The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 504: Invincible in the world, invincible in the world

Looking at Jiu waving, Lu Shui felt that this person was here to make trouble.

But he ignored the other party.

He doesn't care even if the other party can ask questions.

Refuse to answer directly.

Then the problem began to appear.

A lot of questions began to ring in Lu Shui's ears.

But he was a little curious, what questions the first elder and second elder would ask.

What if you know a secret?

Does this disrespect the elders?

Will he be punished when he is found out?

He usually cannot refuse the punishment given by the family.

"I want to ask, where the Lu family's soon-to-be-married kid is buried in the back hill of his house, the least likely to be found."

The sudden question reached his ears.

Lu Shui looked over.

It's Jiu...

Does this person think that he can't do anything with the second elder?

Well, it really won't.

But why does Jiu have the right to ask questions?

Is she involved in building the altar?

Or did you borrow someone's hand?

But soon he heard the question from the Great Elder:

"I want to know the true identity of the main fire of the Shao Sect of the Hidden Sky School."

Lu Shui: "..."

"I want to know the relationship between Jiu and the Lu Family." The second elder's question passed over.

Lu Shui: "..."

Ancestor, can't you ask some normal questions?

"If I can't answer, I'll change the question.

I want to know when Lu Shui and Mu Xue will have children. "The second elder's voice came out again.

Lu Shui: "..."

For a while, I felt that the second elder was not cute anymore.

What breaks the problem.

Then he heard the voice of Dongfang Slag:

"How can I be invincible in the world?"

Dongfang Chacha feels that he has become smarter, regardless of when the world is invincible.

Just ask how to do it to be invincible in the world.

"I have a high math question here and I want to ask the answer."

"The person I like doesn't like me, what should I do to make her like me?"

"My wife has a bad relationship with my elderly mother, how can we make them better?"

"My son doesn't want to find a Taoist companion, how can I let him find a Taoist companion?"

"Was Chuyu and Jianluo the first child to be male or female?"

"I have a math problem here..."

Lu Shui: "......"

Why do all the cultivators ask math problems if nothing is wrong?

Isn't it good to practice well?

Why go to school?

He even connects the avenues and opens up the space of numerology.

But he is not omniscient after all...

He is not in this field.

Then Lu Shui looked at the location of the second elder.

His gaze fell on Jiu, omniscient, isn’t there one here?


Let the professionals come.

It would be fine if he answered a limited number of people, such as those who asked about cultivation level.

He answered all of them.

Therefore, replace the real body of numerology.

Many people asked questions after Liu Huo spoke.

It's just that many people didn't get a reply, and only some people who asked about their cultivation level got a complete reply.

These people fell into deep thought, as if they had some enlightenment.

Qiao Ruqing is one of them.

The same is true for Jian Yifeng and Daozong.

And some more people did not get the answer.

For example, Qiao Qian, she didn't get a reply.

But there seems to be something wrong with Liuhuo.

Because they saw a new change in the figure.

"Is the question I asked so embarrassing that Liuhuo?" Dongfang Chacha looked at the huge figure of Liuhuo in confusion, as if about to run.

She was taken aback, and immediately whispered:

"I can change it, don't get excited."

At this moment everyone saw Liu Huo disappear, and replaced by a little girl.

The body is glowing, gentle and comfortable.

It's like the nectar that falls between heaven and earth.

Most people are a little shocked, who is this person?

But I don't know why, they didn't have the slightest doubt. When they saw her, they felt that this person represented everything, the heaven and the earth, everything, and the source.

There is no such fear as flowing fire.

That fear even disappeared directly.

A kind of affinity began to appear.

The goddess of darkness, who was panicked, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't dare to ask questions just now, feeling in her heart that she would die instantly at any time.

But when Jiu appeared, everything changed. She knew she was in no danger.

Inexplicable feeling.

I feel that Jiu will not harm anyone.

The God of War and Miao Zun Ancient Buddha, who were unable to move, were also relieved.

