The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 500: That's right, I'm the flow fire

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Gu Li took the knife, turned and left.

Other undead people also fell behind Gu Li.

Like a beam of light, their figures began to move in the formation of heaven and earth.

While the Ice Sea Goddess and others looked at the sky, at the fragmented figure of the true god, it was a little unbelievable.

They couldn't understand what was going on with that knife.

That's definitely not in the main road.

It's terrible.


The stars that belonged to the only true **** among the gods began to crack.


The stars are turned into endless brilliance and fall into the world.

Ai Si, defeated.

The three main gods of the gods are a little unwilling to believe, but this is the fact.

"Don't worry about it." The voice of the true **** Ess passed to their minds:

"Do your best."

Everyone bowed their heads, speechless.

They saw that the true **** hadn't recovered enough, and only had a divine power.


Not so.

If they make enough progress, this is not the result.


Just not enough.

But soon they looked towards the sky, and they wanted to see if the Flowing Fire could lose three stars in a row.

At this moment, Ai Si's figure was broken and not scattered, she also looked at the undead Gu Li.

I want to see if the other party can make it to the end.

And everyone who watched the game felt a little palpitating for a while.

The knife just now completely surpassed cognition.

in case...

If that knife falls on them, then... it is destruction.

"It's really a big handwork, using endless altars as a formation method to construct a power network between heaven and earth.

Then use this horrible existence as the core of the formation to drive all forces.

In the entire cultivation world, who can do this? "

Ningxia looked at the sky, at the man who received the sword.


This is almost beyond the understanding of the cultivation world.

Sure enough, this is the only way to counter the three ancient forces.

This battle was not as dangerous as the three previous forces besieging the Lu Family, but the level was not comparable at that time.

It's like the supreme power in the game of chess.

"Ancestor, Liu Huo won?" Hong Su asked.

She can't see everything clearly.

"The first battle was won." Ningxia thought about it, then looked at Hong Su and said:

"Xiao Hongsu, how do you think Liu Huo can be a person?"

"Wang Gu Tianjiao?" Hong Su tried to answer.

She didn't quite understand what the ancestor asked about.

"Wangu Tianjiao..." Ningxia sighed:

"If I tell you one day, you actually know Liu Huo, do you believe it?"

Hearing this sentence, Hong Su was startled, somewhat inconceivable:

"The ancestors mean that Liuhuo is by our side?"

"Let's have a while." Ningxia looked at Hong Su and said:

"After a while, I will tell you the true identity of Liu Huo.

Wait a minute. "

Ning Xia looked at Tian Tian, ​​and everything must come by seniority after all.

The third elder of the Lu family hadn't known about this, so Hong Su didn't know it too early.

When the little guy Lu Buzheng knew, Xiao Hongsu would know nothing more.

The unthinkable things in this world are right in front of them, but they have yet to know.

Those two are here to show off the younger boys.

However, it is really enough to shock the world.

Hong Su is confused, know the true identity of Liu Huo?

And she knows it too?

She thought about many people at this moment, but no one is possible.


Joe looked at the sky mercilessly, he could barely see the knife.

That shocking knife.

At this moment, he understood a little bit, and understood why Qiao Gan wanted to prevent him from going to Xianting.

Going to Xian Ting may become the enemy of Flowing Fire.

And flow fire.

It's completely beyond their vision.


At this moment, the undead army came to the top of Qiao's house.

Qiao Ruqing just glanced at it and felt the boundless oppression.

That kind of feeling is like the existence above, one glance, just one glance is enough to destroy the entire Qiao family.

And this kind of person is also the knife in Liuhuo's hand.

The power of the altar was absorbed by the undead army in madness.

Then the force was absorbed, and the undead army went to the next place.

Baihua Valley.

The people in Baihuagu also looked at the sky.

Chu Yu's masters and sisters all felt surprised.

The kid in their family is very promising.

Actually know the existence of such horrors.

That powerful force can subvert the entire Hundred Flower Valley, even a top power such as Dao Sect.

"The undead are really terrifyingly powerful."

