The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 517: Is there another true god?

   Chu Yu and the others, who had already gone to the Lu family, finally turned around and headed for Nancheng.

  "Who is it that the ink stains influenced us to visit Lujia?

   I don’t know who I knew, and I don’t know which day I was killed. "The sword fell aside and said.

   There is a little monkey standing on her shoulder.

   I haven't seen it for many days, and the little monkey wants the sword to fall.

   Seeing Jian Luo talking, the little monkey didn't care, and continued to eat its peaches.

   Jianqi looked at Chuyu with some curiosity:

   "Is that senior too?"

   He naturally doesn't care what his sister says.

   Furthermore, it is aimed at Chu Yu, it has nothing to do with him.

   Will Hatsuba care about the sword falling?

   Not at all, he said helplessly:

  "This is also a senior, and I can't afford that.

   If he has no money, I may have no money. No, it should be said that if he has no money, Jianluo may lend me money. "

   The senior has no money, he must borrow money from him, and he must borrow all of them.

   He has no money. Those two people have to spend money for food and drink. After Jianluo managed to save a few hundred dollars, will he spend it?

Certainly not.

   But neither eating nor drinking is definitely not suitable.

   Then Jian Luo will lend him the money.

   I'll pay it back next month.

   It must be him that hurt the money in the end.

  Because he wants to pay back the money from Jianluo, and the money lent to that senior, he won't return a cent.


   He can't blame anyone.

   Thinking of this, Chu Yu felt that he should offend a strong man, and then let the senior come and stand for a while, and then go to blackmail?

good idea.

   is easy to put the book on the eunuch.

   Jianqi looked at Chuyu and Jianluo again, feeling that living in the city is not as good as living in the sect.

   But he never heard his sister complain.

   I complained about Chuyu.

  I know writing novels every day.

   Then he stood up and looked to Nanchuan Road:

   "Will it affect Junior Brother Nanchuan?"

   Yes, Nanchuan met while they were waiting for the train, and they decided to go together.

   Nanchuan said that he has a friend in Lu's family, and he just happened to give him an invitation.

   The entire Jianyifeng, probably only two of them have invitations.

   "It does not affect, there is still a lot of time." Nanchuan answered with a smile.

   He really doesn't worry about anything.

   I just wanted to go shopping early, but now it’s okay to go shopping elsewhere.

   However, he was also very curious about what kind of senior Jianluo they were talking about.

   "It's okay, I'm going to Nancheng, I will treat you to some delicious food." Chuyu said.

   Nanchuan glanced at Chu Yu and nodded slightly.

   Then he quietly watched from the side.

   Most of his eyes were on Jian Luo and Chuyu.

   Jianqi has nothing to care about.

   Jianqi was only silent on one side, but his mobile phone rang suddenly. After looking at it, he whispered:

   "Jinghai asked if we were there, and if not, let's go together."

   looked at Chuyu and the others and asked their opinions.

   "Let's go together, Shi Ming just said we were together, we will go to Shi Ming in the middle of the way." Chu Yu laughed softly:

   "It must be very exciting to be with Shi Ming, I don't know if the train will turn over."

   "So exaggerated?" Nanchuan asked curiously.

   "I heard that he has a special physical constitution, but anyone who approaches him or hurts him will be unlucky." Jianqi explained.

   They haven't seen it before, so they want to see it.

   "Where is he? Will he be unlucky?" Nanchuan asked.

   "Normally, one of two people must be unlucky.

   Unless someone uses a special method to block the bad luck, it will be fine. "Sword started.

   They have a group and everyone is in it.

   will understand more or less.

   Of course, he is mostly practicing and rarely looks at his mobile phone.

   "You can really see and see." Nanchuan was very interested.

   This kind of person looks very good.

   after a long time.

   They returned to Nancheng.

   Jinghai and they also arrived in Nancheng at this time.

   "In front." Jianqi said.

   Not long after, Chuyu and the others saw a team of four people.

   Jinghai walked in the forefront, followed by Daozong Yuni, and Daozong Jing appeared.

   and sitting behind is a middle-aged man.

   does not seem to have a very high level of cultivation.

   Jianqi rendezvous with Jinghai and them.

   Nanchuan and the middle-aged Daozong also met their eyes.

   separated again in an instant.

   didn't say much, didn't do much.

