The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 495: People in the past

The people of the gods all retreated.

They all discovered one thing.

That is the power of the three stars, which has become much stronger.

That means that the three eagerly wanted to suppress the second son of the Lu family.

And they must help each other with all their strength.

As for the flow fire...

From the battle of the ancient city of disaster, Taiyixianjun and others knew that Flowing Fire was no longer something they could stop.

The subsequent contest is not at their level.

Upgraded to the level of Emperor Zun.

What they can do is to wake up the emperor as soon as possible, so that the emperor has enough power.

The second half of the prophecy slab is also difficult to untie.

Only Xingsi Xianjun had solved some, they didn't have enough time at all.

The second son came too quickly and completely disrupted their plan.

Now I can only move forward at this pace to wake up the emperor.

Once the three awakened, everything came to a conclusion.

As for the result...

This is the path they chose. There is no possibility of victory, but they will work hard in the direction of victory.

Even if you end up on the road.

There is no right or wrong, but the end of this life has not been reached.

Could not see the final scenery.

This is the idea of ​​all of them.


The second elder watched these people leave without paying attention.

She looked at the troubled ancient city and said:

"What will happen to the ancient city after disaster?"

She stopped asking about Lu Shui's specialness, and even after asking Jiu, she would not tell her the real reason.

It doesn't matter if you know it later.

But she has other problems.

"If the imprisonment is gone, you will naturally be free." Looking at the troubled ancient city, Jiu whispered:

"They have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"There will be no disaster in the ancient city?" The second elder asked Jiu while looking at him.

"The city must be there, but people..." Jiu shrugged and said:

"It's time to return to its original state. After all, there are no living people in the city."

"Why wait until this time? The strongest, didn't he leave the means?

He can't do it? "The second elder is a little curious.

"You can definitely do it." Standing next to the second elder, Jiu poked the second elder in the cheek, and said:

"But there is no real relief.

Can't see whether they let the clan completely perish after countless hours.

Now I see that there are still people alive, so that they can be completely liberated. "

The second elder nodded slightly, and stopped asking about this.

But some questions about Lu Shui’s identity:

"Liuhuo is really the first favorite?"

She had asked who the first favorite was before, but Jiu did not say.

Now the second goddess said that Liuhuo might be the goddess, which surprised her a bit.

The time difference is too far, it is impossible to look at it.

At that time, Jiu had already fallen, how could he receive God's favor?

"Keep guessing, I won't tell you anyway." Jiu thought for a while and said:

"Xiao Xiaoting, don't you think you are more like a goddess?

I'm so good to you. "

Looking at Jiu, the second elder only remembered to pinch her face, change her hair style, and add a riddle to her.

It's not clear to say.

Without speaking, the second elder turned around and took a step forward.

Going back.

She felt that the power of the three stars had become much stronger. Although there were great elders in the family, Li Yin would be affected more or less.

So, you need to go back and check it.

Prevent accidents.

Joe's house.

"All the coordinates have been handed in, and we will start in a few days.

Some anomalies may occur. "

Qiao Gan said to them ruthlessly.

Yes, the Qiao family has completed all the altars and is now waiting to take effect.

"Once you succeed, how do you get paid?" Qiao looked ruthlessly at Qiao Gan and asked.

Plain and indifferent, as if routine.

"I have asked carefully. Items need to be waiting on the altar. As long as the question has that rune, it is enough.

Time is uniform. "Qiao Gan lowered his head and replied.

With respect.

These were all asked by Zhenwu and they asked.

Don't make mistakes.

In fact, he is also very surprised, how powerful it is, it can be so.

He couldn't believe the others, but Lu Shui...

That is the eternal arrogant, the supreme existence.

He said it is possible, everything is possible.

I would rather be an enemy of Xian Ting than walk to the opposite of land and water.

A little carelessness is overwhelming.

"I hope Liu Huo can do what he says." Joe said mercilessly.

He couldn't imagine this kind of project, and their Qiao family absolutely couldn't do it.

The Lu family might not be able to do it, answering all the questions of the entire cultivation world at the same time, and giving out all the items at the same time.