Each of the Hundred Flowers Valley can clearly perceive the power and horror of the undead.

Especially whoever takes the lead.

Who can compare to the cultivation world?


Lu Shui stood on the wall of the ancient troubled city. He looked at the location of Ai Si and didn't care.

Aisi is waiting, he is waiting too.

If the follow-up goes well, it's his turn to take action.

He is going to see where the three of them are, and then see where Mingyue is.

But whether it can go smoothly, it depends on the undead.

As long as they can cut off the remaining two in a short time.

Then he can do it.

The strength of the undead is unquestionable, but the three supreme ones who transcend the avenue are not weak.

Whether Gu Li and the others can persist to the end is unknown.

Light appears in the sky.

The road connecting the Buddha has appeared.

Seeing this scene, Xinhuo Gufo and others naturally did not hesitate at all and planned to do it.

In any case, we must do our best.

But before they could do anything, the stars that belonged to the Buddha began to bloom endlessly.

A big Buddha between heaven and earth appeared in the Buddha's light.

The Buddha stopped Xinhuo Gufo and others, looking at Gu Li alone, and then a voice of compassion came out:

"This is the last grudge between the poor monk and the donor Gu."

"Are you ready? How many dollars do you think you can withstand me?" Gu Li stepped forward step by step with a sky sword in his hand.

Step by step towards the Buddha.

"The poor monk is very curious, who is behind Gu's donor.

What kind of power does he possess to accomplish the three things I can't do? "The voice of the Great Buddha came out.

He was curious.

Because Gu Li came out, he needed Lu's approval.

Who has this kind of power, can be recognized by Lu, and can bear the power of a natural god?

"You will know, but not now." Gu Li waved the sky sword.

At this moment, countless undead races rushed towards the Buddha of Heaven and Earth.

The Buddha did not hesitate, his hands folded, the Buddha's light was shining, and countless Buddha hands appeared around him, directly attacking the undead who rushed over.

boom! !

The powerful force is like dazzling light, transmitting the entire world of cultivation.

Countless people cannot perceive or watch.


There was a voice from the undead, and the power surged to shake the thousand hands of the Buddha.

Gu Li stepped forward with the sky sword in his hand, and his figure seemed to grow bigger with each step.

When he came to the Big Buddha, his figure was already the size of the Big Buddha.

Avenue silhouette.

In an instant, the Heavenly Sword waved.

The space is shattered, and the intent of the sword traverses the sky and the earth.

And as Gu Li knife fell.

The Buddha's hand began to stretch out, and his palm went towards the sky sword.

boom! !

The bergamot collided with the sky sword.

The power is spreading and cohesive.

Cohesion and diffusion.


The space is shattered at this moment.

Nothingness is present.

The force of terror crushed the space and suppressed the surrounding avenues.


A crack appeared in the bergamot that was dragging the sky sword, as if it would break in the next moment.

However, at this moment, the Heavenly Sword also heard a clicking sound.

The sky sword at this time was also full of cracks.

About to break.

Upon seeing the Buddha, the light of the Buddha gathered and wanted to break the sword in one fell swoop.

At this time, Gu Li's power began to increase, and his voice followed:

"I am the guardian of the true god, and the heavenly sword is owned by the heavens, and is given by the true god.

How can it be broken? "

At this time, Gu Li's low voice followed:

"Heaven and Earth Avenue, repair my war sword."

"Make me wait for the battle body." The surrounding undead also heard a voice.

They played against two such existences in a row, and cracks appeared in their bodies.

As their voices fell, power began to gather above the heavens.

The power enveloped the Heavenly Sword and the undead.

All the cracks were repaired at this moment.


Gu Li shot down.

Beheaded the Buddha.

Only then did his figure return to its normal appearance.

Immediately closed the knife, turned and left.

"Go, next one."

Gu Li's voice came out. At this moment, all the undead people fell around and followed Gu Li to the next target.

A crack appeared on the Buddha's body, and he watched Gu Li who left and heard a voice:

"You have reached your limit, even if you are the undead, even if you are extremely powerful.

