The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 498: 0 million altar bloom

"Master Lu, you can't make me angry today.

Otherwise I would really hit you. "

After walking into the ancient city of Chaos, Mu Xue whispered to Lu Shui.

Speaking and shook a small fist.

Just now Dongfang scum opened the way in front, and the people behind were naturally to catch up in the first time.

The pomp is high.

The Kraken Xiaotao condemned it, shamelessly opening up.

Dongfang Zhazha said that it was not her who opened the hook, it was a little girl.

But the Kraken Xiaotao didn't believe it.

The only true **** said loudly that she was the one who opened up.

But others can't hear it.

Mu Xue and Lu Shui naturally ignored those people, and went straight into the ancient city of Disaster.

Yalin Yayue and the others were very conscious and hid beside Dongfang Chacha, and then let Sister Chacha look after.

Dongfang Chacha scratched her head, indicating that she is a qualified sister.

Mu Xue was naturally not worried, after all, Ding Liang and Xiangyu were both there.

And they will soon converge with Zhenwu and Zhenling, so there is no problem.

As for the others, they naturally don't care.

It's not a kid.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue walked side by side.

They didn't go to the street first, but strolled around nearby.

It’s boring to go to places with many people, but it’s better to go to places with few people.

"Ms. Mu meant that before hitting me was a fake hit?" Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and asked.

Are all the blows he received fake?

"Master Lu doesn't know?" Mu Xue turned to look at Lu Shui and said:

"You don't even have any skin injuries on your body."

Lu Shui nodded, yes, the earth was cracked.

I was wronged and suffered such a serious injury.

"If it weren't for the sake of Young Master Lu's getting married, Young Master Lu is already over." Mu Xue stared at Lu Shui, her tone a bit fierce.

It's just that Lu Shui feels pretty good.

"Miss Mu's fierce look is quite fresh," Lu Shui said softly.

Mu Xue took a bite in the air, and then said:

"It's not that I haven't seen it before."

Lu Shui saw that Mu Xue was about to bite, and handed it over:

"Miss Mu, take a few bites, I still have a few teeth marks to summon the tooth god."

Mu Xue turned her head and snorted coldly:

"I am hungry."

Then they came to a higher place and looked at the street below.

very bustling.

They are all busy with their own affairs, and no one specifically disturbs the head of the goddess.

Lu Shui didn't care much about the street, but looked at Mu Xue.

Today's Mu Xue is wearing a light blue fairy dress, dignified and elegant.

Wearing a more ladylike hairstyle.

Girlish appearance.


This is a girl.

"What will Miss Mu want to eat tonight?" Lu Shui asked.

"Yeah~" Mu Xue looked up and thought, then looked at the landing channel:

"Listen to Master Lu."

"Come on, take a bite first." Lu Shui handed it out.

Mu Xue: "..."

I really want to hit someone.

Then Mu Xue took Lu Shui's hand and took two bites.

Lu Shui's face twitched, and then looking at the two tooth marks on his arm, he felt that he had paid too much for the tooth god.

Who makes the tooth **** easily unhappy?

He just feel wronged.

"Master Lu wants to summon God of Tooth to make a wish?" Mu Xue asked while looking at Lu Shui.

"Well, I want to make a great wish." Lu Shui nodded and said.

At this time, Lu Shui was wearing long sleeves. He pulled the sleeves from his arms to cover up the tooth marks.

"What wish?" Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui curiously.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said:

"I hope Yashen can let Miss Mu appear next to me."

"Lonely men and widows live in the same room, what does Young Master Lu want to do?" Mu Xue asked.

"I thought about it all night last night, and thought someone might take the opportunity to ask me math problems later.

So I hope Miss Mu can accompany me to work on the questions.

I don’t have to answer. "Lu Shui said seriously.

Mu Xue: "..."

"Mathematics is actually very interesting. For example, my miss for Miss Mu is like a Fibonacci sequence, which increases linearly with the passage of time." Lu Shui said to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue tilted her head to look at the landing channel:

"I don't understand."

"In mathematics, I am like 1 and Miss Mu is like 0, but I have no meaning except Miss Mu." Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said.

