The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 93: 1 Mind eternity, observe the ruler of the world


   With a sword sound, the two swords came out of their sheaths.

   The sword moves unexpectedly, and the sword energy gathers together.

   What followed was the blazing sun, and the blazing cloud changed.

   Zhenwu and Zhenling also moved at this moment, and the two swords merged and went straight to the monk.

   The monk frowned. He felt that the aura of the two men was completely different. Not only that, but the strength actually threatened him.

   The monk had to take it seriously.

   Arhat's image is broken and it will take some time to open, but he is not afraid of anything.

   Zhen Wu Zhen Ling is very fast, what they are waiting for is that the opponent's Arhat can not be opened.

   Then Zhenwu Zhenling swung his sword, and when the first sword fell, a vision appeared, the dragon and the phoenix cried, and the dragon and the phoenix were auspicious.

  The dragon and the phoenix intertwined and hit the monk.


   The huge force slammed together, and the monk was directly knocked out.

   The monk's eyes showed jealousy, and the double-sword attack was stronger than he expected.

   "Because of the vision, they can't be let down by the sword."

The thought of    flashed past, and the monk planned to take the initiative to attack. He was covered in golden fists like an arhat.

   is King Kong Arhat Boxing.

   In the next moment, the monk rushed to Zhenwu Zhenling, and Zhenwu Zhenling also set off to swing his second sword.

   The vision of the second sword appeared directly, alternating light and dark, the intersection of yin and yang, and the two extremes.

   Boom! !

   There was another loud noise.

   The Arhat Fist collided with the Shuangsheng Sword, and the aftermath of power spread instantly.


   A crack appeared in the Arhat fist, and the monk's hand began to bleed.

   The monk stepped up his efforts, a storm of strength rolled up, and both sides were shaken back by the strength.

   "The strength is strong again, you must work hard."

   The monk was a little shocked, but he immediately released the image and attacked immediately.

   This time it was just the vajra image, but he couldn't wait for the Arhat image.

   Zhenwu Zhenling directly swung the third sword without pause.

   At this moment, the sun rises, the sea rises and the moon rises.

   The sun and the moon are the same.

   The two swords of the sun and the moon fell directly on the monk’s Vajrayana, the next moment the dharma was broken, and the two swords slashed directly at the monk.

   "Fudo Mingwang." At the critical moment, the monk put his hands together and opened the Fudo Mingwang body.


   The two swords fell on the monk, but did not cut down the monk.

   However, Zhenwu and Zhenling are not surprised. They put their other hand on the hilt and said in a low voice:

   "Kill immortals and kill demons."

   In the blink of an eye, the two swords flashed by, and the Zhenwu and Zhenling also flashed by, and they appeared behind the monk.

   Both sides turned their backs to each other and stopped making moves.

   At this point, the two swords of Zhenwu and Zhenling have been scabbed.

   Just when Zhenwu was sheathed, he knelt on one knee and vomited blood. He was not injured lightly.

   The monk looked forward in disbelief:

  "Xianting's Shuangsheng sword?

   underestimated the enemy.

   Uh ah ah ah ah! "

   A cry of pain sounded, the monk's body was covered with cracks, and then there was a bang, the monk shattered like a light.

   There is no more monk here.

   Just when the light ran out, the surrounding suddenly stopped.

   supernatural powers, one thought is eternal.

   This thought is a world, and this world only has monks’ thoughts, and no one can break through this thought.

The thought of    is not lethal, but the monk’s thought has two options.

   One is to escape from here, and the other is to find someone to parasite.

   Just after another thought, the monk made a decision. All he had to escape from here was to die, and there was a slight chance of survival for one of the parasites here.

   As long as the chance is enough, there may still be the possibility of achieving the fruit position.

  Once a new fruit position is attained, the afterlife can be opened again.

   Soon the monk looked at Lu Shui.

   This is no alternative.

  "This person is extremely weak, and the parasite and him are most likely to be undetected.

   And the talent is not dull, the status is not low, the most suitable. "

   The monk’s mind rushed to the land at the fastest speed.

   Lushui stood motionless there, seemingly without the slightest ability to resist.

   Soon the monk's thoughts rushed into Lu Shui's eyebrows, he wanted to parasitize the spirit platform, hide and know the sea.

  Waiting for chance in the afterlife.

   After the monk's thoughts rushed into Lu Shui's eyebrows, the corners of Lu Shui's mouth, which had been at a standstill, raised slightly.


   Know the sea.

   After rushing in, the monk wanted to find a hidden place where land and water knew the sea.

   Just as he entered, he had a strange feeling, as if he was being stared at by something, and the figure that Nian transformed into was a bit unstable.

   He looked around when he was curious.

   But soon he saw a young man sitting on a high seat in front of him, his mouth curled up and looked down at him with a smile.

   Suddenly a trace of fear grew in the monk's heart.

   He couldn't understand what he saw.

   Then he heard the joking voice from Gao Zuozhi:

   "How does it feel to see me?"

With a buzzing sound, the monk felt that his mind was blank, and then he felt that his mind was about to explode.


   The monk’s thoughts exploded directly.

   At the moment it exploded, he finally understood what he saw.

   That is a vast, vast and boundless thought.

   That is thought that monks can never understand, that is thought and everything is everything.

  He once entered the Buddhist kingdom, but the thoughts in the whole Buddhist kingdom are like a drop in the ocean compared to this mindfulness.

   This thought is like the thought of dominating.

   The monk was covered in fear as if mad, and at this moment he was knocked out.

   Outside, the monk's thoughts condensed once again, he held his head with his hands, his face revealed endless fear.

   "Impossible, impossible, it is absolutely impossible, how could it be so?

how can that be? "

   Fear and fear became all, and the monk's mind was directly shattered.

  Although the monk's mind is broken, his surroundings are still under the eternal power of one thought.

   Lu Shui looked at the monk and calmly said:

   "With one thought for a hundred years, it is quite common for people to die of old age and sickness.

   One thousand years of thinking, the monks can be seen to rise and fall.

   One thought for ten thousand years, one can observe the rise and fall of the fairy Buddha.

   One thought is eternal, and the heaven and the earth dominate forever.

   Therefore, you saw me. "

   At this moment, the monk's thoughts stopped madness, stopped fear.

   He knelt before Lu Shui and worshipped.

   He thought of eternity and saw the master.

   "Causal origin, dependent origin and death, because of you, the effect is your responsibility."

   The monk knocked three He couldn't speak, couldn't think.

   If you speak, if you think, it is fear.

   After the monk kowtow, the eternal thoughts began to dissipate, the monk's thoughts also disappeared, and everything began to return to its original state.

   And the Zhenwu Zhenling and others who had returned to their minds saw Youdao's figure disappearing in front of Lu Shui.

   That figure seems to be worshipping something.

   Zhenwu Zhenling frowned, they immediately came to Lu Shui and said:

   "Master, are you okay?"

   Lu Shui shook his head, he was naturally fine.

   Then he turned his head to look at Dongfang scum.

   Dongfang Zuzha saw Lu Shui look over, so he had to take out a pile of spirit stones and said:

   "It's all here."

   Although I was surprised that the monk was killed, they were rescued after all, and I still need to give thanks.

   Lu Shui reached out and took a third-grade spirit stone, and said:

   "Why are you here?"

   "We went to Lu's family to find his cousin Lushui. The cousin Lushui was out of group and no one played with him. He must be very happy to see my sister." Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

   Lu Shui's eyes twitched:


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