Lu Shui put away the heaven and earth formation.

Its daybreak.

   means that the time to pick up Mu Xue is near.

  The time is noon.

   So he still has some free time.

  He received the big data of Heavenly Tribulation, but he didn't care.

   After all, he has a lot of things today.

   want to pick up Mu Xue back, and then...

   It seems that there is nothing he needs to do.

   Today, on the 15th, the revision is 7.4, and tomorrow it should be 7.5.

   In ten days, you will be able to directly advance to the eighth rank.

   So many things can be done.

   And with the promotion, he has a new intuition.

   Intuitively told him that by continuing to ascend, he would find a way for Mu Xue to get pregnant.

   This intuition is the same as the devil's babbling.

   It's just Lu Shuixin, what's wrong with this kind of thing?

   I thought so in my last life.

   Then he kept upgrading and studying.

   If the research fails, continue to upgrade, and always rise to the level of thinking of ways.

   Then what level did you get promoted to?

   No impression.

   Forget it, I don’t want to.

   "Young Master." At this time, Zhenwu came to the gate of the courtyard and whispered.

   This time, no matter whether the young master is busy or not, he intends to interrupt.

   After all, today’s matter cannot be delayed.

   It is prone to accidents when it is delayed.

   "What's the matter?" Lu Shui asked.

   He doesn't want to deal with outside affairs today.

   It’s better to take care of Miss, otherwise...

  Unlucky but him.

  " The patriarch said, let the young master get ready, and go to pick up the young grandma near noon.

   and asked the young master if he needs to take someone to pick him up. "Zhen Wu asked.

   Lu Shui looked at the sky and shook his head:

   "No, something might appear.

   It is more suitable for me to go alone. "

   Zhenwu also looked up at the sky, and he also felt that some changes would definitely occur when the young master got married.

   People like them go, and they don’t necessarily have to live.

   The big data of the catastrophe last night is probably one of them. Any problem must be concession for the young master's wedding.

   is also in the Lu family.

   No matter what, I have to postpone it later.

   Even if someone from Buddhism came, the elders didn't say anything.

   As long as the other party does not cause trouble, these small issues will be postponed later.

   "Are all those people here?" Lu Shui asked.

   Most of the people were received by Zhenwu Zhenling.

   So, they should know best.

   "Kun did not come, the uncle security guard at the university did not come.

  Ji Xun-senior of the Pure Land is here, and Zhenling is taking her around.

   Gu Li of the undead clan, Jianyi Daozong, Mingyue of the moon clan, and the seniors whom the young master invited did not come.

  Moxiu Supreme is here.

   The others are here.

   Ye Xin and the others, Shi Ming and the others, the Deep Sea Dragon and the others, the Ming Tu Ming and Zong them, have all arrived. "

   Jianqi they have nothing to say, these people came earlier.

  Some people are more special.

   Especially Shi Ming, it's too difficult.

   But the Lu family didn't care.

   "Where are the people from Blue Night Country?" Lu Shui asked.

   "They have been deposed and are now waiting for the wedding to begin." Zhenwu said.

   Lu Shui nodded, it is indeed not suitable for them to continue to intervene today.

   Be a bit of a guest.

   "Where is the person Mu Xue invited?" Lu Shui asked again.

   Mu Xue is not here now, he has to look.

   "The Heavenly Girl Sect and the Kraken have arrived.

   Lin Huanhuan and Fairy Qianyin have no problem.

   Ms. Cha Cha is at the young lady's side. "Zhenwu has already figured this out.

   No problem is best.

   "Master, I heard from Mo Xiu Zhizun that one of the three major forces has come." Zhen Wu was a little worried.

   Although nothing happened.

   But the previous siege of the Lu family, once it happened, was absolutely serious.

   "Don't care." Lu Shui shook his head.

   is in the Lujia area.

   The elders looked at them, but it was not his turn for the time being.

   No one is currently an opponent of the Great Elder.

   Even Demon Cultivation Blood Dust will not work, let alone the Demon Cultivating Blood Dust in the midst of a heavy injury.