Mu Xue turned her head and said softly:

"Master Lu can't speak human language?"

"I like Miss Mu." Lu Shui said.

A smile appeared on Mu Xue's face and said happily:

"Well, forgive you."

Lu Shui: "..."

I said that I made a mistake.


at night.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue were walking on the street.

Many people from the Sea-Monster and the Heavenly Nv Sect came, causing most of the streets to be women.

The only men are from the undead, and there are a few people from Lefeng.

But the siren can pretend to be a man.

They changed their clothes when they were bored.

Very excited.

For the vast majority of siren, this is the first time they have experienced this kind of thing.

Some people are discussing follow-up matters.

"I just heard some people say that this city will sink soon. Let's pull the city back and drive by ourselves."

"Good idea, but we can't move such a big city."

"Don't Xiaotao have a queen plug-in? This kind of thing should be let the plug-in come."


Lu Shui and Mu Xue passed by these people, pretending that they didn't hear anything.

What kind of people did Mu Xue invite?

"Master Lu sells dim sum there." Mu Xuela Lu Shui pointed to the distance.

Lu Shui took a look and found that someone was indeed selling bread and cakes.


How did these people learn in such a short time?

And it has everything.

There is no less food than Qiuyun Town.

And Mu Xue likes sweet ones.

Can’t you eat less?

"No." After Lu Shui asked this question, Mu Xue immediately replied:

"It feels sweet to stay with Master Lu."

Then two people are queuing, business is better here.

The boss is a young girl, an undead girl.

After waiting for a while, finally waited until Lu Shui.

After handing in the spirit stone, they took two copies.

There is a place to sit in the back.

"It's delicious." Mu Xue sat down and started tasting, a little surprised.

She thought that for temporary study, there must be some lack of craftsmanship.


Not worse than the flower rain and snow season.

"Of course, my sister is the heir to the God of Cooking in our city. As long as she reaches adulthood, she can become a new God of Cooking.

This is still a test product, a genuine product will be available soon.

It must be delicious enough for you to linger.

By the way, my sister is the youngest chef, Gu Qing.

Remember slightly. "A young man said to Mu Xue and them.

Very proud.

Just as curious as to praise himself.

"Remember, God of Cooking Gu Qing." Mu Xue responded with a smile.

The boy smiled at Lu Shui and Mu Xue, very happy.

"By the way, where's your name?" Mu Xue asked again.

This is a boy who is only eight or nine years old.

"Gu Lei." The boy responded.

"Gu Lei, who likes to praise my sister, also remember it." Mu Xue nodded slightly.

Gu Lei looked at Mu Xue and Lu Shuidao:

"What is your husband and wife's name?"

"Lu Shui." Lu Shui replied softly.

"Muxue." Mu Xue also said.

"I remember you too." Then Gu Lei went to work on.

Mu Xue smiled at Lu Shui, then after taking a few bites, she pushed the cake to Lu Shui:

"Master Lu, you can eat, I will keep my stomach to eat authentic products."

Lu Shui: "....."

He looked at Mu Xue's belly and felt that there should be no problem eating such a small snack.

"My stomach is very small. Except for your son, I can't pretend to eat too much.

So Master Lu, eat it. "Mu Xue whispered.


Lu Shui did not speak, he ate everything.

Soon the genuine product was delivered.

"This is the first one. My sister said it will be given to you first." Gu Lei sent the snack to Lu Shui and said.

They looked at Gu Qing.

The other side also looked at this side and smiled.

Mu Xue naturally smiled back.

Lu Shui ate without expression.


Somewhat shocked.

Obviously they are almost the same, but it's not a taste at all.

The flower rain and snow season is completely unmatched.

The only one who can match it should be his aunt.

But the two are not the same type.

Then Lu Shui took out his mobile phone and searched.

"Master Lu, what are you doing?" Mu Xue was curious.

"Look for adjectives." Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue: "..."

She always felt that Cha Cha was a bit like Lu Shui.

She didn't care, she felt that she should eat and eat by herself.

The moment he entered the entrance, Mu Xue was also stunned. For a while, she could understand why Lu Shui had to look up adjectives.

