The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 509: Your luck is so good

in the afternoon.

   There is still some time before dark.

   Lu Shui left Mujiazu Land and found Mu Xue.

   "Master Lu won so fast in chess?"

   Mu Xue and Lu Shui left the yard where Aunt Tang was.

   "Well, Mr. Zhang doesn't have much money, so I will save some for him." Lu Shui nodded solemnly.

   "Master Lu, the next time I make a serious statement, my father still has a lot of money.

   By the way, where are we going next? "Mu Xue walked beside Lu Shui and asked softly.

   Of course, you don’t have to go to a particular place, just find a place to stroll around.

   Anyway, there is land and water, she is happy.

   But if it is particularly bad...

   She can do something to make that place better.

   After all, Lu Shui's brain didn't know when to cramp.

   "Take Miss Mu to a good place." Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said softly:

   "Miss Mu must have never seen it before."

   Mu Xue wondered.

   didn't ask more, but talked to Lu Shui.

   They walked out of Mu's house, left the mountainside, and came to the town.

   Without stopping, Lu Shui took Mu Xue all the way to a place with few people.

   In a place where there is no one, Lu Shui took Mu Xue and walked into the space door.


  East is the mountain.

   Xu Fang glanced at the flowers, and after making sure that there was no problem, he walked back.

   There is nothing in this mid-level flower bush.

   But this is what he should do.

   And according to the true god, it is also the key to the subsequent recovery of his daughter.

   When he returned to where he lived, Xu Fang saw his daughter, chopping wood with a knife.

   He was taken aback and went over immediately.

   He who originally wanted to stop, hesitated, just whispered softly:

   "Where is my mother?"

   "Daddy, look, I chopped so much firewood." Xu Xiaohong looked at her father with excitement.

   seems to be waiting for praise.

   "It's amazing, but children should focus on reading." A sudden voice came from the side.

   is a female voice.

   Xu Fang was surprised.

   immediately looked to the side, when he saw that a man and a woman appeared beside him.

   "East, Master Dongfang?" Xu Fang looked at Lu Shui with some surprise.

  Yes, it was Lu Shui and Mu Xue who came here.

   Mu Xue who just spoke.

   "Call me Lu Shui." Lu Shui said directly.

   When there is no one, call Dongfang just Dongfang.

   But Mu Xue is here, it always feels wrong.

   "Master Lu, this is..." Xu Fang immediately changed his words, and then looked to Mu Xue to one side.

   He doesn't know this person.

   I don’t know what it has to do with Lu Shui.

   Of course, this name is relatively unfamiliar to him.

   "My fiancee." He said that Lu Shui took out the invitation and handed it to Xu Fang.

   "Is it Mrs. Young?" Xu Fang reached out and took the invitation.

   Xu Xiaohong, who hid behind Xu Fang, was a little curious when she saw this thing for the first time.

   Xu Fang soon saw the content of the invitation.

   "In the middle of this month, are you free?" Lu Shui asked.

   "I'm free." Xu Fang nodded immediately.

How could    be out of time?

  The wedding of the fire, how can they also go to see it.

   "Come here and show my sister." Mu Xue beckoned to Xu Xiaohong who was poking his head.

   Xu Xiaohong looked at Mu Xue and then at his father.

   She feels that sister is very beautiful, very gentle, and will not hurt her.

   But I want my dad to agree.

   "Go ahead." Xu Fang naturally didn't say anything.

   Will the flow of fire harm his daughter?

   If it will, all resistance will be in vain. Besides, his daughter's life is left by the fire.

   Xu Xiaohong came to Mu Xue.

   Mu Xue stretched out her hand, touched Xu Xiaohong's head, and then squatted down.

   She touched Xu Xiaohongyao and said:

   "Will it hurt here?"

   "Uh, yes, there is a little pain." Xu Xiaohong showed pain on her face, but she was holding back.

   just a little bit of pain, no special pain.

   Mu Xue smiled slightly, and then Zi Qi appeared in her hand.

   Then the purple gas poured into Xu Xiaohong's body, crushing everything like a flood.

   Soon it seemed that a wailing sound appeared in Xu Xiaohong's body, but it didn't last long before the wailing sound disappeared.

   Everything is crushed by the purple gas.

   After a few breaths, the purple gas disappeared.

   Mu Xue touched the position before and said:

   "What about now? Does it still hurt?"

