The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 193 I treat you as a tool, but you treat me as your father? (Please subscribe~)

Xia Yan stared blankly at the young fox in his body, and his face was full of doubts. His mind was now full of question marks.

Isn't the primary nine-tails chakra pure chakra?

Why did you just condense a Nine-Tails for me and then leave it inside my body?

It's not like Xia Yan never thought about whether he should get a tailed beast sealed in his body, after all, he needed chakra to plant those seeds.

But at this stage, there is no tailed beast in the ninja world that can fall into his hands. The most likely one will not be resurrected until fifteen or sixteen years later.

The other tailed beasts basically have their own Jinchuuriki, and are well protected by the village, so there is no way to attack them.

What's more, Xia Yan himself was just thinking about it, and he had no intention of actually getting a tailed beast into his body.

After all, the tailed beast is in his body and he needs to seal this guy. In addition, he also needs to be careful about temptation and plunder.

The tailed beasts would fight against the jinchuriki to gain control of the body. Look at Gaara, that unlucky kid. Natsuhiko remembered that he didn't seem to have a good sleep?

Also, as an intelligent creature, the tailed beast has its own will and consciousness. It can basically understand many of your secrets while inside your body.

In other words, he can clearly see everything you do, even some private things.

Xia Yan didn't like this situation at all, and with the village's strict control, he basically gave up on the idea of ​​getting a tailed beast.

But Xia Yan never dreamed that he had basically given up on the tailed beast thing, and his system would actually give him one.

To be honest, if it weren't for trust in the system, and the sudden sealing technique was only at a rudimentary level, it's hard to say whether it would be possible to seal this guy Kyuubi.

Otherwise, he might have to take some action as soon as possible to seal the nine-tails that seems to be ignorant and still in its infant state!

The danger brewing with the tailed beast. He was absolutely unwilling to face this, and it was also the scariest thing.

"What nonsense are you thinking about?" At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Xia Yan's mind.

The voice sounded so young that Xia Yan couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Moreover, this voice really sounded very innocent, and there seemed to be no negative emotions contained in it, which made Xia Yan feel very comfortable.

But soon, he noticed that the voice was really none other than the Nine Tails in his belly!

"Kyuubi?" Xia Yan asked subconsciously, but soon he realized that it was okay for him not to speak.

"You react pretty quickly. At least you know you can communicate with me mentally."

The voice in Xia Yan's mind sounded again, and he sounded a little lazy.

"It's really unbelievable. I didn't expect that a single chakra could actually reunite me, and it would carry a memory but also have this independent self-condensation. It's incredible."

With a memory but an independent self-will?

When Xia Yan heard this sentence, his face looked a little strange, and he naturally understood what it meant.

I had read so many novels back then, and the reason why some of the pioneers of time-travelers became disgraceful was that they landed directly in boxes after time-traveling.

However, he turned into a memory gift package and gave it to the person who was originally going to be taken away. Then the master relied on the memory of the time traveler to become the well-deserved master of destiny.

According to the Nine-Tails in his belly, there is a high probability that he is equal to a newborn baby.

But his rebirth was with the help of the system - but he may not know that, he thought he was re-united naturally, or maybe it was Xia Yan's trick.

He has an independent self-awareness and personality, but the chakra that condenses him still carries the memory of the original Kyuubi.

"If you put this guy in other stories, he would almost become the hero, right?"

Xia Yan secretly sighed. This little fox seemed really interesting, but he didn't know what his attitude was now.

"My attitude is naturally to follow you, otherwise?"

At this moment, the little Kyuubi's voice appeared in Xia Yan's mind again.

"You condensed me. I seem to feel that I am naturally close to you. Although I don't know how you do it, it doesn't matter.

Also, I don’t know what you are thinking, but our chakras are connected together, so I can probably guess some of it.

You don’t have to dislike me so much. I still dislike you humans. Who is interested in watching the nonsense of you humans mating?

In my memory, this is no different from a monkey. "

"Be careful what you say and don't make me angry."

When Xia Yan heard this little guy's words, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and then he said disdainfully.

"Believe it or not, I will drive you away!"

"You don't have to rush."

Before Xia Yan could threaten him, he suddenly felt a fluctuation of chakra in his body.

As scarlet chakra flowed outward, a small nine-tails about two meters tall soon appeared in front of him.

"I'll go by myself."


Xia Yan stared at everything in front of him in stunned silence. He didn't know how long it had been since he had shown such an expression.

The painting style of this little Kyuubi is really completely different from the guy in his memory. Although his temper is somewhat similar, the difference is really too big, right?

Just where can this little guy go?

