"It seems that everything has been solved."

In the forest, Natsuhiko couldn't help but smile as he watched Kakashi walking slowly carrying an Iwa Ninja.

During the battle, he and Kakashi acted separately, and he did not see the battle on the other side.

However, he could sense Kakashi's state, and the harsh chirping of chidori also showed that Kakashi had absolutely no problem dealing with these guys.

As for Natsuhiko himself, not to mention, these guys don't even have a jounin, at most they are just a special jounin.

Such a combination would pose a threat to a five-year veteran ANBU like Natsu Yan, but not a serious one, and they had no ninja who could restrain Natsu Yan's speed.

Speed ​​is always a person's most terrifying weapon. When Xiao Li faced Sasuke in the original work, he relied on his speed to make Sasuke visible but his body could not keep up.

People with Sharingan are like this, not to mention that these guys can't have Sharingan at all!

Xia Yan's speed was much faster than that of Xiao Li. Even if Xiao Li had removed all his weight, he was definitely no match for Xia Yan.

The fruits with basic attributes are so terrifying.

Although Xia Yan was severely cheated over the years, and even though the sequelae are still there to this day, the changes this brought to Xia Yan are clearly visible.

"Yes, Captain." Kakashi calmly threw a nearly half-dead guy in front of Xia Yan, and then he glanced around before asking: "Where are the others?"

"They were seriously injured, so I sent them back." Xia Yan smiled slightly and said, "There are medical ninjas in the station. Their condition cannot wait for us to send them back."

Those wounded were really not suitable to stay here, so after the battle, Xia Yan quickly let them leave.

These ninjas also knew that they had nothing to refute when facing Anbu, and they were still very grateful to the Anbu who came to rescue them.

If these ANBU hadn't arrived in time, they might have died here long ago. These two ANBU were their saviors.

Besides, they really couldn't stay any longer. They would lose too much blood and go into shock if they stayed any longer. Therefore, with the help of the less injured ninja, they rushed back to the station.

After a little explanation, Xia Yan focused his attention on the two surviving 'Iwa Ninja', and slowly walked over to Xia Yan and took out a kunai.

"Now there are only two of you left. Let me make a choice for you."

Xia Yan's voice was still calm, and there was even some tenderness in his tone.

But for some reason, Kakashi couldn't help but shudder when he heard this voice. He always felt that his captain might have bad intentions.

Sure enough, just as he thought, Natsuhiko threw the kunai in his hand beside the two rock ninjas, and then slowly spoke.

"I don't plan to torture the information, it would be too troublesome.

Likewise, I don't plan to take you both back, it would be a waste of time.

Just leave one of you behind, and the one who survives will go to Konoha with us.

Although the torture is painful, at least there is a chance of survival, and if you cooperate enough, a lot of pain can be avoided.

Okay, now you make your own choice. "


What a damn choice this is!

Kakashi glanced at Xia Yan slightly out of the corner of his eye, but in the end he didn't say anything, leaving Xia Yan to do whatever he wanted.

After all, these people in front of me are not ANBU. If they were ANBU, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to ask questions so easily.

ANBU ninjas are prepared to self-destruct when performing their missions, and they all have some techniques on their bodies that can completely melt them.

There are people like Kakashi who have just joined ANBU, not to mention guys like Natsuhiko who have been in ANBU for so many years.

Just because he knew the characteristics of ANBU, Kakashi specifically checked after defeating this guy. He was relieved after confirming that this guy was not an ANBU.

However, the next second, Kakashi's face was slightly startled, and then he calmly began to become alert.

Because he clearly saw Xia Yan making a hidden gesture towards him, which meant 'be alert for enemy attacks'.

Are there any more enemies?

He should be the one who comes to pick up these guys, right?

"Actually, even if you didn't tell me, I would have guessed who you are."

Xia Yan seemed to have done nothing, and his voice remained gentle and calm.

"You are sand ninjas. It's really difficult for you to pretend to be rock ninjas. But you are quite unlucky. You didn't expect us to find out, right?"


As if after hearing Xia Yan's words, one of the Sand Ninja couldn't help but raise his head. He opened his mouth slightly but stopped talking after that.

Then this guy showed a sneer, as if he was disdainful of Xia Yan's information acquisition. In his opinion, this Konoha ANBU was simply trying to get information.

"Is it weird?" Xia Yan shook his head slightly.

"Actually, we were aware of your actions early on, otherwise we wouldn't be here.

Do you think your Sunagakure Village is very secretive?

No kidding, now you can only do what we say, at least one of you can survive. "

Natsuhiko said this very calmly, and seemed to have completely grasped the movements of these people. Even Kakashi thought that Konoha had actually mastered the information.

But in fact, Xia Yan was basically lying. As the squad leader, he naturally knew the ANBU information. In fact, he got it from the Country of Grass.

When a big country goes to war, a small country suffers. The Country of Grass was originally the main battlefield of Konoha and Iwagakure, but it was impossible not to have arrangements.

Konoha is very weak now, even if they are still maintaining the roots or ANBU arrangements in the major ninja villages.

But now, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and frictions, the activity level of the people in these arrangements has begun to decrease.

However, small countries are not considered, and their activity level remains the same as before.

After all, not every small country has a Sansho Hanzo like the Country of Rain.

Not every small country has the same existence as Takigakure. It is obviously not the five major countries, but it has Nanao.

With so many foreign ninjas suddenly appearing, it was impossible not to attract Konoha's attention. Even if they didn't know where they came from, they could still guess what they wanted to do.

However, these two sand ninjas obviously didn't know this. They were confused by Xia Yan's words.

Could it be that his actions had actually been noticed in Sunagakure Village, and that was why Konoha's ANBU dispatched to stop him?

"It seems that you haven't made a decision yet." Xia Yan waited for a while, and seeing that the two people still didn't move, he chuckled: "Then, I will help you make a decision..."

"Let's start with... you!"

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yan's figure suddenly disappeared. In just a moment, violent trembling could be heard in the distance...


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