The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 195: Their respective plans (8K please subscribe~)

Natsuhiko probably never dreamed that Danzo would be so self-centered.

After Namikaze Minato decided to go to Mt. Myoboku to recuperate and Sarutobi Hiruzen regained control of the Hokage, he actually developed such a mentality.

Not only Natsuhiko, but probably Sarutobi Hiruzen himself did not expect that Danzo, whom he had tried his best to protect, would have such thoughts.

Natsuhiko guessed one thing correctly, that is, Sarutobi Hiruzen did make a big enough compromise on Danzo.

He knew what Danzo had done in this Nine-Tails incident, and he actually ran to stop the Uchiha clan and did not allow them to move out?

Normally, this would be considered insurance, but the problem was that Konoha was short of people at that time, and Danzo had no actual evidence, let alone any transfer orders from the Hokage.

In addition, during the entire Kyuubi incident, he did not dispatch any root members to do anything at all, which naturally left a huge excuse.

What's more, whether it was Namikaze Minato or Senju Natsuhiko, even the ANBU who protected Namikaze Minato have confirmed that the guy who attacked Kushina and released the Kyuubi was not an Uchiha from Konoha at all!

The performance of the Uchiha clan in this Nine-Tails operation was remarkable, but Danzo seemed to be stretched thin by comparison.

For this reason, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to first appease the Uchiha clan and give them a location closer to the core of Konoha when Konoha was rebuilt.

At the same time, he was also entangled with the fact that Namikaze Minato was no longer entangled, or that Natsuhiko, a guy who had never dealt with Danzo in the first place, was entangled, and he even acquiesced to the ANBU changing hands.

Because he knew that with Natsuhiko's performance in the Night of the Nine Tails and his display of Wood Release, Danzo would be in serious trouble if he really wanted to deal with him.

He really spent a lot of money to protect Danzo, because that was one of his best friends.

Sitting in the Hokage's office, looking at everything familiar, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh slightly. Konoha is really difficult now.

But it's okay, he has been through difficult days, and he believes he can get through it!

"Hokage-sama." Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen was deep in thought, a ninja suddenly walked in: "This is a document submitted by the ANBU minister. Please take a look."

"Documents submitted by ANBU?" Sarutobi Hiruzen came back to his senses, and his heart skipped a beat.

He knew something about the ANBU. After all, the people he left behind in the ANBU were still loyal to him. Naturally, he knew the extent of Xia Yan's previous actions.

First, he killed a captain in front of all the ANBU, and then disbanded a whole team. These things had made his blood pressure continue to rise, but he endured it.

He felt that even if something else happened, it wouldn't necessarily make him so passive, and it wouldn't cause his blood pressure to rise again.

"let it go."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and glanced at the document.


Then just after reading a title, Sarutobi Hiruzen spit out the tea he had just drank in his mouth, and then he coughed violently.

"Hokage-sama, are you okay?" The ninja looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with some worry and asked cautiously.

"You go down first, I'm fine." Sarutobi Hiruzen took a long time to calm down, and then he immediately asked the ninjas on the side to go out.

After the ninja went out, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately picked up the document, and then began to read it seriously.

Then the more he looked at him, the heavier his breathing became, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt his blood pressure beginning to soar.

He really never dreamed that after this Senju Natsuhiko showed his strength, he would completely reveal his surname to the world.

This guy has begun to show his strong side, and Sarutobi Hiruzen has to admit that this guy is really qualified and capable to show such a strong side!

But now this guy's plan seems to be too strong. He almost wants to break the rules that have been left by the ANBU for decades.

"Did Namikaze Minato ask him to do this?"

Not surprisingly, Hiruzen Sarutobi, like Trout, immediately thought of Minato Namikaze.

Because Natsuhiko, the head of the ANBU, was promoted by Namikaze Minato, and he was promoted even though he didn't hesitate to fall out with him.

If it was really Namikaze Minato, he would somewhat understand the purpose of the Fourth Hokage, and this method was also very good.

"Do you want to use Anbu to accumulate your basic strength? It's a good way.

And it's interesting to use one Senju to break the system established by another Senju. It's really interesting. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought with some emotion, it must be said that Namikaze Minato's move was really seconds.

The size of ANBU's troops is limited. In addition to limiting the excessive power of ANBU, it also involves many issues of interest.

As we all know, Anbu is the direct line unit of Hokage, and this unit is also the unit closest to Hokage.

In addition, this unit has great power, which has also led to many families being very eager to send their own people in.

