The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 539: Reversal of time and space


  Ming is a little surprised, is it so fast?

   He remembered that Lu Shui was not that strong.

   "Are you sure? This time I am not facing an ordinary cultivator, but stepping over a high wall.

   becomes the supreme being.

   Throughout the ages, only a few people can reach this state. "

  Ming still wants to persuade me.

   Lu Shui has packed up his things and said:

   "Maybe you don't believe it, but I may be more than imagined.

   You also think you are waiting for me.

   Then how can I disappoint those who are waiting?

   Supreme is indeed special, but it does not mean it is invincible.

   They can be defeated and they can be killed. "

   Lu Shui turned around and planned to leave:

   "Is there anything you haven't said yet?

   can tell me directly now. "

  Ming was a little startled, he thought about it, and finally shook his head and said:

   "When I think of it, I basically said it.

   More, it takes longer. "

   "Yeah." Lu Shui nodded, and walked away:

   "Then I will find the answer myself, maybe this time, I can know everything."

   The sound fell, and Lu Shui disappeared into the room.

  Ming stood opposite the door, a bit weird.

  Lushui is indeed very strong, but he doesn't know how strong it is.

   Only in such a short time, can you really face the three of Xianmu?

   In theory, it shouldn’t be.


   Since Lu Shui is so confident, he should believe it.

   instead of questioning.

"I'm waiting for you."

  明's voice passed through the room, but no one heard it.


   Muze watched the origin stone glow, and then watched the origin stone lose its light.

   He was waiting quietly.

   didn't care about the passage of time. As for the outside, he just had to make an excuse.

   just said that there are some things to explain to Lu Shui, and he needs to ask him for a favor.

   This may take some time.

   As for studying Go, he couldn't say it.

   This time he also directly notified his elder brother and second sister.

   Although it has been questioned and cautioned.

   But he didn't say much, just to reassure them that there will be no problem.

  Muxue did not say anything else, just expressing understanding.

   Lu Shui’s two entourages did not have any problems either.

   seems to have been greeted.

   "Same as Lu Shui said, but I don't know how many days their limit is."

   Anything has a limit.

   But Mu Xue didn't respond to this incident, and the others in the Mu family naturally didn't say much.

   The young grandmother of the Lu family thinks it’s okay, what’s wrong with them?

   So the key to the problem is that Mu Xue’s limit is a few days.

   But Mu Yuan still reminded a few words, and even wanted to know the specific situation.

   Unfortunately, Mu Ze remained silent.

   At this time, Mu Ze looked at the origin stone and the closed land water.

   Waiting for the other person to wake up.

   It shouldn't take much time to talk to Ming.

  The focus is on the back, land and water are going to enter the capital of mist.

   The place where normal cultivators can't get out.

   Lu Shui went in and came out, but last time there was no gain.

   This time is different, this time I'm going to solve the problem behind Ming.

   is extremely dangerous.

   does not take one or two days.

   In fact, he is also very worried.


   Lu Shui was going, and he couldn't stop it.


  The light began to appear.

   At this time, he found that Lu Shui was beginning to recover.

   After a while, Lu Shui opened his eyes.

   Lu Shui opened his eyes and saw that Lao Zhangren's face was not very good:

   "Do you have doubts?"

   Hearing these words, Mu Ze nodded for the first time:

   "Master Lu's trip, is it dangerous?"

   "This..." After thinking about it, Lu Shui nodded:

  "There is a certain degree of danger, but it is never fatal.

   I will know the details after I go in.

   With my current cultivation base, the theory is that nothing can cause me fatal harm.

   does not rule out some things that I don't understand. "

   "Then Master Lu waits ten days, is there absolutely no danger?" Mu Ze asked again.

   "That's true, but it's been too long, there is no need to wait until then." Lu Shui had no plans to wait.

   He is enough now.

   It's about six months since he was reborn. It can be said that his level is higher than expected.