As soon as he goes out in this way, he will probably be besieged by Konoha ninjas, right?

If it were normal times, Xia Yan would just smile and watch this guy go out, but now the connection between this guy and Xia Yan is too deep.

Even if Xia Yan is not afraid that such a connection will be discovered by others, this guy has wasted the progress of the mission and forcibly catalyzed it.

If he really let him go, Xia Yan himself would be the one who would lose blood, so no matter how unhappy he was, he could only try to retain him.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it." Xia Yan shook his head helplessly, and he spoke in time to stop the little Kyuubi's movement: "You'd better stay."

"Hmph." Xiao Jiuwei glanced at Xia Yan disdainfully, and then simply squatted down: "For people like you, it is better to directly give him action."

"Yes, yes." Xia Yan nodded indifferently, and then thought for a moment before speaking: "Why don't you enter my body? There are other people in my family. I'm afraid of being discovered when I talk to you like this."

"Hmph, you were the one who got me out, and you are the one who was afraid of causing trouble due to my existence." Little Nine-Tail shook his head, the disdain in his eyes was clearly visible: "You are really human."

After saying this, the little Kyuubi directly turned into chakra and quickly poured into Xia Yan's body.

In an instant, Xia Yan felt that there seemed to be a large amount of extra chakra in his body.

Moreover, the quality of these chakras is also very high. According to Xia Yan's perception, although this power does not reach the quality of his sage mode state.

But this is much higher quality than the chakra he usually uses, and the quantity of this power is not lower than his chakra reserves.

Even, it is much higher!

Perhaps this is the Kyuubi. Even in a juvenile (elementary) state, this chakra is already suffocating.

Feeling the Kyuubi in his body that had completely calmed down, Xia Yan sighed slightly, and then he couldn't help but place his hand on his lower abdomen.

"Should I say that I'm sorry for being a human being?"

Xia Yan laughed at himself, then shook his head and continued.

"Forget it, these are useless things. Are you sure you don't need me to use the seal and will not cause your chakra to leak?"

"Seal? This is naturally unnecessary."

Xiao Jiuwei shook his head in Xia Yan's stomach, but soon he lowered his head and said.

“Of course, you can do this if you are worried.

Anyway, you can even deal with that big guy, but a young and pitiful person like me is even less able to resist. "

"I don't have that good sealing technique to seal you, I'm just saying that."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then he simply lay down on the ground and began to seriously think about what to do with this little nine-tailed one.

Since he said he was not going to seal him, Xia Yan would naturally not do so, and the little guy also expressed the idea that there would be no problems, so he also needed to try to trust this guy.

After all, this is a product of the system, which means this guy is still worthy of trust.

There are only three questions before Xia Yan now. The first is, is this little guy sure he can provide combat effectiveness?

As for the second one, naturally this guy's chakra can be used to breed seeds?

The third one is simple, that is, how does this kid improve his level?

If it was just pure chakra, maybe Xia Yan wouldn't need to think so much and could use it however he wanted.

But now this guy is obviously not a pure chakra, and the connection between them is also somewhat profound.

In addition, the character of this Nine Tails is so weird, and it does not have a powerful enough sealing technique, so Xia Yan really can't do whatever he wants.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that it was best to ask this little guy himself. After all, he had no answers to these questions, and he might not be able to get any explanation by asking the system.

Because this system of mine does not have any intelligent status, no matter what I ask, I will never get a reply. I only have what the system wants to tell me.

And this little guy has a will of his own, so Natsuhiko might be able to get an answer by asking Kyuubi.

"Say, Xiaojiu?" Xia Yan hesitated for a moment and finally asked.

"This name doesn't sound good. Although I'm not interested in the name Jiu Lama, it's better than calling you a puppy."

Before Xia Yan could finish speaking, the little guy glanced at Xia Yan with a look of disgust, and finally he leaned over and spoke slowly.

"You probably know what you want to ask, but I don't know how I will grow. Maybe you still need to keep getting my chakra and then swallow it for me?"

"Ten is your chakra?" Xia Yan blinked: "You mean, that big guy's chakra?"


Xiao Jiuwei nodded, and his voice soon echoed in Xia Yan's mind.

“I feel that the way I ascend is that I need more chakra to nourish me.

Although your chakra can do it, you only have that little chakra. If I swallow it, you will be finished.

And you are finished and I am finished, so I will not and dare not touch your chakra. "

Natsuhiko looked a little weird when he heard this. He didn't seal the tailed beast, so how could he be a Jinchuuriki type according to him?

This Kyuubi didn't dare to run out of his body at the slightest disagreement, and Natsuhiko didn't feel the same discomfort as Kushina when this guy left.

