"Twenty-four people, six integrated teams?"

After silently counting the number of Sand Ninja Anbu in front of him, Xia Yan felt mentally confident.

He had already thought about trying a technique that he had already thought about but had never used.

After all, he is not very proficient in that technique. It can even be said that this technique only exists in his imagination.

But Xia Yan can definitely give it a try now, although none of the enemies in front of him are weak, it can even be said that they are all very strong.

But the strength of a ninja is not directly proportional to its own defense, unless there is absolute defense like Gaara, and Susanoo of the Uchiha clan.

Otherwise, they can only rely on their own reflexes to compete with the number of people like Fei Lei Shen who travel directly through space.

"Your Excellency is really amazing, you actually escaped here." At this time, the Sunagakure ANBU who led the team suddenly took a step forward, and then he said indifferently: "Introduce yourself, Sunagakure ANBU, Viper."

"Oh? I didn't expect to be a captain. It's such an honor for me." Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he heard his words and replied: "My dear Konoha Anbu Nightingale, speaking of which, I and your Excellency are still in the same position."

"I know, Lord Nightingale." Viper nodded slightly: "After all, your name has spread throughout the Kingdom of Wind, especially within the Anbu. How could we not know about your existence?"

"This is really my honor." Xia Yan chuckled.

"I'm afraid nothing makes me happier than being remembered by your department.

Perhaps your department can refer to the way Iwagakure treated us, the Fourth Hokage, and leave my name on a pamphlet titled "Abandon the Mission if Encountered." "

Natsuhiko's words were very harsh and even made many Sunagakure Anbu present angry.

It is a great honor for the person whose name is left on such a booklet.

But for the person or the village who wrote and edited this book, it is a huge humiliation.

What's more, this Nightingale is still an ANBU of Konoha. Doesn't this mean that they directly admit that their Sunagakure ANBU cannot compare to Konoha's ANBU, even if it's just one person's name.

"Your Excellency, you'd better not be joking." Viper's voice became even colder: "Although Your Excellency is extremely powerful, and I have to admit that I am afraid that we will not have an easy time facing You alone, but Your Excellency Do you really think you can leave?”


Xia Yan's originally rippling chakra seemed to have calmed down a lot at this moment, and his voice became gentler.

"Your Excellency has been talking to me so much, so I'm afraid you're planning to delay the time and wait for the large army to arrive, right?

But it doesn’t matter. Let me ask the next two questions. Why do you think I can’t leave?

Also, why do you think that even if there is only one person here, I cannot deal with all of you? "

After Xia Yan finished speaking, he raised his left hand the next moment. In an instant, the chakra in his body surged again, and countless light spots appeared in his mind!

"In that case, come on!"

When Viper saw Xia Yan's actions, he immediately issued the order without any hesitation.

All the Anbu present were obviously well-trained elites. Almost as soon as the order was given, they formed a small team and rushed towards Xia Yan, covering each other.

Everyone is worried about the Flying Thunder God Technique, but as Sunagakure ninjas, none of them have ever really faced the Flying Thunder God Technique!

But they do know that the Flying Thunder God needs a carrier, such as the Fourth Hokage's kunai.

The nightingale in front of them was not prepared for this at all, and they obviously did not intend to prepare the nightingale.

However, the next moment, Xia Yan's figure suddenly disappeared, and the Sunagakure Anbu rushing towards the strongest side felt a slight chill on his neck inexplicably.

He tentatively opened his mouth, but he instantly felt that blood seemed to be flowing out from his mouth.

And now he can't make any sound at all. The most important thing is that the strength in his body seems to be slowly disappearing.

An ANBU was killed instantly, but no one understood what happened.

But then, everyone seemed to understand what happened.

Along with Xia Yan's seal, the chakra in his body is constantly surging, and his figure is also constantly flashing!

He was like a ghost, constantly appearing and disappearing around Sunagakure ANBU.

There is no pattern at all, and no trace at all. He is more like a non-existent ghost.

Whenever he appeared, a Sunagakure Anbu fell to the ground helplessly, their lives being ruthlessly harvested.

Such a strange and contradictory scene constantly stimulated the fear of these Anbu, even Viper was sweating coldly at this moment.

It was so weird, everything was so weird, he didn't react until Xia Yan's ninja sword was suddenly placed on his neck from behind.

At this moment, all the Sandgakure Anbu who came to intercept Xia Yan, except Viper, had all fallen into a pool of blood.

Even after they died, they still maintained their formation. Unfortunately, this formation could not help them form a cross cover. They could not resist Xia Yan's attack!

"It seems that I am not talking big words, but that you are too conceited."

Xia Yan's voice was still as gentle as ever, as if what he just did was just a small thing, if it weren't for the fact that the tip of his ninja sword was still bleeding.

"You...who are you?" Viper basically knew that he was finished, and he asked as if he had accepted his fate.

However, his chakra surged rapidly at this moment. Obviously, he seemed to be lucky, and Xia Yan would not show any mercy when facing such a person.

Without waiting for his chakra to continue to explode or for him to make any move, Natsuhiko's ninja sword suddenly grazed his neck!

The chakra in Viper's body stopped running at this moment, and he subconsciously covered his neck with both hands.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried to cover it, his artery had been cut open by Xia Yan, and it was impossible for him to survive anyway.

"I'm sorry, Captain Viper, I have a certain level of perception, so any move you make will make me panic."

Xia Yan gently shook the blood on his ninja sword, and then spoke slowly.

"So I have no choice but to act in advance, and I don't have much time. I'm afraid your reinforcements are about to arrive, and I still need to deal with the people in the sealing class."

