The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 552: This seat is the Emperor Xianting

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In the eyes of the strong.

The sky seemed to be split, and something powerful was shattering.

Falling down.

It seems that the complete power is shattering and disintegrating.

Kuhai Buddhism.

Xinhuo Ancient Buddha, Miao Zun Ancient Buddha, all looked at the sky.

They never said a word, but withdrew their gazes together.

Finally, I looked at the top of the temple, as if waiting for someone to return.

Soon the light fell.

At this time, a Buddha sat cross-legged in the uppermost position, and the golden lotus began to bloom.

"Dependent origination and demise, cause and effect cycle.

Open the Buddha's presence, close your eyes the Buddha's death.

There are ten thousand realms in the heart, as well as the shadow of Buddha.

See the heart, see the Buddha. "

The Buddha proclaimed a Buddha's name, and finally the brilliance dissipated.

Xinhuo Ancient Buddha and Miao Zun Ancient Buddha announced a period of Buddha's name, as if they understood the teachings.

It was not until the Buddha completely passed away that they looked at each other.

"Can there be cause and effect?" Xinhuo Ancient Buddha asked Miaozun Ancient Buddha.

"Can there be obsessions in my heart?" Miao Zun Ancient Buddha asked Xinhuo Ancient Buddha.

The two looked at each other, and finally announced the Buddha's name together.

There was relief and joy in his eyes.

At this time the Buddha's light began to bloom on them.

Outside of the Kuhai, many monks all left the Kuhai Buddha Hall in golden lotus.

Everyone watched the light of the Buddha Temple, and they put their hands together and declared a Buddha's name.

But some people are still heading towards the temple.

Most of them are Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas in the next life.

The Buddha in their hearts is in this temple.

Since the temple of the Buddha shines, they must follow.

After the extreme light, the temple began to collapse, and finally sank into the sea of ​​bitterness.

No trace again.

Since then, there will be no more Kuhai Buddhism.

But Buddhism is still there.

Finally, high in the sky, there was a Buddhist horn.

As if sighing.

Then the Buddha's name came out throughout the sea of ​​suffering, as if saying goodbye, as if following.


On the endless glacier.

A young girl walked out of the lake.

She strode forward and came to the lake.

Wearing aqua blue dress.

Like the lady next door, with a sunny smile on her face.

As she walked to the lake, a woman in a black dress followed.

Then the teenager whose body was covered by light also appeared by the lake.

The goddess of ice sea, the goddess of darkness, the **** of light.

They came to the lake by coincidence and looked up at the sky.

There was no trace of sadness in his eyes, no trace of regret.

"Failed." said the goddess of ice sea.

"Yes, it's finally over after so many years." The Dark Goddess followed.

"It's time to rest." Guangming God said.

At this time, the light fell from the sky, and the figure of Aisi appeared.

"Why bother?

The gods are still there, and that person won't be able to attack you.

You can't get into their eyes yet. "Ess lowered her eyebrows and looked at the three people in front of her and said.

"We have always obeyed you in the past, so let us be willful once.

We want to continue to be by your side. We have passed everything in the world.

No regrets.

What I want in this life is to be by your side.

Too long, you left us for too long too long. "The Goddess of Ice Sea looked at Ai Si and said.

"Yes, we have been waiting for a long time." The Dark Goddess followed.

"The light is always there. I can still illuminate everything with or without me." Guangming God said.

"Is that so?" Ai Si lowered her eyebrows, and finally said:

"Then next oracle, let the sleeping one continue to fall asleep.

God is not in the human world and returns to the heavenly family. "The true **** Ess said softly.

"Your wishes, we must obey them." The Ice Sea Goddess and others responded immediately.

Then the light appeared.

Lights appeared in the seven temples of the gods.

As if the Lord God was greeted to return to the sky.

And some Dharma gods, gods, **** kings, all follow.

It was far more than the Ice Sea Goddess who was willing to follow Ai Si to leave.

