It didn't take long for Xia Yan and Kakashi to arrive outside Shouzaki Castle. Looking at the huge castle in front of him, Xia Yan's heart was filled with throbbing.

This castle is really big, and humans look so small standing in front of it. Moreover, after the destruction of Shouzaki Castle, this castle still maintains its current splendor thirty or forty years ago. Such a strange situation has shown that A lot of things happened.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I just don't know what this psychic beast will be."

Xia Yan thought secretly, and then he looked at Kakashi, with a smile on his lips.

"We're about to enter that big guy's body, are you ready?"

"There is no need to use such a bad tone and tone, Captain." Kakashi sighed softly: "Besides, I am not alone. Captain, you are with me."

Natsuhiko's words did not scare Kakashi, and this guy's words were even worse than Natsuhiko's.

His meaning was very clear, that is, 'I am not going in alone anyway. If something goes wrong, someone will be buried with him.'

Although Xia Yan knew he was joking, such words were still a bit troublesome. Fortunately, Xia Yan's attention was not on this. After hearing Kakashi's answer, he walked directly to the gate of the castle.

The castle didn't seem to have a locked door at all. Xia Yan just pushed the castle lightly and it was opened.

However, when they fully entered, the door automatically closed with a 'bang' sound, which made both Natsuhiko and Kakashi frown.

"It's really interesting."

Xia Yan sighed softly, and then his perception began to burst out instantly. He wanted to take a closer look at everything in front of him.

"Captain." At this moment, Kakashi suddenly spoke in a deep voice: "This is the mouth of the psychic beast. This psychic beast has good illusion abilities, and everything in front of him is transformed by it."

Kakashi, who has the Sharingan, can naturally see many things clearly. With the help of the Sharingan, everything in the room shows its prototype.

Moreover, Kakashi also noticed that there was chakra flowing in the flesh wall tissue, and it was constantly squirming, which was very penetrating.

"Yes, I understand." Xia Yan nodded slightly. Suddenly his expression changed, and then he grabbed Kakashi and jumped up.

The moment he just jumped up, dozens of red cylindrical tentacles suddenly emerged and attacked him and Kakashi.

The most interesting thing is that there is actually good cooperation between these tentacles, forming a tight offensive network, staggering and continuing to launch attacks.

After Kakashi was pulled up by Natsuhiko, his reaction was extremely fast. He pulled out his ninja sword, quickly covered it with thunder chakra, and then slashed hard at the tentacles.

"Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!"

Xia Yan was not idle either. He quickly formed a seal and then sprayed out a sharp compressed water column. All the tentacles wherever the water column passed were cut off!

It's a pity that Natsuhiko and Kakashi are very destructive, but after all, this is someone else's home court.

Moreover, Xia Yan also noticed that the self-healing ability of this psychic beast was very terrifying. Even if the tentacles were cut off, they still had strong vitality. With the continuous supply of chakra, the broken wounds soon healed. New granulations re-spread everywhere.

"What's going on? Are you very hungry?"

Xia Yan frowned. He didn't expect that this guy would take action as soon as he and Kakashi came in.

Is it possible that it is already so hungry, or does it know what it did last night?

But Xia Yan is too lazy to think about these things now. His perception is frantically exploring the entire castle.

In other words, everything in the belly of this psychic beast, he must find a way to find the location of the psychic scroll.

"Not down there!"

According to normal thinking, Xia Yan took the lead in checking the deepest place, but he quickly denied it.

There was the psychic beast's stomach. Even though he couldn't see it, he could feel it. It was full of terrifying stomach acid. Not only that, but the skeletons lying or sitting there fully illustrated this. Stomach acid is terrible.

However, there are not many such skeletons, and some of them have even been dissolved by stomach acid.

"Are you so hungry? No wonder there is no excrement at all."

After fiercely cutting a tentacle with a kunai, Natsuhiko turned around and once again avoided the attack of a tentacle, and fought while exploring information. This was not difficult for him.

His perception was upward. Since there was nothing below, he looked at the top. In just an instant, his perception penetrated the layers of fleshy walls in the psychic beast's body and quickly covered the top.

It has to be said that this psychic beast's illusion ability is very strong. It transformed into houses in the area above, and other people might not be able to tell them apart at all.

However, these houses were invisible to Xia Yan's perception. He knew that they were some organs or parts of the psychic beast, and in the top room, Xia Yan even found some organs or parts lying flat inside. That huge scroll!

"found it!"

After confirming it several times, Xia Yan showed a smile, there was nothing wrong with that place!

With this information, Xia Yan will naturally not continue to struggle with these tentacles, and get what he needs as soon as possible. This is the most correct approach!

"Follow me, don't fight!"

Turning around and speaking to Kakashi who was still fighting, Natsuhiko rushed upstairs without looking back.

Kakashi reacted very quickly. He cut off an attacking tentacle with a knife, then jumped up behind Xia Yan, covering Xia Yan while rushing up.

The huge castle began to tremble, as if the psychic beast had guessed their purpose. The tentacles became more and more numerous, and some small lizards began to come out.

Even the wall transformed with illusion magic began to gradually appear like a flesh wall!


Xia Yan jumped up and pierced the head of a lizard with a kunai in mid-air, and couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that the body of this castle is actually a lizard?

Why didn't I seem to have seen any large and powerful lizards in the original novel - except for those summoned by Nagato's animal path?

After thinking for a long time, Xia Yan found that he had no answer at all, and he was too lazy to think about it.

And he and Kakashi had already rushed to the top, where the scrolls were placed.

At this time, the door to the room was locked, and because of their intrusion, the psychic beast's illusion was no longer sufficient. The shadow of the door intertwined with the flesh wall, making it look extremely weird.

Natsuhiko had no intention of stopping. He was moving quickly while forming seals with one hand. The kunai in his hand was already dyed with a layer of blue chakra.

"Water Escape·Water Blade Slash!"

The kunai filled with sharp water escape chakra stabbed hard at the 'gate' under the guidance of Natsuhiko.

With a bang, the door burst open, revealing everything inside.

Xia Yan immediately saw the scroll on the table, which made a brighter smile appear on his lips.

"It seems that it was successful..."


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