talk about Gu Yu.

Soon they arrived at the tower, which was also relatively remote.

And can see the sea outside.

I just can't see anyone.

"There is a signal, Lefeng said that a strong man came outside, and Kun was scared away." Zhen Wu was a little surprised.

Kun was scared away.

Although Kun may not seem courageous, there are not many people who can scare him away.

At least the three outside are definitely not good.

"Someone is indeed coming outside, they are trying to attack this city.

For these people, it is impossible to disrupt this place, but it is okay to stir it up.

It will not threaten you for the time being. "The woman said.

They can naturally know the situation outside.

And they feel that they are getting more and more sober.

It seems that the source is suppressed and the chaos is being driven out.

It's just that this is short-lived, their ending is doomed, but even if it is short-lived, they are happy.

Perhaps it was short, which made them cherish extra.

Zhenwu Zhenling also roughly figured out the situation, he felt that all this was related to the young master.

However, they can't help, they can only figure out these things, and wait for them to report to the young master afterwards to see if it works.

At this time, Zhenwu Zhenling saw that the senior was hesitant to speak, and he knew that something must be going on.

"Senior, do you need our help?" Zhenling asked.

This senior helped them a lot.

"Can you tell me more about Guyu?" The woman hesitated, still wanting to hear it.

Zhenwu Zhenling was a little surprised, they actually said it twice, and there was not much difference in content.

They actually know very little about the head of the goddess.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling glanced at each other, and then Zhen Ling said to the woman:

"Why don't we let seniors show her one day?"

The woman was stunned, and then asked:

"Yes, can you watch it?"

"Yes, but you need to communicate with them." Zhenwu said.

"Is it difficult?" The woman looked forward to it.

"It is theoretically possible, and we have a master in this area, who should be able to persuade the goddess to be the head." Zhenwu explained.

Lefeng is really outstanding.

Otherwise, how come you get so many demands from Master?

In the entire cultivation world, no one can get as much.

The woman was a little excited for a while, and then she began to wait. After waiting for a while, she decided to ask someone to come and wait together.

Although I don't know how long to wait.

Zhenwu and Zhenling became busy for the first time.

As long as it is connected to the Internet, once it is covered by power, there will be network delays.

These predecessors must be able to take action within their capacity.

Maybe it can reduce the pressure for the young master.

They took out the projection screen and projector, ready to zoom in.


at night.

Lu Shui didn't care about the others. He still suppressed the divine power of the goddess Ess. The opponent is not active, and should be accumulating strength and doing other struggles.

In this regard, Lu Shui expressed his understanding.

Because someone outside is ready, it shouldn't be far from the attack.

If this continues, once he is affected, then it is a good time for the opponent to take action.


He is not fighting alone.

Lu Shui was studying the blood of the gods and had gained some gains, but it was far from enough.

"Humans, are you studying what Lu left behind?" Ai Si stared at Lu Shui for a day, and could see that the other party was analyzing the blood of God.

She can interrupt the progress of the other party, but she needs to spare.

not the right time yet.

However, she was a little surprised by the other party's analysis of the blood.

No matter what, this drop of divine blood has unique power, how could it be so easy to analyze?

Furthermore, there are methods left by Lu inside, making it even more difficult.

And the other party did it.

This is unlikely.

Unless there is this kind of inheritance, it is possible to achieve this point.

And Lu's methods... they dare not touch them at will.

For a moment, she felt that the other party might really be the first favorite, but why?

Why should this person be the first favorite?

The first favorite in her heart should be the only one last night.

"Do you know the only true god?" Lu Shui had no idea of ​​answering.

Just asked what I heard last night.

He was a little surprised, but he didn't have time to bother at that time. Now that he has gained some gains, he can ask.

"Is the only true god?" The voice of the goddess Ess came from the divine light:

"Do you know her origin?"

"Mingyue's notes mentioned that she was by Lu's side." Lu Shui asked.

In fact, Lu Shui wasn't sure if he was the only true god, but just as it was, let's see if he could get a different answer from the goddess Aisi.

"Yes." The voice of the goddess Ess came from the light:

"Although we haven't seen her, we know that there is such a person.

The only one comes after the one.

I have never met her, but after I met her, I think she is qualified to be the first favorite.

Under the sole, the sole power.

The first favorite.

But you...whatever you look at, you don't look like the first favorite. "

Lu Shui frowned. The other party had said so much, but still didn't say the origin of the only true god.

However, it is certain that Lu has brought the only true god.

Furthermore, the only true **** is the goddess?

Shouldn't she be true god?

The only power is not comparable to the only power, but the other party is indeed a true **** worthy of the name.

The real power of the master.

Not nearly as supernatural as the power of his heaven and earth.

Ai Si's divine power cannot be compared with the power of heaven and earth.

"You know, the only true **** holds the same divine power as Jiu. They can't be considered at the same level, but they are not affiliated with one party." Lu Shui asked.

"You have a misunderstanding of the gods." Aisi, the gods, looked behind Lu Shui and didn't say a word.

