Xia Yan has only planted two seeds now, and these two seeds were all obtained by Xia Yan from Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

Xia Yan didn't know whether he should be satisfied with such a harvest or face it with disappointment.

He spent several months growing it on the moon, consuming Otsutsukiura-like pieces of meat and an eyeball, and finally got these two things.

If it wasn't for the name that made Xia Yan feel so good, I'm afraid he would be extremely disappointed.

The power of the original source and the power of the ultimate white eye. The names of these two seeds alone gave Xia Yan a feeling that this thing was very powerful.

Although Xia Yan didn't know what the so-called original power meant, the power of the ultimate white eyes seemed to give Xia Yan a little enlightenment.

The eyes used by the Otsutsuki clan have always been white eyes. Their so-called reincarnation eyes are actually obtained by swallowing the fruits of the sacred tree and causing mutations.

Otsutsukiura's eye transformation has shown that he is definitely someone who has swallowed the fruit, otherwise he would not have such power.

The only thing worth paying attention to now is that what this 'Ultimate Byakugan Power' can give him is purely the power of Otsutsuki's Byakugan.

Or Otsutsuki Ura Shina has mixed the power after the mutation of the sacred tree fruit. Of course, these two powers are what Xia Yan desires.

"Because no matter what kind of power it is, it will greatly improve my eyes. After all, I have reached the last step of the second stage!"

In five years, Xia Yan's Jingyan continued to transform and adapt even without fighting.

This kind of transformation and adaptation would not require him to go to the moon to continue absorbing the chakra of the reincarnated eye, but anyway, his body has adapted and resonated with the eyes at this time.

Moreover, his body has now been further strengthened, especially with the help of Qiudao Yu, his Yin Escape has finally entered the intermediate stage!

Intermediate Yin Escape and Intermediate Yang Escape blended with each other, and Xia Yan's Yin Yang Escape also received a huge improvement.

To put it bluntly, Xia Yan now uses any technique combined with Yin-Yang Escape, and the power is comparable to the power he used when combining Pure Eye Chakra, Xianjutsu and Yin-Yang Escape.

And now if Xia Yan is using the Pure Eye Chakra mode, the power will become even more terrifying.

After all, it is already the second stage of clearing the eyes. If compared with the three fetal movements of the reincarnated eye, Xia Yan is only one step away from reaching the ultimate level of his eyes.

Once he reaches the extreme, Xia Yan definitely doesn't need to worry too much about those Otsutsuki.

"Maybe by then, I will be an Otsutsuki myself."

Otsutsuki's power is definitely enviable. Others may not have many opportunities to do all this, but Natsuhiko himself has a little bit of blood.

After he obtained Yin Escape, his strength continued to improve, and his system also helped him strengthen and improve the power of his bloodline.

Although these five years have passed, Xia Yan now seems to have felt the estrangement from his bloodline.

He seemed to be able to feel the ceiling of his strength, and this ceiling was passively created because of his bloodline!

Xia Yan seemed to be able to feel that there were not many ways to break this 'ceiling', because this 'ceiling' was extremely strong.

The simplest way is to find a way to integrate with this 'ceiling' and completely melt it away, and all these problems will be solved.

The other way is also a very simple way.

Of course, when I say simple, I just mean that the operation is simple. That is to directly use the most violent method to break through this ceiling, so that the road ahead will naturally be smooth.

But is it really easier said than done to break this solid and hopeless ceiling?

The wall built because of bloodline is always the most despairing thing, unless you can break through such bloodline restrictions.

This method really exists in the ninja world, which is to fuse all the chakra to create your own blood inheritance snare!

Only this method can break all the constraints of blood without inherent blood.

Natsuhiko is also taking this road, but unfortunately he has never gotten anything that combines the power of chakra.

"Forget it, don't think about it. I still have my own path after all. Even if things don't work out, can't I still follow the path of the tailed beast?"

Xia Yan shook his head slightly. He was still very open-minded. If it didn't work, he would have to learn from Obito and become a Ten-Tails jinchuriki.

Forcibly relying on the Ten-Tails, he allowed himself to ignore the bloodline and directly reach a higher level of power.