Is it possible that this is a unilateral binding?

Xia Yan thought about it for a while, and he felt that this should be the credit of the system. Maybe he could drive away the tailed beast without affecting himself.

But once something goes wrong with him, the tailed beasts born through his chakra power will also suffer.

If this is the setting, then Xia Yan naturally does not need to worry about being whipped by a tailed beast and then facing death inexplicably.

Being a jinchuriki is a very risky profession, especially when it comes to conspiracy. There are only two jinchuriki left in the entire ninja world, the eight-tails and the nine-tails.

Even if Xia Yan doesn't feel that his strength will not improve at that time in the future, he doesn't think that those people in Xiao will really be able to attack him at that time.

But there is absolutely no problem in being prepared. After all, the future Uchiha Madara has completely reached the level of Otsutsuki.

"I understand, it seems I have to find a way to get you some Nine-Tails chakra."

Natsuhiko nodded slightly, a good candidate already appeared in his mind, such as Kazuma who secretly collected the Nine-Tails chakra.

But this matter should be discussed later. He still has more questions that need to be understood.

"By the way, can you help me fight?" Xia Yan directly asked the question he was most concerned about: "For example, what is the Nine-Tails Chakra mode?"

"Yes, according to that big guy's memory, I can indeed do this with you."

The little guy nodded, and it could be seen that he had absorbed his own memory quite well.

"That mode requires both parties to have the same mind, and it also needs chakra to resonate.

This is not difficult for us, we can easily enter this state, but there is also a problem. "

"What's the problem?" Xia Yan's eyes couldn't help but shine a little when he heard the little guy's words.

Nine-tails chakra mode, this was one of Naruto's strongest modes before he got the plug-in!

By turning on this mode alone, Naruto's speed is almost reaching that of a flying thunder god.

If used in conjunction with senjutsu, such a state and strength is simply unimaginable. Even if he was suppressed by Uchiha Madara in the end, this state is incomparably powerful!

But Xia Yan still maintained restraint even if he was happy. He had not forgotten that the current total amount of Nine-Tails chakra was probably only a little more than his own.

What's more, this little guy said there is a problem here, so this must be something Xia Yan needs to pay attention to.

"I'm still very weak right now. At least let me improve a little bit so that I can synchronize better and more permanently."

The little guy didn't whet Xia Yan's appetite, he directly gave his answer.

"Now that I'm synchronized with you, I don't know how much it can be improved, but the duration is definitely not that good.

So I think it's better not to try it easily. If not, I can provide you with enough chakra to use, as long as you don't drain me all at once. "

"Are you sure?" Xia Yan immediately perked up after hearing this: "I can use your chakra at any time, as long as I don't drain you dry?"

"Yes..." Xiao Jiuwei was also startled when he saw Xia Yan's appearance. He seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing.

"That's fine!" Xia Yan didn't give Kyuubi any chance to refute. He thought for a moment and quickly took out a seed.

This seed is only a primary fire escape seed. It is naturally impossible for Xia Yan to experiment with an intermediate seed if he wants to try it.

Although Fire Release is the escape technique with the strongest damage ability in the original work but basically no casualties, Xia Yan still likes its destructive power.

If a single fire escape can't kill him, then just use a large-scale fire escape.

Anyway, Xia Yan already has the Flying Thunder God technique in individual combat, so he wants to expand his ability to escape.

The only thing you can save is Water Escape and Earth Escape, or Wood Escape, which is also a very good choice.

When the fire escape seeds entered his body, Xia Yan began to feel his chakra being pulled.

But soon, under his deliberate control, the seeds still emerged from Little Kyuubi's chakra, and Xia Yan clearly felt that the seeds began to grow!

"What are you doing?"

Little Kyuubi was very confused by Xia Yan's actions. After he felt it carefully, his expression suddenly became extremely weird.

"Are you exercising your fire escape chakra? Using my chakra to help you practice? What kind of practice are you doing?

In that big guy’s memory, you humans don’t seem to have such a way of practice, right? "

"This is the unique way of our Thousand Hands Clan, or in other words, my unique way."

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. He seemed to realize that the system might have blocked all information about 'seeds' and 'systems'.

Xiao Jiuwei clearly said that he could guess some of Xia Yan's inner thoughts, but he never seemed to be aware of the system and the like in Xia Yan's mind.

Obviously, he couldn't feel it at all. In other words, the system probably blocked these things.

So Xia Yan simply lied. Since he couldn't explain it anyway, he just said he couldn't explain it either.