On the one hand, this is to express loyalty to Hokage and Konoha, and on the other hand, it is also to use the power of ANBU to obtain more valuable information.

In addition, I also hope to use this opportunity to be close to Hokage to feed back to my family through the outstanding performance of my family members.

This is a good position to achieve multiple things with one stone, so it has become an unspoken rule to deliberately limit the number of ANBU members and select as few family members as possible.

It is not easy to break this unspoken rule, because this was set by the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

However, Namikaze Minato's move was really beautiful. He asked one Senju to break the rules set by another Senju.

And this person who broke the rules showed terrifying fighting power, and even used the Wood Release that the Thousand Hands clan most desired.

It is really appropriate for such a person to come forward to do such a thing.

"It seems that you are really planning to expand through ANBU. But is the person you entrusted to you really worthy of your trust?"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen thought clearly about the 'Namikaze Minato arrangement', he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Senju Natsuhiko is not a simple kid. That kid is a hungry wolf. It is definitely not a good thing to hand over ANBU to him like this."

Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked on the table lightly, and suddenly his expression changed slightly. He suddenly thought, could this be Xia Yan's own decision?

After all, he has seen the ambition of this boy Xia Yan.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that it was unlikely, and he still preferred the decision to be made by Namikaze Minato.

"Forget it, no matter who it is, it's better not to think about these things now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed silently. He had already pushed out the ANBU anyway, and he didn't bother to care what others did.

He even hoped that Senju Natsuhiko would simply fight with Namikaze Minato, so that he would still have a chance to take back the Anbu.

He has more important things to do now, that is, he must go to the capital of the Land of Fire to meet with the Daimyo.

Namikaze Minato is not dead, but is seriously injured and needs to recuperate, so the Hokage agent of Konoha is naturally Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But even if you are acting as Hokage, you must meet the Daimyo for this matter.

Although for ninjas, the so-called name is just a joke, or even just a tool they use to withdraw money.

However, both parties are mutually beneficial, and the daimyo still has a certain prestige among ordinary people, and they also have a certain superior-subordinate relationship.

Therefore, you still need to show your face, at least let the daimyo know that you respect him.

"Let's go see the Daimyo during this time, and get some money back by the way. Rebuilding Konoha is very expensive..."


Danzo already has a very bold plan, that is, he is going to find a way to make Sarutobi Hiruzen die!

To put it simply, he wants to complete a political assassination, and through this assassination, the Hokage will be vacant again.

He has analyzed that there are not many people in the village who can compete with him, but they are not few either.

Orochimaru has been abandoned once, and this guy seems to be showing a lack of interest in the position of Hokage, so Danzo will not think that Orochimaru is his opponent.

In addition to that, there are Jiraiya and Tsunade. These two are very troublesome, but Danzo is not worried, because these two guys also did not come back after the Kyuubi incident!

"Since you didn't contribute anything, why would you want to point your finger at the Hokage's position?"

Danzo thought this mentally, but he also had to do some precautions, such as completing the handover of power as quickly as possible without giving these two people any chance.

Although he had reason to prevent these two people from coming back to seize power, he also had to be careful. In essence, he did nothing at all on the Night of the Nine Tails.

With such a plan, the remaining things will be much easier to deal with. There are not many other people in Konoha who can compete with him for the position of Hokage.

Maybe someone from the Nara clan could be a rival. After all, I heard that both Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato planned to make Nara Shikaku the squad leader of the Jonin class.

It is completely obvious that these two Kages are optimistic about Nara Shikaku, and Nara Shikaku also has enough merits and abilities, so the possibility of this guy inheriting the position of Hokage is very high.

And such a guy is Danzo Shimura's biggest enemy. Danzo must think carefully about what to do if this guy attacks him when Sarutobi Hiruzen is around.

"But it's not impossible to deal with it. Fortunately, the three families of Zhu, Deer and Die don't distinguish between each other. This does give me a chance."

After calming down, Danzo's basic qualities as a ninja and his ability as a conspirator began to quickly emerge. He first thought of the situation of the three Inorakacho families.

The division of labor among these three families in Konoha is also different. The Akimichi family is responsible for certain ninja defense, the Nara family is completely devoted to government affairs, and the Yamanaka family is devoted to intelligence work.

And in Danzo's memory, he has not forgotten the young patriarch of the Yamanaka family, Yamanaka Kaiichi, but he did some things to this boy Senju Natsuhiko alone.

This kind of thing is not strange in Anbu. After all, the purity and stability of Anbu must be maintained, and there must be no problems.