Of course, this is also the most hopeless solution. After all, Xia Yan will not let himself rest on his laurels. He needs to keep moving forward!

"Moreover, that original power may also be an opportunity. It belongs to Otsutsuki's original power. Even if I don't know what it means specifically, it is the most worth looking forward to."

The word "original power" makes people feel inexplicably excited, and Xia Yan himself is no exception.

Moreover, Xia Yan has been cultivating this thing for five years. He has spent a lot of chakra and has only now completed more than 90% of it.

This kind of progress can no longer be described as slow. After all, in his ninja career, he has never encountered anything like this.

However, many years of cultivation experience have taught him that the longer it takes to cultivate and the greater the amount of chakra consumed, the higher the quality of what he can get.

Especially when what he needs to get is beyond his current strength, then it will take much more time.

Now, whether it is the power of the White Eyes or the power of the original source, both of them have consumed Xia Yan's five years.

How could Xia Yan not be excited and excited about these two powers that were about to be planted by him and would probably bring a huge improvement to Xia Yan?

"And with the passage of these five years, my only mission now has reached 97%. Maybe it won't be long before I can complete this mission!"

This sole mission is something that has been following Xia Yan ever since he got the system.

Even according to the description of the system, even if he doesn't complete it, there will never be any punishment mechanism, but Xia Yan still hopes to complete this task.

He didn't know what the reward for this mission would be, but it was still something Xia Yan was looking forward to. After all, this was the only mission given to him by the system.


Suddenly, Xia Yan frowned slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but look into the distance...


Just as Xia Yan was silently waiting for his seed to mature, and also waiting for his only mission to be completed.

On the outskirts of Konoha, a man in monk's clothing silently looked at everything around him.

The current periphery of Konoha no longer looks like the Shura hell it once was. With the help of craftsman ninjas from various countries, everything has recovered quickly.

However, due to the fierce battle between Natsuhiko and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, the terrain outside Konoha completely changed.

In order to avoid some bottomless canyons and river valleys that were forcibly carved out, Konoha's roads had completely changed at this time.

And with the joint efforts of Natsuhiko, Senju Hashirama and Yamato who was hiding in the Anbu, they used Wood Release to plant trees nearby.

Now the environment here looks particularly beautiful, and even the canyons and river valleys that were forcibly carved out have become tourist attractions.

The most interesting thing is that someone once suggested to Xia Yan that he build a statue of him on a stone wall in the canyon, so that the world can remember him more.

This proposal really moved Xia Yan, but in the end he refused because he always felt it was too shameful.

But even though so much time has passed, everything here has changed, but the atmosphere left by the battle between Natsuhiko and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is still here.

This aura is very terrifying, and it had a huge impact on the construction ninjas here.

Now this aura has basically dissipated and will not have any impact on ordinary people, but some people can still feel this aura.

For example, there are some ninjas with extremely good perception, such as the man in monk's clothing in front of him!

This man in monk's clothing looks a little weird. He has weird tattoos on his face, and his eyes look complicated and weird.

After a long while, he sighed leisurely, and then his eyes looked at the location of Konoha in the distance.

"It is indeed Otsutsuki's aura, and the person he is fighting is also Otsutsuki's power, and he is still the same guy who was sensed many years ago.

Is the owner of this power Kaguya Otsutsuki who quietly escaped from the seal? "

As soon as he mentioned this woman, the monk's expression became a little subtle, and the twisted and calm expression kept intertwining on his face.

It took him a long time to recover, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face covered with strange tattoos.

Years ago, he felt an incredible burst of power in a distant place, which really frightened him.

In other words, it frightened the terrifying guy inside him who was constantly changing his personality.

At that time, they felt that the master of these powers was probably Otsutsuki.

However, because they were too weak at the time, even if they were aware of many things, they did not dare to do anything.

Waiting silently, silently allowing themselves to recover, this is the only thing they can do.

After more than five years, he has changed enough, although he knows very well that the more such changes happen, the less he will look like himself.

Because his consciousness has gradually alienated, his body has become more broken, just to adapt to the power of the guy inside him.