Almost all the ancient gods were willing to do this.

After that, the true God did not appear.

The main **** does not come out.

At this moment, everything in Skyrim was directly broken.

Power collapses, and the highest falls.

A vision appeared in the sky, which lasted for a long time.


In a normal city.

The ancient Buddha of Ming Wang looked at the sky and proclaimed a Buddha's name.

He cannot follow the Buddha, he has other responsibilities.

Looking at the baby girl crawling on the ground, she finally chose to stay.

This is also a Buddha.


Youluo Gufo looked at the sky, and finally made the same choice as Mingwang Gufo.

He was born in the underworld and has great responsibilities.

These people cannot be abandoned.

The entrance of Nancheng University.

Uncle security rarely walked out of the security room, he looked at the sky and finally shook his head.

No words.

He just sighed and walked into his security room.

There is always an end in life, and everyone's pursuit is different.

The realm of the three emperors is too high.

It's so high that he can't touch it anymore.

This is also the best destination.

Back to the security room, the uncle security continued to eat his instant noodles.

The days still have to go on.


The kingdom of the moon.

Mingyue walked out from inside.

He came to the snow and looked at the sky, finally feeling a little sad.

"Three more people left, there are not many people in our time."

Finally he disappeared on the snow.

Need to go to Mu's house.

Then go to Xiaoyou Lu.

Go say thank you.

Or answer some Lu Xiaoyou's questions and determine follow-up actions by the way.


There seemed to be a sigh on the ground where Mingtu was, and finally there was no more movement.

It seems that everything just didn't happen.

Fengshuanghe also uttered a sigh that seemed like there was nothing.

In the end, there was no movement.

In Qiuyun Town, the toothache fairy also looked at the sky, and he hadn't experienced many things.

But some people he knew.

The dog sighed:

"The grandson of Emperor Emperor is gone, there is no way to find him to return to the market."

With the dog, it is waiting to yell at the emperor.

Unfortunately, the emperor did not give it this opportunity.

At this time, Ye Xinxin, who sells medicine, looked towards the sky with a sense of feeling. He knew that the Buddha had fallen.


"Is everything over?" Jianchuan asked.

Everyone in the Mist City is amazed.

Even the Great Elder is the same, these three are really too strong.

It is very difficult to chase their realm.

But he never gave up.

His sword can open new paths for him.

One day, he can also reach that height.

But in a hurry.

"It's over, those three chose to fall." Jiu said.

But what she worries about is the power of these three.

If no one absorbs, then...

Will be directly absorbed by Qi.

Seven will directly unlock the only power of heaven and earth.

Then she will repeat the situation at that time, erect a high wall before the highest, the world is extreme, and the mystery will reappear.

This is something they tried to avoid, but it may happen directly now.

And at this moment, heaven and earth seemed to have undergone an abnormal change, and endless power was surging toward the misty capital.

The entire misty city is rolling.

"What's happening here?" the ancestor of Worm Valley asked.

He found that he was really too small, he didn't understand any of these movements, and every one of them was extremely dangerous. An avenger was really too ordinary.

The few people present are very ordinary in front of these forces.

And this kind of action was made by the Lu Family Master.

It's incredible.

And seeing this scene, Jiu was relieved.

The power is being accepted, so that it will not go to Qi, so that no bad things will happen.

"This is really complete." Jiu had a smile on his face.

The second elder looked at Jiu and was silent.

Jiu patted the head of the second elder.


In the vortex.

Lu Shui watched the three disappear completely, and reached out his hand to gather the powers belonging to the three.

"Why is Master Lu gathering this power?" Mu Xue was a little curious.

These things are of no use to land water.

"Because of that bad girl..." Lu Shui opened his mouth to explain the outline, and then said:

"So if you don't gather this omnipotence, the bad girl will become the same existence as Jiu.

When we regain strength, she will fall.

This will produce tragedy.

The world will also be hurt. "

Mu Xue took the power, she took it, and the only true **** needed it in the future, and she gave it a little bit.

