900 years of compulsory education, I don’t know who wrote it.

   Lu Shui was thinking, do you want to take a look.

   What if it was written by fans?

   met later, so I can continue to fish in troubled waters.

   After hesitating, Lu Shui still decided not to watch it. He couldn't do anything to become a fan, so he just wrote a book every day. What's the point?

   Then Lu Shui looked to the side of the photo.

   I want to see what the only really interesting photo will be.

   Soon, he saw the most obvious picture.

   There are two people, a young man, holding the only true **** who is a little timid.

   "It's a magical photo."

   This young man is quite handsome, with a sword intent on his body.

   The only true **** felt a little scared and asked for help.

   "The Great Elder?" Lu Shui looked at the photo unexpectedly:

   "Looks like a young elder.

  Who is the one who helped take the photo? "

  Lu Shui thought about it. It was definitely not the third elder, and there should be no possibility of the second elder.

   Long ago, the great elder was only the second elder.

and so...

  The one who took the photo was the old elder.

   The great elder back then, he naturally wouldn't know him.

   Only the first elder and the second elder have seen it, and the third elder has never seen it either.

   "Just, why does the only true **** take a photo with the great elder?"

   Then Lu Shui looked at it again, and he found that the only true **** was still taking photos with other people. Among them, the younger one was also a young man, but not the elder.

   This time the only true **** was floating in the air, as if he liked this young man very much.

   She still looked ahead and said that she was very happy.

   After thinking for a moment, Lu Shui thought of a possibility.

   "Could it be there, handover?"

   Lu Shui looked for it carefully, but did not find a group photo of the two elders.

   Then it means that all the photos taken here are the elders?

   Or about to become a great elder?

   And the group photo of the great elder is placed in the most obvious place, because, only the great elder is still alive?

   For a while, Lu Shui thought of the toys outside, perhaps given by the elders of the Lu family.

   That's the same, the only true **** has been witnessing the replacement of the Lu Family's elders.

   "It feels a little strange."

   But it’s not bad. If you know more people, you will see more lives and deaths.

   Then Lu Shui was going to look through the drawer.

   But as soon as he stretched his hand over, it stopped.

   "Speaking of which, although this is the only true God's realm, there is nothing wrong with exploring the realm."

   "To be younger, this is the only real god's room. If I look through it like this, am I a little disrespectful to the child?"

   With a sigh, Lu Shui withdrew his hand.

   Her room will not be turned over, let's change the room.

   Turn it down again, it's really not suitable.

   But he took another look at the photo above and found that there was a photo on the bottom.

   Under curiosity, Lu Shui took a look.

   found that there were three people on it.

   An old man lying on the bed, a little girl sitting beside the bed crying, and a colorful child standing in the air trying to keep smiling.

"this is..."

   "The last picture of the death of the great elder?"

   Finally, Lu Shui put the photo back.

   The last big elder and the only true **** seemed to be very good, but when they left, they made the only true **** even more sad.

   Unlike the current Great Elder, he directly suppressed the only true **** with his own power.

   is very serious.

   For so many years, I probably didn't let the only true **** out.

   may have become looser recently.

   But soon he didn't understand.

   Looking at the photos, the only true **** has an extraordinary relationship with the Lu family, and it has been watched by the elders of the past generations.

   In this era, she is still the strongest elder.

  So, why didn't he see the only true **** afterwards?

   Can someone really kill the only true **** under the supervision of the elder?

   Lu Shui doesn’t believe it.

   After all, no one can kill him, and the only true **** is even less likely to be killed.

   But, he has never seen the only true god...

   At least there is no memory of this aspect.

   Forget it, don't think about it, let's go and have a look next door.

   After staying for a long time, I suddenly worried that the only true **** ran back and might happen to see him as a thief.

   The senses are not good.


   Lu Shui withdrew from the door, closing the door by the way.

The things in    should be of little value, so let’s look at other things.

   Hope to see the origin of the only true god.

   Lu Shui came to the second door.


   When the door opened, there were many bookcases.

   It’s just that there are a lot of weird things on the bookcase, but everything seems to be contaminated by supernatural power.

   Even ordinary things, long-term contaminated by divine power, will become artifacts.

   Lu Shui looked at it, and the innermost thing had the most powerful aura.

The age of    should also be the oldest.

   This is an empty room with many bookcases.

When    walked in, Lu Shui saw a wall with a painting on it.

  The picture is of a meadow, and there is a little girl with colorful hair running on the meadow with a bright smile.

   The wind is blowing.

   seems to be welcoming this innocent true god.