But for ordinary ninja troops, this matter would be like a scandal.

And no one will know how many secrets Yamanaka Haiichi has dug up about the Senju clan. Even the report of Yamanaka Haiichi was directly entered into the archives of Fengcun.

It has not gone through any approval - because the name has actually been written on it. This is simply an act of fraud!

"If these things are revealed together, the blow to the mountain clan will be devastating.

The Yamanaka clan is one with Akimichi and Nara, so in order to protect the Yamanaka clan, some sacrifices must be made.

The three families together are very large, but if there are only one or two left, then there is nothing to be afraid of! "

Danzo's thoughts were very clear in his heart. What he had to do now was to collect intelligence and obtain evidence, and put pressure on the Yamanaka clan at the critical moment.

This forced the Nara clan to make a choice, and then he came forward to discuss with Nara Shikaku alone, and finally made Nara Shikaku "voluntarily withdraw" from the Hokage selection.

"The people who have a competitive relationship with me have been dealt with, so what's left is Sarutobi Hiruzen's problem."

Danzo thought to himself that there was a light shining in his eyes, and this light was full of hatred and murderous intent.

"We must win over someone who is close to Sarutobi Hiruzen, so that we can understand his whereabouts and plan, and then wait for action!"

Danzo thought very clearly that this kind of thing was really not a casual matter. The opponent he faced was the person who knew him best, and he was also the person he knew best.

Therefore, he must be fully prepared, otherwise if something goes wrong, his situation will become even worse.

Although he knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen would not necessarily kill him, because they still had a relationship, and there were not many people of their generation at that time.

But I'm afraid he will leave the core area of ​​Konoha forever, and will never even be able to set foot in it again!

Having already tasted the power, he really doesn't want to lose it all.

He has no hope of improving his strength naturally because he is already old. Unless there are some other ways to further improve his strength.

Otherwise, he can only wait for his strength to continue to decline, and finally reach the point where he can no longer fight.

For a ninja like him, besides strength, what he pursues is power.

Since he has no strength, he can only rely on power to keep himself at the top!

"Power, this is something I must not throw away. At the same time, as a ninja, I also have to think of ways to strengthen my strength!"

Shimura Danzo took a deep breath, and his eyes became extremely solemn.

"It just so happens that besides that damn guy Senju Natsuhiko, there are Mudun, and I also have ninjas who have such a thing.

Let him perform well. If his performance is excellent and stable, then I can also experience the power of Mu Dun in the future! "


"Little Minato, you can rest here."

In Mt. Myoboku, Namikaze Minato collapsed on the bed, while Kushina and Naruto stood aside. Fukasaku Sennin glanced at them and said slowly.

"There is nothing wrong with your body. The person who saved you was very skillful, but for some reason, he didn't completely save you."

"Fukasaku Sage, what you said is..." Kushina looked at Fukasaku Sage in front of her with some worry: "Is Minato really okay?"

"Don't worry, it's really no problem."

Fukasaku Sen. smiled kindly, and then he said extremely seriously.

"He just needs to rest. The person who saved him is very powerful. He saved Minato Yangju's flames.

According to my observation, the flame of Minato's life is probably going to be completely extinguished. What happened to make you make such a choice, Minato? "

Fukasaku Sennin is really confused now, because Namikaze Minato's situation is really weird, and in his perception, his fire of life is indeed burning very strongly.

But the fuel burning in this flame did not belong to Namikaze Minato's own power.

I have to say that this hand is really powerful, because in Fukasaku Sennin's memory, only Senju Hashirama seems to be able to do it.

It's just that what Senju Hashirama can do seems to only affect himself. This method of giving power to others is really weird.

He heard the great Toad Immortal Gamamaru mention it a long time ago, and it seemed that only Asura could do this.

But that was all a thousand years ago. What happened to Minato Namikaze and how did he become like this?

"I'm ashamed to say it." Namikaze Minato was still very weak. He sighed and said: "I think Fukasaku Sennin should already know about the Kyuubi. In fact, the method I use to deal with the Kyuubi is to seal the corpse. The ultimate technique."

"What?" Fukasaku Sennin looked at Namikaze Minato in disbelief: "You used the ghoul seal? How is this possible? Your soul... wait, who is it that saved you?"

"He is an ANBU ninja from Konoha." Kushina said now: "His name is Natsuhiko, and he is a member of the Senju clan."

"Senju?" Fukasaku Sennin couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he nodded clearly: "I probably understand."

