The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

: Extraordinary 1: The final chapter preview

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Lu Shui appeared in the yard.

Looking at the deserted yard, he walked out.

Mu Xue has already left the customs, and today he has also left the customs.

This time I didn't study anything, but the cultivation base had reached the critical point.

When I walked out of the yard, I just happened to see a young girl coming over.

Lu Shui glanced at her, and the other person seemed to be frightened and took a step back.

Not a maid.

"Who?" Lu Shui asked.

It's not the old man, and you don't need to care whether the other person will be embarrassed.

"Cousin Lu Shui, you forgot me again?

I am your cousin. "Dongfang Chacha looked at Lu Shui and explained:

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, just call me cousin.

I'm here to find my cousin. "

"Cousin?" Lu Shui stared at Dongfang Chacha for a while.

Oriental Chacha nodded, as if agreeing with the name Lu Shui.

"Oriental slag?" Lu Shui looked at Dongfang Chacha and remembered.

"It's Chacha." Dongfang Chacha looked around and said:

"Where's my cousin?

I have a math problem I want to ask her. "

"Mathematics?" Lu Shui said:

"What's the question?"

Mu Xue hadn't read for a few years, and the question would definitely fall on him in the end.

Just ask first.

"It's like this." Dongfang Chacha said immediately:

"I borrowed Muya's ten thousand second-grade spirit stones the other day.

My aunt controlled my spirit stone, which made me feel a little difficult.

Then I plan to divide it twice. "

Who is Muya?

Lu Shui didn't have the slightest impression. There must be no such person in the family.

If you think about it, it might be a figure in the realm of comprehension, or a maid at home.

The retreat lasted for a total of 1,800 years.

Mu Xue is being promoted, otherwise he won't stay in seclusion for so long.

But Mu Xue still has some time to reach the tipping point.

The follow-up should be closed.

He just looked at it.

"What happened later?" Lu Shui asked.

"The first time I repaid five thousand, and the second time I repaid five thousand, does my cousin think there is a problem with what I did?" Dongfang Chacha said.

"No problem." Lu Shui replied without thinking carefully.

"I also don't think there is a problem, but Muya said it was wrong, saying that I was bullying.

Then I think it's better to ask my cousin.

Now my cousin Lu Shui says it’s okay. That must be because Muya thinks it’s good I cheated.

I have to go to her for theory. "Dongfang Chacha is full of confidence and intends to find someone to reason.

Lu Shui thought about it, and then reacted.

He stopped the Dongfang scum:


Dongfang Chacha is a little curious:

"what's happenin?"

"Who is Muya?" Lu Shui asked.

"The new spirit beast caregivers have a high level of cultivation and good talent, as if there is still money in the family." Dongfang Chacha laughed:

"Always invite me to eat."

She doesn't know what you do, right?

Dongfang dregs often haunt the house. Today you can be a guard and tomorrow you can be a cleaner.

In short, there are always some people who don't know that Dongfang Zuzha is also a young lady in the Lu family.

After knowing who the other party was, Lu Shui nodded and said:

"I'll let someone return the spirit stone for you.

East, west, south and north, which direction do you like? "

"Huh?" Dongfang Chacha looked puzzled.

"Then be random," Lu Shui said.

At this time, he stretched out a hand and placed it on Dongfang Chacha.

Then a fourth space gate appeared in the sky.

Dongfang Chacha flew up, and after spinning in the air several times, it fell into the north gate.

"Ahhhhh, cousin, save me."

The screams of Dongfang Chacha came out.

But soon disappeared as the space door closed.

Lu Shui clapped his hands and said softly:

"Quiet, success."

Cang Dang!

Suddenly there was the sound of something falling.

Looking back.

It is a maid carrying things.

"Young, master?" The maid immediately lowered her head.

"Yeah." Lu Shui nodded slightly.

It's probably the maid's maid, I don't know her.

When she retreats last time, the maid should be retiring soon.

This is new here.

There are five levels of cultivation.

Apparently, he is about to retire.

"Master, it seemed like Miss Chacha was here just now, asking for help." The maid asked with some concern.

"If you are in doubt or worried, you can tell my mother directly." Lu Shui said.

Then stepped outside.

Mu Xue was shopping in Qiuyun Town.

Talk to a little guy.

For a while.

Lu Shui appeared in Qiuyun Town.

The houses in the town are not high, so they use magic light.

Lu Shui: "..."