And now Xia Yan is also very happy, because he found that he can use the chakra of Nine Tails to help him plant these seeds.

Although doing this would waste the little Kyuubi's combat power, Xia Yan felt that even if Kyuubi was used now, the actual effect would probably be very average.

Moreover, Xia Yan's real power basically lies in the power of those seeds after they grow up, and he can still clearly distinguish the priorities.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan decisively took out the intermediate seal seeds.

The seeds of the primary fire escape did not cost Kyuubi much at all, which also allowed him to safely use more chakra to cultivate the intermediate seal seeds.

Holding the yellow seed tightly in his hand, Xia Yan directly integrated it into his body, and then he directly mobilized the chakra of Little Nine Tails to nurture the seed.

Xiao Jiuwei clearly felt something, and his expression changed slightly.

Although this seed did not consume much of his chakra, this power made him feel a huge threat.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Jiuwei's voice seemed a little strange: "This power makes me feel uneasy. What's going on?"

"This is the power of the sealing technique." Xia Yan did not hide Xiao Jiuwei's intention at all. He directly said what he had done: "I am using your power to cultivate and improve my sealing technique."

"Can you still do this?"

Little Kyuubi asked with a somewhat incomprehensible look.

"You have so many secrets. Forget it, I'm not interested in taking care of these things for you, but your improvement in sealing skills is..."

"Flying Thunder God, I said I won't seal you if I don't seal you."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then he smiled.

“Although I’m not a good person, at least I can do what I say.

Can't you feel what I'm thinking? If you feel and observe carefully, you might gain something. "

The little Kyuubi in Xia Yan's belly thought for a moment, and then really began to seriously feel and observe the information conveyed by Xia Yan's chakra.

Soon he knew what was probably going on, and then he lay down again looking very relieved.

Little Kyuubi didn't know the feeling of the sealing technique, but through another Kyuubi memory, he understood that this was definitely the power he hated most.

In that big guy's memory, there were three powers he hated the most.

One is the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, the other is the Wood Release of the Senju clan, and the other is the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.

And the guy who created himself now is a member of the Thousand Hands clan or someone who has awakened Mu Dun, and the big guy has been taught a lesson by him.

This made Xiao Jiuwei feel a little sad about his fate. Why was he brought out by such a guy?

The most important thing is that he has this guy's chakra in his body, and this guy feels like his father.

No matter how much the big guy hated this guy in his memory, it was impossible for Little Kyuubi to hate Xia Yan - I'm afraid Xia Yan himself didn't even know that he had somehow become a 'father'.

However, this guy Xia Yan not only mastered the Wood Release, he was also good at the sealing technique. This was a double blow to the little Kyuubi.

He now hopes that Xia Yan will not cause trouble for him. Even if he wants to cause trouble, he should still go to the big guy.

As for Natsuhiko wanting to use his own chakra, let him use it. Anyway, Little Kyuubi has already accepted his fate.

Xia Yan felt that Xiao Jiuwei was too lazy to pay attention to him and had closed his eyes to rest, which made him feel a little funny.

“Although there is a big difference in personality between this little guy and the big guy, this little guy is really interesting.

The most important thing is that with him, I can cultivate those seeds without wasting my own chakra. "

Thinking of this, Xia Yan also lay on the bed.

It’s really nice to have a tool fox...


Xia Yan didn't know that he regarded the little fox as a tool, but in the end, the little guy secretly regarded him as his father.

Otherwise, Xia Yan's heart must be very constant.

But he doesn't have that much time to take care of these things now. He still has a lot of work to deal with.

After all, the ANBU had just fallen into his hands, and he had directly killed a large group, so his subsequent work would definitely not be easy.

But it's okay now, everything in ANBU is pretty stable.

Perhaps it was because the Third Hokage was about to take over the power of Hokage again, and he had many things to take over for the time being.

Therefore, he did not set his sights for the time being, allowing Xia Yan to do many things with peace of mind.

The reason why the third generation Hokage was able to regain power was entirely because the fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato now needed to recuperate, and Namikaze Minato's training schedule had been arranged.

"I really didn't expect that Namikaze Minato actually refused to let Tsunade help him, and chose to go to Mt. Myoboku to recuperate."

Sitting in the ANBU's office, Xia Yan looked at the documents in his hands, but was thinking absent-mindedly about other things.

Less than a week after the Nine-Tails Incident, Konoha has made the decision to re-plan and establish Konoha, and has also rearranged the family deployment in the village.

Natsuhiko participated in this meeting, and he participated directly as the head of the ANBU.

He still remembers how complicated the looks of all the ninjas who attended the meeting looked at him when he came to the meeting. He still still remembers it.