"Fukasaku Sage, what's going on?" Kushina felt a little confused: "I know the Senju clan is very powerful, but..."

"The Thousand Hands Clan has never been a simple family. If it is this family, then many things can be explained."

Fukasaku Sennin jumped onto a wooden table. He seemed to be trapped in memories, but such memories quickly returned to reality.

He shook his head slightly, then carefully organized his words before starting to speak slowly.

“The inheritance of the Thousand Hands clan is much longer than you think, and there are some things that I can’t say easily.

But I can tell you one thing, that is, the relationship between Senju and Uzumaki is much closer than you think.

I don't know how the Uzumaki clan is doing now. After all, we haven't been out for a long time, but I can tell it's probably not going well.

Therefore, it is normal for you not to have some skills, such as the solution to the zombie seal. "

The solution to sealing out the corpses?

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato and Kushina immediately became energetic. This question has always been their most curious point.

After all, Namikaze Minato used the Ghoul Seal with the awareness of death. He left his hope of life to Kushina and Naruto, while he himself chose to die calmly.

Although in the end he got a happy answer - he survived, even if Xia Yan saved him for his own purposes.

But he still had a lot of questions in his heart. What happened here? How terrible is Xia Yan?

But now, he seems to have a chance to get the answer, and the same is true for Kushina. They are really curious.

"The solution to the sealing of zombies was created based on the sealing of corpses. There are ways to unlock the sealing technique. This is not a strange thing."

Fukasaku Sennin could naturally see what the two of them were thinking. Even if he couldn't see through everything, he still knew a lot, so he didn't sell it out.

"It seems that the descendant of the Thousand Hands Clan has mastered this method, and I have heard that this method is not very simple, and it may cost a life!"

"Need to sacrifice a life?" Namikaze Minato's eyes widened slightly, and then he fell into silence with envy.

He suddenly remembered one thing, that is, according to the ANBU report, there was one person missing from the ANBU prison, and that guy was the one who was almost immortal.

No one knows where this guy went. Maybe he ran away while Kyuubi was causing trouble in Konoha.

Perhaps, this guy is the sacrifice used by Xia Yan to unblock the corpse ghost!

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato fell silent. If he guessed correctly, this might be the case, but he didn't know how to evaluate this matter at all.

After thinking about it, he could only shake his head helplessly. What Xia Yan did was really for him.

Moreover, the person Xia Yan used was an immortal guy. I'm afraid Xia Yan had reached some agreement with this guy.

Only then did the guy help Natsuhiko complete the technique to free himself, and he disappeared into Konoha's ANBU prison.

"Yes, a life is needed."

Fukasaku Sennin nodded seriously, and then he said with infinite emotion.

"In addition, saving you requires controlling Yang Dun to a terrifying level.

And to reach this point, I am afraid that he has already surpassed Senju Hashirama. "

Surpassed Senju Hashirama?

Namikaze Minato and Kushina couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this sentence. In addition to being incredible, they both felt a little bit of agreement with this evaluation.

The fighting ability shown by this boy Natsuhiko is very strong, unimaginably strong, even though he may not be able to reach the level of the real Senju Hashirama.

But don't forget, he is only fourteen years old!

His future achievements are absolutely immeasurable.

Moreover, this boy's thoughts and castle also make Namikaze Minato feel terrible. It is said without hesitation that this boy will definitely be the combination of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama in the future!

"You guys should have a good rest and don't think too much." Fukasaku Sennin shook his head. He didn't want to say anything more: "I'm leaving first. Now you need to recover. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Fukasaku Sage." Namikaze Minato and Kushina nodded immediately and replied: "We know, thank you Fukasaku Sage."

Fukasaku Sennin nodded, then he turned around and left here silently. Today he solved the puzzle for Namikaze Minato and the two, and at the same time he also got a lot of information.

He really didn't expect that such a person would appear in Konoha, a person with terrifying strength and who was suspected of having a high degree of mastery of Yang Escape.

He needed to report this matter properly, and he also wondered, could this person be the legendary child of destiny?

But this kid seems to only have a certain relationship with Namikaze Minato, and does not have a deep connection with little Jiraiya.

With such doubts, Fukasaku Sennin staggered out of the room, while Namikaze Minato and Kushina also became quiet.

Looking at Naruto who was still sleeping in her arms, it took Kushina a long time before she raised her head and said, "Minato, don't think too much, just cultivate yourself. We don't need to think too much about Konoha's affairs now."

"I know, don't worry."

