The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 524: The weight of the ruler of all ages

"Son, kneel, don't move.

Come to Xiao Xueer, come to my mother. "Dongfang Liyin beckoned to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue who was kneeling together could only get up and come to Dongfang Liyin's side and sit down slowly.

Looking at Lu Shui, he was a little gloating.

She didn't worry about Lu Shui being punished at all. She was punished a lot in the previous life.

Either Lu Shui will be punished, or the couple will be punished together.

Seen a lot anyway.

"Come on, listen to the cry mother." Dongfang Liyin said to Mu Xue with a look of expectation.

"Mother." Mu Xue whispered.

Calling a mother is not unfamiliar at all.

Called for many, many years.

"Hey." Dongfang Li Yin smiled.

Like having an extra daughter, she is beautiful and well-behaved.

"From now on, I will let the toilet water call sister Xueer." Dongfang Liyin said while looking at his stomach.

"Mother, let's call Lu Lai work." Lu Shui thought it was better not to call Lu Shen Hualushui.

"Did you let you speak?" Lu Gu's voice was majestic.

Lu Shui: "..."

The blood is thicker than water, and it is actually not as good as the Eastern blood.

Mu Xue was also happy, so she looked young.

Thinking about it carefully, she was only twenty when Lu Lai was out.

It seems to be young.

But make my sister happy.

"Right." Dongfang Li Yin suddenly remembered and said:

"Aren't you on your honeymoon?

Also, Xiao Xue'er's father and the others are also in the Lu family. You have to hurry over when you are done.

Nothing on our side, it's too late when it's late.

But Xiao Xue'er was married from Mu's family. If people think that Xiao Xue'er is married, she will not recognize her natal family. This is not good. "

Mu Xue and Lu Shui were shocked, and soon bid farewell to Dongfang Liyin and Lu Gu.

Watching Lu Shui take his wife out, Dongfang Li Yin said:

"Let's go, they don't look like newlyweds at all.

The fate of the last life? "

"Who knows, but... they don't seem to remember that the Mu family is here.

Did you tell Lu Shui? "Lu Gu asked curiously.

"I must have said it." Dongfang Li Yin looked at Lu Gu pitifully:

"Did Chief Lu think that if I am pregnant with another one, I will become stupid?"

Lu Gu: "..."


"Master Lu, my mother must have told you about it, and you forgot it again." On the way, Mu Xue's hand was held by Lu Shui.

They are heading to the yard where Muze is.

"Didn't Auntie Tang tell Miss Mu about this?" Lu Shui asked back.

They actually compared the marriage of the previous life.

How could there be so many different things back then?

Their wedding is very simple, and apart from the necessary ceremonies, they basically do not need them.

After all, Lu Shui was always embarrassed at that time, and it was troublesome if things were too much.

So keep everything simple.

In this life, I also feel that just follow along.


It was almost impolite.

"Miss Mu, you usually look dignified and elegant, you are all ladies, and you have forgotten such an important thing." Lu Shui felt unreasonable.

"I like someone, and being able to marry him is my happiest thing.

I was full of him.

Now he is accusing me, Master Lu, summoning God of Fang to beat him. "Mu Xue followed.

"The tooth **** is a man of sensibility," Lu Shui said.

"Does Master Lu mean that I am making troubles unreasonably?"

"I mean the tooth **** is wise, and it is easy to hurt me who likes Miss Mu."


For a while.

Lu Shui came to the rest yard of Mu's house.

Greeted the old man.

"Looking at how you are in a hurry, are you awake?" Aunt Tang asked suddenly.

Mu Xue lowered her head for a moment:

"Auntie Tang joked."

In fact, it's not the first time sleeping together, so it's not so exaggerated.

It was the rest of the wedding last night.

Otherwise they can get up early every day.

A few words of greeting.

Lu Shui was called aside by the old man.

"Master Lu is married, will you continue to do the work before?" Mu Ze asked softly.

"Of course." Lu Shui nodded.

It was about Niangqin and Lu Lai, so he couldn't sit idly by.

Of course, Lu Lai's affairs are indeed a bit strange, wait until he is strong enough, and then take a look.

Or ask Jiu.

When they go to the end of the sea, they can ask many things.

Of course, she doesn't necessarily say.

Let her talk about where to get the answer.

The name Lu Qi also needs to be asked, as well as the Lu Family Midu.

You can ask if you have the opportunity.

"How does Master Lu explain to Mu Xue? Is it possible to say it already?" Mu Ze asked curiously.