   Jian Luo glanced at Daozong Yu Nie.

   At this time, Daozong Yuni is like a proud girl of heaven, with extraordinary temperament, standing there as if it is set off by everything.

   Jian Luo is like an ordinary modern girl.

   innocent, beautiful, without the kind of arrogant femininity.

   But it is also a bit cold.

   "I brought my younger brother and younger sister, and a senior from the same door." Jing Hai came to Chuyu and said to Jianqi.

   "Wait for me, let me see where that senior is." Chuyu said and called Mo Xiu Xuechen.

   "Senior, we are waiting for you, where are you?" Chuyu asked.

   "It's coming soon, traffic jam." There was a voice from the other side, but there was also engine noise.

   Hatsu who called on the phone also heard the sound of the engine in the same place.

   Then he saw a motorcycle coming forward, very fast.

   The driver wears a safety helmet and looks heroic.


   The motorcycle fluttered and stopped in front of Chuyu and the others, all of them were dumbfounded.

   I have never seen this kind of world.

   At this time, Chuyu found that the senior got out of the car from the back seat.

   The one who drove took off his helmet. He was a beautiful woman.

   She looked at the Moxiu Xuechen who got off the car and whispered:

   "Achen, can't I really go?

   I have no other meaning, just want to tell you about the follow-up work. "

   Moxiu Blood Dust returned the helmet to the woman and said:

   "Mr Chen is not suitable to go, I will finish the work when I come back."

   "It's okay." Mr. Chen immediately shook his head:

   "Don't worry about work, Achen have fun."

   Then she saw Jian Luo and Daozong Yuni.

  'S eyes are a little dim.

   These two are so beautiful, they make people feel inferior.

   But those men are more handsome than the other.

   Especially the front one, as handsome as Ash.

  , I really want to play with them.

   What kind of thing is it that will involve these extraordinary people?

  Yes, there are no unclean thoughts in her mind, these temperaments are really incredible.

  Especially the woman next to her, it is not too much to say that she can't eat the fireworks in the world.

   If a woman like this can sleep with her for one night... Then, then she...

   It's over, what do you think?

   She likes Ah Chen.

   A crowd of people watched Mo Xiu Xuechen coming over, watching him talk to the **** the bike, and they were a little surprised for a while.

   feels so tacky.

   All of a sudden, Mo Xiu Xuechen was looked down upon, who is this?

   But they didn't say anything, after all, everyone has their own way of life.

   But this person does not seem to have a cultivation level.

   Chu Yu looked at Mo Xiu Xuechen with a shocked face, and subconsciously said:

   "Are seniors being fostered?"

  Moxiu Xuechen looked at Chu Yu and said coldly:

   "I advise you not to talk nonsense. If I resign, you can't support me."

   Then Moxiu Xuechen glanced at Nanchuan Road:

   "Dao Zong people?"

   "The younger disciple of Jianyifeng, Nanchuan, is not a disciple of Taoism." Nanchuan said immediately.

   Just for an instant, he actually felt a sense of being seen through.

   And the other party directly said that he was a member of Dao Sect.

There is only one possibility for   .

   That is the ancient Taoist school.

   Sword Yifeng split from the ancient Dao Sect, and they didn't even know such a thing.

   Only some ancient existence can be known.

   For example, the ancient Buddha of Buddhism, such as the maze of avenues of the sect.

   There is a chance for Jianyi senior over there.

   And Jianyi is the founder of Daozong.

   So, the other party is a senior from ancient times?

   It's hard to imagine, and you can meet this kind of existence when you come out. It seems that there are many strong men in this era all at once.

   "Senior." Chu Yu pointed to the humanity beside him:

   "The Dao Zong people are over there."

  Moxiu Xuechen turned his head and looked to Jinghai and others on the side.

   "Dao Zong?

   Sword One Peak? "Mo Xiu Xuechen smiled and said:

   "As soon as the sword is alive, you can be **** to death.


  Moxiu Xuechen turned his head and looked towards the sword:

   "Everyone is considered mediocre, only you are different, you can be like us.

   Jian should be very happy when he sees you. "

   Hearing Mo Xiu Xuechen's words, whether it was Nanchuan or the middle-aged man from Dao Zong, they were all shocked.

