"The dog loves me, I asked Jiu."

   Under the big tree, the dog leaned on the dog Aotian and ate chicken legs.

   "My teeth can be good, that's what Jiu said."

   The toothache fairy has eaten the chicken legs, and they plan to rest.

   "You are here." Lu Shui's voice came from behind them.

   Dog Aotian looked at Lu Shui, a little puzzled, isn't this the young master?

   Lu Shui also looked at Dog Aotian, frowning.

   The dog is covered in fur, smooth and dazzling:

   "This dog has a lot of meat."

   "Wang Wu!" Dog Aotian jumped up in shock.

   then fled behind the toothache fairy.

   The toothache fairy comforted him, and let the dog Aotian go back.

   The dog arrogantly likes to be amnesty, and ran away. It was too horrible, the young master wanted to eat it.

   In the future, I’d better eat less and make less meat.

   Lu Shui is a little confused, why did this dog run away?

   You are not happy to praise it for its fleshy meat?

   I can't eat it if I leave this young master. If I want to eat it, the meat seems to be very fragrant.

   "Xiaoyou Lu, is there anything important to do?" The toothache fairy asked curiously.

   "Wow!" The dog immediately came to Lu Shui and wagged his tail:

   "Do you want to do what the dog master? As the dog grandson of the dog master, I must do my best."

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Every time I feel that this dog is scolding himself.

   don't know who brought it like this.

   80% is related to Kenichi.

   "This is for you." Lu Shui took out two invitations, one to the toothache fairy and the other to the dog.


   The dog yelled excitedly.

   just rolled on the ground.

   The dog loves him, he admits that he is a family dog.

  The toothache fairy looked at the invitation, and then nodded:

   "In the middle of the month, it seems that Master Lu will be busy during this time."

   "It doesn't need to be, because someone in the family is more familiar with this process, so just cooperate with them." Lu Shui said.

   "Then we must go there on time." The toothache fairy responded immediately.

   Lu Shui nodded slightly, and then bid farewell to the toothache fairy.

   He needs to find another one.

   At that time, there was only one invitation left on him, Jiu's invitation.

   This is not impossible to go out, just find a place to put it.

   Then let Jiu pick it up by herself, Jiu must know.


   is not very polite.

   is impolite.

   Even if he has no manners, it is just not suitable.

   Waiting for Lu Shui to leave, the dog immediately said to the toothache fairy:

   "Come and see, what name has the dog master written for me? Is it the dog's grandson?"

   The toothache fairy squatted down, took the invitation, and looked through it.

   then truthfully said:

   "The name that the little brother Lu Shui wrote to the little brother is Gouzi."

   "Wow!" The dog was intoxicated:

   "The name Gouye gave me is simply wonderful.

   I like this name.

   This name will accompany me throughout my life, that is the love of the dog master for me. "

   The toothache fairy stood up and said:

   "Do you want to put away the invitations?"

   "Of course, I want to keep it forever." The dog bit the invitation, and then the invitation disappeared from its mouth.

   I don’t know where it is going.

   This kind of toothache fairy would naturally not care.

   Big family and little brother, how to say it is also a powerful man.

   It's no surprise.


   Lu Shui walked all the way to the Lingyao Garden, but did not see Ah Man.

   then walked to Aman's small courtyard.

   It is normal for Aman, who has done a great job, to have a small yard.

   The reincarnation sapling was transplanted back by Ahman.

   Of course, the location cannot be in Lu's house.

   a little while.

   Lu Shui came to Aman’s small courtyard, which was quite ordinary. There were fences around the hospital and a house in the middle.

   There are fields all around, planted with some ordinary elixir.

   There is a blindfolded middle-aged man in Tanaka carefully checking the elixir.

   Lu Shui stepped into the yard.

   footsteps also sounded.

  Da! clatter!

   Aman noticed it, and looked at the entrance of the yard:

   "Is there any urgent task?"

   "It's me," Lu Shui whispered.

   Hearing Lu Shui's voice, Ah Man stood up immediately.

   then wiped his hands with his hands, as if his hands were dirty and it was hard to see people.

   Especially people like Lu Shaoye.

   "Why is Master Lu suddenly here?" Ah Man immediately came to the table and chair and said:

   "Will Master Lu want to sit for a while?"

