Ci Xian stood up from the ruins unsteadily, his eyes were extremely gloomy, and his demeanor at this time had completely changed.

He shouldn't call it Ci Xian now, but it is more suitable to call it Otsutsuki Ishiki!

When Wei's second state is activated, Yi Shi's consciousness has completely occupied Ci Xian's body. It can be said that Yi Shi is fighting Xia Yan.

However, Ishikki's face was also very ugly, because he found that Kaguya Otsutsuki's weapon was much stronger than he thought!

Obviously he didn't use much power, and even the chakra strength he used was similar to his own, but this guy's methods were even more terrifying.

That space-penetrating attack was really chilling, if he hadn't activated the second stage of Wedge to further explode his power.

Then Ci Xian's body has collapsed, and he may have entered the mode of independent resurrection.

Yes, Xia Yan's guess was not wrong. This guy did have measures to save himself.

But what Xia Yan guessed wrong was that this self-rescue measure was not an active one, but a passive one!

Once Ci Xian dies, Wedge will take the initiative to completely release it, and finally allow Otsutsuki Ishiki to come to this world completely.

However, this option is the one Ci Xian is least willing to accept, because this body is too weak, and once he is resurrected, he will not be able to continue living for long.

As a person with nearly unlimited vitality, he really cannot accept his own death, especially in the hands of his biggest enemy. This is even more unacceptable to him.


At this moment, a space crack like a black hole suddenly appeared in front of him, and the next moment Xia Yan's figure had passed through the black hole.

Ci Xian didn't feel the slightest surprise at what he saw in front of him. As Otsutsuki, it would be really strange if he didn't even have such power.

"It seems that your control of the power of space has improved a lot in the past few years."

But whether it was strange or not, the fighting methods of the guy in front of him impressed him deeply, because such use of space was rare and powerful.

The kind that concentrates the power on one point and penetrates the space. It can even be said that it is completely hidden in the space, and cooperates with the power of the space to achieve maximum damage.

It's not that he can't do this, but if he wants to do it so quickly and accurately, it's not a simple and easy thing.

But he soon seemed to think of something. He stared at Xia Yan's dancing blue eyes, and then asked slowly.

"Is it the power of your eyes? The mutation of your eyes gives you more powerful spatial power. Is this the power your eyes equip you with?"

"Very clever, but that's where it ends."

Xia Yan looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, and he shook his head gently. The chakra in his body was vibrating crazily.

"I have seen through your situation. There is only one fate for you, and you should know it."

"Humph, you are really arrogant!"

Ci Xian snorted disdainfully, and a black stick appeared in his hand again. The violent chakra turned the fragments of surrounding rocks into dust in an instant.

"Although your ability is very strange, it is not enough for me if it is only this level.

Anyway, you and I haven't taken it seriously yet. I want to see if you have grown at all during these years of being sealed.

Or is he just the same as before, just a waste who knows how to sneak attack! "

As soon as his words fell, his figure disappeared in an instant, appearing behind Xia Yan like a ghost.

Xia Yan could tell that this guy was traveling directly through space.

The moment he appeared, his left hand had already grabbed the back of Xia Yan's neck. At the same time, the black stick in his right hand burst out with terrifying chakra and stabbed Xia Yan in the abdomen!

Everything happened so fast, almost as if when he was planning to attack you, the attack had become a reality.

However, Xia Yan is no longer the same Xia Yan as before. From the beginning of his career, Xia Yan has been a ninja who is good at playing with space.

As Jingyan evolved to the second stage five years ago, his understanding and control of space have become stronger.

Although such an attack makes him feel tricky, it definitely doesn't make him feel scared!

Xia Yan's chakra turned slightly, and at this moment, the back of his neck was directly held by Ci Xian.

The next moment, a terrifying suction force came from Ci Xian's hand, and a steady stream of chakra poured into his body.

"Although your level of space manipulation has improved, there is still a big gap compared to me."

Ci Xian's tone became more indifferent, and the changes in his body became more prominent.

The horn on his head has become more and more conspicuous, the black curse marks on his face have become thicker and denser, and his chakra has become more solidified.