But... after all, there are limits. "

At this time, Gu Li and the others had a crack on their bodies, but they were just repairing them quickly.

The existence of cutting beyond the great road is not that simple.

It seemed easy, but in fact it withstood a huge impact.

Endless pain is tearing their bodies.

It seems to be broken at any time.

It's just that they have been insisting, insisting on going forward.

Insist on cutting three stars.

"No, we can break the limit." Gu Li stepped forward without looking back:

"Looking at the younger generation, how can you fall down here?

At the end of the day, what we have left must be brilliant.

This is the belief of our undead. "

At this moment, all the undead are moving forward, betting on everything, and they will not disappear in advance.

Some people pay attention to them, and some people will remember them.

As a role model, how can you admit defeat?

"That's it." The Buddha folded his hands together.


The stars bloom.

The stars are broken, leaving only the most ray of Buddha's light.

It seems to be witnessing the last.

Gu Li didn't look back, he moved forward, step by step.

At this time, they walked through the deep sea, passed Qiaoyunzong, and came to Tiannvzong.

They stood in the sky above the Heavenly Girl Sect, absorbing the power of the altar.

These forces can bless their combat power and tear their bodies apart.

The last battle.

Everything will reach a tipping point.

All they can do is clenched their teeth and insisted. As the undead, they can't show embarrassed appearance at this time.

At this moment, they bowed their heads and looked at the **** the hill.

The head of the goddess looked at the sky.

Looking at all the members of the undead tribe, at this moment, there was an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

Finally, he instinctively yelled towards the sky:

"Come on!"

The moment she shouted, she was a little embarrassed again, feeling that what she had shouted was not right.

However, with this shout, all the undead people smiled slightly at the corners of their mouths.

After absorbing their strength, they moved towards the last star.

Seeing Buddhism buddha broken, the people of Buddhism declared a Buddha's name.

No other words.

The fairy king Taiyi and the fairy king Ziwei in Xianting looked at the stars that belonged to the emperor.

They hadn't planned to do anything yet, a figure appeared in the stars.

Standing high above all things.

The heaven and the earth seemed to be unable to restrain him, this was the Emperor Xianting.

Those who look at him will feel his majesty.

"The last battle is over, I don't know if Gu Li can win." Jiu stood beside the second elder and said.

"You don't know the answer?" the second elder asked.

Jiu should be able to see the result, she has this ability.

"I didn't see it, but judging from the current situation, it is very difficult for the undead to win." Jiu looked at Gu Li and others who were walking towards the emperor, feeling a little sad:

"Their bodies are at their limit, and now they are just holding on.

With a million altars, Yu Ze gathered the heaven and earth formations and turned into supreme power.

This kind of power that can surpass the level can be easily endured.

Even the undead are unbearable. "

The second elder did not speak.

But looking at the sky position.

The day was reversed into the night, shining with its own power.

These people are already legends.

It's just that no one knows whether the legend will continue to the end.


Gu Li stepped forward directly to the position of the third star, where Xianting Xianmu was.

At this time, Xian Mu had an immortal spirit.

He stood there watching Gu Li arrive.

"How many times can your knife be cut?" The ethereal voice belonging to the emperor passed.

Gu Li lost the earth shield in his hand, and the shield returned to the earth.

He doesn't need defense, just a heavenly sword.

"No matter how many stabs, cutting you off is my last one." Gu Li's voice came out.

"Come on, let me see your Heavenly Sword." The emperor said:

"The true **** has fallen, no matter how strong the Heavenly Sword is, there is a limit.

The same is true of your bodies. "

Gu Li lowered his eyebrows and clasped the Heavenly Sword.

Then he walked out step by step, his body began to shine.

Behind Gu Li, a large number of undead clansmen are also blooming.

And as the light appeared, their bodies began to decompose.

It seems to be divided into countless powers, and these powers all converge towards the Heavenly Sword.

Even Gu Li is the same.

However, for a few breaths, all the undead, except Gu Li, turned into light and disappeared in the sky sword.

The heavenly sword at this time was blooming with light.

This light distorted the space and tore open the avenue.