   But it's really in its heyday, and trouble can happen.

   After all, they can fight for a while.

   "Any other questions?" Lu Shui asked.

   "No problem has been found so far, and there has been no problem reported from the Mu family, and their people have already begun to enter the venue.

   The three major forces stopped completely, and there was no movement.

   can't know what they think.

   There is no harm at present.

   The patriarch personally watched the wedding, so the patriarch will deal with it as soon as possible.

   According to the order of the patriarch, the young master only needs to do one thing to pick up the young grandma. "Zhen Wu said.

   Lu Shui nodded slightly.

   At this time, Qi Xi walked in:

  "Master, the lady said that you should go to the new house to check.

   Prevent problems tonight. "

   Lu Shui nodded slightly.

   then went to his yard alone, really wanting to check it.

   Otherwise, something went wrong, and he was beaten again.

   And can you say it?

   no face.

   Young Master leaves, Zhenwu naturally wants to work on others.

   He still has a lot to do.

   Qi Xi glanced at the ice phoenix who was shrinking in the corner, and then walked over:

  " Madam said, I can let you out today, but if you don't behave well.

  Don't think about it anymore.

   And the person who feeds you will live here for a long time, and will not go hungry in the future. "

   Bingfeng gratefully looked at Qi Xi, is the angel who feeds it finally coming?

   I'm so touched.

   And I am free today.

   "Today is the day of your master's wedding. If you cause trouble to affect their wedding, you may be gone." Qi Xi added.

   At this time, she had already released the ice phoenix.

   "Wander around."

   confessed, Qi Xi stepped away.

   She has a lot of things to do. Today, the young master’s wedding.

   The young master seems to be fine, but in fact, the patriarch and the patriarch’s wife are busy.

   Bingfeng looked around, then took two steps, stepping out of the previous limit.

   found that there is really no bondage.

   Then quickly walked around in the yard.

   finally waved its wings excitedly, but it couldn't fly.

   The legendary ice phoenix, it is exciting to be able to run in the yard.


   Lu Shui came to his yard and placed some ornaments here.

   The flowers and plants were not harmed.

   Especially the flowers planted by Mu Xue.

   Lu Shui felt relieved a lot, and then walked into the room.

   layout decoration, no problem.

   I looked around, except for the red ones, everything is fine.

   After getting familiar with the location of things, he didn't check anything.

   I will not live here alone anymore.

   Two people will have a lot of fun, but not as free as one.

   There are gains and losses.

   got Muxue, lost freedom, lost one's troubles.

   Of course, I also got annoyance from two people.

   Lu Shui took out his phone and wanted to share it with Mu Xue, but finally put it away.

   "Let’s pick her up in the past."

   He thought so in his heart.


   The main entrance of Lu's house is located.

   The second elder was condescending and looked at the square below.

   "Are there any problems?"

   She naturally knew that Xian Ting and the people of the gods were below.

   It's just those two people who have been hiding.

   "No problem, it's not difficult to get rid of it, it depends on whether you do it." Jiu raised his head to look at the sky, and said without paying attention:

   "They have no courage, and no strength to make trouble.

   Just let Xiao Xiaowei take the shot.

   One sword is enough. "

   The second elder didn't speak, they didn't plan to do it.

   Today, Lu Shui’s wedding, they hope to proceed normally.

   If it were not the day of the wedding, these people might not dare to come in.

   Then the second elder looked at the sky and said:

"What are you looking at?"

   "The clouds in the sky are starting to disappear, and something big is about to happen again." Jiu no longer looked up, feeling that his neck was sore.

The second elder    also looked back, she was quite curious:

  "The big data of Heavenly Tribulation grew into this way?

   Can you survive the catastrophe for one day? "

   "Yes, although the big data of the Tribulation is not wise, it is good.

   It is normal to ask for leave in case of an accident.

   But this should be the first time. "Jiu said.

   "When the Tribulation appeared at the beginning, there was big data?" the second elder asked curiously.