"Lao Zhangren didn't want to tell my father, right?" Lu Shui asked.

This is dynamite.

In fact, he is not afraid of being known at the moment, but...

The problem was that he had worked with his parents and snatched their things.

Although I was injured by them, it was only right for Lao Tzu to beat his son.

But the mother would say that if the cultivation base was high at that time, was it because the son hurt Laozi?

Therefore, he is going to die.

Without a mask, he couldn't do anything with his parents. At that time...

It was Zhenwu who persecuted him, yes, it was Zhenwu's fault.

Zhenwu finally grabbed the page.

He is an accomplice, and Zhenwu is the principal offender.

This way the crime is lighter.

But if you can't be known, it's better not to be known and delay.

"I want to say something." Mu Ze did not deny it.

However, Lu Shui's old father-in-law made him feel weird, and Master Lu's call was very smooth.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze curiously, and said softly:

"What kind of understanding do you guys have?

Can't you say it at this time?

Although I didn't show off very much, the old man understood my strength.

Is it imprisoned?

I can help. "

Mu Ze shook his head and said:

"Master Lu should ask your father about this matter."

"If Mu Xue asked, would Lao Zhangren say it?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

"Master Lu, don't waste your time, I won't talk about it.

There is no way to say it. "Muze shook his head.

His tone was firm.

Lu Shui didn't ask much.

Now he asked his father that there was no problem, but the fault was that he had acted with his father and mother and robbed them of their things.

How long does it have to be in confinement?

The main reason is the loss.

But it's not something to save the father and mother, and it should be arranged at that time.

The fire was hit hard just to save the Lu family chief and his wife.

Let them remember this savior.

If you tell the truth at this time, your parents will be very moved.


The main fire of the Young Sect of the Hidden Heaven Sect, not only failed to save the Lu family chief and the wife of the chieftain, but also directly grabbed things.


commit a sin.

"Muxue knows about me, so I don't have much to go out.

But for the time being, I can't let my parents know.

They are good for me. "Lu Shui answered Lao Zhangren's previous question.

Mu Xue did know.

But he was wondering whether to tell Mu Zemuxue that she was a goddess in purple.

I want to see the expression of the daughter that the old man has always hated, but she is actually extremely powerful.



Still stunned?


Never possible?

How could it be so?

I'm wrong?

Well, it's not easy to guess, the old man's mind is deeper than the sea.

So far, even if he is reconciling in the middle, the relationship between Lao Zhangren and Mu Xue has not been eased in the slightest.

There is no difference from the previous life.

I hope that when the father-in-law of this life arrives, he won't be silly to see people again.

They were extremely jealous when they met in the previous life. In this life, they are friends of life and death.

Lao Zhangren is actually very good, cooperates with things and speaks nicely.

He has a bad temper and has been reluctant to say what consensus he has with his father.

Don't say why he and Mu Xue were engaged.

There was no contact between the Mu family and the Lu family in the past, and his engagement with Mu Xue was actually quite abrupt.

Mu Xue was also chatting with Aunt Tang at this time.

"Your father pulls Master Lu every day and doesn't know what to say." Aunt Tang said with a sigh.

I don't feel that Mu Xue is in his eyes at all.

The purple-clothed goddess, one by one outside is anxious to know each other.

Mu Ze was good, with a foul face.

Knowing it someday, scared him to death.

"It should be about business, my father is also very busy." Mu Xue said softly.

"Don't you blame your father?" Aunt Tang was a little curious.

Muze didn't care about Mu Xue at all, never even cared about it.

That's how she got married, and she did some things smoothly.

But she was actually not good to Mu Xue.

In other words, it has never been better, most of which are just obligations.

"It was probably weird before, but then it won't be weird." Mu Xue paused for a moment and said:

"Think about it carefully, childhood is not half bad."

It's just that there is no happiness of others, no love of parents.

That's how she grew up.

The last person who changed her was Master Lu.

The husband who broke into her world and brought color to her black and white world.

"Father is not bad at all, at least one thing I am very grateful for." Mu Xue looked at Aunt Tang and said:

"At least he let me marry Lu Shui."

Aunt Tang was startled, and finally smiled somewhat relievedly:

"It seems that Master Lu is really important to you, and it has a great influence."

Mu Xue smiled and nodded gently.

Lu Shui is a false fanatic.

Shouting to believe in the tooth god, in fact, want to see how to take off the clothes of the tooth god.

Let the tooth **** give him a son.


Approaching noon.

Lu Shui left Muze and their residence.