"Master Lu, have you found it?" Mu Xue urged.

“The oil is rich, the taste is deep and the taste is aftertaste, it is soft and attractive in the mouth, and has a unique flavor that is unforgettable.” Lu Shui said while looking at his mobile phone.

"It's too pale, Master Lu, didn't you say you read a book?" Mu Xue said while eating dessert.

Lu Shui: "..., Miss Mu will get fat if she eats too much."

"Then Master Lu, wait and hug me to see if I am heavy." Mu Xue pouted.

"That's right." Mu Xue suddenly curiously said:

"We spend money on the street, and they will leave in the end. Who is the Lingshi left for?"

"Zhenwu, true spirit.

I heard that their investment and losses are counted as theirs. "Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue thinks about it too.

"Wow." A sudden call came, and Dongfang Chacha was eating cakes on the street and said excitedly:

"Fragrant taro, fragrant taro, this cake is delicious, as good as the mother's and the aunt's."

"Uuuuu." Yalin could not speak as she ate.

The water spirit beast on her head stabilized her figure, for fear of falling.

Fire Cloud Beast stood on Yalin's shoulder, looking at the cake.

Then Yalin took a bite to Huoyun Beast.

She looked cute instantly.

Yayue was surprised when she ate, it was really delicious.

"Can you pack two copies?" Yayue asked the counter.

She wanted to take it back for her mother and father to taste.

"Two servings are not enough. Six servings are required." Dongfang Chacha said immediately:

"And your uncle's house and your aunt's house.

So when they punish you in the future, they will think about it.

I have experience with this. "

Yayue was surprised: "Sister Cha Cha is punished so often?"

"Hehe." Dongfang Chacha scratched his head and smiled:

"It's not that powerful anymore."

"I also want a copy." The head of the goddess also appeared.

She eats every family, and buys things every family.

"Come on, here you are." Gu Qingqing looked at the head of the goddess with a smile.

His eyes were full of joy.


Lu Shui and Mu Xue watched all this, they didn't bother those people, and no one of those people came to bother them.

The night market will last all night.

After all, apart from Yalin, none of the people present were ordinary people.

Let alone one night, even ten days and ten nights, the problem is not big.

Well, the second and third level cultivation will have an impact.

Late at night, Mu Xue and Lu Shui left early.

They came to the previous location, where they could see the street and the water outside.

The bright moon in the sky is naturally also in my eyes.

And the three bright stars, this one is not very popular.

"Does it feel like there should be another firework?" Lu Shui said while looking at the night sky.

"Just the two of us are sitting here, the others are shopping, and no one is watching." Mu Xue sat behind Lu Shui, the two of them back to back.

The sea breeze is blowing with a chill.

"Miss Mu going home tomorrow?" Lu Shui asked.

"Yeah." Mu Xue nodded softly:

"I'll wait to get married when I go back, where's Master Lu?"

"I have to wait to get a wife when I go back, and we will go to each other in the future." Lu Shui sighed.


Mu Xue hit the back of Lu Shui's head with the back of her head:

"Master Lu, can you speak?

It hurts, did Master Lu hit his head with iron? "

"Miss Mu has a soft body," Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue looked at the starlight in the sky:

"Master Lu, I feel I am very happy."

"Then remember to smile more when you marry." Lu Shui also looked at the sky at this time.

He feels this feeling is good.

Blowing the sea breeze, looking at the bright moon.

The moon is really round.

"It depends on whether Master Lu has done anything that makes people angry recently." Mu Xue said with a smug expression.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky.


The fireworks were scattered.

"Really." Lu Shui looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zhenwu Zhenling had even prepared this.

It's really an event.

"It looks good." Mu Xue looked at the fireworks with a smile on her face.

Mainly watch it with Lu Shui.

"Does Master Lu think it looks good?" Mu Xue asked.

"It looks good." Lu Shui replied:

"It's fleeting, it's palpitating."

They held hands and looked at the fireworks in the sky.

Until the end, Mu Xue asked curiously:

"Is there a place to sleep in the ancient city of Chaos?"