Such solidification shows that he has used this body to forcibly master and control this power.

No matter how long he can sustain it, he has now reached the point where he can use this power.

And when he reaches this level, he is naturally better at using and mastering his own power. After all, this is his power in the first place!

He will never have any problems with the use and control of his own power.

The power of space itself is a power that he is very good at and proficient in. At this time, he doesn't feel awkward at all when using it. It is still so terrifying and suffocating!

"It seems that your fate has been determined."


Just as Xia Yan in Ci Xian's hand was rapidly absorbing power and withering away, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded behind him!

Ci Xian frowned, and at this moment he discovered that Xia Yan in his hand turned into a wooden figure with a 'bang'.

This wooden man had the same figure and appearance as Xia Yan before, with a subtle and slightly curvy figure. He didn't even know that the guy he caught was actually a clone!

"Wood clone?"

Ci Xian seemed to remember something. Indra and Asura had been fighting against each other in the ninja world for so many years. Even if they died, they would pass on their power and continue reincarnation and confrontation.

As a person who has lived for thousands of years, even though he has been avoiding it for these thousands of years, he still knows a lot of things that others don't know or even forget.

"That's right, it's the wooden clone."

Xia Yan replied indifferently from behind him, and he had already made a seal gesture, with violent chakra surging crazily in his body.

"Without Byakugan, you can't even see through such a simple technique. It's really beyond my expectation.

But even if you have Byakugan, you may not be able to see clearly. After all, I have joined Yin Yang Dun, so are you ready for the next step? "


Otsutsuki Ishiki has not been completely resurrected, so as Ci Xian, he naturally cannot have Byakugan.

The importance of the Byakugan to the Otsutsuki clan is self-evident.

To put it bluntly, in high-level battles, without these eyes, their strength would be greatly weakened.

They have long been accustomed to these eyes, and their use of these eyes is definitely not comparable to those of the Hyuga clan.

And Xia Yan was right about one more thing, which was that he was involved in the art of Yin Yang Escape, and their white eyes might not be able to tell the clues instantly.

What Xia Yan didn't know was that in the original work, the guy in front of him was completely resurrected and could actually be tricked by smoke bombs and shadow clones.

This kind of magical thing would be fine if it were an ordinary ninja, but for an Otsutsuki, it is really unbelievable.

It's a good thing that Xia Yan didn't get this information, otherwise he might have more extreme methods to deal with the guy in front of him.


With a cold snort, the wooden escape clone in Ci Xian's hand instantly shattered into pieces, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

He was tricked once before, and he paid a heavy price that time. This time he was tricked by the same person again. How could he bear it?

With his hands clasped, vast chakra emerged from his body. The next moment Xia Yan inexplicably felt an extreme threat.

In his eyes he saw two tiny black thorns mixed with Yin-Yang Escape, stabbing towards him at extremely fast speeds.

The size of these black thorns was considered normal to his clear eyes, but under his actual observation, they were so small that it was unimaginable and almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

"Controlling the size of an object?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and the next moment his eyes moved slightly, and then the space in front of him became distorted.

Those black thorns had no time to touch him before they were transferred by the twisted space. In the next second, these black thorns had already flown towards Ci Xian!

However, Xia Yan didn't feel safe. He quickly let the chakra surge in his eyes, and the surrounding space became more weird, but also more orderly.

This is Xia Yan trying to master this small space through his own power!

The guy in front of him was too dangerous. Although he had seen a lot of those black sticks with Yin and Yang escape, both Obito and Nagato could obviously use them.

But this guy can use the power of space, plus the damn ability to shrink objects, to perform this technique.

It is easy for Xia Yan to be in a state where he cannot defend at all, because once this thing reaches his side, it suddenly grows bigger, making such defense difficult to imagine.

Even if Xia Yan's eyes can see it, he can still try to look at the normal size while looking at the zoomed size.

However, the coordination required and the position adjustment required at any time are a troublesome thing that is unimaginable.