Probably after hearing the name Seal Class, Viper obviously had some reactions.

But this reaction was too weak, and his life was constantly flowing away along with his blood.

Xia Yan squatted down and started writhing on his body. After all, he was a captain. Maybe he had some information on him.

"As for your last question, I remember I said it before, but since you still want to hear it..."

Xia Yan spoke slowly while turning around. When he found an unopened letter, he stood up with satisfaction, and then spoke slowly.

"This is Konoha ANBU, Captain of the Third Division, Nightingale."


Walking out of an inconspicuous small room in this town, Xia Yan closed the door casually. The smell of blood was immediately covered up with the closing of the door.

This room is where the remaining ANBU members and the sealing squad are located.

When Xia Yan was dealing with the Viper people, his little lizards had already found this place following the scent of chakra and the scent of the ANBU personnel.

Therefore, Xia Yan was able to come here smoothly and send the entire sealing class to the pure land!

He walked slowly towards the border of the River Kingdom. One end of this city was in the Kingdom of Wind, and the other end was in the Kingdom of River. As long as he stepped through it, it was equivalent to leaving the territory of the Kingdom of Wind.

Of course, leaving does not mean that you are safe, but the River Country is the buffer zone between the Fire Country and the Wind Country, and there are also Konoha's troops in it.

Unless Xia Yan was unlucky like Kusunoki and the others, he met a guy like Xie and was run over from the Kingdom of Wind to the Kingdom of River, and then was chased into the Kingdom of Fire.

Otherwise, he is basically safe, because the Kingdom of Wind cannot deploy large-scale defenses in the Kingdom of River, which would be equivalent to occupying this place.

"It seems that my new technique works better than I thought."

Through the art of Flying Thunder God, Xia Yan crossed the junction area and entered the Kingdom of River. Looking at the Kingdom of Wind behind him, he couldn't help but laugh.

In the final battle, the reason why he was able to kill all the enemies so quickly and cast so many Flying Thunder Gods without seemingly preparing any curse seals was that the most important thing was actually relying on Wood Escape!

That's right, it's Mudun!

Because Xia Yan didn't have any information about Mu Dun, he naturally couldn't perform any special ninjutsu. He could only condense the seeds belonging to Mu Dun through chakra.

But it was this seed that seemed to make him catch something!

The seeds he casts can be spread over an area with him as the center and a radius of more than thirty meters.

In such an area, there are so many seeds. If used in conjunction with ninjutsu, it will be absolutely catastrophic for the enemy!

And this ninjutsu is not limited to wood release ninjutsu, it can also be used in conjunction with other ninjutsu.

For example, if Xia Yan could use fire escape, he could make these seeds germinate, and then he could ignite all the seeds instantly with a fire, and the enemies in this area would suffer.

Similarly, if Xia Yan condenses the seeds, he also leaves the mark of the Flying Thunder God in the seeds.

Then this area is equivalent to forming a realm of his Flying Thunder God!

As long as he has enough chakra, he can appear in any area in this field anytime, anywhere, and launch arbitrary attacks on all targets!

Based on this idea, Xia Yan did some experiments when he was in Loulan, and the experimental results he obtained were that this was completely feasible.

It's just that because of his lack of skill, he needed some time to arrange all this. This is why he saw the signal flare taking off, but still talked with the Viper Ghost for a long time.

"However, using this technique for a long time is still a bit burdensome for me. After all, I am not used to flying thunder gods yet. Moving too fast and too frequently will still make me 'motion sick'."

Xia Yan himself couldn't do anything about motion sickness, but fortunately, as his physical fitness improved, the probability of motion sickness became much smaller.

When dealing with the Viper guys, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique at least thirty times, and he still maintained a very good state.

His current limit is probably fifty or sixty times, but this can be considered a huge improvement.

He believes that as long as he adapts to this rhythm, Flying Thunder God will not have any difficulties for him.

Walking slowly, Xia Yan also took out the unopened letter he had just found from Viper.

He was a little curious as to what kind of letter would make an ANBU captain like Viper receive it so well. If he hadn't checked it carefully, he might have missed it.

But before he had time to open the letter, his brows suddenly frowned because he noticed someone coming towards him...


"Damn guy!"

In the town, Chiyo looked at the Sunagakure Anbu who collapsed on the ground while maintaining their formation. At this moment, her eyes were really splitting.

She had already discovered the problem when Natsuhiko summoned Lizard Maru to fight with the approaching Sunagakure, because this guy seemed to have no intention of leaving at all.

Therefore, Chiyo ran decisively towards the town. However, not long after she set off, a signal flare appeared in the sky, which further proved that her guess was correct.

But unfortunately, no matter how fast she ran, it was of no avail. When she arrived in the city, the battle seemed to be over!

All the Anbu who died here seemed to have no resistance at all, and they basically only had one wound on their bodies.

But such wounds directly killed them, including Viper himself without exception!

What kind of speed is this, and what terrifying power is this.


Suddenly, Chiyo seemed to remember something, and she immediately ran towards a small wooden house crazily.

But as soon as she ran to the door, a faint smell of blood entered her nose.

At this moment, she didn't even dare to push open the folding door, because she could already imagine what a miserable situation it would be behind this door!

Sunagakure's sealing class may have been completely buried here.

Taking a deep breath, Chiyo tried to calm down, but how could she calm down in the face of all this?

Two captains plus nearly two brigades of ANBU members, plus more than a hundred guarding ninjas and an entire sealing squad, all died in the hands of one person.

This kind of hatred can be regarded as hard-earned, and this kind of hatred is already unending!

Suddenly, Chiyo turned around and ran into the distance. She had to catch up with this person. She had to do something...


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