   There seems to be no change in strength.

   may be weak.

   may be too strong, after all, I haven't tried it.

   But deal with these things, just barely do it.

The matter of    mighty power was basically brought about by the previous life, so he never knew what happened to his sixth or seventh-tier power.

  Of course, this one is also worthless.

   After all, now he is about to enter the Mist City.

   "Then I am going in, Mu Xue will definitely not look for me during this period.

   But my parents might do it.

   In any case, the old husband will continue to make up.

   In a short time, they will not have any radical actions. "Lu Shui said.

   Mainly because they don’t know how strong their son is, they should be worried.


   knew it, and then knew that he went to Dizun and the others, shouldn’t he be able to eat?

   If this is really the case, it's still cheap.

   honourably do not eat.

   He may wave his hand, put down his chopsticks again, and then show compassion: I am worried about my son and can't eat it.

   may be happy in my heart.

   Lu Shui no longer thinks about it, he thinks he also had this idea last time.

   The image of the old man in his mind seems to be unchangeable.

   "Master Lu." Mu Ze hesitated, finally whispered:

   "Please don't try hard."

  The safety of land and water is really important.

   Not long after the wedding, he suffered a lot directly here.

   is really not suitable.

   Besides, this is the Mu family's business after all, and Lu Shui is helping each other out of righteousness.

   was injured for this, after all, I felt a little sorry.

   "Lao Zhangren, you should have some confidence in me." Lu Shui smiled, then opened the entrance to the Mist City, and then waved to the old Zhangren:

  "As little as six days, as many as nine days.

   I can come back.


   If I lose, I should be back today. "

   After speaking, Lu Shui stepped into the space.

   Mu Ze just watched the landing water disappear.

   as many as nine days, as few as six days.

   If you lose, then today.

   Mu Ze sighed heavily:

   "It seems that I have to bear a lot of pressure today."

   He wanted Lu Shui to come back, but he was worried that Lu Shui would come back.

   Anyway, it's very contradictory.


   On the street under the Mu's mountain.

   Mu Xue looked at the direction of the ancestral land, feeling a little bit.

   "I left, I don't know when I will be back."

   Lu Shui must do this, she naturally supports it.

   After all, she is now Lu's young grandmother and Lu Shui's wife.

   Although it is easy to think of Lu Shui, she can take a peek at it.

   does not affect the situation.

   "Cousin, I have become a lot better at drawing recently.

   After waiting, let me draw a couple paintings for you and your cousin Lu Shui.

   must be pretty. "

   Dongfang Chacha said.

   "Let's show Yayue first." Mu Xue whispered.

   Speaking of Cha Cha, I have been learning to paint for a long time, and it seems that there has been no major progress.

   Mu Xue, who had been listening to Cha Cha shirk, suddenly heard the report from the head of the goddess.

   After she heard it clearly, she was a little surprised.

   The natural **** is gone?

   disappeared from the Kong Ming sea area?

   Speaking of it, she didn't seem to have met a natural **** in her previous life.

   I heard that there is such a powerful existence, but I have never met it head-on.

   Lu Shui should have never met either.

   I didn't expect the other party to disappear at this point in time.

   It shouldn't be in the previous life.

   Mu Xue thought about it carefully, and found that the time period should be very late.

   Probably the land water did not grow so fast in the previous life, and then the opponent can stay in the sea well.

   Now that Lu Shui is stronger, the opponent has noticed the danger.

   and ran away?

  Muxue thinks this is the case nine out of ten.

   Otherwise, why don't things disappear?

   It's just that few people think that the natural gods will escape.

  "Speaking of it, it was because the land water was too strong in the previous life, which led to it being so strong in this life.

   But how strong was the land water in the last life? "

   Mu Xue thought about it casually, but this thought surprised her a little.

   She thought it was not easy to remember.

   But it seems that if you think about it, you can remember it.

   However, it looks like it takes a long time to think about it.