   "Of course not." Jiu shook his head and said:

  "At the beginning of Chaos, the Tribulation of Heaven had already appeared.

   But the tribulation at that time was different from the tribulation now. The tribulation was ignorant, and people who practiced Qi were also ignorant.

   They only feel that they have gone a little farther, and a threshold will appear.

   If you pass this threshold, you will die.

   The body collapsed and the spirit collapsed, all were the thresholds that appeared at that time, and you can enter a new realm if you pass it.

   This is the catastrophe at that time.

   There are very few people who can spend it.

   cannot be sensed, no qualitative has ever appeared.

   is extremely cruel.

   At that time, practicing Qi Cultivation was almost dead.

   Later, a **** was born. She couldn't bear to do so, and began to integrate the tribulations, and began to pass on the news of the tribulations.

   But few people would believe it.

   And the message transmission is not fast enough, the effect is there, but it is too bad.

   Finally, this **** came up with a way to let the catastrophe come from the heavens.

   to remind those who crossed the robbery.

   is a physical calamity and a spiritual calamity, and will be released.

  So everyone can know what they are going through.

   evolves with time, and builds and perfects with the catastrophe.

  The Tribulation Big Data was born.

   is like this. "

   The second elder looked at Jiu with some confusion:

   "Then who is this god?"

   Hearing this question, Jiu became excited:

   "This **** is the only true **** of heaven and earth."

   She patted her chest and said:

   "Yes, it's me."

   "Unbelievable." The second elder said directly:

   "You can still do serious things."

  玖: "..."

   "Xiao Xiaoting, you are not cute anymore."

   But she didn't care, but said:

   "Let's go, Ji Xun is here, let's meet her.

   She will disappear completely in the future.

   I don’t know whether she died first or I died first. "

   "Aren't you all dead?" The second elder stepped forward and said blankly.

   "But I live in your heart now." Jiu Piao said behind the second elder.


   Ji Xun stood on the street and looked around, feeling extremely strange.

   Is this the world of comprehension today?

   is completely different from her before.

   "It's really shocking." Ji Xun sighed with emotion:

   "Human growth is always so bizarre."

   Zhenling stood aside, and didn't know if this sentence was a compliment or something else.

   "Is your young master's wedding grand?" Ji Xun walked on the street, asking the true spirit on one side.

   "It's not grand, but there seems to be a lot of strong people." Zhenling explained on the side.

   Their young master's wedding is indeed not grand, but it is true that the gathering of strong men is true.

  Many of them were invited by the elders, and not many were invited by the young masters.

   After all, they know the list of invitations.

   Although Kenichi has all been invited.

   But the last one came, only two.

   One is the one next to her, and the other is the supreme Moxiu from yesterday.

   "The strong?" Ji Xun was curious:

   "What is the realm of the strong in the world of cultivation today?"

   "It should be inferior to the predecessors. According to the knowledge of the juniors, it should be Dao Tiancheng." Zhenling hesitated and continued:

   "Senior Demon Cultivator Blood Dust, should be the strongest among the group of people yesterday."

   "Is that so?" Ji Xun walked on the street, showing no interest in these powerful men.

   "Wow!" Ji Xun was alarmed by the sudden barking.

   then turned his head and looked.

   I found a little blackhead teaching people.

   "I can actually see it here." Ji Xun was a little surprised, and then took a step forward.

   She disappeared in place with her true spirit, and when she reappeared, she was in front of the dog.

   The sudden appearance of someone made the dog startled.

   Then it saw a woman squatting down and looking at it.

   "Are you a stray dog ​​or a family dog ​​now?" Ji Xun asked.

   "Of course it's a family dog, how can a wild dog smell like a family dog." Gouzi said unceremoniously:

   "My dog ​​master loves me, and I am his favorite dog grandson."

   Ji Xun patted the head of the dog:

   "It seems that you have had a good time these years."

   The dog was disdainful, but when he wanted to yell, suddenly one of his feet kicked him.


   The dog was kicked directly.

   Then a little girl appeared in front of Ji Xun.

