Natsuhiko and Kakashi had a good night's rest and set off immediately.

However, Kakashi looked at Natsu Yan with some curiosity. When he got up to take over the guard duty in the middle of the night, he clearly saw Natsu Yan reading the scroll of the sealing technique.

Sealing Technique is definitely not a simple thing. Ordinary ninjas really have no chance to do it, and the difficulty of Sealing Technique is also unimaginable.

Kakashi can understand why Natsuhiko can obtain the sealing technique. After all, this is an old member of the ANBU, and it is normal to obtain some uncommon things based on his own merits.

It's just that the sealing technique is really not that easy to learn. There are very few people who can learn it. In every village, everyone who knows the sealing technique is an elite.

Even if they are not strong enough, they will be assigned to the sealing class, where they will be properly protected.

If you look at the seals used in every village to prevent foreign enemies from infiltrating, you will know how important these people who know the sealing technique are.

Although these sealing techniques may seem a little stretched when facing some very strong enemies, at least they can know that foreign enemies are coming.

"Captain, are you interested in sealing techniques?" Kakashi asked curiously on the way out.

"That's right." Xia Yan nodded: "I've actually always been interested in sealing techniques, but it's a pity that my talent seems to have some problems, but I have no intention of giving up."

"Is that so?" Kakashi pursed his lips slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's hurry up." Xia Yan smiled and shook his head: "Don't forget that we still have missions. If we go late, it will be troublesome."

Kakashi immediately calmed down after hearing this. It is true that they have more important things to do now, but he did remember Natsuhiko's plan to learn the sealing technique.

For others, the sealing technique may be really difficult, and even if there is information, there is no way to learn it, but Kakashi can be different.

The future Kakashi actually also has good sealing skills. When Sasuke was cursed by Orochimaru, he was the first to seal the curse.

Kakashi has the foundation to learn first-hand sealing techniques. After all, his teacher is Namikaze Minato, and his master wife is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina.

The two people set off again very quickly, and it took them more than a day to reach the border of the Fire Country.

The Land of Fire is quite vast, and it is normal for ninjas to spend several days traveling.

Fortunately, they were not performing escort missions and did not need to consider their employer's affordability.

It's not like a large army is gathering to go to the battlefield. It needs to take into account everyone's speed. The flexibility of the two people guarantees their speed.

However, they did not go directly to the station after arriving. Instead, they chose to go to the nearby area to see the situation.

Anbu and garrison ninja are two different systems. In order to avoid handover being too troublesome, Anbu like Xia Yan generally do not take the initiative to contact them.

Of course, it is also for confidentiality. It is difficult to judge whether the ninjas in the garrison have been infiltrated.

If there is, then the exposure of the whereabouts of these Anbu means that the mission will be risky, and avoiding risks is what the Anbu should do most.

After walking around the border extension for a while and looking at the monitoring points relatively close to the stronghold, Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded.

There is nothing wrong with these monitoring points, and the surroundings are very peaceful. Even though their geographical location is the most dangerous, no one has come here so far.

"Captain, it looks pretty good here." Kakashi also glanced around, and then said calmly: "But is there a surveillance point we haven't passed yet?"

"Yes, indeed." Xia Yan nodded: "Let's go. After inspecting this monitoring point, we can take a short rest."

The location of each monitoring point is different, but they are all set around the stronghold, and the field of vision is wide so that you can clearly observe the surroundings.

Once these strongholds are attacked, as long as the enemy is not too powerful or there are too many people, they can release signal flares to seek assistance.

But now that the Anbu have been dispatched, it only means that the number of enemies attacked may not be small.


On the way forward, Xia Yan suddenly frowned, and his perception had detected chakra fluctuations in the distance.

His perception has always been very strong, and he can detect many things without any effort at all.

Moreover, the fluctuations of these chakras were very strong, and they were obviously experiencing a battle, which made him realize that the monitoring point might have been attacked.

"Speed ​​up and prepare for battle." Xia Yan said in the simplest tone: "We are in trouble, and there should be many enemies."

"Yes, Captain." Kakashi said immediately without any doubts.

Obviously he has long noticed that Xia Yan has good perception ability. Although it is not clear how strong his perception is, it is definitely trustworthy!

After Xia Yan gave the order, the speed of the two people accelerated a lot in an instant, and while they were on their way, they also began to prepare their combat items.

Not long after, they could already see with their naked eyes on a high surveillance tower not far away, there were more than ten ninjas wearing Iwagakure red clothes, attacking the ninjas of Konoha.

"Iwagakure?" Kakashi frowned immediately when he saw this: "Are you deliberately pretending to be them to destroy the peace between Konoha and Iwagakure?"

"Obviously, everyone can actually see this kind of thing." Xia Yan said calmly: "In the final analysis, it is still a matter of interests."


Kakashi frowned. He didn't quite understand what Xia Yan said, but there was no time for him to ask so many questions now.

Because they were getting closer and closer, and the Konoha ninja stationed there were obviously unable to bear it.

At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly took out a kunai, and in an instant, powerful water escape chakra condensed on his kunai.

This scene immediately made Kakashi's eyes twitch, and he saw that the kunai's water escape chakra was getting more and more, and it began to compress and rotate crazily!

The next moment, the kunai's chakra became calmer, but the characteristics of the water seemed to have been directly changed by Xia Yan.

The sharp, sharp, and powerful pressure almost hit his face, and even Kakashi was speechless.

"This means that the deformation and qualitative changes of chakra have reached an extremely high level?"

Kakashi secretly thought that the next moment, the kunai was violently ejected by Natsuhiko, and the kunai made a violent friction sound in the air.

Howling with a strong sense of oppression, it stabbed the chest of an enemy in the distance...


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