Regarding the three chapters of Sword One, Lu Shui did not think much though he was surprised.

After all, there is no evidence for this thing.

Is your ancestor right in front of you?

It's not very similar.

Moreover, the ancestors of the Lu family have been recorded and died long ago.

It is written in the notes of the little black house of God's Domain.

That person is definitely not Lu.

But think about it, it seems that it can be.

After all, it was written in Yue's notebook that Lu brought a little girl with colored hair, and the ancestors of the Lu family also raised a little girl with colored hair.

In addition, the ancestors' training is not allowed to repair swords.

After learning that his surname was Lu, Jianyi asked him many times whether there was a sword repairer in his family.


So, at the beginning, Jian Yi felt that if his family didn't have Jian Xiu, he would be a descendant of Lu?

Does he think so?

Lu Shui thinks this is most likely to be the case.

Although this is not necessarily the case, the Lu family should have something to do with Lu.

I can't ask for details, and I don't know the answer to those who are still young.

Let’s eat, as for lessons...

Ha ha.

Unless the skin is itchy, I want to kneel.

In this way, you can teach the great elders.

Don't say that the senior elders are high, and they can't beat the opponent.

Mu Xue was eating and looking at Lu Shui, also feeling a little funny.

But there is also some surprise.

Lu Shui also told her about not being allowed to repair swords.

She also knows.

Moreover, this strong man was called Lu, and Jianyi did not allow Lu's descendants to repair their swords.


This is most likely an ancestor.

"Speaking of which, if Lu has offspring, what would he be called?" Ji Xun asked suddenly curiously:

"Humans normally have surnames, does Lu have it?

Jianyi didn't seem to have it either. "

"It doesn't seem to be." Lu thought about it and shook his head.

"I can't remember him. If he hadn't met me, he would have starved to death." Jianyi said after eating a piece of meat.

"That's true, but Lu can also be used as a surname." Lu said.

I don't care much.

They didn't actually think about things like this for future generations.

Lu Shui, feel it, you might really meet your ancestors.

But he looked at Jian Yi with some curiosity:

"Isn't Jian Yi the surname Jian?"

"Definitely not, but the surname Jian is fine." Jian said after taking a sip of the soup.

Lu Shui nodded slightly.


He had seen it at first.

Everyone numbly fled from the hunt.


All his lives are gone.

People at that time may not have a name.

Jianyi and Lu were both from that era.

Lu almost starved to death, Jian Yi's situation might be better.

After all, Lu was because he didn't starve to death, and the two met.

From then on the human race began to rise.

The sword pulled and landed, opening a new era and declaring war on a hundred races.

Although most of the time they are on the run, they grow too fast.

Those who chase them may not be chased after a long time.

Lu said, chasing after them, those people are not their opponents.

"Now that the disciples are recruited, and those who know Dao Fa are also looking for them, when will the school start?" Ji Xun did not ask about his surname.

Upon hearing this question, Lu Genjianyi and Lu Shui both looked at Jiu.

Obviously, there is no hilltop now.

Which hill is better?

Of course, ask the most powerful, the only true God who knows everything.

Looking at these people, Jiu took out a piece of paper and patted it on the table:

"Don't leave the process, just boast."

Lu: "The true **** is domineering."

Sword One: "The true **** is awesome."

Lu Shui: "The true **** is mighty."

Dog: "Bow!"

Ji Xun: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Mu Xue didn't know what to say for a while, so let's eat.

But the people sitting on the table are the strongest group of people in this era, right?

Lu Shui is also the strongest of their time.

This table of people is really not easy.

Even the dog is not easy.

after all...

So many people cover it.

The next day.

Lu Shui followed Jianyi and they came to a mountain surrounded by spiritual energy, where there was natural power that refused anyone to enter.

"Is it me or you?" Lu asked Jian Yi next to him.

This is a good place, but it can't be entered normally, only the strong can open the way.

"This is indeed a good place." Jian looked around and praised.