They didn't believe it, but the four top forces all joined in, and no one raised such questions.

Then his Qiao family would naturally not raise it.

Furthermore, there are problems, and it should be these four major forces that speak out.

As for the others, although he knows some.


Rarely compares with the four top powers.

After a few conversations, Joe's ruthless voice sounded again:

"see a visitor out."

Qiao Yu wanted to send it, but Qiao Qian did it in the end.

"Is going to Qiuyun Town?" Qiao Qian asked quietly on the road.

"Well, work." Qiao Gan said softly.

They really should go back to work.

Qiao Qian is a little unbelievable, her brother is Tianjiao.

Not only was he expelled from the family, but he also became a part-time worker.

For a while, she felt a little sad.

Obviously he is a young master, but in the end he went to work to ask for a living.

Why can her brother bear it so easily?

But she didn't ask.

She has a lot of questions, but she just can't ask them out.

So she joined the altar construction and wanted to ask more about her brother, wanting to know thoroughly.

Hope Liu Huo can answer her.

"We may go to Lu's house next month." Qiao Qian explained as she said:

"It's the young master of the Lu family who is also married, and invites grandfather grandfather.

My mother, my father, and I went there. "

"Let's go too." Lin Huanhuan asked curiously:

"What gift will you give?

We never knew what to send. "

"You guys too?" Qiao Qian was very puzzled.

"Miss Mu invited me." Lin Huanhuan took out the invitation.

Qiao Qian opened the invitation and found that the words on it actually carried a kind of strength, gentle sunshine.

It's not easy to look at.


Why does the little fat girl have an invitation?

The Qiao family did not receive any invitations at all except Grandpa Grandpa.

I heard that some top powers want to get invitations...

But the last one may not be there.

Then Qiao Qian watched Qiao Gan leave with Lin Huanhuan.

It's okay to all go to the wedding.

My mother can talk to my brother.

Since her brother was expelled from the family, grandfather grandfather did not allow other people to contact her brother at all.

Although she knew there was a meaning, she still couldn't fully understand it.

Maybe she will understand in a few years, but in these years she will become the most dazzling member of the Qiao family.

She is different from her brother.

Will not obscure the light.


"You said Miss Mu gets married, should I go after getting thinner?"

After leaving Qiao's house, Lin Huanhuan ate the buns and asked Qiao Gan.

The Qiao family entertained them with steamed buns.


But it’s okay to eat more.

"No." Qiao Gan immediately shook his head. He had seen it once and it was indeed very beautiful.

"The wedding should take a long time, not much time to lose weight." Qiao Gan added.

He thinks this is good.

No need to be pretty.

"Mother, they will go, they may not recognize it." Qiao Gan said again.

Lin Huanhuan ate the buns and looked at Qiao Gan and said:

"Will this not lose your face?"

Qiao Gan looked sideways at the broken arm, and then said to Lin Huanhuan:

"This will embarrass you."

"No." Lin Huanhuan shook her head and stretched out her hands:

"I still have two hands, which is very convenient."

"Yeah." Qiao Gan nodded and said softly:

"I will not feel ashamed, I will only be proud."

Lin Huanhuan ate the buns and nodded:


"Our salary this month, isn't it?" Qiao Gan asked suddenly.


When it's over, I have to wrap presents for Miss Mu..." Lin Huanhuan felt that he would eat less buns.

Lu Shui sat in an empty location in the ancient city of Chaos, where he could see the sea outside.

But for him, these are of no use.

His gaze stayed on the heaven and earth formation pattern all the time.

It didn't take long before the phone rang.

It was sent by Mu Xue.

"Master Lu, I'm going to have dark circles under my eyes." Just a word.

"Ms. Mu can take a selfie and send it to me?" Lu Shui replied as soon as he looked at the phone.

Then he received a selfie of Mu Xue.

There is also a question.

"Is it obvious?"

"It is recommended that Miss Mu go with glasses."

At this time, Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue's selfie, and there was no trace of dark circles at all.

She sat at the stone table and fed water to the water cloud beast and the fire cloud beast.

"Master Lu, I just had a bad internet speed. I didn't see what you posted. Can you post it again?"