So there is no problem.

But she was still surprised:

"So, the bad girl is actually the ancestor?"

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and shrugged:

"Who knows?"

If you don't tell me, no one will know.

Mu Xue: "..."

so bad.

But Mu Xue didn't care whether her ancestors had no influence on her.

At most, it has an impact on land and water, and it is not easy to beat people.

Lu Shui is like that, he likes to beat people.

Especially the people who affected him.

As long as it is not an elder, it will be finished.

After everything was dealt with, the two went outside.

"By the way, the marriage was made by father and father, the purpose is to fight the unknown source.

Why did you come to divorce? "Mu Xue asked curiously.

"This..." Lu Shui thought and said:

"Maybe the three elders are stronger?

Or does the old man have no plans?

If it doesn't work, you can ask your mother.

She must know. "

"So you are here to divorce, right?" Mu Xue's expression suddenly became serious.

Lu Shui looked at Lu Shui and said seriously:

"Miss Mu, we are talking about business."

"Oh, I'm making trouble unreasonably." Mu Xue nodded to express her understanding.

Lu Shui: "....."

It's good for you to understand, it's gratifying.

But before going out, Lu Shui put a black robe on himself and gave Mu Xue one by the way.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui while holding the black robe:

"Master Lu, do you still want to hide it?"

"No way, let's start with my parents, safety is the top priority.

Miss Mu doesn't want to be a widow, right? "Lu Shui put on Mu Xue as he said.

"But when I came in, I was a goddess in purple clothes." Mu Xue said.

"I just don't let them know who is going out. Then I go out and say that I am the emperor, you can be the emperor." Lu Shui said.

He also added some special effects to the black robe, with streamers appearing.

"Emperor?" Mu Xue raised her brows and corrected:

"It's the empress."

Lu Shui: "..."

Just pretend, so what's the real thing?

Soon the two of them walked outside wearing black robes, with more or less powerful auras on them.

So no one dared to question him.

He just goes out and declares his identity.

Soon Lu Shui took Mu Xue out of the vortex.

The misty city surging directly, turning into a ladder to let the land and water better go into the air.

When they saw the two come out, everyone else was stunned.

Incomparably powerful and terrifying.

The top of the fairy, I alone dominate, above the emperor.

This is the aura they feel.

The crowd was stunned.

The legendary emperor?

But why can't you see your face clearly?

Not wearing an imperial robe, but a black robe?

But even the black robe is still extraordinary, as if everything in the world is draped over the other person.

This is, Flowing Fire?

At this time, Lu Shui looked around and found that there were quite a lot of people.

The two elders are here.

But it doesn't matter.

No one can see through him.

Then he looked at everyone condescendingly and said:

"I am the emperor, and will rule the world.

I will look for you again in the future. "

Mu Xue followed behind and didn't speak. She felt that the eyes of these people looked at Lu Shui were not right, three-point surprise, seven-point shock.

It seems that some do not understand what happened.

She, the empress, didn't introduce herself.

Lu Shui also didn't feel right, these people were not as cooperative as he was when he was a Flowing Fire.

never mind.

gone back.

What do they do.

Thinking like this, he pulled Mu Xue directly into the endless space door.

At this time, the others were still confused, as if they couldn't understand the situation just now.

The last one looked at Lu Wuwei.

Lu Wuwei coughed dryly, and then let out a gentle voice:

"Make everyone laugh.

It's time to go back. "

The second elders didn't want to stay for a moment, all of them seemed to be questioning, Liu Huo was different from what they thought.


What a shame.

Why are they so strong and so embarrassing?

So thinking about turning around and leaving.

Jiu had a relaxed face, it was okay, no one knew that they belonged to the family.

Ningxia looked at Lu Wuwei and Lu Youting with a smile.

The Lu Family Master is really talented, and can do everything.

Then others left one after another, although it did seem a bit...

Something unexpected.

However, the power of Liuhuo is beyond doubt.