"But I am the founder of Dao Zong, this sword is from me..."


The powerful attack shattered the natural barrier of the mountain.

It's Ji Xun.


Jian Yi lowered his eyebrows and said gloomily:

"You go up and have a look first, I cut this person down first."

Lu and Lushui nodded slightly, and then walked up the mountain.

They see a lot of this kind of thing, don't take it too seriously.

But it doesn't matter who does it.

After all, Taoism will be opened today.

Lu Shui was a little bit emotional, the founder of Taoism, he actually counted.

Although it is Midu Longer, but Midu Longer is already him.

"Is this mountain okay? It's the most suitable place to create a sect." Jiu said when he went to the top of the mountain.

"Wang!" the dog yelled.

It seems to be complimenting it's great here.

"It's really good, the terrain, the environment, the aura, impeccable." Lu looked around and said.

Lu Shui looked around, but this place was not in the slightest similar to the future Taoist Sect.

I don't know if it was later migrated, or it was created without a prototype.

It's possible.

But this is indeed a place suitable for cultivation.

It couldn't be better to start a school.

The ancient Dao Sect is at his feet, and it was established today.

Not long after Lu Shui came to the top of the mountain.

View the majestic peaks at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Mo Yunzi brought Jian 15 disciples to the mountain peak position, far behind Lu Shui and the four of them.

When Mo Yunzi was about to speak, there was a roar suddenly.


At this time, the opposite side of the mountain began to collapse. After a while, two large characters appeared on the opposite side of the mountain—Dao Zong.


At the same time, Jian Yi followed Ji Xun with red eyes and fell from a high altitude.

Standing between land and water.

At this time, Lu Shui and Mu Xue were on the left, and Lu Genjiu was on the right.

Jian Yi and Ji Xun just fell in the middle.

The mountain fell and there was strong wind.

Blew the corners of the clothes of six people.

At this time, the sword was standing with one hand, condescending, and a vast voice came from the air:

"Today, the strongest sect in the cultivation world, Dao Sect.

Established. "

"Wang!" The dog standing in front of Jianyi barked.

The voice resounded everywhere.

Even a dog in Daozong will be a great Dao Tiancheng.

Lu Shui stood on the edge of the mountain, looking at Dao Zong, feeling deeply moved for a while.

He is also one of the founders of Taoism.

Although it's just mixed.

But I couldn't stand Jianyi and wanted to accept him as a younger brother.

At this time, Lu Shui and Mu Xue felt it, and the time was up.

They will be removed from the group chat.

The journey this time is still so interesting.

It's a pity that I didn't write this time, and I couldn't record this interesting journey myself.

Next time...

If there is another time, I hope I don’t write a book.

After all, he hadn't read many books related to ancient times, and he couldn't write at all.

Lu Shui took Mu Xue's hand, and they glanced at each other.

Then the surrounding scene began to change.

As if to fall into the endless abyss.




Lu Shui, who was still a little emotional, didn't want to sigh for a while.

Because he found that facing the name Ryuuji, he didn't feel repulsive anymore.

I'm used to being called by these people.

so horrible.

Let's leave now.

Mu Xue didn't have such a sense of shame, she waved goodbye to Ji Xun and Jiu.


They fell back into the Midu Channel.

At this time the cracks in the passage have long since disappeared.

"Master Lu, is this filling the world's cracks?"

Mu Xue was a little surprised.

She felt a little miraculous when she first came into contact with this kind of thing.

Fandu is actually such a special thing.

"Yes, Midu had an unreasonable crack, and then it appeared in the world.

It can be anything.

There is no root and no source, and the world cannot generalize it.

So the cracks always exist.

And we entered the Midu, and acted as the people or things in the Midu.

It is tantamount to giving the root of mystery.

The world found the source and repaired the cracks. Lu Shui explained.

That's roughly it.

But Midu is Midu, and all influences appear out of thin air, and they just repeated it.

This is why you can only repeat, and only say what the scope allows.