  Looking at the only true **** in the painting, Lu Shui found a pendant hanging from the neck of the only true god.

   or a small sign strung on a colorful rope.

The    small sign is crystal clear, and there seems to be text in it.

   It’s just that this painting is just drawn with words.

   did not draw the words inside.

   "I don't seem to see that she wears this thing."

   Lu Shui thought about it carefully, and indeed did not see the only true **** carrying this thing.

   Without thinking, he walked all the way inside. Walking on the road, he felt the slight ripples of divine power.

   There seems to be a figure in every place, and there will be traces left behind.

   looked at this time, as if seeing the past of the only true god, watching her holding things on each counter.

   I was muttering something in my mouth.

   This is a human sacrifice, this is a godsend, this animal loves it.

   There is a smile in his eyes and joy in his heart.

   does not seem to be so alone.

   Lu Shui never thought about it.

   Maybe this is really a mature true god.

   Soon he came to the table inside, it shouldn't be considered private here.

   Only when he came here, he saw a pendant on the table top, a small sign strung with colorful ropes.

There are two characters in the    sign.

   Lu Shui was quite surprised, is this the only one carried by the true god?

   Out of curiosity, Lu Shui looked at the pendant.

   Then I saw two words in it.

   "Lu? Qi?"

   Lu Shui is a little confused.

   Why are there these two words on it?

   "Lu refers to the ancient Lu? Qi refers to the only true god?"

   He doesn't feel a bit like it.

   But soon a weird thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

   "Wait a minute."

   "If... if I don't know Lu, if I don't know the only true God, then what is my first thought when I see these two words?"

   "Lu Genqi, maybe a whole?"

   "If Qi refers to the only true god, then Lu... refers to her surname?"

   Lu Shui was a little surprised.

"No way?"


   "Does the true **** have a surname? No, right?"

   Lu Shui felt that he might be thinking too much. If the only true **** was really surnamed Lu, then things seemed more complicated than thought.

   What happened to the Lu family?

   Having a doubt, Lu Shui tried to look around to see if there were any records.

   Soon, he found a box under a bookcase.

   There are a few words on the top of the box: the founder of the Lu family.

   You don't need to ask, it is the record of the ancestors of the Lu family.

   Then Lu Shui opened the box.



   "Who took it?"

   Lu Shui felt that every thief had stolen from his house.

   No, this is the realm of the only true god, and he is also a thief.

  And the only ones who can come in are probably only the first elder and the second elder.

   These two suspects are the biggest.

   The second elder may be bigger.

   There is only one true God beside her.


   Hou Shan.

   The second elder returned to her residence yard. She had just finished reading the book in her hand.

   then closed the book, and it read: The founder of the Lu family.

   "Is it true?" the second elder asked Jiu again.

  玖 nodded:

   "Really, he is so strong, he is such a legend."

   "But the content is not so detailed, how can he die?" The second elder didn't understand.

   "The above is not very clear, he wants to die." Jiu said.

   "But why he wants to die is not written here, just that he needs to do it.

   And here is the record of his childhood, record when he married a wife.

   Then one day when he woke up, he began to build a house, and then he found the heaven and earth formation.

   At that time, the heart was higher than the sky.

   went out again later, and when I came back, I suddenly realized it, and chose the most outrageous road.

   This record is not detailed at all. "The second elder frowned and said.

   "Look..." Jiu opened the book, pointed to a part of it and said:

  "Here is a clear record of how to build a house faster and more stable.

  The steps are all written out, not in detail yet? "

   Second Elder: "..."

The second elder    closed the book again and said:

   "Although let me know the outline, but there is no more news.

   You asked me to take out this book, have other purposes? "

   "Yes." Jiu nodded:

   "If you don't take it, the book will fall on Lu Shui's head.

   That's too easy, I have to make it difficult for him. "

   Second Elder: "..."

   In other words, Lu Shui knows a lot of things and needs this book to verify?

   "Speaking of which, why is this book not signed? And the Lu family hasn't recorded this ancestor's name at all?" The second elder was suddenly curious.

   "Maybe he doesn't like it, and it's useless to keep it." Jiu sat while dealing with the elixir.



   Lu Shui did not find more from the second room.

   But I also know the name of the only true god.

   No matter what Lu is.

   But the only true **** should be called Qi.

   The only true **** is called Jiu, and the only true **** is Qi. There is nothing wrong with it.

   After walking around, Lu Shui came to the third room.

   The moment he opened the door, Lu Shui felt his power.

   is pure divine power,

   is derived from the unique power.

