The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 75: Lu Shui, you're dead, I said

   Mu Xue's room.

   Mu Xue was sitting on the chair at this time, she was waiting for Lu Shui to come and pick her up.

   Although Lu Shui may not be happy, he will come.

   And what made Mu Xue more assured was that Lu Shui still liked her, at least the moment she saw her smile, she lost her senses.

   This is rare, Lu Shui has never lost consciousness in front of other women in his previous life.

   Especially before marriage.

   Ding Liang looked at his eldest lady a little puzzled, hesitated for a long time, Ding Liang opened his mouth and said:

   "Is the lady very happy?"

   Mu Xue was stunned, then looked at Ding Liang and said:

"Why do you say that?"

   Ding Liang was also a little confused, and then said:

"  " is a feeling. Although the eldest lady didn't laugh, she felt very happy.

   This feeling began to appear after the eldest entered the Lu family. "

Is    so obvious?

  Muxue was a little surprised, but this is the home where she has lived for countless years. It is normal for her to be brisk when she returns home.

  Especially land and water are still there.

   She has been very restrained.

   paused, Mu Xue asked Ding Liang:

   "How is the Lu family?"

   Ding Liang hesitated and said:

   "I don't know, but it seems very simple."

   Yes, her feeling is very simple, the Lu family only has the patriarch, the patriarch’s wife, and a young master.

   There is no depression like the Mu family here.

   don’t have to worry about messing with other young masters.

   Mu Xue didn't say anything, but got up and went out.

   She felt it, Lu Shui came.


   "How do you feel?" Dongfang Liyin asked, looking at his husband.

   "It's strange, how do you feel?" Lu Gu threw the question back to his wife.

   Dongfang Li Yin held his cheek in thought and said:

   "I also think it's weird, how can I say it, it seems that there is no sense of distance from Mu Xue, she just called me a mother, I might be able to respond naturally.

   Well, this feeling is that Mu Xue should be our daughter-in-law. "

   Lu Gu sighed:

   "But the way your son is, I always feel that they are very difficult."

   "Your son is not that bad either. The other party is his fiancée. He will never treat her badly. Don't you understand your son?" Dongfang Liyin said.

   I only know that he will cheat his father. Lu Gu wanted to say this very much, but he was worried that his wife would say that he would cheat his son only.

After    Dongfang Liyin didn't care anymore:

   "Let them stay for a while, it will definitely promote the relationship between them."

   "That's right." Dongfang Liyin remembered something, then pulled Lugu and ran to the kitchen:

   "I suddenly got inspired to cook you a new dish."

   Hearing these words, Lu Gu's expression turned bad for a moment, and then he immediately said:

   "Your meeting gift hasn't been sent out yet, or don't you send it first, I'll talk about the new dishes later."

   "No, gifts are not in a hurry, don't you like to eat?"

   "...I like it."


   Lu Shui is now walking down the trail, Mu Xue is by his side, and the two are walking side by side.

   It's just that Lu Shui didn't speak, and Mu Xue didn't speak either.

   Ding Liang followed, always feeling weird, saying that these two people are familiar, always feel a little distance.

   Say there is a distance, I always feel that there is no gap again.

   The most helpless thing is that the atmosphere is a bit wrong.

   But she couldn't tell what was wrong.

   There is a feeling that it can be fried at any time, and there is a feeling that it will never be fried.

   can't understand.

   Lu Shui feels a little nostalgic, how long hasn't it been this close to Mu Xue?

   It's been several days.

   But under normal circumstances, Mu Xue would naturally take his arm, and the other party hides it well.

   He was still waiting for Mu Xue to get embarrassed, and then suppressed a few words.

   Of course, he also needs to pay attention. If he exposes himself, it will be miserable.

   Soon Lu Shui and Mu Xue came to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

   "How many floors are you going to?" Lu Shui asked.

  Muxue’s current status is not enough, in fact, she can only go to the first three floors, and she can go whenever she gets married.

   Mu Xue looked at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion with a sigh of relief, and finally arrived.

   She almost couldn't hold back along the way.

   When I walked with Lu Shui, it was so far away.

   In their previous life, they played for three months and they were not so exaggerated.

   But she came to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion just because the mother made her familiar with it, so just just stroll around.

   "Go to the third floor." Mu Xue said.

   Actually, the main reason is that there are few people going to the third floor.

   Lu Shui nodded, and then took Mu Xue to the third floor.

   Lu Shui wants to take people up, as long as they don't go to the fourth floor, no one dares to stop them, so they don't have to check Mu Xue and Ding Liang.

   It’s just that some people are quite curious about who this woman is.

  Wait for Lu Shui and the others to go upstairs before someone whispered:

   "Which daughter is that? Isn't the young master afraid of being punished by the patriarch?"

   Although no one dared to stop, it does not mean that the clan agreed.

   Lu Shui is not the first time he has taken people up, and it is by no means the first time he has been punished.

   "You just came back? That's Mu Xue, Miss Mu's family, the future young grandmother, let alone the second floor, just go to the third floor, even going to the fourth floor will not be too big a problem, the fifth floor should be completely impossible."

   The other people who just came back suddenly realized that they were the young grandmothers of the future.

   No wonder it was so close to the young master.

   Although land and water are waste, it does not mean that they are not seen by everyone.

   Lu Shui has never bullied anyone.

   Then Lu Shui and the others came to the third floor. There were only two people here, and that was Zhenwu and Zhenling.

   They were a little surprised when they saw Lu Shui and Mu Xue coming up.

   But he didn't come to say hello, this is not needed in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

   Then Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling glanced at each other, and stepped back to the corner specifically, not obtrusive to the eyes is the best choice.

   If the patriarch and his wife came, they should leave directly.

   "What book do I need to read?" Lu Shui asked.

   He naturally saw Zhenwu and the others hiding, but just ignored them.

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui with a hint of curiosity:

   "Do you know where the books are arranged?"

   "I don't know, just ask, I didn't plan to help you get it." Lu Shuidao.

   Mu Xue: "……"

   Isn’t it just threatening you, as for?

   I won't be a real killer.

   But soon Mu Xue felt that it might be his After all, Lu Shui didn't know that he would not really kill him.

After   , Mu Xue looked around on the side of the bookshelf, and then she saw a reading note, an ancient tale. She had read it, a very interesting book.

   Then he wanted to reach for it.

   Only after raising her hand, she realized that she was out of reach, and then she tiptoed.

   is still a little bit close.

   And when she felt a little distressed, she found that the book was taken out by the outstretched hand from behind, it was Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui held a book and said to Mu Xue:

   "Do you want this one?"

   Muxue nodded, a little happy in her heart, as expected, Lu Shui was still so gentle to him.

   But soon Mu Xue couldn't be happy in her heart.

   She saw Lu Shui put the book on the highest shelf.

   "You can't reach it by jumping like this," Lu Shui whispered.

   Although it was low, Mu Xue could definitely hear it. He just told Mu Xue to listen to it on purpose.

   Mu Xue: "……"

   Wait for us to get acquainted, you are dead.


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