   After hesitating, she thought it was better to play with Yalin and the others first.

   Wait for free time before thinking.


   "Come in."

   In the Mist City, Mo Xiu Xuechen looked at the sky and said.

   There is a channel connecting here.

   You don’t need to think about it, who will come.

  Because few people can come here except them.

   So who will be here recently?

   Naturally, there is only the mainstream fire of the Hidden Sky School.

   "It's a bit early, much earlier than expected." The elder said.

   It didn't take long for Lu Shui to be promoted to the seventh rank. Now that he came here, he was somewhat reluctant to look at it.

   But since Lu Shui is here, he should be certain.

   He didn't intend to stop, but was waiting.

   If there is any accident, he will take action.

   Although unable to fight against those people, before the other party has recovered, it will affect one or two. It should be okay.

   Probably the limit is here.

   no matter how many, you need to pay a sufficient price.

   If needed, he won't shrink back the slightest.

   "He found us, he looked a little bit wrong, what's wrong with him?" Mo Xiu Xuechen was a little puzzled:

  "Because I am here?

   Does he think I don’t deserve to be here? "

   Great Elder: "..."

   probably because Liu Huo didn't wear a black robe this time.


   Lu Shui who came in was planning to make a big splash, and felt that he was going to clean up the three beings.

   By the way, ask them some questions.


  The teacher is not good.

   When I came in, I saw Mo Xiu Xuechen and the Great Elder directly.

   Seeing Moxiu Blood Dust is nothing.

   But the Great Elder...

   I forgot to wear the black robe today. For a while, he wanted to take the black robe out and put it on.

   But it’s too late, right?

   was seen, right?

   "I don't know what the great elder's expression is, is it a mistake on his face?

   Or think that someone is pretending to be me.

   Yes, someone must pretend to be me.

   Otherwise, how could it be so strong? "

   Okay, just so comfort myself.

   But Lu Shui didn't plan to go there, Quandang didn't see it.

   slipped away.


   I don't know what will happen after I go back.

  The elders will question him?

   I don’t feel very good at it.

   What if you don't care about it?

   No matter what, let's go first to the Emperor and the others.

   After all, he didn't come in with the identity of the main fire of the Young Sect of the Hidden Sky School. Who knew he was Flowing Fire?

   Even if someone knows, the elder does not know.

   Thinking of this, Lu Shui was no longer embarrassed.

   even wanted to go over and say hello.

   Let the great elder see, he, Master Lu, is unparalleled in the world.

   Ignoring the great elder and Mo Xiu Xuechen on the island, Lu Shui stepped towards the mysterious capital where Ming was.

   is different from before, it is already very obvious here.

   is a vortex.

   Go in and you will find where the Ming is, which is where the mystery is.

   But there are three supreme beings on the way.

  He needs to meet these three first.

   "I don't know what's going on, I always feel that these three might know me, maybe because of the time power of the emperor."

   "But whether the power of time can make the other party aware of it, it's hard to say, after all, I still don't know how I got back."

   Lu Shui still remembered the moment he came back, thinking that his secret room was blown up.

   has no memory of the last life, just like a short film.

  Of course, this state is also normal. After all, he often forgets some people and things.

   But as long as you want to think about it, you can still remember it.

  Such as Oriental Slag.

   But as for how to come back...

   "Um, I don't seem to think about it very seriously either."

  Lu Shui thought for a while, and found that he can remember it by working hard.

   "It feels a bit wrong."

   My thoughts are a little smooth this time.

   I didn't want to think about it before.

   "Forget it, I don't think about these, I still think about whether I can remember how to come back."

   Lu Shui walked in the air, his goal was naturally that vortex.

   But he didn't walk fast, he just moved a little bit.

  He was thinking.

   It’s just that it’s not easy to think about the results.

   "It feels like these memories have been thrown into a corner, it might have been Mu Xue who blew up the secret room.