Lu Shui soon received Mu Xue's reply.

He pressed the phone with no sadness or joy in his eyes, and then replied:

"Miss Mu may be questioning my aesthetics. In my eyes, Miss Mu does not have dark circles under her eyes.

Some are born with beauty, sinking fish and geese. "

"Master Lu opened his eyes and said nonsense." Mu Xue replied.

"I'm typing."

"...I take a note, I hope Master Lu will be healthy when he is free."


Looking at the phone, Lu Shui felt that Mu Xue had become dangerous again, and the phone could not convey emotions.

It is easy for Mu Xue to misunderstand.

It's better to use less.

As for the notebook...

What's the use of this thing?

The feelings of their husband and wife will be controlled by a notebook?

"You have to go to Mu's house before marriage."

Parents are always bad things, and they keep getting the wedding in advance, which makes him very passive now.

There is no time to do enough things at all.

After putting away his mobile phone, Lu Shui continued to watch the pattern of heaven and earth.

Zhenwu Zhenling is not here today, they are collecting altar coordinates and various items.

Another thing is to go back to Lu's house to get the spirit stone.

The day of payment is approaching, and they need to complete it in these few days.

How many things have to be prepared...

Sure enough, it is the simplest question.

To answer questions, he also needs preparation.

It's just that he wasn't sure if he wanted to be promoted to Tier 7, if he didn't.

You can start preparing here, if you are promoted, he doesn't need to prepare.

The seventh-order he can open the numerology space at any time.

Assimilate everyone and answer the questions uniformly.

at night.

Lu Shui looked at the starry sky and found that the sky was bright and the moon was shining brightly, and his eyes were abnormal.

"The moon is really round today." A sudden voice reached Lu Shui's ears.

Lu Shui nodded, and then wanted to agree.

But just as he was about to speak, something was wrong.

When he turned his head, Mu Xue looked at him with a smile and sat beside him.

Wearing an off-white pleated dress.

The hair is simply tied.

It was dazzling in the moonlight.

"Master Lu, reading alone?" Mu Xue asked softly.

Lu Shui closed the book silently.

"Miss Mu, it's late at night, and it's easy to get dark circles if you don't sleep." Lu Shui said while looking at Mu Xue.

Mu Xue came more abruptly.

Then Mu Xue took out the pillow and put it on Lu Shui's lap. Then, she lay on the pillow, facing Lu Shui's belly:

"Okay, I'm going to sleep, Master Lu, let's continue reading."

Sleep like this, don't your legs feel numb?

Soon Muxue fell asleep and didn't sleep for seven days, which was really not good for Muxue.

After all, it is an ordinary human body.

Looking down at Mu Xue who was sleeping, Lu Shui reached out and stroked Mu Xue's loose long hair.

Then he continued to open the heaven and earth formations.

I thought Mu Xue was here to accompany him to watch the moon, but it turned out that he was only here to use him as a pillow.

The breeze passed by.

Lu Shui took out the previous blanket and put it on Mu Xue.

Fortunately, he has.

There are also chairs, so Mu Xue does not need to sit.

If Zhenwu and Zhenling are there, will they be able to come up with a bed?

After thinking about it, Lu Shui felt that he should be bolder.

Maybe you can take out a suite directly.

early morning.

The sky was slightly bright.

Mu Xue turned over, she rubbed her eyes under the blanket and said:

"what time is it."

"It's less than six o'clock." Lu Shui put down his book and leaned back.

Looking at Mu Xue who had woken up.

"Master Lu, do you think I have bad breath?" Mu Xue opened her eyes to look at Lu Shui.

Hearing these words, Lu Shui was startled.

Then he leaned slightly and touched Mu Xue's mouth.

Then shook his head:


"Humph!" Mu Xue snorted coldly.

She stood up gently and sat beside Lu Shui, watching the sunrise coming out overseas.

The sea breeze passed by.

Mu Xue turned her head to look at Lu Shui, then leaned on Lu Shui, covering the blanket in front of Lu Shui.

This way the sea breeze is comfortable but not cold.

A few stars fell into the deep sea, and a round of scorching sun began to peek out from the end of the sea.