But amidst such an impatient transformation, he also had room to move.

He knew that his situation had reached an unimaginable level.

But he had no room to resist, and all he could do was endure it all silently.

In fact, for him, perhaps death is a real relief.

After more than five years of gaining power of a certain intensity, they also began to look for traces of previous bursts of power.

Following the direction of the explosion, they came to this place along the way.

They naturally know that this is the territory of the Fire Country, and this is the territory of the Leaf Village.

Although the terrifying battle is no longer visible here, he has been to the Land of Fire countless times after surviving for thousands of years.

Therefore, he immediately saw the changes here, and immediately understood what a horrific battle took place here.

It is already unimaginable to change the topography of this place into this.

What's even more frightening is that such purgatory-like destruction does not involve Konoha.

It was as if Konoha Village was blocked by an invisible wall, and no matter how terrifying the force was, there was no way to really break through that place.

"It seems that this person should indeed be him."

The monk muttered silently, and finally he sighed quietly.

He guessed that one of the people who burst out with unimaginable power was Otsutsuki Kaguya, but he was not sure who the 'weapon' Otsutsuki Kaguya was using now.

He has another purpose in coming here this time, and that is to determine who this 'instrument' is!

He still knows about Kaguya Otsutsuki being sealed by his son. After all, he has lived in this world for thousands of years. Many things in this world have been forgotten by others, but he will not.

If he lives a long time, he will naturally have more things. Even if he doesn't want to live so much, he really doesn't have any choice.

In fact, on the way here, he had already heard enough general information about the Fifth Hokage.

He knew how exaggerated this Hokage was now, and also knew how incredible this Hokage's power was.

But he and the people inside him were only suspicious, and did not think of this Hokage as one of the protagonists of the battle.

He also knew Senju Hashirama. In fact, in their initial view, the new Hokage of the Senju clan was probably just a new Senju Hashirama.

But now it seems that the situation is completely different. This boy is probably not a simple 'Senju Hashirama', he is probably the 'Otsutsuki Kaguya'!

"It should be him. He's really well hidden, bitch."

At this moment, the monk's situation changed slightly. He suddenly seemed more arrogant and indifferent.

And in his emotions, there was endless hatred.

"But now is not a good time to alert the enemy. It would be better to deal with this guy alone.

But Ci Xian's body couldn't bear the rush to fight so many so-called ninjas in his territory.

But this time I have the upper hand. At least I have figured out who your 'weapon' is.

Kaguya Otsutsuki, we can settle the grudges of the past in the future! "


Monk Ci Xian's current state is obviously that the guy in his body has emerged.

If Xia Yan were here, he would be surprised to find that the thing hidden inside this guy is actually an Otsutsuki!

Of course, this was just a surprise. After all, Xia Yan had come into contact with so many Otsutsukis, and he really wouldn't be surprised to find another half-dead one.

What's more, Xia Yan already knew about the existence of the wedge, and had guessed what the wedge was used for.

So Xia Yan might be happier to see this guy, because it can prove that his guess is completely correct!

Ci Xian was not impulsive. He chose to leave after understanding and confirming some things.

He had to make a more detailed plan. After all, the guy he had to deal with was not simple at all. He really didn't have that much confidence that he could deal with it easily.

After all, this guy even killed an outsider Otsutsuki, and now he can't even display half of his strength.

If he goes looking for trouble, he will probably end up dead. Since he is not that stupid, he will not do anything stupid.

And in order to avoid his whereabouts being noticed by Konoha ninjas, he did not even plan to stay in the Land of Fire.

Even if he had to stay here, he would choose a more remote and quiet place.

Otsutsuki have a strong sense of each other, and the characteristics of Otsutsuki are too obvious. Once they are discovered, they will definitely be in trouble.

If this guy were someone like Senju Hashirama, maybe he would fight to the death to protect the village.

But if he is Kaguya Otsutsuki's 'vessel', then this will never be the case!

“Although this guy protected the village, the thing that that bitch Kaguya left in him probably exploded that time.

It gave him the power to defeat the enemy and protect the village at the same time, but Otsutsuki's power was so easy to obtain.