   Then the two of them blew up together.

   then exploded the memory to the corner. "

   It’s not impossible, Mu Xue’s gunpowder barrel is very powerful.

   But so far, he has not been wounded once.

   So it’s impossible to look at them by blowing them back together.

   If there is a major situation in the experiment, he will definitely notify Mu Xue.

   Mu Xue's thoughts staying around him can also be noticed.

   will not blow him up.

   Lu Shui walked in the midair of the Mist City, and he approached the vortex step by step.

   At this time, he seems to be walking towards the depths of memory step by step.

   He was a little surprised, what memories can be thrown so far.

   The maid of the Lu family didn’t miss that far, right?

   "He seems to be thinking?" Mo Xiu Xuechen looked at Lu Shui with some confusion.

   At this time, you should be fully focused, why are you distracted?

   "It looks like I am thinking, but I don't know what I am thinking." The Grand Elder was also a little confused.

  Lu Shui’s behavior is a bit abnormal, but I don’t have the slightest problem.

There is no abnormality in the state of   .

   The strength is naturally invisible, but the Mist City cannot bring him any harm.

   Although they were puzzled, there was no extra action, just watching.

   At this time, Lu Shui was walking towards the vortex step by step.

   At the same time, there seemed to be a roar between heaven and earth.

   No one can hear this roar.

   Only a limited number of people can hear it.

   And Jiu is one of the best.

   "Everything is being driven towards perfection, and the numerology of heaven and earth is about to return to its true path."

  Jiu sat next to the second elder, looked at the sky and said.

   "What will happen if we completely return to the right track?" the second elder asked.

   "The world is stable, and I can leave with peace of mind." Jiu looked at the second elder and continued:

   "At that time, Xiao Xiaoting will be able to know the truth of everything."

   "Where am I?" Ji Xun asked aside.

   "Your wish should also be fulfilled." Jiu looked at the sky as if penetrating the endless distance, and looked at the misty city:

   "Lu Shui is going in, and the future of the world lies at his feet.

   His behavior determines everything in this world.

Always been this way.

   This time, he finally chose this path. "

   "What do you mean?" The second elder was a little puzzled.

   "This can't be said yet, wait a few days, just a few days, Xiao Xiaoting will know all the truth, and she will thank me then." Jiu smiled.

   As if something interesting will happen then.

   The second elder frowned, always feeling something wrong with what Jiu said.

   It doesn't matter which sentence is.

   Especially that sentence, this time he finally chose this path.

The real problem with    is "this time". What does it mean?

   Is there another time?

she does not know.

  Because I can't know what Jiu is thinking, I can't know what this sentence really means.

   Only a few days ago.

   She can afford to wait.


   This means that in only a few days, Jiu should disappear.

   For a while, she suddenly felt that some secrets might not be known for a lifetime, which is the happiest thing.

   "Don't worry, I will be very happy if I know it.

   After all, Xiao Xiaoting's time in the world is not as much as I have. "Jiu poked the second elder's face with a smile.

   Ji Xun did not speak, she was waiting.

   Waiting for the wish to be fulfilled.

   Or rather, last wish.


   Nancheng University.

   The uncle security guard in the security room looked at the sky and felt the sound of thunder.

  "I feel that the world as a whole is changing, and many things are being revised, or the numerology is being revised.

  The world is developing in a good direction.

   Something big happened.

   Is it that the existence has acted again? "

   Uncle Security looked at the sky and fixed his gaze on the Mist City.

   "It seems that what happened there, their first battle has not started, but the numerology of heaven and earth has become more complete.

   Could it be that they actually need a battle between them?

   Or that this battle can actually solve all the problems? "

   How else can it become like this?

   It is a pity that he is not strong enough after all.

   can't see the existence.

will die.

   He didn't dare to watch everything about that existence.

   But one thing is certain.

   The person who gave way to land should be the one who exists.