She felt it, and someone came in immediately.

Is the only one.

Lu Shui also noticed that Mu Xue was on the way here.


Mu Xue and the only true **** walked all the way to the high platform.

The only true **** stretched out his hand and said to Mu Xue:

"Mortals are afraid of chaos here, and as a true god, I shall expel fear for you.

Lend your hand to hold. "

Mu Xue smiled and held the hand of the only true god, curiously said:

"If it's Chacha, will the only true **** help her?"

"Of course, stupid humans are also humans." The only true **** has a sacred face.

After a short while, they came to the blood of the gods, and after entering, they heard the voice of the true **** Aisi:

"The gods are not affiliated, but the one who is loved by the only true **** of heaven and earth.

There is no relationship other than affection.

Can be equal, can be hostile.

The uniqueness is higher than the uniqueness, and the onlyness is loved by the uniqueness, and it is not too much.

It is normal to be the only first goddess. "

The only true **** is the favor of the only true god?

Mu Xue looked at the bad girl aside with some doubts.

At this time, the bad girl stared at the ground and her eyes glowed, but she didn't hear the sound just now.

Mu Xue condensed the table and chairs and did it:

"Eat it."

The only true **** heard these words and immediately began to eat around Mu Xue.

Lu Shui glanced, and felt that Jiu was blind.

However, the goddess Aisi is still using small tricks.


The power gathered and hit Ai Si directly.

Suddenly breaking the story of Ai Si, Lu Shui stood on the sea of ​​blood, staring at Ai Si, and said with a chuckle:

"You don't seem to care about the only true God, but...

Care about me more. "

Lu Shui grabbed a light ball, the voice sent by the true **** Ai Si.

There are no extra words, only three words: the first son.

Lu Shui said no more, the power of heaven and earth surged, and the power of divine blood exploded again.

Use the opponent's power to find the way for him.

Take a look at where Lu left the shackles.


at the same time.

Seven rays of light fell outside.

Convergence of strength is complete.

Formidable power shrouded the sky over the ancient city of Chaos.

The goddess of ice sea drifted up slowly, she stood high in the sky, looking at the troubled ancient city, looking at the monstrous sea of ​​blood.

Without hesitation, the oracle came out:

"Start the trial."


Under the scepter, it hits the space.

Power surges.

The sound rang.

"The seven halls gather, and the gods judge.

Contempt and punish. "

The voices of all the people in the Seven Halls heard, and an incomparably powerful force bred from the formation, directly attacking the monstrous blood.

boom! ! !

The power blasted into the sea of ​​blood, the light of blood flashed, and it began to compete with God's punishment.

The goddess of ice sea did not hesitate, and stepped to the sky above the ancient city. The endless sea blessed her, and the power rushed to the ancient city like a huge wave.

"How many, don't you do it yet?"


The powerful force of the ice goddess directly crushed the blood and shattered.

But it is not enough.

She directly asked for help from Xian Ting Buddhism.

Taiyi Immortal, Ziwei Immortal, Xinhuo Ancient Buddha, without hesitation, the three of them stepped to the edge of the ancient city.

The avenue runs rampant, and the power runs through the sky.

Taiyixianjun volleyed and pointed, magnificent.

Fairy Ziwei swung his sword, and the power of the stars gathered.

Xinhuo Ancient Buddha put his hands together, proclaiming a Buddha's name.

The appearance of ancient Dharma is presented.

At this moment, the three of them all started together.

The three powers hit the troubled ancient city directly, the power of one finger, the sword of the stars, the suppression of the law, and the impact on the blood and light.

boom! ! !

The blood that was about to be shattered instantly shattered.

The extremely powerful force began to flood into the sea of ​​blood.

At this moment, a sea of ​​blood surged.

As a storm joins the waves, stirs up huge waves and rolls all directions.

"carry on."

At this moment, the goddess of ice sea heard the voice again.

At this moment, the ice sea goddess became excited.

That's right.

It was the voice of the true god, and sure enough, I didn't choose the wrong place.

"The oracle issued, continue."

The voice of the Goddess of Ice Sea came out, and the Seven Palaces Trial was launched again.

Powerful forces poured into the sea of ​​blood.


There is power surging from the ancient city, seeming to oppose the Seven Palaces Judgment.

But a little bit powerless.

The Goddess of Ice Sea took a look and saw someone below him.

She frowned:

"You are confined to the ancient unable to break free.

With you, it is impossible to stop us. "

Needless to say, these people will directly suppress if they want to act.

The power of judgment once again descended on the sea of ​​blood, and the power of the four avenues of the heavenly level directly stirred the sea of ​​blood.

As if to break the balance.

Then at this time, a purple light appeared from the sea of ​​blood, and an ethereal voice descended on the earth:

"They are restricted to the ancient city of natural disasters, and they really can't stop you.

I don't know, can it be me? "

At this moment, the purple light extended, the wind and clouds were surging, and the purple gas came to the east for 30,000 miles.


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