   "Ji Xun, long time no see, are you dead peacefully?" Jiu appeared in front of Ji Xun and said with a smile.

   "It's very peaceful, maybe not as peaceful as you." Ji Xun looked at Jiu in front of him, showing a smile.

   Her memory seems to have opened the door.


   Lujia Square location.

   Many people have already come to the scene.

   Lefeng and others have some invisible injuries on their bodies.

   "The high-level executives are really perverted, are they familiar with us?" Nie Hao whispered.

   I'm afraid of meeting high-level people here.

   They are indeed wearing little shoes.

   is miserable, but it is invisible on the surface.

  Lefeng shook his head and said:

  "The senior management is very kind, but probably the young master’s wedding is coming.


   may be worse. "

   "Where are we going to sit?" Nie Hao asked curiously.

   They have seats, but they can sit wherever they want.

  Some seats are not designated.

   Find a low-key position.

   Shi Ming has already found a position in the corner.

   There are few people here, so it will not be affected, right?

Fairy    Qianyin looked around, feeling that the people attending the wedding were not as scary as they looked before.

  Many people are actually not high in cultivation.

   And there are many ordinary people.

   "Can you sit here?" Suddenly, a voice rang beside them.

   Looking at the past is a middle-aged man.

  Moxiu nowadays feels that he will come to the corner too.

   I feel flustered recently.

   "Yes, yes, but people sitting next to me are prone to bad luck." Shi Ming said immediately.

   "Unlucky?" Moxiu now smiled and said:

   "I have the gift of immunity, and the gift of luck, it's not a big problem."

   Moxiu sat down now.


   "Speaking of it being unlucky as soon as you get closer?" Mo Xiu is quite curious nowadays.

   "It will take some time, but if you hit me, it may be unlucky faster." Shi Ming explained.


"excuse me."

   Moxiu hit Shimen’s stomach with a punch.


   Shi Ming was stunned, and Fairy Qianyin also looked worried.

   "I don't need to contend with the big way, just use my talent, we compare.

   If I am unlucky, I will give you some treasures.

   come, have a drink. "

  Moxiu nowadays raises the cup, and then wants to drink water.

   It's just that the cup just got close to his mouth, suddenly...

   There was a bang.

   broke the ground, and the tea was sprayed directly on his face.

   "Are?" Moxiu was stunned now.

   He didn't feel any power attack.

   "Senior, I said, it's easy to be unlucky." Shi Ming said, clutching his stomach.

   "I don't believe it, I have talent..."



   The chair that Moxiu was using now shattered directly, and the person fell to the ground.

  Magic repair is now dumbfounded.


  Kong Minghai.

   A figure appeared from the distortion, and finally turned into a middle-aged man.

   He looked towards Lu's house.

   stepped over.

   He has no strength, just a ray of consciousness.

   I want to go over and take a look.

  Tianjie's reaction made him feel surprised.

   The previous vision came from the Lu family, and now the Heavenly Tribulation has changed, it should be there too.

   may gain something.


   Someone walked out, and everyone of the Sea-Monster naturally couldn't know.

   They are discussing.

   There are some sea monsters basking in the cold current in the sea.

   "The queen went to the wedding and didn't take us there."

   "Yes, Xiao Tao has gone, we didn't go."

   "I think Xiao Tao called others to open the hang-up every day, but in fact he also opened the hang-up."

   "Ah, I really want to see what a wedding is like, I haven't seen it before."

   "It would be great if I could make a wish. I would like to see the wedding the Queen and the others attended."

   "Think too much, who do you wish to? Who should answer you?"


   The sea monster's voice fell, and suddenly, a light fell from a high altitude into the deep ocean.

   Then the Kraken and others got a message directly.

  The wish is answered.

   View the wedding live broadcast.

   "This...what's going on?"

   But soon they saw a beam of light, slowly unfolding.

   seems to reflect a staircase.

   The stairs are covered with red carpet.

   In the middle of the stairs, there is a huge space door.

   I can see some people occasionally.

   "Gosh? What's going on?"

   "I don't know, but we seem to be able to watch the wedding."