In just a few years, the direction of science and technology has changed.

Some can't keep up with the times.

It's all Mu Xue's fault, and it will take more than a thousand years to cultivate and promote.

Soon Lu Shui was in a snack shop and saw Mu Xue.

At this time, Mu Xue was wearing trousers and long sleeves, tied with a high pony tail.

Like a young girl.

Pretend to be tender.

Lu Shui had this idea in his mind.

Just when the thought appeared, Mu Xue over there turned her head and looked over.

There seemed to be murderous in his eyes.

Lu Shui: "..."

Natural beauty.

And beside Mu Xue, there is a little girl with colorful hair.

Lu Shui walked over, and the colorful-haired girl turned to snort when she saw Lu Shui.

As if reluctant to see Lu Shui.

"Master Lu, how did you provoke Xiao Qi again?" Mu Xue brought Lu Shui an extra snack.

As soon as he came to Lu Shui's side, he rubbed his face in front of Lu Shui.

"Miss Mu, if I rub on you like this, guess what?" Lu Shui asked.

"It doesn't matter if no one sees it. If I am seen, I will call Master Lu to be a hooligan." Mu Xue said proudly watching Lu Shui.

Diao Min. Lu Shui thought to himself.

Then turned to look at the girl with colored hair:

"You can go play by yourself."

"Huh, stupid human beings." The colorful-haired girl ran to Lushui's head, stepped on her feet and flew directly to the Lu family.

Lu Shui touched his head, looking at the direction the colored-haired girl was leaving, and said:

"Who is accustomed to her like this?"

Mu Xue also helped Lu Shui tidy her hair, and then said:

"Seventh is still very well-behaved, are you bullying her again?"

"Before it was the turmoil in the realm of cultivation. Maybe the people outside are fighting again, and the harm to the world is higher. Let me help stop it.

I didn't go, probably holding a grudge. "Lu Shui said.

"The people of the world are suffering, Xiao Qi can't bear it, and the strength is not enough.

I can only ask you for help. "Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui nodded slightly, then pulled Mu Xue to the other direction:

"Miss Mu is going to be promoted?"

"If you don't get promoted, you can't be abandoned by Master Lu?

For many years, he has sent his wife, and the old man is yellow. "Muxue pretended to be low.

"That's still pretending to be tender... hiss!" Before Lu Shui's voice fell completely, his foot was trampled on.

It hurts a bit.

"Master Lu, just after leaving the customs, if you can't speak, you should be silent for too long and you can't speak." Mu Xue warned fiercely.

Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows and looked at his feet, and asked:

"Miss Mu, I feel a little bit more painful than before.

Are you heavy? "


Mu Xue jumped directly onto Lu Shui's back and said:

"Hmph, experience whether I am important or not, you will know after a while.

Master Lu, pick a place where no one is, and carry me home.

Then tell me if I am fat. "

Lu Shui: "..."

Can only recite.

On the way, Mu Xue lay on Lu Shui and said softly:

"If Master Lu leaves, will he not be able to come back?"

"No." Lu Shui shook his head, then said:

"And, am I waiting for you?

It doesn't take too much time. "

Mu Xue moved her lower body and reached Lu Shui's face and said:

"Master Lu, although you are not my opponent, our realm is actually quite different.

Why did I catch up with you so quickly? "

"It's not that I caught up with me so quickly, but that I have been waiting for Miss Mu at this level." Lu Shui said.

"Always?" Mu Xue stepped on the landing channel:

"Master Lu, do you think you can touch my wife who has been for many years?

I will no longer be touched by what Lu Shaoye said casually. "

"What will happen then?" Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Xue.

Mu Xue moved her mouth to bite Lu Shui's mouth, and then let go:

"Bite Young Master Lu at most to show your love for Young Master Lu."

With a slight smile on his face, Lu Shui returned to the yard with Mu Xue on his back.

"Don't you go to the mother's side?" Mu Xue asked.

Lu Shui shook his head, then entered the room and said:

"Ms. Mu's weight hasn't changed much, but the weight doesn't mean whether Miss Mu is fat or thin. You have to check it with your hands."

"That's it." Mu Xue said with a smile on her face:

"Would you like to change to loose clothes for Master Lu to check?"

"No, that's it." Lu Shui whispered.

The next day.

"I plan to talk to my parents and practice in retreat.

Keep up with Master Lu. "

Mu Xue jumped up from the bed and then changed clothes to prepare for the retreat.