In this case, Xia Yan simply chose to change the flow of space to protect the safety around him. This is the most practical approach!

He didn't want to be poked by something like this for no reason, even if he wasn't scared, he definitely couldn't bear it.

If this stab hits the heart, even Xia Yan will definitely be chilled!

Therefore, when encountering unfamiliar battles that he is not used to, he would rather pay some price than gamble with his life.

At this moment, the powerful space pressure squeezed towards Ci Xian crazily.

Facing this terrifying pressure, Ci Xian frowned. He found that it was difficult for him to move now, and the black thorns he released were completely unable to hit this guy.

Such oppression was suffocating, and even Ci Xian, who had activated Wei's second state, was extremely uncomfortable with it.

But Ci Xian was Ci Xian after all. He groaned, the chakra in his body became stronger again, and he started to move under the pressure of space.

The weird black sticks flashed out from all directions in an instant. They looked like they were going to stab Xia Yan, but they stopped in mid-air with weird twists.

Their ends that were about to touch Xia Yan seemed to be absorbed by the black hole. No matter how hard they struggled forward, they could not touch Xia Yan at all.

Faced with this situation, Ci Xian's chakra became even more terrifying. He suddenly raised his hands, and then an invisible shock wave quickly dispersed in all directions.

At this moment, the space around Xia Yan became disordered, and a black hole appeared at the end of those black thorns.

The spread of such black holes is very small, but their sharp parts can reach Xia Yan in front of him!

This is an invisible contest of space power. In this small space, both sides are frantically trying to gain absolute control over the space!

"Isn't it great?"

At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his body was covered with blue chakra.

"Your control of space seems to be very good, but that's all. If you only have this level of control, then I will be disappointed!"

Xia Yan spoke very slowly, and usually as he spoke, the chakra bursting out of his body became more and more exaggerated.

When he finished speaking, the rules in the space were changed by him again!

Under an inexplicable force, those black thorns suddenly became more distorted. With such terrible distortion, they all disappeared around Xia Yan in an instant!

At this moment, Ci Xian's expression changed, because the result of such distortion was that tiny black holes appeared around him.

And those black thorns created by him have passed through those black holes and stabbed straight towards himself again.

"Such a strong chakra, such a strong ability to control space. Has this damn guy actually played with space to this extent in these thousand years?"

Ci Xian could clearly feel that the rules of the space around them had changed slightly at this time.

He even bluntly said that at this time, this space was accompanied by the explosion of Xia Yan's chakra, and was completely controlled by him!

Such high-intensity and extreme control was truly unimaginable to him.

He was absolutely certain that in his current state, he had no chance of winning against such an effortless space manipulation ability.

“And now that the space pressure is getting stronger and stronger, this guy is really in trouble.

He can manipulate the rules in the space to a small extent. If you want to kill him, you have to break his unique space first. In this case..."

Thinking of this, the black stick in Ci Xian's hand suddenly glowed with red light...


Although Ci Xian is still an ordinary person, after all, his body is controlled by Otsutsuki Ishiki.

And as the battle progresses, it's hard to tell whether Ci Xian is still fighting Xia Yan, or whether Otsutsuki Ishiki has completely wiped out Ci Xian's will.

No matter how high Isshiki Otsutsuki thinks of himself, he has always regarded Natsuhiko as Kaguya Otsutsuki's 'tool'.

To put it bluntly, in his opinion, Natsuhiko is simply Kaguya Otsutsuki, so it is even more impossible for him to be careless in the slightest.

It was his carelessness thousands of years ago that led to his current miserable situation.

Even if human beings are essentially repeaters, after all, the only lesson learned from history is that no lessons have been learned from history.

But with deep hatred as motivation, it is naturally impossible for him to have such a messy mentality.

Facing the black stick thrust towards him and the space that tightly pressed him, he suddenly took a deep breath.

The next moment, the black stick in his hand bloomed with a touch of red chakra, and then he ignored the black thorns coming towards him, and slammed the black stick in his hand forward!

He did not smash the black stick like Xia Yan, but directly in front of him. His target was the space in front of him.