   At this moment, all the sea monsters rushed over.

   The huge figure in the distance is also coming here.

   "It's Kun, come here, let us sit on you."

   "Come here, come over, watch TV."

  Kun also received the news, but it was a little afraid of these sea monsters.

  Since they didn't mean to shoot at it, he was not afraid, and then happily flung his tail and swam over.


  Blue Night Country.

   Xiaodie looked at the sky and said:

   "Brother Little Tiger, I heard that today is Wang Cheng's day. Although I really want to go, I heard that it is so far, far away."

   "Yes, the national teacher said that the road is too far, we people can't go. We may be able to go when we grow up." Xiaohu also felt a little regretful.

  Wang gets married, who doesn’t want to see it?

  "It would be great if I could see it. God doesn’t know if I can hear us.

   If you can, I don’t know if you will answer us. "Xiaodie looked forward to it.

   "Okay, it's time to eat, how is this kind of thing possible." A woman came over.

   And it was the moment her voice fell.

   A light comes from the sky.

   The light fell and unfolded, like a scroll.

   At this moment, Lan Yeguo seemed to hear a voice in his mind, and God agreed and opened the wedding scene.

   The woman next to Xiaodie was stunned, and all the debris in her hand fell to the ground.


   God is pitying.



   Xiaohu and Xiaodie don’t understand, but they are just happy.

  Because I can see the king's wedding.



   "Okay, I'm leaving, do you really want to go alone?"

   In Lushui’s room, Dongfang Liyin looked at the clothes Lu Shui was wearing.


   There really is no problem.

   still has a red string on his arm.

   Dongfang Liyin has seen it, the workmanship is very good.

   does not affect the new clothes she prepares, and she does not care.

   My son has grown up, after all, I can’t listen to my mother.

   Thinking of this, Dongfang Liyin sat on the side with a look of disappointment.

   "Oh, my son has grown up." Dongfang Li Yin sighed.

   Lu Shui didn't know how to comfort his mother for a while, but he felt that he still said two good things.

   "In this way, we don't need to be jealous of my sister. If we love my sister, we will let the flow go." Dongfang Li Yin touched his belly and felt a little relieved.

  Lu Shui: "......"

   It was his fault, and I actually felt sorry for my mother.

  Lu Lai Shi is so troublesome that my mother and dad don’t blame her.

   It seems that he is the only brother who needs to teach him a lesson.

   "Mother, what should I pay attention to when picking up?" Lu Shui asked directly.

   Dongfang Li Yin thought for a while, then looked to Mu Jindao on the side:

   "Ask your aunt, your aunt knows a lot."

   Dongfang Liyin seemed to have nothing to pay attention to at that time.

   Mujin thought for a while and said:

   "There is nothing to care about, just don't fall down.

   Don't embarrass Xiaoxue either.

   remember to hold her hand. "

   Lu Shui thought for a while, then nodded.

   I got it roughly, the first time I picked it up, I had no experience.

   Although it is the second time to get married.

   "Then I'm leaving." Lu Shui looked at his mother and said to aunt.

   then stepped out.

   the moment he walked out of the room.

   The sky and clouds are surging.

   At this moment, colorful auspicious clouds descend from the sky.

   fell directly in front of Lu Shui.

  Lu Shui: "..."

   Dongfang Liyin and others who came out with him were also a little surprised.

   Dongfang Liyin looked at his stomach, and Mu Jin looked at it too.

   They all suspected that it was Sister Lu Shui's handwriting.

   Lu Shui didn't care, but stepped on the colorful clouds.

   At this moment, colorful auspicious clouds began to extend outside.

   Lu Shui stepped forward, and Xiangyun shrank with it.

   disappeared into the yard very quickly.

   At this moment, the Dao Sanskrit sounds sounded between heaven and earth.

   It seems that the sound is hovering around the land and water, which is a bit different.

   "Your daughter has this kind of power?"

   Mujin looked curiously at Dongfang Li Yin's belly.

   Her daughter has no such power.

