"However, new harvest is coming soon."

After taking a look at his attribute column, especially the seed column, Xia Yan felt much better.

Although these things are like moths, devouring his own chakra crazily, there is also Xia Yan's own problem.

When he first got this plug-in, he was so curious that he got a lot of seeds, especially the seeds with basic attributes.

The result of this is that although he has gained a good foundation - excellent speed, reaction and strength, Chakra is unlucky.

Some tribesmen even doubted whether he was a member of the Thousand Hands Clan.

He has grown both genin and chunin chakra fruits, but the higher the level of cultivation, the greater the chakra he consumes and the longer it takes.

But the good thing is that his strength is not weak.

Especially when he got the seeds of celestial chakra by chance, which gave him a better trump card.

Just look at Naruto and Senju Hashirama to see how powerful senjutsu is.

Even Xia Yan's immortal mode does not belong to any of the three holy places.

Even if it is only in its elementary state, the increase it brings is already exaggerated.

With such an increase, he managed to avoid a lot of trouble during his mission, and even killed some powerful enemies.

In Sage Mode, the quality of Xia Yan's chakra has been greatly improved, thus the power of the magic he releases has also been greatly enhanced.

In addition, his ability to resist illusions and perception have also been greatly improved.

Illusions are extremely scary. If you accidentally fall into an illusion during a ninja confrontation, even if you are in a trance for just a few tenths of a second, what awaits you is a fatal threat.

Moreover, ninjas are all "Ferraris", they are fast and powerful, but they break into pieces when touched. There are many famous ninjas who died from kunai.

He thought that he could not judge the opponent's moves without looking at his eyes like Metkai.

Therefore, he especially needs a method that can resist illusions, and Sage Mode is the best.

After putting on the ANBU uniform and quickly putting on the mask, Xia Yan left his residence.

He still had tasks to do today, so he naturally didn't dare to be late, and the ANBU's strictness was unimaginable.

Stepping over other people's roofs along the way, he quickly arrived at the area where the ANBU were stationed.

After entering the gate and revealing his identity, Xia Yan casually found a place to rest.

He didn't know what the mission was specifically this time. What he had to do was to do his best to complete the mission after it was handed down.

Anbu's missions are generally not told to you in advance. You only know what they are before they are carried out. This is a kind of confidentiality practice.

Xia Yan has been accustomed to it for so many years in ANBU, and he has also played the role of a squad leader along the way.

"But I, the squad leader, have been a bit miserable. Look at someone else, Uchiha Itachi, who is also the squad leader, but he can kill the entire clan with his sword."

Natsuhiko thought with a sigh that it was now the end of Konoha's forty-seventh year, and the Third Ninja War had basically come to an end.

On the battlefield of the Land of Grass, Minato Namikaze's team performed exceptionally well due to the Kannabi Bridge mission.

Although Uchiha Obito was sacrificed, the supply line between the Land of Earth and the Land of Grass was cut off, leaving Iwagakure in the Land of Grass a lonely ghost.

The Iwagakure Village was forced to choose a truce and surrender, but the armistice agreement given by Konoha...

"Completely give up the compensation, do not hold Iwagakure responsible for attacking Konoha, and at the same time let go of those captured Iwagakure..."

Natsuhiko briefly recalled the decisions made by Hiruzen Sarutobi in the Third Ninja War in the comics and animations.

It can be said that this is basically betraying Konoha's interests, although from the perspective of Sarutobi Hiruzen, there is no problem in doing so.

Because no one knows what Iwagakure's attitude is, and it would be terrible if he went crazy and chose to fight Konoha to the end.

In the Third Ninja World War, Konoha had taken turns fighting all four major ninja villages. It was basically exhausted physically and mentally, and the powerful ninjas were almost broken.

Iwagakure went crazy, and Konoha really couldn't bear it.

In addition, being too difficult for Iwagakure would make it difficult for them to resist Kumogakure, who had strong troops and high morale.

The reason why Kumogakure and Konoha temporarily stopped fighting was that the Third Raikage was defeated by tens of thousands of Iwa Ninjas.

It was Sarutobi Hiruzen's decision to use Iwagakure to contain Kumogakure and give Konoha a chance to breathe.

It's just that such an armistice treaty that 'sells out one's own interests' will also cause him trouble.

So the third generation Hokage has now abdicated, Namikaze Minato has officially taken over the position of the fourth generation Hokage, and Konoha has also entered a new era.

Or so it seems.

"However, the Fourth Hokage may not be here for a long time, but it has nothing to do with me. I am not an Uchiha. No matter who is the Hokage, it will not have much impact on my mission."

Natsuhiko didn't know what the punishments and rewards were, and he still decided to complete the only mission called 'becoming the real big BOSS in the ninja world'.

If he just wants to complete it, he must rely on a force, a force that is strong enough.

Didn't he not consider whether he should simply run away and hang out with Uchiha Obito? After all, they were once classmates.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it would be better for him to stay in Konoha.

Because whether it is Obito Uchiha, Madara Uchiha behind him, Black Zetsu, Princess Kaguya, etc., they are all his 'competitors'.

Ultimately, this is all about controlling the entire ninja world.

In this case, Xia Yan doesn't think there is any future in being a 'terrorist'.

What's more, there are two sons of destiny who will remain in Konoha in the future, the saviors of the ninja world.

It doesn't matter who becomes Hokage, it would even be better for Hiruzen Sarutobi to continue to be Hokage.

Even Xia Yan actually didn't like him, and even the Senju clan wanted him to die.

But knowing the plot, he naturally knew that the third-generation Hokage would be betrayed by everyone in the future, and he would not even have anyone to help him.

Not for nothing, the only one was stopped by Kakashi.

And the Hokage after him is Tsunade. This woman belongs to their Senju clan no matter what.

Just be steady and delay until then, and you will definitely make a profit without losing money.

Of course, if Natsuhiko performs better, maybe he can take the place of the Fifth Hokage.

Becoming an ANBU team leader has a 100% degree of completion. If you become Hokage, how much will it become?


While Xia Yan was waiting and thinking slowly, a man wearing a dog-head mask walked in leading a white-haired guy wearing a cat-face mask.


Following his voice, all ANBU members in the lounge immediately gathered, and within thirty seconds everyone was already in line.

"This is our newcomer. I think you have also heard of him, Hatake Kakashi." The captain said calmly: "From now on, he is one of ours, codenamed White Fang."


White Fang?

Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the name, and when he heard the title, he looked even more confused.

He was not surprised to meet Kakashi, but he didn't know whether the title was intentional by the captain or was requested by Namikaze Minato.

But before he could think clearly, the captain spoke again: "Nightingale."

"Yes, Captain." Xia Yan replied immediately.

"He will belong to your team from now on."


"Is there a problem?"

"No, Captain."


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