Seeing this scene, the emperor frowned slightly.

The strength of this knife is a bit out of the ordinary.

Even beyond the scope of Gu Li's tolerance.

At this time, there was a water flow around the emperor, but it was not a water flow.

Like the river of time.

At the same time, Gu Li came to Emperor Zun, and when he waved to see him, the world seemed to be torn apart by a dignified black.

Everything seemed to bear Ling Ling's blade.

"Xianmu, this is the strongest sword my undead clan has swung."

The sky sword waved, and the aura of destruction came from the sky.

Everyone will face this destructive power.

However, a long sword of more than one meter makes people feel like they can slash to the entire cultivation world.

All things spirit beasts began to tremble, and some capable cultivators took two steps back subconsciously.

It was as if the knife had cut them.

Then Tiandao fell.

boom! !

It's the impact of power.

The force hits, but there is no aftermath, because all the aftermath of the diffusion flows back.

Back in the sky knife.

At this time, the river of time around the emperor stood in front of Tiandao.

"It's useless, I have the power of time. Although your power is strong, you can't escape the river of time after all." The Emperor looked at Gu Li and said softly:

"Your knife is not enough to cut down my mighty force."


People who can hear and see at this moment have this kind of question in their hearts.

But they don't feel ashamed of losing. It can be said that this person is strong enough.

Challenge these three beings who truly transcend the Great Way, even if it is just a force, it is not something ordinary people can do well.

The head of the goddess also looked at the sky.

She dared not blink.

She has the help of a goddess, so you can watch it.

At this moment, Gu Li looked at Emperor Zun and heard a chuckle:

"Xianmu, you may have forgotten one thing.

You didn't have the power of time before.

Explain that your power comes from the true God.

And I am the guardian of the true gods.

My way originates from the true god, and my sword is bestowed by the true god.

My life is bestowed by the true God, and my race is created by the true God.

Where did you get the power of time from the true god, how can you stop me? "

Gu Li moved the knife, and then directly applied force.


The river of time shattered.


The sword slashed on the emperor's body, without stopping at all, but directly across.


At the moment the knife was scraped, the sword lost control and fell into the air.

Gu Li's figure shattered and disappeared on the spot.

The emperor looked at the sky sword falling in front and was silent.

He was the only one at this time, and Gu Li was no longer there.

"It seems that I won." Di Zun looked at Tiandao and sighed:

"Unfortunately, you didn't lose either."

At this time everyone looked at the sky, watched the undead disappear, watched the emperor standing high in the sky.

The undead failed to cut this last one?

"Ancestor?" Hong Su asked Ningxia.

"Didn't he say it, the undead didn't lose." Ning Xia said softly.

Taiyi Xianjun and the others sighed, almost a little bit.

The head of the goddess looked at the sky, watched her ancestors completely dissipate, and watched the heavenly sword fall.

She couldn't understand, but she knew that her ancestors moved all their power.

It won't be without any effect.



A crisp voice sounded.

A crack appeared in the emperor's body and it began to shatter.

After all, he was beheaded by Gu Li with a sword.

"I worked very hard, don't you think, Xiao Xiaoting?" Jiu looked at the second elder and smiled.

At this time, a drop of blood began to condense on the fingers of the second elder.

At the moment of condensing, the second elder saw Jiu submerged in blood.

But in an instant, the blood condensed into a little girl exactly like Jiu.

Clothes are also condensed from blood.

At this moment, the second elder could clearly perceive the existence of Jiu.

There was also a gust of wind blowing high above the Lu family.

Falling in front of the second elder, the great elder is coming.

It was attracted by this person who appeared suddenly.

"Hi, Xiao Xiaowei." Jiu smiled and greeted the wind-like elder.

"Senior?" The gentle voice of the great elder came out.

He couldn't see through this man.

"I am the only true **** of heaven and earth, Jiu, you must have heard of me." Jiu likes to report his name very much.

"Heaven and earth is the only true god, Jiu?" The Great Elder was a little surprised.

"Yes, yes, Xiaoxiaoting's all-knowing and almighty friend, I have no time to go now." Jiu said, leaping into the air and disappearing in place.