   Xu Xiaohong, who had closed his eyes and was about to endure the pain, suddenly stunned.

   She opened her eyes and looked at Mu Xue's position with some confusion, and then pressed it herself, exclaiming:

   "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all."

   "Xiao Hong is really brave." Mu Xue said with a smile on her face:

   "However, children should not learn to chop wood, they should read books.

   Otherwise, you will marry in the future, and a husband who has studied for two years will say that you have not studied and are illiterate. "

  Lu Shui: "..."

   Who do you curse?

   "But..." Xu Xiaohong hesitated.

   "But you want to help your parents, don't you?" Mu Xue asked softly.

   Xu Xiaohong nodded.

   Yanru, who walked out of the house at this time, looked at her daughter, she just saw it naturally.

   That girl, healed her daughter.

   is completely cured.

   Xu Fang also watched in disbelief.

   Looking over, Master Lu’s wife is an ordinary talent.

   But the opponent's purple power just made him a little scared.

   In other words, it is not the power of ordinary people.

   Purple air?

   Xu Fang was stunned for a while, Zi Qi...

  Purple Goddess?

  Yes, if it is a purple-clothed goddess, heal his daughter, it would be no problem at all.

   Hidden Heavenly Sect Flowing Fire, Goddess in Purple Clothes, could it be said...

   For a time Xu Fang felt that he had realized the truth.

   At this time Xu Xiaohong also saw her mother come out, she immediately ran over and said:

   "My mother will give you a hug."

   Yanru picked up her daughter, because there was some pain in her body, she never dared to hold it.

   "This..." Xu Fang came back to his senses for a while.

  He was going to say thank you.

   Lu Shui directly stopped:

   "Senior, don't care, by the way, the back mountain is okay, right?"

   "No." Xu Fang said immediately.

   The flowers in the back mountain, they naturally dare not neglect.

   promised, they will take care of it.

   "Then I won't accompany you too much." He said that Lu Shui took Mu Xue back to the mountain.

   Mu Xue nodded slightly and bid farewell to the Xu Fang family.

   Xu Fang watched Lu Shui leave with Mu Xue.

   Yanru came to Xu Fang holding her daughter and whispered softly:

   "Did we do any great things in our last life?"

   Xu Fang nodded and said softly:

   "Yeah, otherwise why are you so lucky?"

   "Do you want your daughter to study?" Yanru hesitated.

   Xu Fang looked at his daughter, then whispered:

   "Read it, you always have to grow up. Knowing more about the outside world is better than we are chopping wood here."

   "Then let my daughter worship Baihua Valley, and Chuyu is studying outside, so I should be able to help find a school." Yanru thought about it and said again:

   "But we can't live in Chuhana, we just find a place to live by ourselves."

   Xu Fang nodded, indeed.

   But he was a little curious:

  "Why can't I live in Chuyu?

   Hatsuha didn't seem to be so particular about it. "

  "Because Hatsu and Jianichifengjian fell together, they were cultivating feelings.

   Everyone in Baihua Valley would not agree to let a third person in and disturb the process of their feelings. "Yan Ru said.

   "..." Xu Fang understood.


   "Master Lu, how did you think of things here?"

  Walking on the road to the top of the mountain, Mu Xue asked Lu Shui's hand.

   She naturally didn't remember what happened here, but when she came over, she remembered it.

   "Last time I was sent out by the Three Elders, I accidentally heard the name here, and then followed." Lu Shui took Mu Xue's hand and turned to look at Mu Xue:

   "All this is going to thank Miss Mu.

   It's not that Miss Mu laughed at me, and I won't come over specially. "

   "Nonsense." Mu Xue stepped forward, holding Lu Shui's hand:

   "When did I laugh at Master Lu?

   It’s too late to like it. "

   "I like to laugh at and don't conflict." Lu Shui said.

   Mu Xue glared at Lu Shui and said:

   "Playing Master Lu is not inconsistent with liking, so Master Lu speaks well."

   Lu Shui took Mu Xue one step forward and crossed the winding mountain road.

   walked for a while, then he stopped.

   "Okay, here it is." Lu Shui pointed downward.

   Mu Xue looked naturally in the direction of Lu Shui's finger.

   The purpose of this moment is to occupy half of the sea of ​​flowers in the mountains, dazzlingly beautiful, and very vast.