   "Well, sit for a while." Lu Shui nodded slightly.

   went to the table and chair, sat down, and said by the way:

   "Sit down too, just in time to tell you something."

   "Okay." Ah Man sat down immediately.

   He is a little nervous, because Master Lu usually doesn't look for him.

   Now not only looking for it, but also coming in person, then...

   He was worried about any bad news.

   When he was more concerned, Lu Shui said in advance:

   "Don't worry too much, there is no bad news.

   I promised you, and naturally I won’t break my promise, so I don’t need to be so nervous. "

   "Good." Man nodded.

   is still nervous as always.

   Lu Shui didn’t care, but said:

   "Here, are you used to it?"

   "Habit." Ah Man nodded immediately:

   "They treat me very well, and they pay a lot of money.

   If you do well, you will be rewarded.

   also helped me find this piece of land, and they helped me to get the yard.

   They say it's a bit crude, but I like it very much. "

   paused, Ah Man tried to ask:

   "In the future...can you stay here and work?"

  Lu Shui naturally understood what Aman had said, it was after he picked up the little boy.

   In this regard, Lu Shui did not refuse:

   "It depends on your own wishes, and you just need to stay.

   But when the little boy comes back, it will take an era.

   It's a long time.

   You can live to that era, and the Lu family can naturally live forever. "

   Although the Lu family has survived forever, the farther behind, the less the Lu family can interfere in the affairs of the realm of comprehension.

   This was set by Lu Shui.

   The great elder interfered, but that time it was the great elder who interfered with his life.

   From now on, the Great Elder can no longer interfere with anything in the realm of cultivation.

   Everyone else is qualified once, but except for the Great Elder, it is impossible for anyone else to influence the decline and fall of the entire cultivation world.

   "I can wait." Ah Man nodded immediately.

   "This is for you." Lu Shui didn't say much, but handed out his invitation.

   Aman could roughly feel the presence of the invitation, and he immediately wiped and wiped his clothes on his clothes before reaching out to accept the invitation.

  " is my wedding invitation, you should have heard of it.

   in the middle of the month. "Lu Shui said.

   "I, I seem to be able to participate." Aman said immediately.

   "Being able to participate is two different things from asking me or not.

   Okay, I won’t bother you anymore. "Said Lu Shui stood up, turned and left.

   Aman could only "watch" Lu Shui leave.

   He touched the invitation.

   Finally, put away the invitation very carefully.


   Lu Shui, who had posted the invitation, returned to his house.

  He is going to greet his parents.

   It was just in the past, and it happened to see the patriarch Lu and the patriarch’s wife walking around holding hands.

   They also saw Lu Shui.

   At this time, Lu Shui saw Patriarch Lu frowned.

   The patriarch's wife smiled.


On the back of the trail, Lu Shui was standing in a circle.

   Niang said, she is not allowed to leave before twelve o'clock.

  Lu Shui: "..."

   As for?

   kindly come over and ask for peace, just treat him like this?

  Is this because of the small size and ignore the large size?

Ha ha.

   two pedantic people.

   Your son is the real strongest.

   Lu is nothing.

   In desperation, Lu Shui could only take out the heaven and earth formation pattern and look at it, so as to accumulate the power of the heaven and the earth.

  The power of heaven and earth, will the follow-up be useful?

   seems to be useless.

   But it’s okay to save more power. Don’t use the power of heaven and earth when you want to use it.

   He is still being cut, and he must rely on the power of heaven and earth to compete with others.

   Then, Lu Shui immediately saw the dawn from the dark, without any thought of leaving.

   didn't even think of taking a break.

   But halfway through, he took out the high chair and sat and watched.

   The sky is slightly bright.

   Qi Xi put a table on the edge of the land and put some snacks.

   then left silently.

   She didn't understand what the young master was going to do, so she could only tell her.

   Lu Shui looked at the heaven and earth formations, and now it is fast to accumulate heaven and earth formations.

   looked at him and ate snacks.

   took a bite and frowned.

   "Mother made breakfast, alas!"

   Lu Shui shook his head and sighed, his eyes never leaving the formation of heaven and earth.