Ann, is it safe?

But the space here seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Are you curious about who I am?" Jiu's voice followed.

She was not surprised at all that she was caught instead of the flow fire.

Even if it's a question-and-answer machine.

She is still happy to accept.

"I am the only true God of heaven and earth, omniscient and omnipotent.

You can call me Jiu. "

The sounds belonging to Jiu reach most people's ears.

Except for some inquiries, the answers have already been obtained.

Oriental Tea: "....."

Why is it again?

Is the flow of fire changed?

Found the big secret.

Qiao Qian looked at the sky, looked at Jiu, and she was also relieved.

You can know a lot by chatting with Jiu, and you can give a lot of opinions.

Qiao Yu looked at this person, feeling inexplicably at ease, it was a wonderful feeling.

Xu Fang looked at this man with some doubts, but he didn't know why he felt that the other party could answer his questions.

Dongfang Yeming, Mujin, Jianqi, Name and Weight, Qiao Qian, Little Fat Girl, Dao Zong, Jian Yifeng, and Qiao Yunzong all looked at Jiu.

"Well, I can answer your questions.

I know the math problems best, is there any more difficult?

Let me give you a tutorial for an hour. "

Jiu's voice came out.


Jianluo, who wanted to ask about mathematics, didn't want to ask for a while.

Jiu really will give her an hour of tutoring.

Lu Shui: "......"

Will Jiu really do?

Unique power is so terrifying?

Then Lu Shui looked at some people who hadn't jumped to Jiu.

Most of these are questions about cultivation.

He is better at this kind of thing.

Dongfang slag, Xiangyu, Yalin Yayue all jumped to Jiu's side.

The only true **** did not jump over.

Instead, face the landing water.

The Only True God and the Only True God cannot meet normally.

So the only true **** stayed with him.

Curious, Lu Shui asked:

"What do you want to ask?"

The only true **** looked at Lu Shui, touched his finger, and said nervously:

"That's it. Before, a fierce human being asked a question that I couldn't answer. I want to ask you.

The problem is this:

Proof: There are 5 different **** in a regular tetrahedron, and each ball is tangent to these six sides or their extensions.

Conversely, if a tetrahedron has 5 such balls, it must be a regular tetrahedron!

That's it, can you tell me the answer? "

Lu Shui: "???"

Why does this question sound so familiar?

Then he remembered.

Is this true **** deliberate?

No, the other party is a qualified true god.

So Lu Shui felt that he wanted to guide the other party to the right path. His majestic voice came out:

"Everything in the mortal world is too illusory. You should not sink into the answer to the question. You should yearn for the heights and the temple.

Retreat weak divine power and gain supreme power.

Then you will be able to understand all the answers. "

The voice fell, and the only true **** felt that the other party's words made sense.

But why does this sentence sound so familiar?

She seems to have said it somewhere.

But instead of entangled, she asked:

"Then what's the answer?"

Lu Shui: "..."

"Don't you know?" The only true **** felt deceived by humans.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Lu Shui asked suddenly.

"Huh?" The only true **** was a little puzzled.

Lu Shui stretched out his hand, a mobile phone appeared in his hand, and then he handed it to the only true god:

"Come on, I will teach you how to use it, and soon you will know the answer to the question."

Lu Shui opened the numerology space and let the signal in.

Then opened the search engine.

At this moment, a door opened in front of the only true god, and she was shocked as a heavenly man.

Get it done!

While Lu Shui was still glad that the child was cheating, he suddenly felt that someone was kicked over.

Turning around, it was Oriental scum.

Lu Shui: "..."

What did the Dongfang scum ask to get kicked over?

At this time Dongfang Slag was also puzzled, why did she appear here?

Is this the place where the fire is flowing?

"What's your problem?" Suddenly she heard the sound of Flowing Fire.

Dongfang Chacha immediately whispered:

"I want to know how to do it to be invincible in the world."


"Then I change one?" Dongfang Chacha said again.