   This person may be a real strong person.

   None of them had spoken, nor dared to ask more.

   "Let's go, get in the car." Mo Xiu said the blood feud.

   "Senior ticket money..." Chu Yu said carefully.

   Hearing this sentence, Mo Xiu Xuechen looked at Yu Duo and said:

   "You are neither from Dao Sect nor from Jian Yifeng, right?"

   Chu Yu nodded:

   "Junior from Hundred Flowers Valley."

   "When I appeared on the stage, I helped you to shock the Dao Tiancheng between Xia Daozong and Jian Yifeng, and gave you a face.

   Did I charge you? "

   Hatsuyu: "???"

   Then he looked at Nanchuan, and then at the middle-aged Taoist man.


   Avenue Tiancheng?

   Jian Qi and Jian Luo also looked at Nanchuan in surprise.

   Nanchuan, who has always been called by them as the younger brother, is actually the ancestor?

   No wonder there is an invitation.

   Nanchuan shrugged and said:

   "Senior Sister Jianqi and Sister Jianluo, don't care too much. Sometimes what others say is fake."

   "The ancestor should call us by name." Sword exuded sweat from his forehead.

   Sword Fall also nodded on the side.

   Hatsue: "..."

   So he can't ask Nanchuan for the ticket, right?

   Daozong Yuni and Jingxian were also surprised, they didn't know.

   But seeing the helpless look at the shocked sea, they knew it was true.

   and I was surprised to know.



   Lujia, the yard where Mu Xue was before.

   Yesterday, when he came back from the Huayu Snow Season, he came here directly.

   Mainly because his yard is being laid out.

   don't know what to arrange.

   are mostly red all over the room.

   Then change to a new bedding. In short, you want new ones, red ones.

   mother loves this arrangement.

   There is nothing he can do.

   Lu Shui was sitting in the yard reading a book, and yesterday he posted the invitation of the stone man.

   There should be nothing left out like this.

   If there is, he is unlucky.

   couldn't remember.

   "The last three days, is Master Lu mentally prepared?"

  Muxue sent a video over and asked like that for the first time.

   Through the video, Lu Shui saw Mu Xue in the room where she was dressed up.

   One hand is doing it, the other is holding a mobile phone.

   "Ms. Mu wants to decorate the room by herself?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

   "Unlike Master Lu, Master Lu knows nothing." Mu Xue said with a smile.

   "Miss Mu is so happy." Lu Shuidao.

   "Of course, marrying Master Lu is unhappy, so what can make you happy?" Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui into the camera and said:

   "Will Master Lu marry me unhappy?"

   "I am more reserved, quietly happy in my heart." Lu Shui said.

   "By the way, Master Lu, I have something to discuss with you." Mu Xue sat on the side and said:

   "Marry, I want to take Ding Liang with him.

   Well, just let her keep raising the ice phoenix.

   Bingfeng doesn’t know what’s going on. "

   Hearing what Mu Xue said, Lu Shui looked at the ice phoenix in the yard. It shrank in the corner, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

   "Looks very thin, I should be alive." Lu Shui replied.

   As for whether to bring Ding Liang, Mu Xue decides for himself.

   does not affect him.

   Even if Ding Liang is brought here, Ding Liang cannot stay at Lu's house for long.

   will probably be thrown to Qiuyun Town in a few decades.

   finally married a bun seller.

   Don’t think it’s bad to marry the bun seller, the bun seller is rich.

   In the whole town, there is no business with their good steamed bun shop.

   and they have both sons and daughters.

   Speaking of this, Lu Shui sighed.

   When did he have children?

   How about going to work hard tonight? In case there will be.

  Think about it, forget it, and wait two more days.

   Mu Xue is about to pick it up, so there is no need to hide at that time.

   Those people probably wished that the two of them were hiding in the room and would not come out. The best thing to come out was the good news that they were pregnant.

   Several elders think this is a great thing.

  The others ignored them.

   "In three days, I will be able to see Master Lu. Master Lu was **** by marriage at a young age." Mu Xue said softly.

   "It is the most beautiful and precious thing you get at a young age." Lu Shui said.

   "So am I something?"

   "Miss Namu thinks she is not something?"