   The natural **** confirmed this, so he ran away.

   gave up the dignity of God, took a seal, and fled with his tail sandwiched.

   There is a glimmer of life on the escape side.

  If you don't escape...

   may be the real death.


  Mist City.

   Lu Shui strode forward and came to the entrance of the whirlpool.

   Without hesitation, he stepped in.

   This is an invisible vortex, but the gaze can bring a kind of invisible pressure to people, as if to be swallowed by the abyss.

   It seems that once you enter, you can never escape from the abyss.

   For ordinary people, this place is indeed extremely dangerous.

   Even the great elders who are strong enough are powerless when facing this vortex.

   The level involved here is too high.

   Surrounding the whirlpool are disordered forces, which belong to the heavens and the earth, and belong to the world.

   is the beginning of disaster.

   And there are not only these in this vortex, but also the endless aura of annihilation.

   There is even the assimilation of fans.

   may be erased from the world when it enters, and no longer exists.

   Of course, he would die directly in obliteration and disorder.

   But it has no effect on the land and water.

   He entered the whirlpool.

   But at this time, he didn't care much about this vortex, but was entangled in his thoughts.

   He seems to remember.

   This whirlpool feels sobering, so he remembered something in a relatively corner.

for example...

   how to come back.

   Then Lu Shui reviewed it carefully.

   Then he got a look of excitement.

   "My God, I finally remembered what was going on."


   At this time, there was a powerful breath blowing out of the whirlpool.

   Lu Shui had to make a move to stabilize his figure.

   But soon he entered an ethereal passage.

   There is no bright light here, but there are countless stars twinkling in the darkness.

   At the very front, there are three distinctive light spots.

   They exist as if they are being contrasted by the entire space.

   And there are three streams of light extending in from the space, directly connected to those three light spots.

   seems to be sending power to the three light spots.

   thus awaken the three stars.

   "It's here."

   Lu Shui looked at these three light spots.

   knew that this was the space where the three of Emperor Zun were.

  Walking through this passage, then facing the most terrifying mystery city.

   is clearly called the living mystery.

   is also the source from which he can know all the truth.

   Of course, what I know is not the truth of rebirth.

   is the truth in ancient times.

  Lu's death, Kenichi's death.

   The only true god, the ancestor of the Lu family.

  He wants to know these.

   must also know.

  Because he wants to get the numerology of heaven and earth back on track.

   After just hard work, he remembered why he came back.

   also knew why Mu Xue was an ordinary person and couldn't get pregnant yet.

   Of course, I also know why I was cut.

   However, these people did not deal with his mother and Lu Lai's affairs.

  What happened to land...

   seems to have this kind of memory too.

   After thinking about it, it feels a bit troublesome.

   Then he gave up.

   There is nothing to think about.

   is not important.

   The most important thing is how to come back.

   He remembered saying that to Mu Xue at that time.

   It was a sunny day. He found Mu Xue who didn’t know why he was so happy. Why was he so happy?

   At that time, I was in Niangqin's yard. I thought that Niangqin taught her how to cook.

   I don’t think about what is going on.

   At that time, he told Mu Xue very seriously that he finally had something to The content of the conversation was like this.

   "Miss Mu, I finally found a way to get you pregnant this time." He said so.

   But Mu Xue didn’t believe it:

   "Master Lu, don't comfort me, I am not uncomfortable.

   But if you say something nice, I might be very happy. "

   At that time, he was almost taken astray by Mu Xue, and he almost said good things, but he still told Mu Xue very seriously:

   "I really found a way, a different way than before.

   A shocking method.

   Although you may not believe it, this time it will definitely succeed. "

   Because of his serious expression, Mu Xue finally began to believe a little, and then asked:

   "What is the solution?"

   He didn't have the slightest idea of ​​selling off the hook, but directly told Mu Xue the answer.

   The answer is only four words.

   is a very simple four words.

   That is:

   "Reverse time and space."



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