   Only soon he heard the voice across the table:

   "My mother made breakfast so terrible?

   still shaking his head and sighing? "

   Lu Shui was stunned, and then found that I don't know when, my mother was sitting opposite and looking at him.


   I forgot to guard against my parents.

   "Why did my mother come suddenly?" Lu Shui put down the book and asked.

   By the way, he put the snack in his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls expressionlessly ( ̄~ ̄), and then swallowed it.

   "Do you know where you are?" Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Shui with his cheek in his hands.

   Lu Shui was stunned, and then...

   I forgot to go back.

   "I'll go back now." After saying this, he got up and wanted to go back.

   "Sit down first." Dongfang Liyin stopped Lu Shui.

   "Anything else, mother?" Lu Shui asked.

   "My mother took your sister to see you, don't you say hello to your sister?" Dongfang Li Yin asked.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Niang, are you sick, or am I sick?

   "Mother, Lu Laishi hasn't been born yet." Lu Shui explained.

   And it's only a few months?

   a month.

   What does she know?

  Do you know that her brother is running around for her and is exhausting?

she does not know.

  "Lu Lai matter?" Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Shui curiously:

   "What did you name your sister?"

   "Mother, what do you think of this name?" Lu Shui sat down and asked his mother's opinion.

   is a very good name.

   "Is there any meaning?" Dongfang Li Yin asked curiously.

   "This is a beautiful blessing." Lu Shui said seriously:

  "Lu Laishi corresponds to the second elder, Lu Youting.

   mother, look, the elder Lu Wuwei, the third elder Lu Buzheng, and the second elder Lu Youting, now that Lu Laishi is born, he must be the fourth elder.

   No, yes, no, come.

   Perfect. "

   "Are you hoping that your sister won't get married?" Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Shui with a smile, and then she looked a little declining:

  "When my sons have married wives, do they still inevitably want the love of their parents and hate their sisters?

   But my son has married, and he has no time to accompany us elderly people.

   We want to have a little cutie with us, can't we? "

  Lu Shui: "..."

   I just said a name...

   "Mother, the third elder called me, I'm leaving first." Lu Shui immediately got up and hurried to leave.

   Listen again, he should have gone into Fengshuanghe and thought about it.

   But before leaving, he put down an invitation.

   Dongfang Liyin didn't stop this time.

   She watched Lu Shui leave, and then tasted a snack.

   "My son doesn't like it, I don't know if my daughter likes it or not." Dongfang Liyin put his cheek in his hands, his eyes showed a smile:

   "It's all by the way anyway."

   Then she saw the invitation and was a little curious, how did her son leave an invitation?

   just picked it up, a little hand took the invitation.

   is the second elder.

   Then Dongfang Liyin let go of the invitation and pinched the cheek of the second elder.


   Just squeezed, his hand was slapped away.

   "It's not big or small." The second elder sat in his seat and stretched out his hand:


   Dongfang Li Yin stretched out his hand and asked carefully:

   "Second elders don't find someone else today, right?"

   The second elder glanced at Dongfang Liyin, and finally said:

   "Don't find it."

   So, Dongfang Liyin was relieved, and his son was pretty well-behaved this time.

   But she found that the invitation was taken away by the second elder, and she didn't know who it was for.

   She doesn't care either.

   Waiting for the second elder to get the pulse.

   "Xiao Xiaoting, if you ask Xiao Xiaoyin, I think it's pretty good for her daughter to call Lu Lai." Jiu said immediately while watching the invitation.

   She doesn't care about this invitation, just throw it away.

   "Why is it called Lu Laishi?" the second elder asked in his heart.

   "As Lu Shui said, your name is Lu Youting, and his sister can call Lu Laishi.

   Then the fourth elder was born. "Jiu said.

   "Oh, he called your name directly, let's go and beat Xiao Xiaogu." Jiu added.

   Second Elder: "..."

   The last two elders only replied:

   "Lu Youting sounds better than Lu Lai."

   "Also cute than Lu Laishi, isn't it?" Jiu asked.

   Second Elder: "..."


   Lu Shui came all the way to the main hall.

   He put the invitation over there, Jiu should go and get it.

   It was not him who sent the invitation, but his mother was there.

   So it's his mother.

  It's not rude to be so.