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, and then he suddenly smiled.

“Actually, I found that it’s actually pretty good now, at least I don’t have so much pressure anymore.

And I can still be with the person I love most. This may be the life I dream of most. "


Kushina looked at Namikaze Minato's smile, she was stunned for a while, and then she also laughed.

Indeed, here Minato no longer has the pressure from the Hokage, and does not need to worry about those dark and bad things in Konoha.

And now they are a family of three. In this environment full of nature, it's really hard to say whether this is a bad thing or a good thing.

"Perhaps, staying away from the hustle and bustle is actually a good thing."

Kushina thought silently, although Naruto was her and Minato's dream.

But after experiencing so much, they suddenly felt that their true dreams for each other might be the most simple.

That is the person who protects and accompanies their loved ones, just like now!

"I also think that this may be the life I dream of." Kushina's eyes turned slightly red. She smiled and said to Minato: "With you and Naruto by your side, this is the best thing in my opinion. .”

"Thank you, Kushina." Minato stretched out his hand and wiped it gently: "Thank you, Naruto. Thank you for your company!"

Perhaps, this is the best.

At this time, Namikaze Minato also thought like Kushina, these were things he was willing to sacrifice his life to protect.

But he soon woke up because he once again remembered everything that happened that night with Kyuubi.

He really couldn't forget that hateful Uchiha who targeted Kyuubi and almost destroyed his family!

Although he can live happily here now, he must also make plans for the future.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace, this is a principle he has learned during his years as a ninja.

Only with this kind of mind can he keep moving forward step by step.

Those ninjas who advocate timely enjoyment often feel that they are in danger and have no idea whether they will die directly on the next mission.

That was a hopeless approach. Namikaze Minato wouldn't go against them, but he wouldn't do it either.

"Although I am very stable in Myoboku Mountain now, I still need to improve myself.

Xia Yan, this kid, has so much magical power, and Mount Miaomu also has magical powers, so I have to study hard and hone myself during this time.

In addition to this, the same is true for Kyuubi. Half of Kyuubi is sealed in my body, so I must try to use his power! "


"It seems that I guessed it right."

In the ANBU office, Xia Yan finally got the approval from the Hokage's office after waiting for two days.

The modifications he proposed to ANBU have been completely approved, which means that he can legitimately start to expand, and he can continue to increase the power in his hands!

And he also knew a lot of information, for example, Sarutobi Hiruzen's friendship for Shimura Danzo was really deep.

He actually wanted to protect him after making such a mistake. For a moment, Xia Yan didn't know what was going on in Hiruzen Sarutobi's mind.

"But no matter how you think about it, it's not a big problem for me. Anyway, I already got what I wanted."

The smile on Xia Yan's face was very bright, which was enough for him.

He has not thought about touching Danzo for the time being, and he even wishes that Danzo would live longer!

A person who posed no threat to him, but could constantly cause trouble for Sarutobi Hiruzen and help him expand. He really wished that this guy could live a long life.

"Of course, he can't live that long. After he takes the initiative to ask for people from major families and destroys Sarutobi Hiruzen's character, I can almost get rid of him."

Natsuhiko mentally set a date for Shimura Danzo to die, even if this date might take some time.

But at least Natsuhiko has decided what to do. How can he avenge the major families if Danzo is not dead?

So, Danzo is a good old man, at least to Xia Yan, he is a good old man in the true sense!

"But there is no need to worry about Danzo's affairs. The Kyuubi's chakra needs to be dealt with properly some time."

Xia Yan touched his chin and began to think seriously.

There are only two relatively urgent things for him right now. One is to find a way to improve his wood escape level - actually this is easier to deal with, since he is already planting Obito's arms.

But he was not sure how long it would take to plant. At least this time it seemed to be much later than the last time.

The last time he planted Senju Hashirama's meat, it only took a week to complete, but now a week has passed, but Bai Zetsu's body has not responded much yet.

In addition to Bai Zetsu's body, another very important thing is the chakra of the Kyuubi.

He was thinking about how to legitimately go to the capital of the Land of Fire, and then deal with the so-called guardian twelve warriors who secretly collected the Nine-Tails chakra.

How could the daimyo hire some miscellaneous fish to protect him? Why should the ANBU at least send out protection?

Moreover, a group of miscellaneous fish also randomly collected the chakra of the Nine-Tails. Did the Daimyo have other thoughts?


Just when Xia Yan was thinking about how to get to the capital of the Fire Nation, his eyes suddenly saw a document placed on the table...


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