After Jiu disappeared, a gust of wind blew around.

The second elder continued to look at the sky.

Emperor Zun looked at the fallen Heavenly Sword, shook his head and sighed.

At this moment the stars behind him began to fall apart.

I am just dying.

He also wanted to know who would be behind Gu Li.

Then he wanted to take the knife and return it to God.


The moment he stretched out his hand, one grabbed the handle of the Heavenly Sword.

The knife was lifted up.

"You worked very hard." A clear and steady, sweet voice reached everyone's ears.

At this moment, the world blooms endless praises.

As if welcoming this voice, as if excited by this voice.

Soft light presents and shines everywhere.

All the space above the sky that was destroyed by force will be repaired instantly.

All the people who bowed their heads on the earth were able to raise their heads.

This sound...

Whether it's Ningxia, the Great Elder, or Taiyi Xianjun, the goddess of the ice sea, the ancient Buddha of Xinhuo.

All were shocked.

Praise from heaven and earth, everything is revived.

"It's Jiu." The Dark Goddess looked at the sky in disbelief.

Jiu clearly fell, but heaven and earth still recognized Jiu's **** position.

This is something that all gods cannot do.

This is the only true God of heaven and earth.

The Great Elder looked at Skyrim, this was Jiu who had a similar name to Qi.

Qi and her are not at the same level at all.

The most shocked were the three of Emperor Zun.

The three of them looked at the figure lifting the Heavenly Sword in shock.

This is the figure of a little girl with a soft light on her body.

The world is supporting her, protecting her, and blessing her.

"Yes, is it you?"

The emperor, the Buddha, and the true **** Aisi all looked at this sudden figure in shock.


The shock reached below.

No top power, first-class power, even the ancient power, can't know who the other party is at a time.

Furthermore, how terrifying is this to be called you by these three?

But all they saw was a soft light, and they couldn't know the specific figure at all.

But soon they heard the sound from that light, which spread all over the world, circulating in the heavens.

It seems that everything is acknowledging each other's words:

"Yes, it's me, the young master of the Hidden Sky School, Liu Huo."


Lu Shui was startled, almost vomiting to death with a mouthful of blood.

Mu Xue looked at Skyrim and opened her mouth wide.

Nennen's voice, is it true that the flow of fire is like this?

"Cousin, I think this is not a streamer, it should be a streamer." Dongfang Chacha said.

The whole body is light.

And it looks very comfortable.

The second elder looked at the sky and was shocked for a while.

Jiu really did everything.

Grand Elder: "..."

Ningxia was puzzled for a while, if she heard it correctly, is this a female voice?

"Young, how did Young Sect Master become like this?" Li Qianchi was a little shocked.

He Yuye was speechless for a while.

But I dare not say much.

The people who didn't know were in an uproar.

They didn't care how the sound of the flow fire could be like this, but even the existence of this kind of horror had to say something to you in person.

How terrifying is the flow of fire?

Emperor Zun looked at Jiu, somewhat shocked:

"Why are you here?"

"Are you still alive?" Ai Si asked for the first time. UU reading

Not the slightest worry.

The only true **** of heaven and earth is different, and she will not do anything to them.

It's just that everyone chooses a different path and takes care of themselves.

The Buddha also pronounced a Buddha's name.

Jiu smiled slightly:

"Dead, it's for them this time."

The Heavenly Sword was held by Jiu, and then she waved it gently.

Countless lights appeared in the sky sword, all falling in front of her.

But while breathing, these lights condensed into countless undead races.

Gu Li was among them.

"Long time no see, Gu Li."

The voice of the true **** reached the ears of all the undead with a smile.

After returning to his senses, he came to Gu Li and the others, looking at the little girl in shock.

They did not hesitate and knelt on one knee on the spot.

Kneel before the true god.

"Sorry for failing to protect you." Jiu's voice passed out, apologizing.

"We failed your expectations." The voice of the entire undead came out.

With apology, with tears.

There was no regret in their hearts at this moment.

Everything is complete.

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