Otherwise, you will be kicked out of the group chat.

For example, Jianyi Go Chuan.

This book was written by Midu, and Lu Shui copied Midu.

By the way, it became a fan capital.

Everything has its roots.

Mu Xue didn't worry about this, but looked at Lu Shui and smiled:

"Long Er, they seem to be reluctant to bear you."

"Miss Mu, you should be your husband." Lu Shui led Mu Xue to the front.

See if there are other cracks.

"Okay, your husband." Mu Xue said with a smile:

"It's called an adult, isn't Young Master Lu happier?"

"I think it would be better for Miss Mu to act like a baby," Lu Shuiping said quietly.

"Humph!" Mu Xue snorted coldly and said:

"Go back, act like a baby for you."

Lu Shui: "..."

"By the way, we participated in the creation of Daozong. Will Daozong have such records?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

"Probably not." Lu Shui shook his head and said:

"The Dao Sect nowadays is no longer considered an ancient Dao Sect.

And they don't even know the founder Jian Yi, and there must be no record of the people attached to us.

In other words, the record has long been lost.

After the dog was in Xian Ting, after the true **** fell, a lot of things should have happened.

But the three powers died out, Dao Sect fell, and finally split into two.

Many records have disappeared since then. "

But Lu Shui also discovered one thing.

The sword died.

Taoism is still the strongest power in ancient times.

On the surface, Dao Sect does not have the most powerful, but in fact there is Lu behind them.

"What about the ancestral training?" Mu Xue curiously asked:

"If so, does Lu Shaoye plan to go to the house to train the offender?"

Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Xuedao:

"Miss Mu, do you want to be a widow?"

"No, I will die in love." Mu Xue said with a smile looking at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui: "..."

Still very proud.

Lu Shui led Mu Xue for a long time, but found that he did not encounter a new crack.

"I feel like I'm leaving here. It seems that there is only one crack here." Lu Shui whispered.

In other words, the fans here are actually quite ordinary.

No wonder it only occupied a door in God's Domain.

It's just that someone is guarding it outside, not directly guarding Midu.

Ji Xun is over there.

It's also much better than this.

But this crack made him understand one thing.

That is, the Lu family must have something to do with Lu.

"Master Lu, are we going out?" Mu Xue also felt that they were leaving here.

But the door seems to be opened by itself.

Fortunately, this is very simple for them.

Sure enough, it is very difficult for other people to come here and leave at the same time.

This passage is full of annihilated aura.

It is simply not something that the power of the Great Dao can fight against.

Even if you can temporarily confront and hide in the cracks.

But the crack will end, and when the end is over, people will be kicked. There will be no other place to hide. You can only open the door and leave here.

And leaving is more difficult than surviving here, it can be said that there is no going out.

Only those with special strength can walk and leave at will here, otherwise they need enough strength to do all of this.

"Yeah." Lu Shui responded, using the power of heaven and earth, and began to gather the door to leave here.

It was Ji Xun who condensed the door for him before, but this time the guard was really different from Ji Xun.

The opponent is just guarding the fans' position.

Not a fan.

There is no way for the other party to condense the door of the fandom.

Otherwise, they won't stop picking them out.

"I don't know how many days have passed outside." Lu Shui said.

They ran with Jianyi and they, although it hasn't been a few months, but there are still more than half a month.

"It's actually quite interesting. Jiu and Ji Xun are very naive." Mu Xue said with a smile.

Lu Shui nodded slightly, it was the happiest time for them at that time.

After all, you don’t have to worry about anything.

And all changes, everyone should become stronger.

Then the killing of the gods began.

After the true **** fell, everything changed.

As soon as the sword fell, Ji Xun was severely wounded and stopped going out.

Lu is probably the only one left.

Finally, Lu also chose to fall.

When the sole authority is condensed, maybe everything is a foregone conclusion.

If the true **** does not die, there will be no future in the cultivation world.

But without a true god, the black and white kings will continue to rule the world.