Yalin needs to sleep. "

"Zhen Wu Zhen Ling will prepare," Lu Shui said.

Zhenwu Zhenling can't help this, otherwise, how can the streets be opened as soon as they say they are in one day?

Mu Xue took out her cell phone and asked, she really had a place to sleep.

Then she won't worry about it.

"I'm going to bed too." Mu Xue took out her pillow and put it on Lu Shui's thigh.

The whole doll lay down.

"Good night Master Lu." Mu Xue closed her eyes and hugged Lu Shui.

Lu Shui had no choice but to take out the blanket and put it on Mu Xue to save the cold.

Just as soon as the quilt was covered, Mu Xue suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Lu Lu Channel:

"How many hands does Master Lu use to read?"

"One." Lu Shui was puzzled.

Just as soon as the voice fell, Mu Xue grabbed Lu Shui's hand and hugged it in her arms:

"Okay, I'm sleeping.

Master Lu, let's read a book. "

Lu Shui: "..."

He leaned on the high chair and looked at Mu Xue.

After Mu Xue fell asleep, he began to look at the formations of heaven and earth.

You can do it the day after tomorrow.

The others will basically leave tomorrow.

It is not suitable to leave other people here, and it will have an impact on his plan.

At the end of the month, everything is ready, it's time to solve the problem for Lu Laishi.

Thinking about it this way, he planned to open the book and start watching.

It was just that Lu Shui had just opened it, but Mu Xue suddenly woke up and sat up.

Lu Shui who was about to read was taken aback.

"Miss Mu, what's the matter with you?" Suddenly he got up, very scary.

"Master Lu, I suddenly remembered something. If I don't come home at night, Chacha and the others should think about it." Mu Xue said while looking at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui: "..."

He felt that he was thinking a lot.

"Humph." Mu Xue got up and said:

"I have to go shopping with Chacha and the others.

It's hard to come by once, and I can't always accompany Master Lu. "


Finally, Lu Shui sent Mu Xue to Dongfang Zuzha.

They didn't even plan to sleep.


Each one is really good.

But Mu Xue was happy, and Lu Shui naturally had nothing to say.

He returned to his previous position and continued reading.

Did not follow.

Following that, they will be taken care of, which will affect their shopping.


early morning.

Mu Xue walked to Lu Shui's side.

Then he pulled Lu Shui's hand away and leaned in by himself.

"Master Lu, watch the sunrise.

Yayue and the others couldn't get up. "Mu Xue said, holding Lu Shui in one hand.

Lu Shui was reading a book, but Mu Xue wanted to watch the sunrise, so he naturally had no opinion.


When the sunrise appeared, Mu Xue fell asleep leaning on his arms.

In desperation, she could only cover Mu Xue with the blanket and continue reading.

"How late is it to go to bed?" Lu Shui shook his head and sighed.

But soon he remembered that Mu Xue had been a thug for him for six days before, well, that was even more exaggerated.

At dawn, Mu Xue stretched out.

"Master Lu, what time is it." Mu Xue couldn't open her eyes.

Just directly pillow the thigh of the landing water.

"At half past eight." Lu Shui said after looking at the time.

Mu Xue was shocked, and then said:

"Master Lu, let's go have breakfast."

As soon as Lu Shui's book was put away, he was dragged towards the street by Mu Xue.

There are culinary masters here, and he naturally wants to taste it.



in the afternoon.

The Kraken and the others reluctantly left the troubled ancient city, and the street activities ended, so they had to leave.

Even people from the Heavenly Nv Sect must follow along and leave.

Muxue naturally also left with Dongfang Zuzha and others.

But when the head of the goddess left, everyone in the ancient city of Disaster looked at her and watched her leave.

At the gate of the ancient city of Disaster, the head of the goddess stood on Kun's head, waving to everyone in front of the gate.

"I'm going back." The goddess shouted.

At this time, Dongfang Chacha flew high into the sky.


She took out her phone and took a picture.

It is a picture of the goddess waving goodbye to the ancient city of disaster.

Everything is frozen in the photo.

After leaving the troubled ancient city, the head of the goddess was not very emotional.

