"It seems that Chiyo-sama has lost."

Natsuhiko's gentle and smiling voice sounded behind Chiyo, and the only kunai left in his hand was already placed on Chiyo's neck.

Chiyo looked a little distracted. She really didn't expect that she was still broken through so quickly despite the heavy protection of so many puppets, and was ultimately defeated.

This feeling was very bad, even though she knew how terrifying a speed taijutsu ninja was to a puppet master.

Her son and daughter-in-law died at the hands of Konoha White Ya, and Konoha White Ya was a representative of this type of ninja.

But she had taken enough protective measures, but she was still unable to fight back. Even though she lost to the space ninjutsu, she waited for the kid in front of her to fight fiercely for a long time before taking action.

"You are indeed powerful, kid." Chiyo sighed slightly, shook her head and said, "In today's ninja world, I'm afraid not many people can surpass you in terms of speed, even if you use space ninjutsu."

"Chiyo-sama, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world." Xia Yan said with a smile: "I never feel that I am so powerful, nor do I feel that I can't be surpassed, not to mention the fourth generation and the second generation in front of me. Woolen cloth."

"You are so humble." Chiyo suddenly smiled mysteriously: "I wonder, Captain Nightingale, do you feel dizzy and weak now?"

"Dizziness and fatigue?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. He suddenly thought of something.

During the previous battle, he had noticed that there seemed to be some strange smell in the air.

It's just that the smell didn't bother him much, so he didn't pay attention.

To be honest, he didn't feel anything after the battle, which made him think that he felt wrong.

But now that Chiyo took the initiative to speak, he suddenly realized that all this was not as simple as imagined.

Could it be that this damn old woman really used something, but she just didn’t feel it because her physique had improved?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan immediately began to check his body's condition quickly, and what surprised him was that there was nothing strange about his body!

He could definitely detect it if he was poisoned, but now his body is simply too healthy.

This can only show that he was not poisoned at all!

"The antidote I took was just the most common antidote. Logically speaking, it had no effect on Chiyo's poison. It seems that it was because of the broken Asura Chakra that my physical fitness improved. The result."

Xia Yan quickly figured it out, and I have to say that this was really an unexpected surprise.

But surprise was a surprise, and he still checked his body all the time.

Once he notices any poisoning reaction in his body, he will definitely kill Chiyo as soon as possible and find the antidote quickly!

Chiyo is indeed a very talented person, and the art of reincarnation is a rare art with the ability to resurrect in the entire Naruto world.

But even so, if Xia Yan is really cornered, he will still decide to kill this guy!

He doesn't worry about whether his actions will have any impact on the future, because he knows that his appearance is destined to affect the future.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Chiyo-sama." After careful inspection, Xia Yan said with a smile: "I'm afraid you are talking about the strange smell before, right? Although I don't know what Chiyo-sama used. What kind of poison, but unfortunately, I was not poisoned."

"Not poisoned?" Chiyo's face changed slightly when she heard this, and then she took the risk and forcibly activated her chakra.

Natsuhiko's kunai was still on her neck, but this time he didn't make a move. He could see that Chiyo seemed to want to activate those toxins to explode.

Once activated, the originally chronic toxin may become acute and potent in an instant, and the damage to a person's body will be completed in an instant.

However, with the explosion of Chiyo's chakra, Xia Yan didn't feel anything strange at all, which made him completely sure that his body was not poisoned.

"No need to waste your efforts, Master Chiyo." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then said with a half-smile: "I once met a guy with very similar methods to yours, but it's a pity that he didn't do anything to me. Do you think you can do anything to me?" how do I?"

"What do you want!" The poisonous explosion was of no use to Xia Yan, or her method was exposed from the beginning, which made Chiyo lose the desire to continue.

The puppet couldn't stop it at all, and the opponent seemed to be prepared in advance for using poison.

And as a puppet master, he was directly approached, how could he fight?

Chiyo is also very self-aware. She knows that she has no chance and can only give up with a sigh.

And she also noticed something that made her make this choice so decisively.

That's when she noticed that Xia Yan didn't seem to have any intention of killing her directly.

If he really had such a plan, he wouldn't talk to her so much.

The moment the puppet protecting her was killed, the kunai in Natsuhiko's hand could cut off her aorta.

Natsuhiko didn't do this, and she immediately realized that the ANBU from Konoha in front of her might have other ideas.

This gave her a chance, a chance to survive, a chance to get more information!

"What do I want?" Xia Yan smiled slightly, and Chiyo understood what he meant, so it was much easier: "I have to say, Chiyo-sama is really smart."

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Chiyo said indifferently: "Your hypocritical gesture is really disgusting."

"Okay, since Chiyo-sama asks."

Xia Yan smiled indifferently. He didn't care about Chiyo's bad attitude at all.

"Actually, what I want is not much, only two.

As long as Chiyo-sama agrees to my request, Chiyo-sama can naturally leave.

And I will provide you with a very interesting and verified information. "

Natsuhiko really used Chiyo's life, plus a piece of information that was very interesting and important to Chiyo, in exchange for something.

In fact, it was very interesting to say that at first he thought it was Luo Sha running over.

If it was that guy, Xia Yan would definitely ask him directly about Ye Cang.

As long as this guy admits it, and Xia Yan can force him to forge a certificate for the ANBU, then Xia Yan will be sure to instigate Ye Cang!

After all, it was the bloodline of Zhuo Dun, and Xia Yan would have to embark on the path of chakra fusion sooner or later.

He will naturally be very interested in this already formed blood inheritance boundary formed by the fusion of chakra.