The emergence of Midu is also due to the aggregation of unique powers, occupying the power alone, there will always be some unknown changes or loopholes in the world, and some things that will not affect the world, but can bring enough harm to the world.

This is Midu.

However, he has experienced two fandoms, both of which were summoned by Jianyi.

Although the mystery already exists, it can always make an impact.

But it cannot be denied that both times were summoned by Jianyi.

I don't know what's going on, the fans seem to have fallen in love with Jianyi.

Can always respond to Jian Yi's call in the dark.

Lu Shui was very curious, whether the next time the fan capital was summoned by Jian Yi.

At this time the door has been condensed.

"Let's go Miss Mu, go home." Lu Shui said.

"Listen to Master Lu." Mu Xue said with a smile on Lu Shui.

"Miss Mu listens to me everything?"


"I recently lacked a notebook. Can Miss Mu borrow yours from me?"

"No, I still have accounts on it, not yet calculated.

Go back and calculate tonight.

Master Lu reminded me. "

"Miss Mu, you just had an auditory hallucination."

"Then count it in a few days, Master Lu won't speak next time, remember not to speak, or I will start to settle the account."


After speaking, the two directly entered the gate where the power of heaven and earth condensed.

The Lu family has such a fascinating capital, and Lu Shui doesn't even think about it that the Lu family has nothing to do with Lu.

So, suppose the Lu family has a direct relationship with Lu.

So, who did Lu finally marry?

Gee, it's so irritating.


Holy area.

The room where the gate of Midu is located.

"Fragrant taro, get me more beef."

Dongfang Chacha cried.

"I want to eat potatoes."

Yalin also shouted.

Yayue looked at the pot on the tabletop and silently gave Yalin something to eat.

At this time, there are all kinds of vegetables and food on their desks.

There is a big pot in the middle, and the pot is a little red.

It is spicy.

Yes, Eastern scum leads people to eat hot pot here.

The only true **** stepped on the eastern scum, with a look of anger.

"Stupid human beings actually eat what humans eat in my god's realm." The only true god.

"There are also dim sums, mother made them." Dongfang Zhazha handed a dim sum to Only Really Rarely.

The only true **** took the snack and took a bite.

Mortal stuff.


Zhenwu Zhenling is preparing to eat.

They have been waiting here for six days.

Miss Chacha said that the hot pot is delicious, and the master and grandma will definitely come out to eat it if they smell it.

Is Zhenwu Zhenling believe it?

Of course not.

But there is no way, the young master and young grandmother will not come out again, the patriarch and them are coming.

How would they explain at that time?

As for whether the master and grandma will have trouble...

of course not.

You know, who are those two, a talented arrogant recognized by the cultivation world, Liu Huo.

A purple-clothed goddess who was looked up.

If something happens to them, probably no one has a way to save them.

When the fragrant taro and beef passed by, mist suddenly appeared in the door.

The mist quickly condensed.

It's a foggy door.

When he saw the door, Zhen Wu Zhenling knew that the master and grandma were coming back.

This scene is the same as in Pure Land.

Dongfang Chacha and the others also stood up immediately.

"Retreat a little bit, if the situation is not right, we will flee." Dongfang scum dragged Yayue Yalin back.

Xiangyu and they naturally retreated.

But his eyes have been staring at the mist gate.

Even if Zhenwu Zhenling had seen this door, he didn't dare to say it was all right.

Miss Chacha is so unreliable, but she can still run around in the realm of comprehension.

Not without reason.

After Lu Shui and Mu Xue entered the door, they felt that they had returned to the place they had left before.

It's a small room.

There was nothing around, and the mystery under my feet disappeared.


What's the taste?

It feels spicy.

The two were puzzled.

Then they looked forward and found the steaming pot.

There are some food all around.

this is...

Hot Pot?

Which genius has eaten hot pot in God's Domain?


At this time Yalin ran over, her head still holding the water cloud beast.


Yalin hugged Mu Xue's thigh directly and said:

"Sister, are you really back?