  玖 shouldn't let the second elder help her get it, right?

   Well, it doesn't matter if you take it.

   He is about to be invincible in the world, and the second elder knew it, and would not stop him from going out.

   Under the hall.

   "I have seen the three elders."

   Lu Shui lowered his head and spoke respectfully.

   At this time, sitting at the top of the hall is the three elders with five million faces.

   As long as it stays stable at 5 million, it will be a good pass.

   There are no millions or tens of millions, so there should be no need to accept punishment.

   "Is the invitation finished?" The majestic voice belonging to the three elders came from the top of the hall.

   "Yes." Lu Shui bowed his head and replied.

   "Any other things to go out?" The voice of the third elder continued.

   "No." Lu Shui shook his head.

   "Very well, before the wedding is over, you are not allowed to leave outside the town of Qiuyun, is there a problem?" The third elder looked at Lu Shui and asked.

   "No problem." Lu Shui lowered his head, this is indeed no problem.

   If there is a problem, it may not get out.

   Therefore, the person who knows the current affairs is a good man.

he is the one.

   "A lot of people will come to Qiuyun Town during this period, so don't do too complicated things.

Is there a problem? "The third elder continued to ask.

   "No problem." Land and water responded.

  The so-called complicated problem is a shame.

   As long as you don’t do shame, everything else doesn’t matter.

   Such as going to the Fengshuang River.

  "The person you invited may not be familiar with the Lu family. You need to tell your parents about this kind of thing, or let Zhenwu Zhenling handle it.

   Understand? "The Three Elders said.

   "Understand." Lu Shui nodded.

   The third elder asked two more questions before letting Lu Shui leave.

   There are no more changes in the five million faces.

   also didn't pay attention to Lu Shui's cultivation base, let alone arrange any experience.

   The big wedding is coming, and everything will be the big wedding.

   This is the consensus of the three elders.

   "This is the person he chose, so there won't be any moths in the past few days." The third elder sighed as he watched Lu Shui.

   The realization of Lu Shui in the past few months is much stronger than before, he knew it was because of Mu Xue.

   Hope to continue.

   But they still prefer to draw.

   In this regard, I also hope that Lu Shui will work harder.

   Don’t ask for anything else, just open twice in a hundred years.

   "Speaking of which, this wedding may be the most lively one." The three elders looked outside and muttered to themselves.

   Because of the previous battles, the Lu family's reputation has increased.

   Many people want to come.

  Of course, their invitations are not sent frequently, they are posted as normal, and there is no cooperation, even the top forces will not invite them.

   But those ancestors of the top powers, it was posted.

   As for whether to come...

   No one knows.

   At least in the past, the seniors of Qiaoyunzong would not come, this time it is hard to say.


   Leaving the hall, Lu Shui breathed a sigh of relief.

   The three elders are really talkative this time, but the price hasn't been reduced at all.

   Five million or five million.

   "It seems that imminent marriage does have privileges."

  "However, the personnel who picked up the people should be handed over to Zhenwu Zhenling. Xu Fang's family, the people of Lan Yeguo, the name and the weight, and the deep sea dragon, they should not recognize the way.

   Well, there is also the blood dust of magic repair. "

   The secret will not come.

   The moon won't come, Gu Li... can't come.

   Sword One is gone, Ji Xun may come.

   But these people should be able to connect to Zhenwu and Zhenling except for Blue Night Country, so the problem is not big.

   Lu Shui thinks about it carefully, there is nothing worthy of his attention.

   "Then go into Fengshuanghe and take a look."

   Thinking like this, Lu Shui walked towards Fengshuang River.

   a little while.

  Lushui came to Fengshuang River.

   The chill followed.

   He is not sure what is below, but there must be a place.

   The only real God's realm.

   As for the presence or absence of the One True God, Lu Shui was not sure, even if he was there, it didn't matter.

   Lu Shui stepped inside.

   soon came to the previous Diaoyutai.

   didn't stop, and continued to go inside, after all, he hadn't seen the passage to the bottom.

   Mu Xue said that Dongfang scum saw it, it should not be fake.

   Oriental scum, although it makes people look unpleasant, but it is not a deceit.

   Lu Shui stepped forward and continued to move forward.

   walked for a long time.

   then stopped.