"What can I do to challenge my cousin Lu Shui?"

"..." Lu Shui was silent for a moment, and said:

"You just said that you want the world to be invincible, didn't you?

Let's discuss it carefully. "

Oriental Chacha's little face was surprised:

"Is it really possible?"

"Yes." Lu Shui nodded, and then began to talk about his strategy:

"First of all you have to have a better relationship with your cousin.

You know your cousin is very good, right? "

"I know, I know." Dongfang Chacha nodded and listened carefully.

"After a while, your cousin will be more powerful than the world." Lu Shui condensed a round ball with only one hand:

"This is the world here, including the sky and the sky.

Your cousin is outside at this time.

The only thing you need to do is to ask your cousin to treat someone who is better than you.

All moved out of this world.

At that time, you were the strongest in the world.

how is it? "

Dongfang Chacha looked at Flowing Fire in shock, nodded and said:

"It seems, yes..."

Get it done!


this is okay too?

The opposite Jiu was shocked.

Lu Shui naturally wouldn't know whether Jiu was surprised, or answering questions about the realm of cultivation, it was easy.

Dongfang scum is too much trouble.

"I want to know if Liu Huo's wedding to the purple-clothed goddess will be held in Lu's house next month?"

The sudden question reached Lu Shui's ears.

Who is asking this?

Lu Shui was a little shocked for a while.

He looked at Jiu, where someone raised a sensitive issue.

But why would anyone ask such a question?

Does asking this question mean that she knows the identity of Liu Huo and the purple-clothed goddess?

There should be no one who knows this except Zhenwu and Zhenling.

one left...


"Damn, she won't tell the second elder about me and Mu Xue, right?"

Suppose you really told it.


Does the second elder know that Liuhuo is him?

When the second elder asked a question just now, was he cheering?

Do you know the great elder?

If they all knew

Before that, he shouted so loudly in the realm of cultivation that no one dared to refute it. Was he also seen?

Have you commented on a few more?

Land and water felt very bad for a while.

Don't they think he is still in the second period?

"It's not, it's not, they definitely don't know."

"Knowing how can I challenge the three highest?"

"An Xin, An Xin, they don't know anything."

"Um, if the great elder also knows, did he suddenly say that he is the Sect Master of the Hidden Sky Sect?

Looks good at me? "



Go and kill Jiu.

No, I think too much, it must be too much.

Heaven and earth are on his side, and others can't sue if they want to sue.

When he was still struggling, he suddenly felt a purple gas.

The tooth **** is here.

I don't know what the tooth **** wants to ask.

The tooth **** should be best satisfied.


"You knew it, didn't you?" The second elder looked at Jiu and asked.

She just said, why don't you care at all.

Jiu couldn't see through the matter of Liuhuo. Whether Liuhuo knew the relationship between Jiu and the Lu family was actually a question mark.

Jiuzhi didn't care, but she actually knew that she would answer the questions instead of Liu Huo.

"Not sure, but Liu Huo probably doesn't know what my relationship is with the Lu family." Jiu looked at the second elder and smiled:

"Xiao Xiaoting, go ahead, what do you want to ask?"

"What is your relationship with the Lu Family?" the second elder asked.

"Secret." Jiu said directly.

"Tell something I don't know." The second elder said blankly.

She didn't plan to struggle either.

Jiu eat her.

There is no alternative.

"Speaking of which, what else do you don't know?" Jiu thought for a while and said:

"Let's talk about Lu Shui's achievements, not what he has done recently.

Talk about how he became stronger, and where will he go.

Then talk about the origin of the Lu Family. "

"The origin of the Lu Family?" The second elder was a little surprised.

The Lu family should have been a relatively ordinary family before. It can be traced back to the earliest and cannot be traced back to ancient times.

This is for sure.

"Let’s talk about Lu Shui first. His rise was accidental and inevitable..."


"Xiao Xiaowei, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Lu Wuwei stood in the void and looked at Jiu who suddenly appeared.

This makes his previous question meaningless.