At this time the vortex below also began to disappear.

They know that everything is over and there is no need to stay anymore.

Only a few of them knew what happened here, and the others couldn't shed light on who it was.

Whether there will be a pass in the name of Flowing Fire from now on is two different things.

In half a year, Liuhuo's reputation reached its peak.

But it is very likely to be short-lived.

Because Liu Huo had no rivals anymore, he no longer needed to appear in the realm of cultivation.

In the future, perhaps few people will mention the flow of fire.

It is also the beginning of a legend, but it ends too quickly.

Only a few people here understand that the legend of Liuhuo is short because he is already invincible.

Invincible here.



Lu Shui returned to Mu's house with Mu Xue.

"Master Lu, didn't you think it was a bit weird just now?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with us anyway, so there is no need to think about it." Lu Shui put the black robe away directly.

Mu Xue's was also put away by him.

"Master Lu, I feel you are running away." Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui looked up at Mu Xue said:

"Miss Mu, if I face them, will they bear it?

I do it for their good. "

Mu Xue snorted coldly.

Then said:

"I don't know how many days have passed, I have to go to Aunt Tang and the others, Master Lu, go by myself."

Lu Shui disappeared in place after seeing that Mu Xue was indeed okay.

He needs to go to the ancestral land to find the old man.

Tell him about the things that have been handled well, and ask how long it has been by the way.

Not long after, Lu Shui appeared in Mujiazudi.

Appears directly on the edge of the origin stone.

Mu Ze, who had been standing still, couldn't react for a while.

Only soon, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Master Lu, is it over?"

He felt more or less the changes in the sky outside.

Therefore, I have been worried.

I don't know if Lu Shui can return smoothly.

The moment he saw Lu Shui, he knew that Lu Shui had won.

Probably handled everything.

"Well, it's all over.

Everything is complete.

By the way, how many days have passed? "Lu Shui asked.

In Midu, there is no way to know the passage of time.

Can only ask.

"Ten days." Mu Ze said.

Lu Shui nodded.

Ten days, a few days longer than before.

But this fan is really special, and it is normal for a few more days.

But it's not too much, and it's okay.

As for a few more days, there is no big problem, because in the end Muxue rushed into the Midu.

They have already met.

Those few days didn't matter.

At most, the old man can't explain to his parents.

"Have my parents contacted me?" Lu Shui asked again.

"I have looked for it once, and said that after I was busy, I never looked for it again.

But Mu Xue disappeared two days ago.

They didn't show that there was a problem, only that they were out.

Master Lu knows what's going on? "Muze asked.

He felt a little strange.

"It's okay, she has already returned." Lu Shui said.

He didn't explain that Mu Xue is special.

But after thinking about it, Lu Shui asked Mu Xue's question just now:

"Old man, I have a small question to ask."

"Master Lu, what do you want to ask?" Mu Ze asked.

He didn't think he could answer Lu Shui.

"When I came to Mu's to divorce, did my father contact you?" Lu Shui asked.

Hearing this question, Mu Ze was stunned.

Then he looked at Lu Shui, hesitating to say.

"Let's talk, I already know your business, isn't it..." Lu Shui had hesitated to say without knowing it.

"Isn't there a consensus? Has my father contacted you? It's not in the consensus, right?"

"At that time, your father did contact me." After a moment of silence, Mu Ze said:

"But it didn't say anything specific."

Lu Shui nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then talked about the origin stone:

"Ming has left, they should resume as a whole.

But about the five-year ancestor worship.

They will come to you to discuss.

Don't care, he agreed, and he won't break his promise.

Mingyue has something to do with the Mu family.

He also doesn't need you to work for them.

I don't dare to find you if I'm looking for someone to sell my life.

What happens next depends on your own development, and leaving clearly will not affect your normal development.

It will not bring you any danger.

As for the person staring at Mu Xue.

Has completely collapsed.

Everything has been handled.

You can put it down. "

Lu Shui looked at the old man and said.

