The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 71: Who agrees and who opposes

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Qiao Gan was lying in the passage. He was seriously injured now, feeling that he could die at any time.

He took the pill and tried hard to heal his injuries, but it was not enough. If he didn't go out, he would definitely die here.

But he didn't know how to get out at all.

Even more unable to ask the outside world for help.

He took what Dongqi was waiting for. Maybe when he died, someone would find him later and would choose to bury him for the sake of a magic weapon.

Qiao Gan was desperate, he was about to wait for death, and at this moment he suddenly saw a door, a door leading to the outside world.

Qiao Gan was in a daze.

Immediately showing ecstasy, he crawled towards the exit with all his strength.

"It's almost a little bit, just a little bit, wait for me, don't turn off, don't turn off."

Seeing the door that was about to close, Qiao Gan burst out with the greatest strength in his life. He slowly stood up, his speed getting faster and faster.

It was just too fast, he accidentally dropped the arm he picked up earlier to the ground, Qiao took a look, and finally rushed into the door. Remember the URL m.luoqiuzw. com

And his broken arm and the bodies of Dong Qi and others stay here forever.

After a while, Qiao Gan felt that he was lying on the grass. When he looked around, he found that he was already on the bank of the Tianchi River.

"Alive, I'm still alive, I'm still alive, hahaha."

Qiao laughed, and just laughed and cried.

She burst into tears.


At this time, Lu Shui also found that the golden light of Tianhe Pool had disappeared.

"Completely over? It seems we can leave."

Thinking of Lu Shui like this, he would put away the heaven and earth formations, and Tianchi River's epiphany would not end, and he would not be able to descend.

There is no problem now.

On the way down the mountain, Lu Shui suddenly saw three people in front of him on the way, one of them seemed to be broken with his arm on his back.

"Brother, don't worry, we are going down the mountain, who is hurting you like this?" Qiao Qian said angrily and anxiously.

"Haha, if they didn't attack me sneakily, how could they possibly hurt me, and in the end they were not all killed by me. A group of nameless juniors who used their hands directly, I could kill them with one hand.

Otherwise, the dark scene is me first. "Qiao Gan said with a far-fetched smile.

Qiao Qian frowned slightly, her brother was not in good spirits, her brother was not so ostentatious before.

And she felt that there was a problem with her brother's cultivation level. If she did not recover, she might not be able to make progress in this life.

Her brother, it's over.

Lu Shui was a little surprised as these three people left:

"Qing Tian Ming Shen Jue? That book?

Qiao Gan actually learned it? "

The Qingtian Ming Shen Jue is a practice that requires great opportunity to learn, and this practice must be learned at the moment of life and death.

If you learn to die and live, if you can't learn, you can't learn.

How difficult is this book?

It was so difficult for Mu Xue to come and compete with him in the last life.

He remembers what Mu Xue said: I learned it in half an hour, and I have cultivated to the highest level, can you do it?

At that time, Lu Shui naturally took over the Qingtian Mingshen Jue, he learned it directly after a glance, and cultivated to the fullest within ten breaths.

When he wanted to speak, Mu Xue's angry eyes greeted him, and finally he could only lower his head and say: Can't learn.

At this point, Mu Xue turned overcast to love.

He is too lazy to care about Mu Xue, naive.

Might as well find him to fight.

As for whether this technique is powerful or not, it's just so-so.

It's useless.

Not long after, Lu Shui walked out of Tianchi River, and as soon as he got out of Tianchi River, he saw Zhen Wu Zhen Ling coming.

Zhenwu and Zhenling were also relieved, as long as there is no trouble.

"Next." When Zhenwu and the others came over, Lu Shui threw out the Shuangsheng sword.

"Master, is this?" I was a little puzzled after receiving Jian Zhenwu.

"The ones found inside will be given to you." Lu Shui said.

It happened that he broke Zhenwu's sword, so let's make up for it in advance.

Zhenwu's sword was destroyed when it hit the fierce beast.

Originally, Zhenwu had to go to the warehouse to collect it.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling looked at the sword and felt a bit ordinary, but after all, it was given by the young master, so he couldn't say anything.

"Try to draw the sword together, remember to synchronize." Lu Shui said helplessly.

How much do these two dislike this sword?

Zhenwu and Zhenling glanced at each other, and finally drew their swords at the same time.


When the two swords were out of the sheath, a pure sword intent instantly spread out, the glow of light began to appear, and the vision followed.

The terrible breath makes people look at him.

At this moment, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was frightened, and they directly returned the sword to its sheath when these things appeared.

"Young master, this is, what kind of sword is this?" Zhenwu was shocked, and he never thought that these terrible visions would appear just after the sword was unsheathed.

Lu Shui stepped away and said by the way:

"Shuangsheng sword, a single sword has no abnormality, and the combination of the two swords is powerful.

In terms of rank, it's just average, similar to my Seven Scaled Dragon Sword. "

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was silent.

They wanted to ask Lu Shui, how did you pick up a sword of this level, Master?

Finally they accepted the sword quite happily.

I bowed my head and thanked me.

What is the rank of the Seven Scale Dragon Sword?

A sword that can surprise the fierce beast, which means that the same is true of their swords.

It just looks normal.

Okay, too ordinary, take it back and decorate it.

"Master didn't cause anything in it, right?" Zhenwu asked.

He was worried about something, and if something happened, he had to notify the patriarch in advance, so as to avoid the young master from being in danger.

They really didn't dare to experience the barren grassland again.

It's too scary, it will scare people to stand still.

Lu Shui took out the heaven and earth formation to continue reading:

"No, how long will it take for us to go back?"

"That's right." Lu Shui remembered something and said again:

"Where is Tianchihe ranked?"

Although he had some predictions, he still wanted to know about it, and he also needed to pay attention to the time he went back, otherwise he would have to wait for the third elder's notification to come over and not go back.

"The ranking of fairies is like this. The first is Xiao Yunwei from the Xiao family, the second is Miss Dongfang Chacha, and the third is Daozong Yuni.

If the young master wants to go back, he will leave in the afternoon and be there early tomorrow morning. "The answer is true spirit.

Lu Shui nodded, he was quite surprised. The Dongfang scum was actually ranked second. It was amazing, but without considering it, let alone a cousin, even if he had no blood relationship.

As for Daozong Yuni, this person was obviously deliberate, and the other party was born with a clear mind. The possibility of Daozong letting others go is not high, and the elders in the family are only 50% likely to choose her.

The rest is from the Xiao family, this is the most likely.

If it’s Daozong Yuni, the cards shown shouldn’t be too or they think it’s not good to be right.

If it is the Xiao family, I only need to show my cultivation skills and have enough negotiation capital.

For example, let's say: If you dare to let me marry Xiao Yunwei, I will dare not practice since then.

Well, the plan was never as good as expected.

If it doesn't work, let a few elders try the power of the heaven and earth formation.

Then ask: I want to marry Mu Xue, who agrees? Who opposes?

Well, this is good, this time it's useless. I will use it after I have retired.

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