Obtaining such power is equivalent to opening a gap. These powers will devour his soul and annihilate his will.

The fact that this guy burst out with the power that belongs to Otsutsuki has already explained everything. Otsutsuki Kaguya's will may have come.

He is truly a respectable but pathetic guy. "

Ci Xian walked, mentally muttering silently. At this time, he was getting closer and closer to the Otsutsuki in his body.

Although that guy could control his body before, he needed to use some powerful means to do it.

But now, this guy can easily exchange with his own will and control his body.

But the strange thing is that his former self was full of fear and disgust. He hated this guy for taking over his body.

But now that he has been 'assimilated', he doesn't care at all about this kind of thing happening or what this guy does.

This was a scary thing, something that made him feel weird, but he would not do anything to resist.

He knew that this might be the effect of the so-called 'wedge'. Although he was not a 'One Style' now, he had basically assimilated into a 'One Style'!

"Otsutsuki Ishiki, the Otsutsuki clan is really terrifying to the extreme."

The power of the Otsutsuki clan has been deeply engraved in his soul. Even if the people of this clan die, they have a way to resurrect themselves.

Wei is the best proof, and he himself is also the best proof of Wei!

He was eroded by the wedge, and he was constantly evolving towards Otsutsuki, but because his body was too weak, Otsutsuki's one style was almost exhausted.

Only then, in the midst of helplessness and entanglement, was the miserable unlucky man chosen.

He now agrees with Otsutsuki from the bottom of his heart. Isn't this the effect of wedge, because he himself has already moved towards Otsutsuki.

Therefore, in his opinion, the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village was probably someone who was being 'taken care of' by Wedge.

He burst out with such power, which already heralded the beginning of him taking a different path, and this beginning was also the beginning of him no longer belonging to himself.

Now that he has become Otsutsuki, how can such a transcendent person still compare with him during his time as the Fifth Hokage?

Cold-blooded and cruel, this is Ci Xian's understanding and judgment of the Otsutsuki clan, even the guy living in his body is the same!

Shaking his head gently, Ci Xian stopped thinking about these things, because he knew that thinking about this scorpion would not do him any good.

What he is looking forward to most now is the end of all this, because he is too tired now.

The fact that he has been possessed by Isshiki Otsutsuki for thousands of years is equivalent to the fact that he has been tortured for thousands of years.

He really wanted to die, but unfortunately he didn't even have the power to die.

Of course he knew that in fact Otsutsuki Isshiki's dislike for him was really no less than his dislike for this guy.

Because in Otsutsuki Isshiki's view, his own existence is his symbol of shame.

Otsutsuki Ishiki was seriously injured and a wedge was forcibly left on his body. According to his words, he had no choice at all.

He looked down upon Ci Xian's body at all, because in his opinion Ci Xian's body could not withstand the power from Otsutsuki.

Even within these five years, he forcibly transformed his body so that his body could use his own power.

But such a transformation made Ci Xian know that his body had completely entered the stage of destruction. Once he was really resurrected with his own body, this guy would not be far from death!

"I really hope that Senju Natsuhiko can push you to this point, so that you can once again recall what happened a thousand years ago."

"Do you think I will still be the same as I was a thousand years ago? I was attacked by surprise a thousand years ago, and you can't imagine my power."

"Indeed, but after you use your own power, won't you fall asleep again?"

Ci Xian's words were full of sarcasm, and he seemed to be talking to himself, with two tones and two tones, which looked so torn and strange.

However, his words made Otsutsuki Ishiki quiet down. After all, this guy was right.

Once he uses his body to resurrect, he will only be able to survive for a few months.

During this period of time, he must also find a new body to store the wedge, otherwise he will really be dead!

"I wonder who Otsutsuki was killed by that woman, and whether he left his wedge behind?"

Otsutsuki Ishiki was thinking slowly in his mind, while Ci Xian walked quickly outside step by step.

A few kilometers behind them, the space suddenly shook, and the next moment a black hole of more than ten centimeters appeared in the air.

In the black hole, a pair of blue eyes stared in the direction they left...


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