And he was certain that Luo Sha would agree with him. Even though Luo Sha was the Kazekage, he had to protect the interests of Sunagakure Village.

But the problem is that Luo Sha has become Kazekage, and this guy is still an ambitious person.

Many of his ideas never came to fruition, and maybe he was willing to do something to survive.

As for Chiyo, this is a bit troublesome, because Chiyo is a ninja who is not afraid of life and death.

Maybe it's because she's old enough, or maybe she's really willing to give everything she has for Sunagakure Village.

But no matter which one it is, Xia Yan won't care, because he knows that people have weaknesses after all, and he happens to know this weakness.

Scorpion, this is definitely Chiyo's weakness.

Chiyo naturally feels guilty about Xia, but it is because of his parents' affairs, or it may be that Chiyo feels that she has not taught him well.

She has always had an inexplicable feeling about Xie's attitude. Even in the future, she still hopes to save Xie when she knows that he has committed a serious crime.

At least it would bring his heart back.

Since Xia Yan knows Xie's information, he can use this as a bargaining chip, even if he is not sure yet whether Xie has joined the Akatsuki organization or not.

But the uncertainty now doesn't mean that he can't use the topic to his advantage. Maybe he can use it to trick the Hidden Sand Village!

Xia Yan would not miss something that could deceive people and get benefits on the side.

"I said, just say whatever you want!" In Chiyo's view, what she was facing now was a naked threat.

However, she really had no way to resist all this.

"My request is very simple." Natsuhiko quietly left a mark behind Chiyo, and then withdrew his kunai with a magnanimous look: "The first is that I need your ANBU's communication cipher text to be decrypted... ..."

"Stop dreaming!" Chiyo turned around angrily before Natsuhi finished speaking. She glared at Natsuhi and asked loudly: "If I ask you to hand over your Konoha code to decrypt, will you hand it over?"

"It depends on whether the benefits are enough." Xia Yan gave an answer without any hesitation: "If there are enough benefits and it is still what I need, then I think I will hand it over."

"Are you really Konoha ANBU?" Chiyo couldn't help but froze for a moment after hearing his words, and then asked with a sneer.

"Don't sound so noble. Isn't it rare to exchange benefits for benefits?"

Xia Yan tilted his head, then smiled and spread his hands.

"I heard that Kirigakure Village plans to completely end the ongoing small-scale, low-intensity conflicts with you.

But they did want someone, someone who is a hero to you, and the information we got from Kirigakure was..."

"Shut up!" Before Xia Yan could finish speaking, Chiyo interrupted him directly.

Her face was extremely ugly, because she never dreamed that such a confidential matter would be known to Konoha!

She could fully imagine that if this matter was exposed by someone in Konoha, whether intentionally or accidentally, then it would push Sunagakure Village into hell.

Thinking of this, Chiyo's expression changed slightly, and the chakra in her body began to surge very slightly.

But the next moment, Xia Yan disappeared in front of her again, and then the cold feeling appeared on her neck again - she was once again held by a kunai on her neck.

"Still want to take action?" Xia Yan's voice was still so gentle, but this gentleness made Chiyo feel like he had fallen into an ice cave!

"You..." Chiyo struggled for a while, and finally she clenched her fist and let it go. Her voice was unusually cold and somewhat helpless as she asked: "What on earth do you want to do? What on earth do you want in Konoha?" What else do you want?”

"Some information is not revealed in order to get a deeper handle and use it at the most critical moment." Xia Yan smiled softly, and then took the kunai away again: "If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself. You and I can encourage each other, Chiyo-sama."

Chiyo turned around with some trembling, her eyes staring at Xia Yan as if they were about to burst into flames, and finally she gritted her teeth and nodded.

She already understood what Natsuhiko meant. Konoha probably did not intend to reveal this matter, but intended to hold it in its hands.

Once Sunagakure does something that is difficult to understand and undermines Konoha's interests, then this is an excellent bargaining chip!

Being controlled by others is always a sad thing, especially a scandal like this that will destroy Sunagakure.

But as Xia Yan said, if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself.

"Go on." Chiyo's mood seemed a little too low, but she still said: "Go on and say what you want."

"As for the second request, it's not too excessive." Xia Yan smiled casually and continued.

“According to one of our late ANBU members, your Sunagakure Village is researching a forbidden technique.

Although I don’t know how developed this forbidden technique is, this technique is particularly interesting.

It seems that this technique is led by Chiyo-sama himself, and the name of this technique seems to be...

Reincarnated! "

Chiyo looked at Xia Yan indifferently. Perhaps the information she got today was too much and too exaggerated. She was speechless.

She was reincarnated, so she didn't want to ask why Konoha knew about this technique.

She only knows one thing, that is, the guy in front of her is simply a devil, an omniscient devil!

In other words, the Konoha behind him is really terrifying. How far has this penetrated Sunagakure Village?

Or does Sunagakure Village simply not have much power to resist and defend Konoha's penetration?

Could it be that too much intelligence leaked caused them to be eliminated early in the third war?

"Isn't it weird?" Xia Yan looked at Chiyo and couldn't help but asked with a smile, and then he nodded with certainty: "Are you wondering why we all know so many secrets in your village?"

Xia Yan paused for a moment when he said this, and then he deliberately showed a natural attitude and said with a smile.

“Chiyo-sama, do you know that your Sunagakure’s so-called defense policy is actually just to make the people of your Sunagakure village think that you are protected.

Your secrets are actually only for your own people, but someone knows your secrets.

For example, Konoha..."


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