Mu Ze lowered his head and said softly:

"Is it all done?

So that's good. "

Lu Shui didn't say anything anymore. Does the old man hate Mu Xue?

It didn't feel like, but there was no sign that he loved Mu Xue.

But some responsibilities he did.

In the previous life, he directly prevented Mu Xue from coming back, and he was not welcome when he came back.

Ancestor worship?

That is even more disagreement.

Land and water are useless.

He even razed Mu's family and didn't change the old man's mind.

Maybe he has his own ideas.

Or alternative protection.

In this life, I probably won't reconcile with Mu Xue.

Mu Xue wouldn't blame her father.

Taking the initiative to approach is also impossible, after all, someone is very good with the old man.

Of course this person is Lu Shui himself.

It is possible to reconcile with Mu Xue at the end of his life.

Forget it now.

There is still a long time.

Lu Shui stepped away from the ancestral land, but before leaving, he curiously asked Mu Ze:

"Lao Zhangren, which of your three daughters do you love most?"

Mu Ze was stunned, without answering.

Lu Shui didn't care, and continued to leave:

"I'm going to find Miss Mu, Lao Zhangren, please continue to be busy."

Lu Shui left without embarrassing the old man.

He stood in the sun, feeling the not-so-warm light.

"Everything is done, everything is consummated.

Our numerology is also fully integrated into it.


With a smile at the corner of Lu Shui's mouth:

"For countless years, I finally achieved this step, and it's the most important moment.

It will never fail again. "

He did everything, tested everything.

Only found this most likely thing.

It will never fail again.

He calculated everything for this time.

Of course, many things were beyond his expectations, such as Lu, Jianyi, and the origin of the Lu family.

Thinking of these, Lu Shui thought of the natural god.

"It seems that I have to take the time to go to the Kongming Sea." Lu Shui thought to himself.

Then I planned to find Mu Xue.

It just didn't take two steps before the phone rang.

After so many days, there is still electricity?

"Mother?" Lu Shui looked at the caller ID, not feeling very good.

What is your mother doing looking for him?

But I'm not afraid of being so far away.

Line connected.

"Hey, son." Dongfang Li Yin's voice came from the other side.

Lu Shui immediately said:

"Mother, are you looking for me?"

"Do I have a second son?" the other side asked.

Lu Shui: "..."

Don’t you still have a daughter in your stomach?

It is indeed a daughter.

Lu Shui already knew her origin.

"I heard you are busy lately? Are you finished?" Dongfang Liyin asked.

"Recently, I am studying Go, and I have already studied it.

My chess skill is very strong.

Mother wants to play chess with me? Lu Shui asked.

"Do you think your mother will lose?" Dongfang Li Yin asked.

Lu Shui: "......"

How did he hear the threat?

"What's wrong with my mother?" Lu Shui thought he should change the subject.

Playing chess with your mother?

Are you crazy?

When the time comes, I will say, should my mother kneel down and beg you to let the chess go?

It's not as good as he kneels and begs his mother to let him let him go ~ You have been away from home for many days. Come back in two days.

Mother has something to ask you.

Quite important. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

"Can't you just ask?" Lu Shui asked.

He has time to react.

"My mother asked you to come back, do you have to invite it?" Dongfang Li Yin's voice came directly.

Lu Shui: "..."

In the end he could only respond.

These two days just happened to be with Mu Xue.

Then go back.

But what can I do if my mother finds him?

If I think about it, I can't think of anything.

Then there is nothing to care about.

All the way back to Mu Xue's yard, she found that she hadn't seen Mu Xue and them.

I saw Zhenwu and Zhenling.


Seeing Lu Shui, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

It's great that the young master is fine.

Although I know nothing will happen.

But after all, I will be happy.

"By the way, young master, I heard about something recently that the natural **** has disappeared." Zhen Wu said immediately.

Lu Shui: "Huh?"


On the last day of the double monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass.

Try to end it tomorrow.

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