Masashi Kishimoto is just a bad painter, he is a shitty Hokage.

Xia Yan had heard this sentence countless times before he traveled through time. Xia Yan couldn't easily comment on how many ridiculous things there were in it.

But one thing is indisputable, that is, everything Natsuhiko knows about the world comes from Masashi Kishimoto!

Now that Xia Yan suddenly saw this name, he was stunned, but soon he remembered something.

"No wonder I feel a little familiar, it turns out this is the plot!"

Xia Yan couldn't laugh or cry, no wonder he always felt familiar, but couldn't remember what was going on.

It was only now that he saw this name that he finally recalled something.

To be honest, the name Masashi Kishimoto is really ridiculous, especially when it appears in the world of Naruto.

In Xia Yan's memory, it seemed that Naruto had been on a mission. In that mission, he ended up tearing up a scroll or something, and the name of Masashi Kishimoto was clearly written in the scroll.

Probably because of the 'original plot', Xia Yan didn't read it carefully at all, nor did he carefully recall these things after traveling through time.

If he hadn't seen this name written on it, he probably wouldn't have been able to recall this incident.

"No wonder Kakashi behaved so strangely, no wonder this psychic beast behaved so loyally, no wonder it showed so much restraint even when it attacked humans. It turned out to be Masashi Kishimoto who was behind the scenes."

Xia Yan mentally laughed and cursed, and then he put the scroll away directly.

To be honest, he didn't feel that Masashi Kishimoto had much to do with the man in his memory who created the entire Naruto world.

In his previous life, this scene was just a spoof and an easter egg. In this life, he is most likely to be a person with the same name.

After putting the scroll away, Natsuhiko breathed a sigh of relief, and then he sat down directly on the ground, sitting side by side with Kakashi.

"It's really scary." Kakashi watched Natsuhiko approaching and couldn't help but sigh: "This big guy, but it looks like we've got it done."

"Yeah, it's really scary." Xia Yan nodded. He looked at the empty pedestal in front of him and sighed: "This guy is really beyond my expectations."

It was indeed beyond Xia Yan's expectation. After he signed his name on the scroll, he could feel some connection between himself and the lizard.

Likewise, he could also feel something about the lizard.

Xia Yan actually underestimated the strength of that lizard. The lizard's name was quite unsophisticated, and its name was Lizard Maru.

In addition, he also understood how terrifying this Lizard Pill was.

It has been trapped here for more than thirty or forty years, and it has also lost its psychic, plus it has been starved for so long.

The current strength is at most only a fraction or even a tenth of its original strength. Even so, Natsuhiko and Kakashi are a little embarrassed.

So it's hard for Xia Yan to evaluate how strong it will be during the period of complete victory.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being ‘Kishimoto Masashi’s psychic beast’.

"What now?" Kakashi reluctantly held up his hands to sit up: "Is that guy obedient?"

"Be obedient?" When Xia Yan heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head: "How can I know whether to be obedient or not if I haven't talked to him yet."

Although Xia Yan has never come into contact with psychic beasts, he has seen some in his previous life.

For example, Naruto's big toad Bunta, to be honest, that guy's character is not that good. Naruto suffered a lot when negotiating with this guy.

Of course, no matter how bad Bunta's attitude is, he is still much better than Orochimaru.

That Ten Thousand Snakes threatens psychics at every turn, and it deserves to be sold by Sasuke.

Probably the one with the best personality is Tsunade's slug, right?

However, Xia Yan was not too worried. The loyalty of this lizard was very high, and Xia Yan had no need to doubt it.

Seeing how it has persisted in this inhospitable place for so many years, you can tell that it has shown its utmost benevolence and accountability to the original psychic.

What's more, this lizard is the same as Orochimaru, Jiraiya and their psychic beasts, they all have huge groups.

Moreover, the levels of the lizard clan are also divided from bottom to top, from high-level to low-level.

The weakest ones only have some observation skills, and the strongest ones are guys like Lizard Maru.

Although this lizard clan does not have any immortal mode, after all, the place they live in is not a holy place, but it is enough for Xia Yan.

He already possesses the Immortal Mode, and even now that he has this big lizard, he can completely advertise to the outside world that he is using the methods of this lizard family when he is exposed in the future.

The Thousand Hands clan itself has the immortal mode, but Xia Yan cannot be recognized by Slug at all.

He still remembered that he tried to sign a psychic scroll when he was ten years old, but the huge slug simply dismissed Xia Yan with the words "cannot be recognized."

As for why he couldn't get recognition, and the main reason why he couldn't get recognition, that big slug didn't even say a damn thing.

"Let's go, find a place to have a good rest." Natsuhiko and Kakashi sat there for a while, then stood up and said, "Sitting here looks too stupid, and I also need to communicate with that big lizard. one time."

"Well." Kakashi stood up and then rubbed his still swollen waist: "I really need to find a place to rest. I also need to think about that new technique."

"New technique?" Xia Yan blinked immediately. He immediately remembered the previous technique: "Is it the Chidori's mutation technique?"

"Yes." Kakashi nodded: "It's a coincidence. You said you needed me to cover you, and the situation at that time was too critical. I was thinking about how to protect myself while defending against those tentacles and covering you. ,so....."

So you came up with the new book Chidori-ryu, which combines offense and defense and is based on Chidori?

Xia Yan's face looked a little strange. Is this a genius?

In order to cope with a temporary crisis, you suddenly had a sudden idea and dared to try it, and then succeeded directly?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh.

He knew that he was also called a genius among the Senju clan, but there was still a big gap between him and a real genius.

"However, strictly speaking, what I rely on is not my talent, but my cheats."

Shaking his head, Xia Yan was too lazy to dwell on these things. He asked casually: "Yes, your new technique is very interesting. The combination of offense and defense is absolutely inestimable. What name do you plan to give it?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Kakashi shook his head, and suddenly he looked at Xia Yan: "Do you have any ideas? After all, you helped me come up with this technique. I wouldn't have thought of it otherwise. this way."

"Want me to give you a name?"

"Well, tell me what you think."

"What do you think about calling it Chidori-ryu?"


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