Lu Shui thought for a while, Mu Xue retreats, what is he going to do?

There is currently no research to be done.

Staying next to Mu Xue, watching Mu Xue retreat?

It's not impossible.

Or read the book to prepare for the next study.


"Just retreat?" Dongfang Liyin said softly while looking at Mu Xue.

"What is the new realm like?" Lu Gu asked curiously.

They feel something is wrong.

"You have to leave this world to reach a new realm." Lu Shui said while sitting while eating a snack.

The dim sum my mother made is really terrible.

It won't work without eating.

Dongfang Liyin still looks young, like a girl in her twenties.

Lu Gu's face has never been eroded by the years.

There are vicissitudes in his eyes.

People also looked a little haggard.

There seems to be a lot of things in the family.

Probably the longest clan leader in the history of the Lu family.

"Li, leave the world?" Dongfang Li Yin was a little surprised, and then looked disappointed:

"Other people's sons are independent from home, our son will leave the world to be independent."

Lu Shui: "..."

It's not that I won't come back.

As for?

It’s just that Dongfang Li Yin soon became energetic:

"In this way, Qiuyun Town should cheer, but remember to have a son and a half when you are away.

It doesn’t matter if you come back without a child or not.

It's better not to come back. "

Lu Shui: "..."

"We have enough tea. By the way, when will the tea come back?" Dongfang Liyin asked Lu Shui.

"Pull it back?" Mu Xue curiously asked:

"Where did Chacha go?"

Lu Shui was silent.

What does it have to do with him?

He just handled a scum.

Hundreds of years later.

Mu Xue walked out of the retreat.

"Master Lu, will you watch the whole process when I retreat?" Mu Xue looked back at Lu Shui, expressing dissatisfaction.

"I'll give you some pointers by the way."

"You even let me practice in the water, and I've shown you everything." Mu Xue stared at the landing channel.

"in fact…"

"Huh?" Mu Xue stared at Lu Shui.

"In fact, Ms. Mu is so good-looking, she couldn't help but look at it twice." Lu Shui changed his original words.

"Hmph, this is almost the same." Mu Xue smiled.

Then he pulled the landing water and said:

"Can you really come back?

I feel unable to come back. "

"Don't worry, I'm ready for everything. Advanced is just to facilitate more research.

There will be no other effects. "Lu Shui said.

Then they came to the top of the mountain.

Dongfang Liyin and Lu Gu looked at Lu Shui and Mu Xue, a little worried.

The second elder and the third elder stood on the same side.

Dongfang Chacha and the color-haired girl are also there.

"If there is no accident, can you come back?" the third elder asked.

"If you can't come back, remember to have a child and send it back." The second elder said.

The colored-haired girl stood on the old edge of Dongfang Chacha pouting, unhappy.

Lu Shui: "..."

"I'll be back soon, don't worry too much."

Then Lu Shui took Mu Xue's hand and started to go high into the sky.

"Wait here for a while and we will be back."

Lu Shui's voice came out.

"Bye bye cousin."

Dongfang Chacha waved goodbye.

They won't be able to come back in case cousin.

Then they felt a force that transcended everything.

All the causes and effects that belonged to Lu Shui and Mu Xue began to converge.

As if to be separated from this world.

No longer belong to this world.

This is detachment.

Causal acceptance is unified.

Get out of the shackles of everything.

Beyond the world.

Beyond the realm of mortals.

Dongfang Liyin felt it, and they couldn't come back again.

People who are detached from the world cannot come back.

This is how they feel.

At this moment they saw Lu Shui and Mu Xue disappear into the sky, watching them leave this world.

Seeing that they might leave here forever.

Not only do they think so, Mu Xue also feels this way.

All cause and effect are unified.

Get out of this world.

And the world may not be able to tolerate them anymore.

Can this really go back?

Mu Xue clutched Lu Shui's hand tightly.

Lu Shui said yes, that's ok.

At this moment they walked out of the world, and their strength began to sublimate.

An unspeakable power appeared in them.

The power to transcend the mortal, beyond the place of the world.

Finally they stepped into the endless void, chaotic and disorderly void.

And when they appeared, when their eyes began to spread, the disorder around them began to become orderly.

It seems to have formed an endless starry sky, but there is no light and no source.


"Master Lu, where is this place?" Mu Xue asked as she looked at Lu Shui next to her.

Lu Shui took a closer look and shook his head:

"I don't know, it's probably the so-called big world?