They should stay there for a few more days. As adults, there are still some things that need to be discussed.

Lu Shui didn't care.

For him, at best, Mu Xue would play with Yayue Yalin for a few days.

He just follows.

His current 7.5 cultivation base is twelve days away from the eighth rank.

During this period, he can accompany Mu Xue.


During this period, he can't even go out.

Unless you take Mu Xue out, you just got married after all, let alone Mu Xue disagrees if you run out alone.

His parents would definitely not agree.

So, you can only take Mu Xue to spend your honeymoon.

Go to the end of the sea.

"What lunch will Master Lu want?" Mu Xue asked.

Lu Shui looked at the sky, and then realized that it must be too late to cook now.

And it is very likely to be pulled over by the mother and the others.

"Miss Mu, let's go to the town to find food." Lu Shui said.

"Eat dessert." Mu Xue said immediately.

Muxue is dessert except for dessert.

"On the first day of marriage with Young Master Lu, of course I have to eat something sweet." Mu Xue said.

"Ms. Mu is not afraid of getting fat?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

As an ordinary person, it is necessary to abide by the law of conservation of energy.

What you eat should be stored in other forms.

Such as fat.

"Master Lu, didn't you see it last night?" Mu Xue stared at Lu Lu channel:

"I don't have any extra meat on my body."

"This kind of thing is visually inaccurate.

If you are undecided, ask about pants.

The eyes may deceive you, but the pants will not.

Miss Mu put it on to see if it would be tight. "Lu Shui helped Mu Xue to determine if she had become fat.

Hearing what Lu Shui said, Mu Xue looked at him with anger, she remembered bad memories:

"Does Master Lu think that his tailoring skills are strong again?"

"Miss Mu joked." Lu Shui led Mu Xue to Qiuyun Town:

"According to the normal timeline, I haven't learned this yet.

So I still won't. "

"According to the normal timeline, Master Lu hasn't married me yet, and now he plans to let me have a baby." Lu Shui glared at Lu Shui.

Then let Lu Shui pull it.

"I want to order three desserts today." Mu Xue said again.

"One more." Lu Shui tried to change Mu Xue's mind.

He didn't need to help eat the first two servings.

but now....

It is very possible that Muxue can't finish one serving.

She didn't want to lose face to her young grandma, the rest is definitely not good.

and so....

Lu Shui has to help eat.

"No, just three copies." Mu Xue snorted coldly:

"I want to see if Master Lu got fat first or I got fat first."

"Miss Mu, have you forgotten? I am a cultivator and I will not get fat."

"......, Master Lu, you can summon the tooth **** to accompany you to sleep tonight, I won't accompany you anymore."




Floating island.

Five people gathered here again.

They remained silent and no one spoke.

The atmosphere is unprecedentedly solemn.

After a long time, Yun Xi asked:

"Is the news true?"

The main reason was that the news was so unbelievable that they didn't know how to react for a while.

Obviously, I have tried many times, but why is this happening?

When the other party was young, they met so many times that if there was a problem, there was no reason not to discover it.

"For the news of the God of War, the powerhouses of the three forces have confirmed each other.

And when he got married, the changes in heaven and earth were more exaggerated than the appearance of the second son.

and so...

Perhaps what the prophetic slate refers to is not the second child, but the first child. "The senior who presided over the matter whispered.

He is the person in charge of matters.

In other words, this is his responsibility.

Of course, no one blamed him, because everyone was blinded.

However, he missed the opportunity after all.

"The prophecy slate never said that the vision appeared to be pregnant with a child, and it is also possible that this person has awakened." The Demon Sword Slayer's voice was a little low:

"The Flowing Fire appeared, and he started to make his mark, so the vision appeared with it, and it made sense."

"Yes, Flowing Fire appeared in June, and he shouldn't be strong at that time.

I have seen him, so..." Gao Yuan stopped talking So, it took Liuhuo more than five months to get promoted from Tier 2 to Tier 7?

We watched him grow up?

Watching him kill Desolate first, then cut Huaxian.

Watching him crush the Son of the Sun, watching him share the avenue, watching him famous all over the world.

He has always been hiding, and for a few months, it is basically impossible for us to react.

Because in our knowledge, how far can it grow in a few months?

However, Liuhuo broke everyone's perception.

Entering the threshold of the avenue for six months, called Ban Di Zun.

When we got married, Tiandi congratulated, and Tianjie took part in the holiday. "Someone said.

The words are full of bitterness.

At this moment, they may be able to deeply feel the weight of the world and the world.

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