   "Master Lu." Mu Xue waved her fist and said:

   "The wedding is near, don't think I dare not beat you.

speak politely. "

   Then you come hit me.

   Lu Shui thought to himself.

   "Master Lu asked me to beat you? Wait another three days. On the day of the wedding, there will be time for Master Lu to cry." Muxue closed the video after she said it.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Mu Xue has at most a notebook to settle accounts.

   Just kidding, now he can't steal his 7.3 and immediately 7.4 cultivation base?

   The time has come for light and heat to coexist.

   Then Lu Shui planned to read a book before going to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

   He suddenly remembered something.

   The place where the heaven and earth formations are placed on the fifth floor can be turned over again.

   I didn't turn out anything in the last life, that's less known.

   In this life, he has known about the events of ancient times.

   Once related to those people, he can get new clues.

   Just opened the book, Mu Xue sent a video again.

   "Master Lu, I have forgotten one more thing." Mu Xue said softly as he watched Lu Shui:

   "Master Lu remembered me last night?"

   "I slept in the place where Miss Mu had rested last night, and the surroundings were filled with the smell of Miss Mu.

   You can meet Miss Mu in your dreams.

   I slept very steadily. "Lu Shui said softly.

   "I'll wait for Master Lu to pick me up." Then he ended the communication.

   Isn't it good to summon? Must pick up.

   Lu Shui opened the heaven and earth array and looked at it.

   After getting married, spend some time with Mu Xue.

   is going to find Ming.

   Maybe everything can be solved at that time.


   Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

  Fifth floor.

   Before coming in, he told Mu Xue that there was going to be no signal.

   This way it won't happen that Mu Xue can't find him.

   The phone should be modified to maintain the signal.

   Unfortunately, there is no research on this line.

   The fifth floor is not small, and there are actually quite a few things on it.

   It's just that he didn't have the idea of ​​checking around.

   Instead, he went all the way to the center.

   There is a table in the center and a box above the table.

   is placed in the box beside the heaven and earth formation.

   Very ordinary box, old and obsolete.

  If it weren't placed in the chasing center, it might not look so special.

   Heaven and Earth Array Pattern is the only ancestral practice on the fifth floor.

   Every Lu family can practice as long as they can.

   Unfortunately, countless years have passed.

   They all doubted whether this was a technique.

  Until Lu Shui got it and understood it, the formation of heaven and earth did not shine.

   just few people know.

   He was stared at after he swept the Mu's house, and he was not strong enough to go out.

   And the great elder made up a sword, and the second elder affected the memory of Mu's family.

   The third elders had a conversation with the people who had enough cultivation in the Mu family.

   After all, the cultivation level is enough, and the memory is not affected.

   Then he hid his head again.

   It really shocked everyone in the family at that time.

   No one believed that he swept the Mu family, or even razed the Mu family to the ground.

   Later they learned that the formation of heaven and earth can really be understood, really that way.

   They didn't even ask him why he razed Mu's family to the ground.


   Lu Shui opened the box, and the space inside was not small.

   But there is not much.

   There is a record of the Lu family.

   But there is actually nothing in it, and there is no introduction at all who founded the Lu family.

   records in more detail, it should be the creator of the Lu Family in the book of God's Domain.

   It's a pity, I don't know who took it.

   Lu Shui flipped through the box, then flipped out the book, and then looked around at will.

   The record is very vague, basically remembering how difficult the Lu family used to be and how it should be.

   Then Lu Shui turned to the ancestral training position, with a sentence on it: The ancestors passed on word of mouth, and the Lu family was not allowed to repair swords.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Obviously, this ancestral instruction was ignored.

  The strongest swordsman in the cultivation world is in the Lu family.

   I don’t know which ancestor made it, it’s so shameless.

   It seems to have been turned over in the previous life, but they were all illegal. What is the ancestral training?

   I don’t know if it was the elder or the elder of the elder.

   After all, there is no permission, it is very difficult for the elder to repair the sword.

   Putting the book aside, Lu Shui turned it over again, and there was a little mess.

   Then he saw a pendant.

   I feel a little familiar.

   took out the pendant and found that it was a colorful rope wearing a brand.

   It's just that this pendant is dull and dull, like an ordinary stone.

   is very ordinary.


   This style is almost exactly the same as the pendant of God's Domain.