   There is a relatively elliptical reservoir.

   is the corner of the Frost River.

   At the edge of this corner, the water stopped flowing, as if separated by something.

When    walked over, what he saw was a separated passage.

   Like ice steps frozen in ice.

   Looking at the passage, Lu Shui knew that this should be the passage that Dongfang Zhazha said.

   She is clever, and she doesn't have the first time to go down.

   Otherwise, it's still a question whether it can come out.

   Although the channel is there, there are divine power flashes on it.

After    entered, he would basically be trapped in the divine power.

   don't know who set the trap.

   But the strength is enough, it is not difficult to figure it out.

   Such as the Great Elder.

   The second elder should be fine too.

   Stop thinking, Lu Shui stepped down the passage.

  As the land and water descended, he came under the Fengshuang River.

   The water is chilly, but it is extremely clear, as if you can directly see the depths of the river bottom as you look at it.

   It seems that there is a palace, and there are a lot of fish swimming around.

   There are even big crabs staring at the landing water, as if they would attack with tongs at any time.

   Lu Shui didn't care, the more he went down, the more the stairs stretched.

   seems to have been waiting for someone to arrive.

   Lu Shui's pace was not fast, he walked down a little bit, and after spending some time, Lu Shui's feet landed on the ground.

   At this time, he saw a palace, which seemed extraordinary, but very ordinary.

   Two stories high, there is a water curtain to isolate the water.

   This is the realm of the only true god.

  Landshui walked on the open space, like a courtyard.

   There are some big toys on the ground, including big drums and swings.

   Lu Shui walked by, as if seeing a colorful little girl standing on the drum and beating excitedly.

   Passing by the swing, it seemed to see a little girl swinging alone on it.

   Except for the sound of the swing, there is no other sound.

   She looked at the beautiful water scenery outside alone.


   A tortoise fell into the yard from the water curtain.

   turned over.

   has been struggling.

   Lu Shui looked at the tortoise, as if seeing a little girl happily running over, helping it turn over.

   Then send it out.

   The words seemed to sound in his ear again: "Humans should have a desire, and I should be satisfied with him."

   Lu Shui shook, then came to the turtle and turned it over.

   The tortoise saw Lu Shui, as if a little surprised and a little scared.

Is    different from what it expected?

   Lu Shui stopped thinking about it, and threw it out.

   didn't say thank you, but looked surprised.

   Then Lu Shui went into the palace.

  Look at what this God's Domain has.

   God's Domain is very clean, and everything around is very neat.

   When I walked into the entrance of the hall, I saw some toys and some more beautiful things.

   There is no way to sort these things, they seem to be the only playthings that True God has picked up after going out.

   "Nothing special."

  Lu Shui came to the end of the main hall. There are several rooms here.


   The first door was opened by land and water.

   The purpose of entering is an empty room, a nice big bed.

   There are some photos and bookcases beside the bed.

   Lu Shui came to the bookcase, looked at it casually, and found an open book.

   is about how to use divine power.

   "Isn't this the book at the end of the sea?"

There is a notebook beside   .

   "Come on! As the only true **** of heaven and earth, how can you be afraid of being tested by humans?"

   "When I finish my studies, I will let stupid humans know that the majesty of the true God is inviolable and inviolable."

   "The blue sky outside is not as good as God's Domain~www.readwn.com~ How can stupid humans understand fish?"

   "I don't like the outside, just to let the humans who trap me know that I can go out anytime.

   came back because they couldn't bear the fish and shrimps here, they liked me. "

   "Oh, I didn't yell, why did I blow it over..."

   Lu Shui looked at these handwritings and didn't know what to say for a while.

   He felt that he saw a little girl with colorful hair sitting at the desk, biting her pen and pouting her mouth.

   It seems like a person has to be happy.

   "It's more ordinary than expected, and the only true **** is just like an ordinary child."

   Lu Shui felt a little surprised.

   Then he read some more books, and then discovered the nine hundred years of compulsory education for Godhood.

There are five books in   .

   seems to be missing two books.

   There is one in him, and the other one seems to be in Dongfang Zhazhna.

   I heard Mu Xue mention it once.

   Is he equal to Dongfang Slag?

   Great shame.



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