"Is the senior being particularly good to the Lu family?" The elder asked his question.

"Why do you say that?" Jiu walked around the elder and asked curiously.

"The verification system is related to the predecessors.

The Lu family has the first level of authority in the verification system.

Liu Huo said before the union.

The junior has a guess. "The Great Elder looked at Jiu's gentle voice:

"The first family member may not be a person, but a family.

For example, the Lu family. "

"Why do you think so?" Jiu looked at the elder, sitting in the air with his hands supporting his cheeks.

"It's just a guess, the answer is naturally hope that the senior will give it." The voice of the great elder was as calm as ever.

He stood here, unable to see the concrete figure.

All you can see is the outline.

"Secret." Jiu answered directly.

The great elder didn't care either, he just skipped this question:

"The strength of Flowing Fire is related to the formation of heaven and earth?"

"Yes." Jiu nodded and said:

"The talent point of Liuhuo is very strange.

In terms of cultivation, he really has no talent.

But he can see some small changes in the world. What he said in Secondary Two when he was a child may not be a joke, but he is a little different.

And the heaven and earth formation pattern happened to be related to the heaven and the earth.

He understood the heaven and earth formation pattern smoothly.

This kind of process cannot be described, because apart from him, there is no other person who can understand the formation of heaven and earth.

Even the people who created the rudiments of the heaven and earth formation could not understand this book.

Lu Shui became the beneficiary.

Without this book, he would take many detours.

But the formation of heaven and earth was just the beginning of his life.

His road is far, far away.

No one can follow in his footsteps, no one can see the end of his road.

No one can imagine how powerful he is.

This is Flowing Fire.

From the moment he got the heaven and earth formation pattern, everything changed. "

"Heaven and earth formation pattern, what exactly is it?" the elder asked.

"A power, a power between heaven and earth.

The ultimate in cultivation is the master here, in control of the world.

Isn't it great? "Jiu asked with a smile.

"Very powerful." The elder nodded slightly, and said a gentle voice.

"Do you want to make friends with someone?" Jiu stood up and looked at the elder asked.

"Make someone?" The Great Elder was a little puzzled.

"A person of the same level as you.

He is warlike and can make holes in you. "Jiu said with a smile.

The Grand Elder looked at Jiu, but did not respond for a while.

"Lu Shui has found the most important fan capital, and his business is almost done.

And he will resume some repairs soon.

You can rest for a while. "Jiu looked at the elder with his eyes wide open.

"Recover?" The voice of the great elder came out.

"Shh!" Jiu put his hand to his mouth and whispered:

"In your heart, Xiao Xiaoting will know the answer in a few months, and you will know too.

Don't think too much.

So, are you going to make friends with that person? "

"Senior, please give pointers." The elder asked.


"I want to ask my daughter's disease, how can it be cured." Xu Fang asked Jiu.

"For these two days, just wait." Jiu looked at Xu Fang and smiled:

"Don't worry, the only thing you need to do is to manage the flower sea.

Ah, your wife also asked this question, I have to ask her to change it.

If Liu Huo is a heartless person, he will definitely give you the same answer.

I am different, I am the only true God of heaven and earth. "

Xu Fang: "..."

This true **** is very strange.

But will it be okay in two days?

How will it be good?


"The only true **** of heaven and earth, I have met you again, I want to ask if I am really going to be on fire this time?" Chuyu looked at Jiu and asked.

Jiu thought about the next words:

"Fire can be fired, but your plot is not going well. This is fake fire."

"False fire?" Chu Yu thought for a moment and said:

"Then how can it be really popular?"

"This should start from the beginning of the plot. The beginning of each of your books is too late and the rhythm is not clear enough.

Let’s start with the male protagonist. First of all, his situation is worse, and his wind critics will be criticized..."

Chuyu stood aside and listened carefully, and nodded:

"Firstly suppress and then raise, I understand."

"Suppression is good, emotions must be mobilized, and then you must be decisive when you rise up." Jiu nodded and continued her explanation.