Some of these looks were admiration, admiration, disbelief, and of course resentment and disdain.

But no matter what kind of gaze, Xia Yan still maintained his gentle attitude.

Like Minato Namikaze, or like Hashirama Senju, he always gives people a gentle feeling like bathing in the spring breeze.

This meeting was hosted by Hiruzen Sarutobi, and in this re-planning there was also an additional family name, that was the Senju Clan!

However, Natsuhiko directly rejected Sarutobi Hiruzen's arrangement on behalf of the Senju clan, and his reasons were irrefutable.

“Now the village needs to be rebuilt, which requires a lot of manpower, material resources and energy.

The area where my tribe and I live has not been affected by the Nine Tails, so I feel that my tribe and I do not need to change places.

After all, even Hokage-sama has not changed his residence, and as a subordinate, I don't think it is necessary. "

Natsuhiko's statement was actually to tell all the ninjas present at the meeting one thing, that is, 'We, the Senju Clan, stand firmly behind the Fourth Hokage.'

Namikaze Minato's personality charm is unparalleled, even in the year when he became Hokage, most of the actual power was taken over by the Third Hokage and his elders and staff.

But there are still many ninjas who follow him for a reason, especially those civilian ninjas who regard him as their idol, because Minato Namikaze is a ninja born among civilians.

Natsuhiko's statement will actually win him over a large number of ninjas, especially during the period when Namikaze Minato is not in Konoha. As the ANBU minister, Natsuhiko is almost the largest official.

This is a beacon for these ninjas, letting them know who they can follow.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen was very dissatisfied with the answer given by Natsu Yan, he really didn't have the energy to deal with Natsu Yan's matter now.

What's more, the migrating family is indeed what Xia Yan said, so he simply accepted Xia Yan's proposal.

As for other affected families and those who originally thought about moving to more central areas, no one is rejecting this matter.

Among them, the Uchiha clan also received certain care, and they also got an opportunity to move to a more favorable area.

It is also very interesting to say that this time the Uchiha clan played a lot of strength in the fight against the Nine-Tails, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was so thick-skinned that he ignored it all.

Perhaps, this is as a compromise.

After all, Danzo blocked the Uchiha clan from dispatching and stood still during the Nine-Tails incident, but he did not receive any punishment.

This is really interesting. You must know that Sarutobi Hiruzen is the one who values ​​Konoha more than anything else.

"Maybe it's because of me that Danzo escaped again?"

Xia Yan thought silently that he was too lazy to listen to other things.

The only interesting thing is that Namikaze Minato rejected Tsunade's return to Mt. Myoboku, which was probably the most supported by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Konoha already has a Natsuhiko. If Tsunade comes back, Senju's influence will probably increase to a higher level.

"But it's okay if she doesn't come back. I haven't thought about letting her come back."

Natsuhiko looked at the report in his hand and thought silently. He really didn't want Tsunade to come back and disrupt the situation, because the current situation was still a weak balance, and she would break everything once she came back.

"Knock knock knock."

Just when Xia Yan was thinking, there was a knock on his office door, and Xia Yan quickly returned to his normal state.

"come in."

"Yes, Sir Minister."

When the door opened, Xia Yan's old boss, Captain Antelope of the First Battalion, walked in slowly.

The look he looked at Xia Yan was still a little complicated, but the complicated light quickly dissipated, and he immediately lowered his head and made a respectful gesture.

But Xia Yan didn't speak, but looked at him quietly. For a while, the entire office seemed even more silent.

"Do you think I forgot about you?"

After a long while, Xia Yan suddenly spoke. He raised his head slightly and his expression was gentle. However, his words made the antelope's body tremble.

Xia Yan didn't pay attention. He slowly stood up and walked to the antelope, and then spoke in a condescending voice.

"Perhaps you wish I had forgotten?"

"Don't dare, Mr. Minister."

Xia Yan looked at the antelope in front of him with great interest. After listening to what he said, the smile on Xia Yan's face became wider.

After a long while, he spoke quietly, as if he was talking to a friend, and as if he was telling a story or a truth.

"Okay, don't say these things, I can guess what you are thinking.

But don't waste your time mourning Captain Zhu Bun, and don't lament yourself anymore.

Each kitten grows up and looks harmless at first, young and quiet, licking milk from a shallow dish.

But once their claws grow, cats will scratch people, sometimes scratching the hands of cat owners.

For those of us who have climbed to the top of the food chain, there is no mercy.

Because there is only one rule for us, don't be the hunter, become the hunted.

I won't be prey. Captain Antelope was kind to me at first, and I don't want you to become prey either. "


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