Xia light shines on the sky.

"Master Lu, is the sunrise beautiful?" Mu Xue asked, leaning against Lu Shui's arms.

"Pretty." Lu Shui replied looking at the sunrise.

It's really beautiful.

Mainly because he has someone in his arms, he feels much better.

"Master Lu, do you think I am beautiful, or is the sunrise beautiful?" Mu Xue asked, turning around to look at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows. At this moment, he felt that Mu Xue was asking very seriously, and then he slowly spoke:

"Miss Mu, is this presumptuous?"


He gently flicked Mu Xue's forehead and continued:

"Let's let the sunrise go."

"Huh!" Mu Xue turned her head, but she twisted back soon, and then leaned in front of Lu Shui, gently biting on Lu Shui's lips.

Then she jumped up and said:

"Going home, Aunt Tang should find out that I sneaked out."

Then a purple light flashed, and Mu Xue directly disappeared in place.

Just before Lu Shui could react, Mu Xue's hand suddenly stretched out of the space, grabbed the pillow and put it back.

Lu Shui: "..."

At dawn.

Lu Shui got up and walked to other areas.

It's already the next day.

He is about to start decorating, decorating during the day, and continuing to read at night.

The main reason is that Mu Xue will come over.

Otherwise, he plans to sleeplessly decorate.

It should end soon.

But one or two more days is not a big problem.

It's close to 6.7, so I know if it's suitable for promotion.

In two days or so, he will be promoted to 6.6, which is more than ten days left next month.

Lu Shui walked along the edge of the chaotic ancient city.

Start at the gate.

There are still some people on the street at this time, and it is still prosperous.

The spirit is not as good as before.

The walls also began to have a stale atmosphere, as if they had been eroded by time.

Lu Shui just glanced at it without paying attention.

Then he began to paint runes on the ground, very complicated and mysterious runes.

When the characterization is completed, the rune will hide in the ground, as if it is accumulating power.

Lu Shui took a step forward after he sensed it and made sure that there was no problem.

He disappeared directly in place, appeared in a far place, and then squatted down to continue depicting the formation.

Did not say much, did not think much.

Come a little bit.

In the evening.

Lu Shui had planned to rest, and Mu Xue might come over.

The phone rang just as soon as I got up.

Mu Xue sent it.

"Take Yalin to bed tonight, Master Lu reads and remembers to get a lamp, otherwise he will be short-sighted."

"If you don't read a book, Miss Mu will read it again when she comes. No lights, Miss Mu is so dazzling."

After replying, Lu Shui put away his mobile phone and continued to describe the formation.

Did not stop all night.

However, the troubled ancient city is too big, one day and one night, not half of the journey.


Suddenly Lu Shui felt a powerful force.

It came from the center floor.

"It seems that Gu Li is coming out, tomorrow at the latest."

When Gu Li came out, his condition might be much better. I don't know if I can ask anything else.

Of course, the possibility is not high.

But it doesn't matter.

Now just wait for the altar to gather, plus disasters and other people to recover.

Then it's time to do it.

At that time, three stars will be destroyed.

The power of the three stars has become much stronger, but fortunately he has enough altars.

There is more than one place for the Altar of Millions.

It is more troublesome to pay remuneration. It takes a lot of time for Zhenwu Zhenling to purchase and ask for spirit stones from the clan.

Fortunately, there are no problems for the time being.

That evening.

Lu Shui was promoted to 6.6.

At this moment, he felt a lot stronger in his intuition, and even extended directly to Mu Xue's numerology.

You can't make Mu Xue pregnant without being promoted to the seventh rank, and his intuition seems to be telling him clearly, promote to the seventh rank.


If he can't beat his instinct, he will be promoted to the seventh rank decisively.

There is nothing to celebrate recently.

You can’t get married when you get married, right?

It's going to die.

And when we got married, it was too late to cross the robbery, so it's better to cross the robbery when the time comes.

Well, you will be promoted directly without crossing the catastrophe.

Lack of a theme, it's useless to celebrate together.


Lu Shui finished half of the troubled ancient city.

I plan to take a break and take a look at the formations of heaven and earth.