   Lu Shui wiped the pendant, but the pendant was still like a petrified object.

   As for whether there are handwritings in it, it is impossible to know.

   "Why is there such a thing here?"

   Lu Shui was puzzled, and then used the power of heaven and earth to try to inquire inside.

   If there is no handwriting, it’s okay. What he cares about is in case there is a handwriting.

   After all, this pendant most likely means a name.

   As the power of heaven and earth poured in, the pendant seemed to resonate, and then began to fade away from petrification.


  In an instant, the pendant returned to its crystal clear appearance.

   But in the next instant, the resonance disappeared, and the pendant returned to a petrified appearance again.

   When Lu Shui mobilized the power of heaven and earth again, it was no longer of any use.

   But... he saw it.

   Two words similar to the pendant of God's Domain-Lu Sha.

   "Whose pendant is this?" Lu Shui was puzzled for a while.

   There is actually more than one true God?

   Still saying that the only true **** has changed his name?

   From all angles, the answer he got was that Lu had brought a little girl with colorful hair.

   There are no more people.

   So there should be only one name.

   Unless you are dissatisfied with the name, I changed it.

   Such a change can explain why it is petrified.

   Of course, there is another possibility.

The owner of the name    died.

  " is placed on the fifth floor of the Lu Family. It looks like an ordinary thing, but it is obviously not an ordinary thing.

  The contents in the box are almost all handed down from ancestors.

  Although it is useful except for a book of heaven and earth formations, nothing else is useful.

   But things definitely represent a connection with ancestors. "

   Lu Shui was puzzled.

   He looked at the pendant and suddenly had a weird thought:

   "Could Lu Sha be the ancestor of the Lu family, right?"

   This shouldn't be an ordinary person anyway.

   has the same name and the same identity pendant as the only true god.

   Don’t say invincible world, longevity is certain, right?

   The only true **** is like this. As a true god, it’s a long life.

   is so long.

   Lu Shui put the pendant back.

   His guess is always just a guess, unable to connect what he knows.

  Unless you find the book of the founder of the Lu family, or enter the Lu family fandom.

   He can't get in even the fans of the Lu family.

   There is an unknown strong man guarding, the mechanical verification system is better than the verification system.

   I don't know if the other party can be so arrogant in the face of the elder.

   Unless you beat him?

   The great elder knew about the existence of Midu, and probably taught the verifier how to be a human.

   "The level of the great elder is not easy to win.

   But the defender, as long as he is prepared, after the eighth rank, he has a chance of winning. "

   Lu Shui tried to imagine.

   At present, he is about to 7.4, and it will be almost after the eighth-order marriage.

   can be at the end of the month.

   Rank eight, even if he is cut, it is easy to hit the ninth rank.

   plus the power of heaven and earth.

Among the avenues, no one should be his opponent except for the great elder.

  So, coupled with all kinds of preparations, the guardian should be struggling.

   And he only needs a gap to enter the fandom.

   That's good.

   After marriage, go to teach each other how to behave.

   Besides, he is not alone after marriage.

   He still has Mu Xue.

   What else are you preparing for the husband and wife teaming up?

   I suddenly found that Miss Mu is still very useful.

   I wanted to marry back and be... a vase.

   Lu Shui looked around and dared to think about it when he was sure that there was no problem.


   A new day Only two days after the big marriage.

   Starting from this day, a large number of cultivators appeared in the Lu family.

   Some well-known or unknown people have come here.

   came by invitation.

  Some people just come over to join in the fun and set up a stall while there are more people.

  "It seems that there are quite a few people.

   The Lu family's young master married, in fact, it is nothing, although the Lu family's reputation has been high recently.

   But the invitation is also very low-key.

   I didn't want this incident to cause any unnecessary influence. "

  "But how do I feel that there are a lot of people patrolling the surrounding area.

   and extremely powerful.

   I met an old man patrolling, and at that moment I thought the sky had fallen. "

   "Haha, you must have hallucinations, Young Master Lu is only married, is it a top-tier Tianjiao married? It doesn't matter."


   Thank you for your support. Adding is even more difficult.

   Remember to remember, in case you'll pay it back.

   Finally, the end of the month is about to expire.


   Only one second to remember the address of this site:. Mobile version reading URL:

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