   Dongfang Li Yin shrugged.

I do not know.

   My daughter did not discuss with her as a mother.


   And a crowd of people waiting in the square.

   looked towards the sky, as if seeing clouds falling.

   But soon they found out that there was none.

   but colorful auspicious clouds came from Lu's direction.

   Xiangyun was directly connected to the huge space door.

   Dadao Sanskrit sounds appeared, one by one, calm and empty.

   "This is Xiangyun and Dao Yun?" The people below were a little confused.

   Why did this thing appear.

   The next moment they saw Xiangyun's terminal, there was a figure.

   He moved his steps, and the auspicious clouds were shrinking.

   is just a breathing room, they saw that person appear in front of the space gate.

   is the Lu Family Master.


   looked at this scene in surprise one by one.

   That colorful auspicious cloud is something they cannot understand.

   Lu Shui fell in front of the space gate, glanced at it, and walked in step by step.

   This day has finally arrived.

   As for the people in the square, he didn't care.

   Now he just wants to pick up Mu Xue.

   Then Lu Shui stepped in and disappeared into the space door.

   The people who watched are a little startled.

   Just for a moment, they didn't know why, they didn't even dare to talk.

   And looking at that figure, they were a little puzzled, is this person really the Lu family young master who is called the waste young man?

   and the most surprised one of the three powers on the edge.

   They can't understand a bit.

  Lushui is a little different from what they think.

   And his steps, his movements, let the surrounding auspicious clouds cooperate.

   This is really the face of the second son to my brother.

   "The temperament is pretty good." Lu Gu watched from a distance.

Dongfang Yeming beside    smiled and said:

  "More promising than you.

   And what happened to that colorful auspicious cloud just now?

   It’s not that your daughter started to treat your brother before she was born, right? "

  How could Lu Gu know?

   And the ordinary people below, a dumb woman has been shaking her husband on the side.

   seems to be reminding.

   "I saw it, and I didn't expect it to be him.

   Then her wife should be the lady.

   I think the reason why we can come is related to them. "The shop owner said.

   The dumb lady boss also nodded.

   She really did not expect that the wedding she attended was actually their wedding.



   Mu Xue was wearing a red outfit, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Chacha, they all walked out.

  Because they noticed a change outside.

   Aunt Tang and they also looked at the sky in shock.

   At this time, colorful auspicious clouds fell from the sky, directly surrounding the whole Mu's house.

   This made the whole Mu family feel a bit wrong.

   They were a little bit unable to understand, Mu Xue was only married, why did he arouse the auspicious clouds between heaven and earth?

   Aunt Tang can understand more or less, but she doesn't feel right.

   Mu Ze, who married his daughter, had no expression on her face.

   doesn't seem surprised at all.

   Space Gate is outside the Muxue Yard, and it is also the place where the clouds are thickest.

   And just when Dongfang Chacha and others were surprised.

  Auspicious clouds began to surge.

   The space gate goes high up, and all the auspicious clouds gather at high altitude.

   But in an instant, a ladder extended from the space door, directly to the door of Mu Xue.

   At this moment, a figure walked out of the space door, stepped down step by step under the auspicious clouds, and headed to Mu Xue's room.

   "Brother-in-law came to pick up Mu Xue?"

   Yayue looked shocked.

   Brother-in-law stepped on colorful auspicious clouds to pick up her sister?


   She will marry later...

   Of course, it's not difficult for your husband.

   She is different from Mu Xue sister.

   At this moment, Lu Shui stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds and landed in the courtyard. He bowed to the old man and the others.

   "Mu Xue is inside, let's go." Aunt Tang said to Lu Shui, after a pause she said again:

   "Remember to be good to Mu Xue."

   "Aunt Tang, don't worry." Lu Shui looked at the old man.

   The old man did not speak.

   "Land Shui Meter..." Dongfang Slag covered his mouth, and said:

   "My cousin is waiting in a hurry."

   "Yes, brother-in-law, sister is in a hurry." Yayue followed.