When he appeared in the place where he had been resting before, he saw someone sleeping on the table.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, and then walked over and sat next to this person.

As soon as she sat down, Mu Xue sat up, then hugged her on Lu Shui's lap, ready to go to sleep.

"Master Lu, don't you feel my breath?"

Mu Xue leaned on Lu Shui's legs and turned to look at Lu Shui to answer questions.

"Miss Mu said that she was telling a story to Yalin?" Lu Shui asked.

If he knew that Mu Xue would come, he would naturally end it early.

Just right to accumulate the power of heaven and earth in advance.

"I want to surprise Master Lu." Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui and said:

"And tell a story to Yalin, she fell asleep at once."

"By the way, Master Lu said that I am very dazzling. Will it shine in Master Lu's eyes when I lie here?" Mu Xue asked again.

Lu Shui took out his sunglasses, put them on his eyes, and said:

"It's okay, Zhenwu gave me a pair of sunglasses last time."

Mu Xue: "..."

Make a meal, and then go home.

Mu Xue snorted coldly, lay on her side facing Lu Shui's belly, and began to sleep.

Lu Shui looked at the formations of heaven and earth, and accumulated until tomorrow, he would have enough power of heaven and earth.

In the early morning, a force was blowing in.

Mu Xue opened her eyes directly, and then sat up.



Mu Xue held her head, Lu Shui held her chin, both of them were a little bit painful.

"Miss Mu, my jaw is dislocated, let's talk about it, how can I compensate."

"He comes over, I'll go back first."

Mu Xue clutched her forehead and disappeared immediately, sending a word to Lu Shui before disappearing.

"Master Lu, hit his wife's forehead severely, and he'll get into the pan."

Is an ex-wife.

Lu Shui replied in his heart.

Naturally did not dare to speak.

I spoke, probably...

Just open your mouth while eating.

As for Mu Xue running so fast, it was because Gu Li had regained consciousness and was coming here.

So she needs to escape back.

Otherwise, I will be bumped into, embarrassing.

The other party may not understand, but if the other party is not embarrassed, it is their turn to be embarrassed.

Wait a moment.

A sturdy middle-aged man walked towards Lushui.

As soon as he came over, he bowed his head to thank Lu Shui:

"Thanks a lot."

Lu Shui was stunned, really simple.

He didn't care, just smiled and said:

"In order to fulfill the promise, seniors don't need to care."

Then Gu Li sat across from Lu Shui, looking at Lu Shui, looking very carefully.

"Senior have any questions?" Lu Shui asked.

"Are you the first favorite?" Gu Li asked the doubt in his heart.

He didn't notice how Lu Shui would be the first favorite.

"No, at least I don't think so." Lu Shui shook his head and said:

"The age I lived in is a thousand miles away from the true **** Jiu.

It's just that our family has a certain relationship with the true **** or Lu.

At least that's how I understand it. "

Gu Li nodded and didn't ask more about this, but he thought Ai Si was right.

As the second favor, Ai Si will not give people the hat of the first favor at will.

He glanced at the town and said:

"They still need some time before they can set off to complete what you are going to do."

"I have time, so I'm not in a hurry." Lu Shui looked at Gu Li and said:

"Are you going to the cultivation world?

Meet the people who used to be. "

Gu Li still has some time.

There was no problem with going out.

"People who used to be?" Gu Li was a little puzzled for a while.

Is there anyone who used to be in this era?

"Heavenly secret, Mo Xiu Xuechen, they are still alive.

Ji Xun still has a ray of soul left.

Toothache fairy, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com or Lu's dog.

Can be seen. "Lu Shui said.

"Lu's dog?" Gu Li was a little shocked:

"It's still alive?

Who is the toothache fairy? "

"Indestructible Immortal Body, senior knows?" Lu Shui asked.

Toothache fairy didn't reach their level in the end, but that was because he fell into a deep sleep.

Otherwise, there is a great possibility that he will be on the list of Killing Gods.

"Is the immortal immortal awake?" Gu Li was a little shocked.

"Would you like to go out for a stroll?" Lu Shui asked.

"Trouble you," Gu Li said.


The college entrance examination, come on.

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