Chu Yu suddenly realized.


"You just want to ask how to get more change from Chuyu?"

Jiu looked at Jian Luo with a smile on his face.

She would be surprised, but she seemed to know everything.

"I have no problems with my cultivation base, no problems at home, and no secrets I want to know." Jian Luo answered.

She lacks almost nothing except change.

But she has a lot of spiritual stones.

"Well, then I will tell you the best way, and that is..." Jiu looked at Jian Luo looking forward and smiled:

"Marry Chuyu."

"Don't marry." Jian Luo directly retorted.

"Why?" Jiu sat in the air and asked curiously.

"Why didn't the senior ask why he didn't marry?" Jian Luo said.

Jiu floated to Jian Luo's side, smiling:

"Then let's ask.

go. "

At this moment Jianluo felt that his position had moved, and he could just see Chuyu's location.

At this time, Chuyu was discussing the plot with another Jiu.

"Don't worry, he can't see or hear us." Jiu said.

Then Jiu, who discussed the plot with Chuyu, suddenly asked questions:

"Ask you a question, if one day you need to marry a wife, who do you want to marry?"

"Huh?" Chu Yu was stunned, the topic changed so quickly:

"There won't be that day, isn't this affecting my codeword?

I'm going to be on fire. "

"The death order of your master and your senior sister, if you don't marry, you will go back to be a woman.

Who do you want to marry at this time? "Jiu continued.

Jianluo and Jiu on one side listened quietly to see how Chuyu would answer.

But soon, Jian Luo was stunned.

"Of course the sword fell." Chu Yu said directly:

"The sword is long and beautiful, the figure is good, the mind is not bad, except for the shortcoming of being able to speak, almost all of them are advantages.

Of course, such a day is basically impossible. "

"Do you like Jianluo?" Jiu looked at Chuyu and blinked.

"This..." Chu Yu thought for a while and said:

"You have to let me marry someone, I can only think of Jian Luo.

But I like... I don't seem to hate it either. "

"What about marrying Daozong Yuni?" Jiu smiled and said:

"Do you want to?"

"This can't work. I heard that my women's clothing is not as good as hers." Chu Yu shook his head directly.

"Then do you like Yu Ni?" Jiu asked again.

"Of course I don't like it." Chu Yu shook his head directly:

"Isn't my peace of mind codeword bad?"

"Do you think Jian Luo would be willing to marry you?" Jiu asked curiously.

"Are you willing to marry a cultivator who only knows code words and is locked in the room every day?" Chuyu asked.

"Not willing." Jiu immediately shook his head.

"So, let's discuss the plot.

Taoist couples will only affect the speed of my codewords and the passion for creation. "Chu Yu said.


"Have you heard?" Jiu returned to the previous position with the sword, watching Jianluo, and then asked:

"Then the same question, if your parents insisted that you marry someone, who would you marry?"

"I will run away from home." Jian Luo said.

"Then who do you go to?" Jiu asked.

"Anyway, I won't find a cultivator who can only write novels, don't know how to practice, and someday I won't know what to do." Jian Luo said.

"You are right." Jiu nodded, then said:

"Then back to your question, how to get more change.

Leave a good review for his new book. No one knows the truth of his content when the book comes out. As soon as you leave a message, more people will know.

You tell him ten yuan for a good comment and fifty cents for a good comment.

The price can be negotiated. "

Jian Luo: "..."


"How can I be the fastest third order?"

The little fat girl asked She was very sincere.

"Have you heard of double repair?"

Jiu's voice reached the little fat girl's ears.

"Saturday?" The little fat girl thought and said:

"Looking for a weekend job and practice on weekends?"

"Looking for work on weekends and weekends, so that I can eat steamed buns some time, and when I feel good, my realm will improve." Jiu retorted the little fat girl's words.

Little fat girl: "..."

I feel she is teasing me.

"No, you are teasing me, little fat girl."


Ask for a monthly pass!

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