But apart from a life, no life exists. "

"A life? There is someone here?" Mu Xue looked around curiously.

"Yeah." Lu Shui nodded, pointed to the front and said:

"It's not far from the other side, he's here.

It seems to be a long-time detached creature. "

"Human? And there are actually two." Lu Shui's voice fell, opening a pair of eyes in confusion.

All things seemed to be hidden in the eyes.

But then it seems that there is nothing.

"After you are detached, you will regret it." The unknown strong man said.

"Regret?" Lu Shui was curious:

"Why do you regret it, there is actually a strong enemy here?"

"No." The detached strong voice is a little low:

"Not only is there no strong enemy, there is even nothing.

Here you have to spend endless years.

Although order can be established because of you, there is no life.

Because you can't survive here without being detached.

So I can only wander and practice endlessly.

I am the first person to be detached in countless years. I have noticed your position once before, and I thought that person would choose it.

But he gave up.

He is really smart.

That person is you? "

"No, I don't know who you are talking about.

However, there is one thing you are wrong. "Lu Shui looked at each other and said:

"Only you will wander endlessly here.

I will return to the original world.

I need to go back after all. "

"Hahaha." The detached man chuckled dryly:

"When I first came out, I was as naive as you.

But the fact is that there is no way out, and it is impossible to go back easily.

And the world can't bear it.

If you don't believe me, you look back. "

Mu Xue glanced back, and she found that there was really nothing behind her.

But she did not speak, but looked at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui shook his head and said:

"It's not that I am naive, but that you are too weak."

"Stupid." Everything appeared directly where those eyes were.

It is a terrible power.

These forces rushed directly to the land water.

As if it can bring destruction to any existence.

In the face of this power, Lu Shui only raised his hand slightly:

"Jinghong, one finger."


The silent explosion then spread, changing from order to disorder.

But after one face, only one of those eyes remained.

He was a little shocked:

"how so?"

"Transcendence can be divided into two realms." Lu Shui looked at each other and said:

"One kind of me, one kind of you."

Lu Shui didn't wait for the other party to speak more, but pulled Mu Xue back.

The sound continued:

"Look again, the road has never disappeared."

When Lu Shui turned around, the passage to the world opened.

And Lu Shui and Mu Xue also followed into the world.

"how can that be?"

The only eye left at this moment seemed to have received a huge impact.

"Teach me, please, teach me."

When his voice fell, Lu Shui and Mu Xue had disappeared.

The channel disappeared.

He approached, but he couldn't know anything.

It is even more difficult to understand how that person did it.

Why is it possible?

He tried everything he could but was unable to do it.

There are many levels of detachment, but for a while, he somewhat understood what the other party said.

They are two completely different kinds of detachment.

He was stunned.

Did not leave.

He was waiting, waiting for that person to come out again.

He has been here for endless years.

He is free, but also lonely.

If there are not enough people to be detached, there will be no liveliness here.

His strength can't create life here.

Time began to pass.

He waited here for countless years.

Did not give up, continue to wait.

Until one day, he felt that it was a sign of the opening of the world channel.

He immediately opened his eyes that had already recovered and waited for the human being.

He hoped it was that human.


That human appeared.

Lu Shui reappeared in this nothingness.

"Humans teach me, or let me go to your world.

I promise to keep myself safe. "The detached strong man sighed:

"I have been here too long, too long, I am free but like being imprisoned."

Lu Shui stood in the void, and his aura was restrained at this time.

He came out this time to look for this person.

"Teaching you is difficult, but I can send you back to the world before you.

Again, you need to do me a favor. "Lu Shui said.

"Send back to my world? How is this possible?" The detached strongman asked quite unexpectedly.

"There is nothing impossible. The upper limit of UU reading's strength is far beyond your imagination." Lu Shui stood in front of the opponent and stretched out his hand to begin to gather strength.

At this time, a bright particle appeared at his fingertips.

At the moment when he saw this thing, the detached strong man subconsciously stepped back some distance.


A little carelessness, this thing can kill him.

"What is this?" he asked.

"I don't know." Lu Shui shook his head and continued:

"When I noticed it, when it was condensed by me, I found that this thing has never been discovered before.

I didn't find any information on this thing.

This thing can be a state or a substance.

Of course, it can also be a realm.

So I gave it a name.

Call it-eternity.

Later people, as long as they reach this state and explore it, they will be able to get this news. "


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