   After entering, Lu Shui saw that it was very empty and there were very few things.

   There is a bookshelf with some metal pages on the bookshelf.

   The pages of the book converge with supernatural power.

   Lu Shui came to the bookshelf.

   Then he found this metal book page, he also has it.

   He has two, here are six.

   there are eight in total.

   He took out the two pieces that belonged to him, trying to see if he could automatically unlock the pages of the book and see the contents.

   This thing is one piece, and it is easy to damage the inside if it is opened rashly, so Lu Shui has been waiting for all of them.

   I thought that I would be able to gather all of them when I reached God's Domain, but... I was wrong.

   "There should be one missing, I don't know where the last one is."

  Think about it carefully, maybe it was eaten by the only true god.

   With the appearance of eating the blood of God, swallowing the pages of the book with magical power, there is no problem at all.

   Forget it, punch her twice in two days and let her spit it out.

   I really don’t want to spit it out, just...

Ha ha.

   After reading the page, Lu Shui did not leave, but went all the way inside. He saw that there was a door inside.

   just approaching, I feel the breath of the misty city.

   No, it's the breath of Midu.

   Finally, Lu Shui stood in front of a gate.

   "It turns out that all the fans of the Lu family are here."

   He thought he was in the position of the great elder.

   Then he tried to push the door.

   The fans here should not have much influence, so the only true **** is the guardian of this fan capital?

   Every fan has someone to guard.

   The Pure Land is Ji Xun, and the mist is full of bright moons. This place should be the only true god.

   After all, this is God's Domain.

   The moment Lu Shui's hand touched the door, suddenly a force struck him.


   A powerful force appeared in the door, which directly shook the land water.

   even made Lu Shui back some distance.

   "What a strong power."

   Lu Shui was quite unexpected.

   This power somewhat exceeded his expectation. It was not a power, but a pure cultivation power.

   and it is the power of the avenue level.

   surpassed the conventional avenue, at the level of the Great Elder.

"No Entry."

   A sudden message reached Lu Shui's ears.

   There is no harm.

   Then he received a new message:

   "Unless you beat me."

   "Who is Senior?" Lu Shui asked.

   Lu Shui looked at the door and said.

  Because it is only information, it is impossible to know men and women.

   But there are only a few people with such strength.

   There should be only one person in the cultivation world today.

   So this person is from ancient times?

   Or is there such a strong in the Lu family?

   But no matter what, Lu Shui found himself unable to enter.

  Because of his strength, even the second elder can't beat it.

   There is no chance of winning in the face of this person, unless the opponent uses power, power.


   attacked frontally, he was just a seventh-order Taoist cultivator.

   The Seventh Stage Entrance Path is indeed very strong, but in front of some ancient existence, it is just like that.

   Even if he can play ninth level, he can touch the avenue.


   The opponent is not within these levels after all.

   Lu Shui waited for a moment, but did not get any answers.

   He came to the door again and tried to push it away.


   was bounced off again, and then the message appeared in his mind again.

"No Entry."

   "Unless you beat me."

  Lu Shui: "......"

   More rigid than the verification system?

   "Senior, how can I beat you?"

no respond.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   waited for another moment, then Lu Shui turned and left.

   After he is ranked eighth, this senior will understand what ignorance is.

   But where will this fan connect?

   This is related to the One True God, and perhaps what is connected is the origin of the One True God, or the origin of the Lu Family.

   So as to whether it is or not.

   only know after entering.

   Wait until the marriage is completed.

   At that time, he was about to be promoted to the eighth rank.

   So far, he has reached a level of 7.2, his strength is strong...

   Forget it.

   can't open the door.

   Then Lu Shui left the room.

   He turned his head to look at the remaining door, UU read www.uukanshu.com and tried to open it.


"No Entry."

   "Unless you beat me."

   Okay, I'm going back.

you are vicious.

   Lu Shui left God's Domain all the way, and finally returned to Fengshuang River.

   The realm of God is not small, but not that big either. There is the only true **** in it, and there is also a hidden guardian.

   I don’t know who it is.

   Lu Shui walked outside Fengshuang River.

   "It's okay if you didn't go in. If you go in, you may be entrusted to the Midu, and you may not have time to come back."

   The last time I entered Midu, six days have passed.

   is only eight days away from marriage.

   In the few days approaching, something must be done.

   Again, once it is different from before and requires more time, the consequences will be disastrous.

   So, it’s actually good to not go in.

   At least there will be no problems in the follow-up.

   It's better to read a book with peace of mind and wait for the wedding time.



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