Sister Cha Cha said, we can attract you by eating delicious food at the door. "

Mu Xue grabbed the Shuiyun Beast in one hand, touched Ya Lin's head and smiled:

"Then have you finished eating?"

"No, but I secretly left the meat for my sister." Yalin said immediately.

She likes to hide things secretly.

Mu Xue put the Shuiyun beast on Lu Shui's hand, and walked outside with Yalin.

"Cousin, I have prepared chopsticks for you." Dongfang Chacha immediately took out the bowl and chopsticks, with a smug look on his face:

"I said my cousin and cousin Lu Shui have not eaten for so many days, so they must be hungry."

"Sister Mu Xue, brother-in-law." Yayue also smiled slightly.

Although Sister Cha Cha always said that they would definitely be fine.

But Yayue's nerves are not comparable to tea, so she is still very worried.

Now that I see my sister and brother-in-law are okay, I let go of the stone in my heart.

Lu Shui sat down and Mu Xue gave him the tableware.

"How many days have passed?" Lu Shui asked.

"It's been six days since I came in from outside. We ate roast duck yesterday and dim sum the day before yesterday." Dongfang Chacha said.

Lu Shui was a little puzzled, and asked himself what Dongfang Slag had eaten?

But it was also six days.

He felt it, and the cultivation base had entered 7.6.

Sure enough, he was promoted again.

He will be able to enter the eighth rank in six days.

At that time, you should be able to go to the Misty City to see Ming's Misty City.

Regardless of this fandom, or Ji Xun's fandom.

The impact is small.

Only Ming’s Midu has the greatest impact.

Ordinarily, the fascinating capital he guards is alive.

You need to find out what is going on.

It should be necessary to go to Mu's house so that communication is easy.

"Why so much beef?" Mu Xue looked at the food on the table, curious.

"Oriental scum slaughter the cattle she recently released." Lu Shui said.

Not impossible.

Why can't Dongfang scum do it?

Is it easy to add incense to the spirit of the instrument, and to add a stick of incense to the cow?

People who didn't know thought that those artifact spirits were all processed by Eastern scum.

In the end it became an instrument spirit.

If you think about it in this way, you should be scented.

"No, it's tea tea.

Eating more beef is for the sake of the last life, and the cow has to repay the favor. "Dongfang Chacha said.

"If you repay your gratitude, eat cattle?" Yayue didn't understand.

"Think of it like this." Dongfang Chacha said earnestly:

"We must have helped others in the last life, and others also want to repay us as cattle and horses.

But in this life, we no longer ride horses and cattle to plow the land.

You can only eat beef pull.

In this way they can repay their favor. "

Hearing what Dongfang Zuzha said, Lu Shui put down his chopsticks.

Can't eat it for a while.

There were indeed many people who wanted to repay the Eastern scum in the last life.

Many are creatures at the end of the world.

It may be more extreme, they don't look good.

Yayue was stunned, isn't there something wrong with this?

"Stupid human beings." The only true **** stepped on Dongfang Chacha.


"They are back."

Sitting in the position, Jiu looked at the sky and said:

"The numerology of heaven and earth has tended to completion."

"According to normal logic.

Lu Shui and the others have become the mystery capital, which is to replace the previous mystery capital.

So if I met you at that time, would you remember him?

Or know it is him? "The second elder asked.

If it is, she always feels wrong.

"No. UU reading" Jiu shook his head directly:

"Whether it is now or in the past.

We all have no way of knowing who the fans we see are.

Even if I saw Midu at that time, I couldn't see the root cause.

Now that the fans are filled, we still can't determine which one it is.

Can only guess from it.

After all, Midu is Midu, and its appearance is what it was at the beginning after all. "

"But the matter with Midu still exists.

We can't see them through, but they who have become fans can see through us.

Even know what happened to us at that time, and what we thought at that time.

There is a feeling of being spied on a secret. "Ji Xun said with a low eyebrow.

Sometimes it's not a good thing.

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