Suddenly, a dull sound exploded in Xia Yan and his ears. This silent but extremely harsh sound was almost soul-destroying.

If I had to describe it, it would be like being hit on the head with an iron bar, making people feel dull and depressed.

However, this moment directly caused the space around Xia Yan to become more chaotic, and the black thorns were suddenly submerged in the space.

All the surrounding space became even more chaotic at this moment, and this chaos reached its climax with the second blow of his stick.

And this stick caused the space around them to instantly shatter like glass!

The extreme disorder and chaos filled the feature space, and neither he nor Xia Yan could control this space.

"This guy....."

Xia Yan never expected that this guy would directly destroy the current space like this, and such damage would be extremely fatal to both of them.

Fighting in such a chaotic space, they may fall into the heretic space if they are not careful!

It can only be said that this guy is really an out-and-out lunatic. This is the first time Xia Yan has seen such madness. The most terrible thing is that he has no way to stop him.

He was controlling the space and had no energy to deal with this guy's violent methods.

He never thought that this guy would be so brutal and almost die together to do such a thing.

But Xia Yan is still very calm, and his eyes have the power to control space.

He didn't believe that he couldn't be like Uchiha Obito and finally find a way to find his own space!

"You can't control space now."

Ci Xian didn't seem to care about their current situation at all. There were a few scars on his body. It was obvious that he was scratched by space debris.

Not only that, Xia Yan also had some scars on his body. Faced with such a violent approach, Xia Yan had no way to escape in time.

"I don't know how far I can go in such a chaotic space, but I know your situation doesn't seem very optimistic."

Xia Yan looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, especially his eyes on the strange piece of iron on Ci Xian's abdomen.

Although their battle didn't look fierce, the intensity was unimaginably high.

In such a high-intensity chakra collision, Xia Yan naturally noticed the problem with this guy. There were cracks on the iron plate on his abdomen!

Xia Yan didn't know what such an iron piece meant, but he could also sense how bad this guy's physical condition was.

I'm afraid this guy won't be able to hold on for more than a few minutes before he's completely reimbursed!

The worse his health was, the more obvious the cracks on the iron piece were. It was obvious that this thing was serving as a warning.

"No matter how bad it is, there will be no problem in getting rid of you. The chaos in this space will last for at least ten minutes.

I admit that you gave me a huge surprise, but can you survive these ten minutes without the help of space power? "

Ci Xian shook his head indifferently. He didn't seem to care at all what would become of this body.

He raised his head slightly, and the violent chakra surged again, and this time in Xia Yan's eyes, the figure of the Otsutsuki Ishiki became more and more clear.

"Although I admit that this body will die if this continues, and I have to accept the fate of being resurrected with this body.

It is not easy to find a suitable body in this short period of resurrection, and I may even need to sleep for thousands of years.

But at least you're dead, because not having you means too much to me! "

Ci Xian's words were so bitter and full of hatred, and as he spoke, more and more cracks appeared on the iron plates in his abdomen.

It can be seen that this guy has completely made up his mind and must fight Xia Yan to the end.

However, Xia Yan also seemed to have achieved some great gains. This guy was really what he had guessed.

Although his resurrection was very bad for Xia Yan, this guy's situation seemed to be even worse.

"But how long is this short resurrection time? Is it a few hours, a few days, or a few months?"

Xia Yan was really interested in this information, but he was also full of doubts. After all, the length of resurrection time did have a huge impact.

But after getting this information, Xia Yan is already more confident that I can defeat this guy.

Really unable to defeat him, he just dragged it and waited for the space to recover, then left a mark on this guy and ran away.

He didn't believe it. If he couldn't defeat this guy, would he dare to defeat the successor he had just implanted?

At worst, Xia Yan will wait until his lifespan is completely exhausted before running out and killing his successor. Doesn't this count as killing the so-called Otsutsuki Ishiki?

However, this is also the last resort. If given the chance, Xia Yan prefers to resolve the battle on the spot.

Although the level of trouble this guy is in is beyond imagination, he has already come this far, and Xia Yan has no chance to look back...


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