   The breeze blows by, with a light floral fragrance.


   Mu Xue looked at the sea of ​​flowers and grabbed Lu Shui's hand and cried out:

   "Master Lu."

   "Yeah." Lu Shui responded.

   "I like you." Mu Xue said with a smile.

   "I like Miss Mu too." Lu Shui responded softly.

   "Master Lu can kiss me." Mu Xue's voice came out again.

   "Should you not kneel on your knees and propose marriage?" Lu Shui asked.

   "Master Lu means that marriage is the tomb of love. Should you go to the grave first?" Mu Xue stared at Lu Shui and grinded her teeth.

   "Miss Mu is really humorous." Lu Shui turned to look at Mu Xue's eyes, and said seriously:

   "Miss Namu, would you like to walk into this cage without freedom with me?"

   Mu Xue hugged Lu Shui with a clear smile on her face:

   "I do.

   Because that is not a cage, that is my world. "

   Lu Shui lowered his head and approached Mu Xue.

   At this moment the sun began to set, as if not daring to disturb the two of you.

   The bright moon in the sky appeared, and the thin white clouds covered the moon.

   As if saying, didn't see, didn't see.

   The flowers began to bow their heads and began to close.

   Shame face.


   In the night.

  Lu Shui and Mu Xue sat on the mountain.

   "I said there is a sea of ​​flowers here, don't you believe it."

   Lu Shui touched Mu Xue's hair leaning in his arms, and there was a faint fragrance.

   "Master Lu, you don't speak before and after.

   At that time, we came over and obviously there was no sea of ​​flowers. "Mu Xue said as she looked at the full moon that had come out.

  "Miss Mu is too serious, isn't this a sea of ​​flowers?

   also saw it, which shows that what I said is true.

   I read a lot, so I won’t lie to Miss Mu. "Lu Shui said.

   Mu Xue: "......"

   "Master Lu, do you dislike me for studying less?" Mu Xue asked.

   "No, I'm just showing off how much I read." Lu Shui said.


   Then she turned her head and threw herself into Lu Shui's arms without even thinking about it.

   then bit down hard.

  Lu Shui: "..."

   After a while.

   "Humph!" Mu Xue let go of Lu Shui, and said in a pity:

   "Master Lu should go back and summon the tooth god, I don't want you anymore."

   paused, Mu Xue continued:

   "By the way, it takes seven tooth prints to summon the tooth god. This is only five. I will add two more to Master Lu."

   Lu Shui panicked and immediately said:

   "No, no, tooth **** is in a good mood recently, five can be summoned."

   "Ah, Ya God likes Master Lu so much?" Mu Xue looked at Lu Lu channel:

   "Do I like Master Lu more, or Yashen like Master Lu more?"

   "I like Miss Mu more." Lu Shui said immediately.




   The next morning.

   Lu Shui sat in the yard reading a book, and came back last night to summon the tooth god.

   Yashen went back and he came out to read a book.

   It's still interesting to read books. Tooth for tooth, the tooth **** is not happy anymore.

Ha ha.

   The tooth **** last night must have been fake again.

   But I'm going back today, I can't summon the tooth **** when I go back.

   Lujia area, spatial fluctuations are easy to be noticed.

   This is very dangerous.

   Especially there is another one.

  How could the second elder keep such a dangerous person in the Lu family?

   can actually live here for two days, but the family has begun to urge.

   Let him go back and wait for the final wedding.

   is not the first time, what can I prepare?

   Well, I dare not say this sentence.

   So go back obediently, and probably listen to the three elders.

   haven't been back for so long.

   After reading the book for a while, Lu Shui put the book away, and then walked to the kitchen.

   This is probably the time for Mu Xue to make breakfast.

   Kitchen location.

   "Why is Master Lu here?"

   was originally making a rice-washing muxue, but I was surprised to see Lu Shui.

   There is a slight smile on her face.

   "Miss Mu said to let me learn it?" Lu Shui came to Mu Xue and said.

  Muxue stepped on tiptoe, then looked at Lu Shui’s eyes and said:

   "I found it was almost as tall as Master Lu."

   Lu Shui lightly touched Mu Xue's mouth, and then parted:

   "It's still a bit worse."

   Mu Xue smiled and prepared breakfast happily:

   "Then Master Lu, watch and learn for yourself. If you can't learn, I will cook it for you, but if you learn it, I will cook it for you."