After getting permission from his cousin, Dongfang Chacha came to the head of the goddess and said:

"Show you something."

The head of the goddess looked at Dongfang Chacha suspiciously, this tea fairy is no ordinary person.

But it seems a little strange.

But when there was something to show her, she naturally did not refuse.

Then Dongfang Chacha took out the phone and showed the photo to the head of the goddess.

It was the photo taken just now when I flew up.

Looking at the photo, the head of the goddess was stunned.

"Do you want me to send it to you? But you can't delete it like your cousin Lu Shui. I finally took it." Dongfang Chacha said.

The head of the goddess looked at Dongfang Chacha with some surprise, and finally nodded and said in gratitude:

"Thank you Chacha Fairy."

"Hehe." Dongfang Chacha scratched, a little embarrassed.

She was surprised when she scratched the bean sprouts accidentally.

Almost bitten by bean sprouts.

Mu Xue just watched and didn't say anything.

She looked back at the ancient city of trouble.

Probably last night, it was the most peaceful night in the ancient city of Disaster.

after that...

There should be no more.

Gu Qing, the dim sum seller last night, made it and it was really delicious.

"Sister, don't brother-in-law leave?" Yalin asked curiously.

"He will leave later, and he is going to other places." Mu Xue said, touching Yalin's head.

Yalin nodded seemingly.

So she should play with Huoyun Beast.


Lu Shui watched them leave, but did not leave together.

Then he returned to his previous position.

The people in the city seem to be doing something.

Far away, he didn't pay attention to it carefully.

Not long after Zhenwu came to his side, he immediately took out the magic weapon map.

"Master, all the coordinates have been completed."

Lu Shui looked at the coordinate and nodded, then stretched out his hand and waved it into the array rune previously arranged.

Then he felt the coordinates.

There is indeed a corresponding altar.

At this time, the formations around the ancient city lit up, and he easily moved three local altars.

Light began to appear in the distant sky at this moment.

The location of endless mountains is the brightest.

"What are the people in the city doing?" Lu Shui asked.

"They are squeezing mud statues and carved murals, as nostalgia." Zhenwu replied.

Lu Shui nodded slightly, these people have nostalgia for this world.

The end is tomorrow, and they don't want to stop and rest.

They cherish this period of time.

Today that others don't care about is the last day they cherish.

Lu Shui didn't say anything any more, but tried to connect the light from the sky.

He did it.

It depends on what the three major forces will do.

So he chose three top power positions.


In the endless mountains.

Everyone in the Worm Valley surrounded the surrounding area.

They felt that the time was almost there, but the altar hadn't been effective yet, and they couldn't relax now.

Because once the altar doesn't work, there is no spiritual stone.

This will waste half a month of their time in vain.

When they were observing, the formation suddenly appeared slightly bright.

Everyone was taken aback.

They knew that the formation was starting to work.


At this moment, the Altar of Millions radiated light and rose into the sky.

It seems to be converging to a distant location.

"it has started."

"It should be the beginning, and there is light elsewhere."

The senior officials of Worm Valley looked at the light in all directions.

It's obvious here.

I just don't know if the three major forces will do anything.

If it will...

They will suffer heavy losses.

In other words, does this work?

Forget it?

The goddess of darkness, the **** of war, and the ancient Buddha Miao Zun, they also watched their altar glow.

They know that it all started.

At this time Daozong, Jian Yifeng.

Everyone found out, and the altar began to shine.

There is light rushing to the sky.

They knew it, it started.

The battle that belongs to Flowing Fire begins here.

What will follow What Liuhuo wants to do will also be revealed.

The goddess of ice and sea, the **** of light looked at the sky.

Xian Ting Taiyi Xianjun, Ziwei Xianjun.

Buddhism core fire ancient Buddha, You Luo ancient Buddha.

They all looked up at the sky.

A ray of light from the sky illuminates the heavens and the earth, as if it appears everywhere.

Lu Shui stood on the wall of the ancient troubled city. He watched the three rays of light appear and waited.

Waiting for the reaction of the three major forces.

"Do you want to shoot?"


Is there a monthly pass? Let's have one.


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