   "I hid snacks for you, here." Yalin immediately took two small fruits to Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui took it.

   then stepped into the room.

   Lu Shui entered Mu Xue's room, and what he saw was the room that Mu Xue had arranged by himself.

Very comfortable.

   is not as red as his room.

   Then he saw Mu Xue sitting by the bed, looking at him.

   At this time, Mu Xue was dressed in red, sitting there, she didn't wear anything on her head, but she had the purple hairpin he gave.

   just wore more complicated hair.

  The beauty made Lu Shui a little unable to move. There was nothing else in his eyes, only Mu Xue sitting on the side of the bed.

   It took some time before Lu Shui walked to Mu Xue and stretched out his hands, his voice said with a slight smile:

   "Miss Mu, I'm here to pick you up."

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, and then stretched out her hand in front of her.

   slowly put it on Lu Shui's hand.

   At this moment, Lu Shui pulled up Mu Xue.

   Colorful auspicious clouds poured in.

   This picks up Lu Shui and Mu Xue, and heads outside.

   The clouds are shining, and the clouds are surging.

   At this moment, the whole Mu's house was covered by the sunlight and auspicious clouds.

   The surrounding world seems to be cheering and celebrating.

   Everyone in the Mu family watched the world change in surprise.

   They still can't understand why this is the case.

   Mu Xue gets married, an ordinary person gets married, why does it resonate with the world?

   The sun shines and the clouds fall, setting off the two newcomers.

   At this time they saw the two newcomers, holding hands, stepping on the auspicious clouds, and walking towards the space gate little by little.

   is shocking.


   Dongfang Chacha looked at the sky and exclaimed:

   "If this is a fear of heights, it will be difficult to get married."

   Yayue: "......"

   She thought Sister Cha Cha would talk about romance.

   "Are you afraid of heights when Yayue is waiting for you?" Dongfang Chacha asked Yayue.

   "Don't be afraid of heights." Yayue immediately returned.

   "Answer so quickly, Ya Yue wants to marry, too?" Dongfang Chacha said with a smile.

   "Nothing." Yayue turned her head.

   Aunt Tang looked at, but didn't speak.

   Yayue is destined to get married early.

   She doesn't care either.

   "By the way, the cousin was picked up, we have to pass." Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

   They are also going to the wedding.

   What else to eat?

   And after taking it over, it may be considered as a wedding.

   "The space door is here." Aunt Tang immediately led someone through the space door outside.

  After breathing, they came to Lujia Square.

   Everyone followed.

   At this time they can look at the huge space door in the middle of the stairs.

   "Fortunately, they have a larger door and they have to go far." Dongfang Chacha breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fragrant taro followed, and I don't know if Miss Chacha is right.

   But they did come one step earlier.

   But it looks normal here.

   just when the taro feels normal.

   Colorful light appeared from the sky, and a cloud of auspicious clouds fell from the sky.


   An invisible voice burst out from the sky, and the auspicious clouds broke open and landed in front of the space door little by little.

   is like a standing figure.

   These figures are lowered and bent over.

   Then the light fell on the red carpet.

   seems to be coming out at the door of the welcome space.

   People who saw these were a little shocked.

   What happened?

Isn't    just to welcome the bride?

   Why is this?

   Even Lu Gu and his wife are a little Is it really a daughter's handwriting?

   And at this moment, the space gate began to appear with human figures.

   Everyone looked at the location of the space door.

   Whether it's the scene, where the Kraken is, or Lan Yeguo is looking at the space gate.

   The people inside came out.

   The next moment, Lu Shui walked out first, his hand in the space door.

   then looked back at the space door, pulling Mu Xue out of the door little by little.

   At the moment when Mu Xue came out, the surrounding auspicious clouds all bowed down and bowed.


   Auspicious clouds gather in the sky, and the robbery cloud follows.

   At the same time, the voice of heaven and earth began to pass.

   Everyone present looked at everything in front of them in disbelief. Those who did not attend the wedding were also at a loss.

  Because, in the mind of the entire cultivation world, I heard such a sentence:

   Celebrate the whole world.



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