  Lu Shui: "......"

   So it is better to look at the formation of heaven and earth.

   But he still sat watching Mu Xue, occasionally helping out.

   Of course, not as breakfast, just watching Muxue.

   What's so beautiful?

   I don’t know what it looks good, I don’t know how long I watched it, but it’s pleasing to the eye.

  The movements, looks, and clothing are nothing he disagrees with.

   "Cousin..." Suddenly a little head came in outside the door.

   Lu Shui looked over, and finally saw the unpleasant things.

   "Ah, my cousin is not here." The head that suddenly stuck out, retracted again.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Mu Xue: "......"

Da da da!

   The rapid footsteps drifted away.


   Mu Xue laughed:

   "Master Lu, you seem to scare Chacha away."

   "I don't think I alone can scare away the Dongfang scum." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

   "Humph." Mu Xue snorted coldly:

   "Master Lu is optimistic, you must focus on learning arts."


in the afternoon.

   Lu Shui and Mu Xue were walking on the street.

   Zhenwu Zhenling, Dongfang Chacha and others all followed.

  Because Lu Shui is leaving, they can't follow.

   Otherwise, Mu Xue will be alone, which is often inconvenient for ordinary people.

   Especially there are many cultivators around.

   "Master Lu will not come out this time, right?" Mu Xue asked Lu Shui on the way.

   "Yeah." Lu Shui nodded and said:

   "When I come out again, I will probably come to pick up Miss Mu."

   "Will Master Lu run to the tooth **** realm?" Mu Xue asked while looking at Lu Shui.


   Isn’t this waiting to be caught?

   This is not guaranteed for the late festival.

   After that, Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue, and started to have an idea in his heart. The two of them had bad comments together. It seemed that the problem was not too big.

   Mu Xue stepped back two steps, and then said:

   "Master Lu, if you pull me into the water, I will..."

   "What is Miss Mu doing?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui in deep thought.

   "Just..." Mu Xue thought of something last, and then took out her notebook:

   "Just keep an account first."

   "..." There is nothing new.

   It is better to threaten with hostages.

   "There is no way, who makes me like to be good to Lu Shaoye, how does Lu Shaoye like to treat me?" Mu Xue asked with a smile.

   At this time she came to Lu Shui again.

   "Ms. Mu's notebook, how many debts have you settled?" Lu Shui asked.

   "Today I just counted it up, 18,000 punches, rounded up, and 20,000 punches." Mu Xue said with a smile on her face.


   "Why did Miss Mu stop rounding and change it to zero punches?" Lu Shui asked.

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and said:

   "Master Lu, do you think I read less and my brain is not good?"

   "..., it may be that I was dazzled by love, and my brain is not working well."

   a little while.

   Lu Shui waved goodbye to Mu Xue.

   Dongfang Zhazha also waved continuously beside Mu Xue.

   seems to be saying that his cousin Lu Shui finally left.

   Cousin is ours.


   I really want to beat her up before going back.

   Unfortunately, there is no time.

   Then the train landed on the water.

   Come again, it should be to pick up Mu Xue.

   Theoretically, it was not used to pick up. The previous life did not come to pick up, but just opened the space door to let Mu Xue go out.

   He stood at the space gate and waited.

   When he saw Mu Xue, he felt so good to be married.


   was fascinated by Mu Xue's fans, and did not promise.

   Especially after knowing what kind of person Mu Xue is, he didn't even think about it.


   "Cousin Lu Shui has gone back, can we go exploring?" Dongfang Chacha asked the people around him.

  Muxue, Yayue and Yalin are naturally next to them.

   "Where are you going to explore the danger?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

   The Mu's family is not small, but it is not as big as the Lu family.

   It's been so long, but Cha Cha should have finished exploring.

   Dongfang Chacha looked around, and then took out a disc that said Silent Hill:

   "Let's go to this mountain for an adventure, to slay demons and demons."

   Mu Xue: "......"

   What age is this?

   "Then we will sleep together tonight." Yayue said immediately.

   Mu Xue: "......"

   is timid and loves to watch.

   after the fact.

   Dongfang Chacha blinked:

   "It seems ordinary, let's change a mountain.

   This mountain is not very good. "

   Yayue: "......"


   It takes more than a day for Lu Shui to return to Lu’s house.

   The next evening, Lu Shui stepped on the streets of Qiuyun Town.

   It’s still early.

  "On the 5th, divorce is only nine days away.

   What can you do in nine days? "

   Lu Shui thought for a while, and thought he could go to Bingshuang River in nine days.

   I heard that there was a road leading down the river.

  What happened this time, how could the third elders punish him?

   After all, we still have to get married, so just wait for the rest.

   But it will take a day or two.

   I will see the three elders tomorrow, and I will post the remaining invitations today.

   "Where does Qiao Ye live?" Lu Shui asked Zhenwu Zhenling.

   looked around, Lu Shui found that there seemed to be more people in the town.

   may have something to do with Shimen, plus his wedding is approaching.

   Oh, there are scavengers.

   There are road signs in the ruins outside, and many people want to pick them up, so they may fall into an epiphany.

   has certain help to the cultivation and enlightenment.

   This is also the way the Lu Family handles the traces of the boulevard.

   Fortunately, it has no effect on the wedding, and the Lu family is not in a hurry to recover.

   Otherwise, the wedding may not be too late.

   Unless the Great Elder takes another shot.

   Sweeper in one fell swoop.

is it possible?

   Of course possible.

   Nothing can prevent him from getting married. Several elders are thinking about the draw, but don't know how long they have been thinking about it.

  Um, maybe only twenty years,

   Since he was born, he has been thinking about drawing the prize again.

   is because of his second prize, so I want to draw more urgently.

   Lu Shui feels that he is also a filial person, and has been working hard to draw the prize.

   It's a pity that it didn't come out in the last life.

   This life is still a failure so far, but I always feel that I can succeed.

   He will find a way, but he will open the secret room after a big deal.

   "They should still be at work." Zhenwu said.

   Lu Shui nodded, and then went to the supermarket.

   He walked all the way inside, and soon after, he saw Qiao Ye moving things in the edge area.

  Although there is only one hand, the work of moving things is not that difficult.

   After all, the cultivation base can be used here, so it will be a lot easier.

   "Master Lu?" Qiao Gan looked at the coming Lu Shui with a little surprise.

   "What will Master Lu want to buy this time?" Qiao Gan asked again.

   The supermarket is not small. Lu Shui is not a person who visits the supermarket. It is normal to not know where things are.

   In the past, he didn't know.

  Everything is bought by people.

right now...

  He bought most of the things with Huanhuan.

   "No." Lu Shui shook his head, then took out the invitation and said:

   "This is an invitation for you."

   Qiao Gan was taken aback when he saw Lu Shui put out an invitation.

   Through Dongfang Fairy, he knew that he had no invitation.

Why did    have it again?

   He took the invitation and read it, and then...


   really not.

   "We will definitely go." Qiao Gan responded immediately.

   will go naturally.

   But there is a question, does he pay one share or two?

   I feel a bit disadvantaged.

   Then Lu Shui left the supermarket, he was going to find the toothache fairy and dog, and finally to Aman.

   There are quite a few people.

   Qiao took the invitation, and when he was about to leave work, he found the little fat girl.

   is in the lounge.

   "Huanhuan, your husband is looking for you." A female colleague immediately made a noise.

   "It's not her husband, it's her husband." Another female colleague said.

   Lin Huanhuan jumped up immediately, and then ran to Qiao Gan.

   "This, one more." Qiao Gan handed Lin Huanhuan the invitation.

   Lin Huanhuan is a little surprised, then they have to pay two shares of money by then?

   Didn’t you say no?

   The two looked at each this an invitation? who? "

   A fairy looked at the invitation, just in time to see Lin Huanhuan open it.

   Then he was stunned.

   "This, is this the young master's wedding invitation?

   My God, don’t you have one? How come there is another one?

   Don't explain, will you sell me?

   I charge a high price. "

   "You follow the boss, can't you also go in?"

   "I can enter, but the door is different. The identity of the worker is completely different from the identity of the guest.

   The VIPs are so stylish and they sit in good positions. "

   "Yes, we don't have this opportunity at all, you are still in distress."

"very expensive."

   Lin Huanhuan is very distressed about this.

   "No way, no way, your husband and wife have to invite us to have a snack tonight, two invitations, maddening."

   "Those who are favored have no fear, but those who cannot get us are always in a commotion."



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